270 ACUSHNET AVENUEParsons Steam Laundry Co., Phones., Bell 630, Auto 3272ALBERT B. DRAKEM. AM. SOC.;:iVIL C. F.ENGINEERTelept -ne iter 15AND 51 RVEVOk Telephone JKto 43243ff!ce, Wfiliam164 Street New Bedford—^Real Estd^e Br.Hver^^^^Auctioneer and AppraiserTHE RELIABLE AGENTXf). WELD STREET77 Telephones: Bell, 572-5, Auto., 5955 NEW BEDFORDSAMUEL H. COOKFire, Marine^^Bi^loyers^my)JMSURANCEALSO AGENT HARTFORD STEAM BOILEP IN.^PECTION AND INSURANCE CO.Merchants Bank Building Cor. Wrjliam. s.r„ai^:^. z^A Purchase StsJOHN W, PAIJISuccessor to HIRAM V\N CAMPtN ,;?t CO.Fire, Life, Acct'' ^t,-t, PUcc Glass, Marine and agen-t fokLiabili^- . fAMERICAN SURETY '"0. OF NEW YORKAgency F lablished A. D. J852inst-rancet:elephont f 7-3 Automatic Telephone, 4464Offic. 'rk Eailding, Corner William a\J '^nr ;:.<'. Streets, New BedfordTew br:df-.a i^team Carpet Beating and Rug Co.CORNER NORTH AND^4- NORTH WATER STREE'i oNEW BEDFORDTelephones: Bell 62h2, Automatic, 3575TelephtfiisNew Bedford Steam Laundry,..J-.Sp^Zs... „„..473? 3el(.,andNewBedfordBoiler MachineCo,CLARK W. HOLCOMB, ProprietorOffice and Works: Front and School Streets, New BedfordMANUFACTURERS OF \Boiler$,Tanks and MachineryEngineersand Coutractorsfor Steam Ileatingin Brass, Wrought and Cast Iron PipesJOBBING and Fittings for Steam, Water or '[Gas. Barand Plate Iron and Steel. Mill, Engine and Steamship Supplies. Pipe Fittings of any Pressurefor Mills specialty; Repairinga of Engines and ...