QUANTUM GRAVITYLoop gravity combines general relativity and quantum theory but it leaves no room for space as we know it – only networks of loops that turn space–time into spinfoamLoop quantum gravityCarlo RovelliGENERAL relativity and quantum the- ture – as a sort of “stage” on which mat-ory have profoundly changed our view ter moves independently. This way ofof the world. Furthermore, both theo- understanding space is not, however, asries have been verified to extraordinary old as you might think; it was introducedaccuracy in the last several decades. by Isaac Newton in the 17th century.Loop quantum gravity takes this novel Indeed, the dominant view of space thatview of the world seriously, by incorpo- was held from the time of Aristotle torating the notions of space and time that of Descartes was that there is nofrom general relativity directly into space without matter. Space was anquantum field theory. The theory that abstraction of the fact that some parts ofresults is radically different from con- matter can be in touch with others.ventional quantum field theory. Not Newton introduced the idea of physi-only does it provide a precise mathemat- cal space as an independent entityical picture of quantum space and time, because he needed it for his dynamicalbut it also offers a solution to long-stand- theory. In order for his second law ofing problems such as the thermodynam- motion to make any sense, accelerationics of black holes and the physics of ...