Lykens-Williams Valley history - directory and pictorial review. Embracing the entire Lykens and Williams Valley, in the effort to preserve the past and perpetuate the present.
•mM. L.Gc974.801D26ba1390144COLLECTION.GENEALOGYU£LIBRARYALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC3412011263 1833To tnose wno were born ana reared inthis valley. TKose who now live here.Those v^ho have at one time lived hereana are now living elsewhere. Thosehistory and have nowwho lived in thispassed into the De>)ond.this \)olurae is respect-To these folks,dedicated.fullyConsider^ the Years'Remember the Days Old,of—Deut.Many Generations/' 32: 7.ofLykens-WilliamsValley-History Directoryand Pictorial ReviewEmbracing the entire Lykens and Williams Valley, inthe effort to preserve the past and perpetuate the present.Compiled byEdited andALLEN BARRETTJ.kllen 'BarrettPublished by J.Press ofThe TelegrapK Printing CompanyHarrisburg, Pennsylvania.AUTHOR'S PRELUDE NOTEIn a brief resume of the history of the Lykens and"Williams Valley it is out of place to treat the Aborigines andeven the early history of the state Pennsylvania,of save whensome allusion to either may be deemed necessary. The founderPennsylvania certainlyof is deserving of grateful remembrancefor his efforts to settle his Province, to protect pioneers andthefoster their industryto and thrift. He was a remarkable manin many respects, and his "Frame of Government" is modelaunequalled by the laws of any of the colonies or Provinces. Theupon in England encouragement"Concessions" agreed for theemigration to his Province was an important factor in thatofmaterially assisted building upgreat movement ...
•mM. L.Gc
3412011263 1833To tnose wno were born ana reared in
this valley. TKose who now live here.
Those v^ho have at one time lived here
ana are now living elsewhere. Those
history and have nowwho lived in this
passed into the De>)ond.
this \)olurae is respect-To these folks,
dedicated.fullyConsider^ the Years'Remember the Days Old,of
—Deut.Many Generations/' 32: 7.ofLykens-WilliamsValley
-History Directory
and Pictorial Review
Embracing the entire Lykens and Williams Valley, in
the effort to preserve the past and perpetuate the present.
Compiled byEdited and
kllen 'BarrettPublished by J.Press of
The TelegrapK Printing Company
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.