m?^^IIr^.. -/^K..^-:.> ;v«>.'r--JlLOUISIANASketches of Parishes, Towns,ComprisingInstitutions, and Persons,Events,Arranged in CyclopedicFormEDITED BYALCEE FORTIER, LIT. D.PROFESSOR OF ROMANCE LANGUAGESIN TULANE UNIVERSITYIN THREE VOLUMESVOLUME ICentury Historical Association1914Copyright, 1914BYCENTURY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONBIOGRAPHICAL EDITIONEDITOR'S INTRODUCTION.Till' |)iirpose of tliis work is to give a coucn-tc knowledge of theLouisiana record of social, political, industrialState of —a the andinstitutional development of its people—in such a way as to conihinebest features of the popular history,the for continuous reading, withthe cyclopedic style for ready ivference.It has been said that, "If history can be made immediately accessible,without in any way impairing its accuracy and readableness, a forwardmovement has been made in popularizing its study." It is hoped andbelieved that the methods herein employed will accomplish this end,and that the work will receive alike the endorsement of the seriousstudent of history and the busy man of affairs.In the selection of titles captions for vai-ious topics inchuledor thein the work, the compilers have endeavored to select such majorityas aof readers would be likely look for, but in order to facilitate thetowork of may some heading, orthose who seek information under otherin cases where a subject is but a subdivision of a larger theme, crossreferences have been freely used ...