'- ' ',< KivCl)c Libraryof Oftcf Bortfj CarolinaaniucrsitvCollfction of CaroltmanajRortf)C3I7.05-This book must notbe taken from theLibrary building.10 De '408^ 1967PUBLICATIONS OF THENORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSIONLEGISLATIVE REFERENCE LIBRARYMANUALNORTH CAROLINA1933AND EDITEDCOMPILEDBYH. M. LONDONREFERENCE LIBRARIANLEGISLATIVERALEIGHNORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL COMMISSION1933ofPressesEdwards & Brouohton CompanyState PrintersN. C.Raleigh,PREFACEThis volume is issued the North Carolina Historical Com-byin formmission in order to furnish succinct information about theits and which otherwise would re-State, government institutions,much in different sources. Unless other-quire investigation manythewise the data in each case is latest available.stated,Similar manuals were issued the of State inby Secretaryand and the North Carolina Historical Com-1903, 1905, 1907, bymission in 1909, 1919, 1921, 1925,1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1923, 1927,1929 and 1931. The demand for these volumes has been so greatof 1925 and 1927 have been exhausted.that all editions except thoseThe cut in the 1930-1931 and 1931-1933 of the His-appropriationstorical Commission as a result of the condition of Stategeneralfinances has a reduction in the size and ofcompelled sharp scopethe 1931 and 1933 editions of the Manual. The "Executivesections,"Judicial "StateDepartments," Department," Departments, Boardsand "State Charitable and Correctional ...