7" UC-NRLF62.1\Cr3rsT71D7fiMB^^'#ili'128061 mmMAP OP THE MAINPRISON CAMPSINGERMANYAND AUSTRIABv Mrs. POPE-HENNESSYand Revised EditionNewWith Gazetteer2/-NISBET & CO. LTD.22 BERNERS STREET. LONDON, W.l^^i:Ss^GAZETTEESAND INDEX."theMap is given thus: b i," immediatelyThe yeference to the position of the Camps oncases, where a Camp is not marked on the Map, butunder each name. In someor Town which is shown, the referencedescribed as being close to another Campis placed in brackets.is the unit prison administration in Germany, andfor^hat reasonThe Army Corp ofthe numbers the Corps in whose administration the respective Camps areofis given wherever possible.situatedincluded amongCamps where American troops are known to be the prisoners arespecially indicated.town (pop. surrounded gentlyAIX or AACHEN.—A very ancient 150,000) byfavourite abode of Charlemagne, nowB I. sloping, wooded hills. Once the ahundred cloth factories and forty-fivemanufacturing city with over aThere are nine hospitals in which Britishfoundries, machine-shops, etc.quartered, i.e., Reifmuseum, Maschinebauschule,prisoners of war have beenand Garnison Hospitals, and ReserveMariahilf, Luisen, Marien, ElisabethBritish prisoners of war going to England or HollandLazarets I and II. Allleaving Germany. 8th Army Corps.are assembled here beforetown (pop. at the mouth of the OderALTDAMM, Pommern.—Small 7,300)camps; capacity 15,000. Built on a sandy drill-A IV. opposite Stettin. ...