Terminus ALTERNATIVE 5 ALTERNATIVE 5A ALTERNATIVE 5B ALTERNATIVE 6A ALTERNATIVE 6B (as drawn by EPCAC) Component • SR-2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East • SR-2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East • SR-2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East • SR-2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East • SR-2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East Terminus • Standard Lane Widths Provided, with • Standard Lane Widths Provided, with • Standard Lane Widths Provided • Standard Lane Widths Provided • Standard Lane Widths Provided Configuration Non-Standard Shoulder and Median Non-Standard Shoulder and Median Widths • Landscaped Median Provided Both North Landscaped Median Provided Both North Widths Required Required and South of Terminus and South of Terminus • 3 SB Lanes Off SR-2 (including non- • 3 SB Lanes Off SR-2 (including non- • 3 SB Lanes Off SR-2 (including non- • 3 SB lanes Off SR-2 (+ 1 Exclusive Right • 3 Southbound Lanes Off SR-2 (+ 1 Traffic Flow exclusive right turn movement to NB exclusive right turn movement to NB exclusive right turn movement to NB Turn Lane onto NB Glendale Boulevard Exclusive Right Turn Lane onto North Glendale Blvd.) Glendale Blvd.) Glendale Blvd) merging beyond Glendale/ Fargo/ Bound Glendale Boulevard merging • 2 NB Lanes to SR-2 • 2 NB Lanes to SR-2 • 2 NB Lanes to SR-2 Waterloo intersection) beyond Glendale/ Fargo Waterloo intersection) • 2 NB Lanes to SR-2 • Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/ • Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/ • Signals at Glendale ...
Terminus ALTERNATIVE5 ALTERNATIVE5A ALTERNATIVE5B ALTERNATIVE6A ALTERNATIVE6B (as drawn by EPCAC)Component •SR2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East•SR2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East•SR2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East•SR2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East•SR2 On and Off Ramps Shifted East Terminus •Standard Lane Widths Provided, with•Standard Lane Widths Provided, with•Standard Lane Widths Provided•Standard Lane Widths Provided•Standard Lane Widths Provided Configuration NonStandard Shoulder and MedianNonStandard Shoulder and Median Widths•Provided Both NorthLandscaped MedianProvided Both NorthLandscaped Median Widths Requiredand South of TerminusRequired andSouth of Terminus •3 SB Lanes Off SR2 (including non•3 SB Lanes Off SR2 (including non•3 SB Lanes Off SR2 (including non•3 SB lanes Off SR2 (+ 1 Exclusive Right•3 Southbound Lanes Off SR2 (+ 1 Traffic Flow exclusive right turn movement to NBexclusive right turn movement to NBexclusive right turn movement to NBTurn Lane onto NB Glendale BoulevardExclusive Right Turn Lane onto North Glendale Blvd.)Glendale Blvd.)Glendale Blvd)merging beyond Glendale/ Fargo/Bound Glendale Boulevard merging •2 NB Lanes to SR2•2 NB Lanes to SR2•2 NB Lanes to SR2Waterloo intersection)beyond Glendale/ Fargo Waterloo •Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/•Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/•Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/SR•intersection)2 NB Lanes to SR2 SR2 and Glendale/Allesandro(LeftSR2 and Glendale/Allesandro2 and Glendale/Allesandro•Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/SR•2 Northbound Lanes to SR2 Turn Lane Provided from SB Glendale2 and Glendale/Allesandro•Signals at Glendale/Fargo, Glendale/SR2 Blvd to NB SR2)and Glendale/Allesandro(Left Turn Lane Provided from SB Glendale Blvd to NB SR2) •On Street Parking Only•On Street Parking Only•On Street Parking Only•On Street Parking Only•On Street Parking Only Community •Flyover structure from SB SR2 reused for•Continuous sidewalk connection•Continuous sidewalk connection•Continuous sidewalk connection•Continuous sidewalk connection Access pedestrian access to bridge and overprovided along west side of Glendaleprovided along west side of Glendaleprovided along west side of Glendaleprovided along west side of Glendale Glendale BlvdBlvd, between Waterloo and Duane, alongBlvd, between Waterloo and DuaneBlvd, between Waterloo and DuaneBlvd, between Waterloo and Duane •Pedestrian connectivity enhanced by•Pedestrian connectivity enhanced by•Pedestrian connectivity enhanced bywith ridge top connection added crosswalks at Glendale & Duane,added crosswalks at Glendale & Duane,added crosswalks at Glendale & Duane,•Pedestrian connectivity enhanced by and Allesandroand Allesandroand Allesandroadded crosswalks at Glendale & Duane, •Flyover structure from SB SR2 modified•Flyover structure from SB SR2 replaced•Additional leg of crosswalk added atand Allesandroand reused for pedestrian access to bridgewith at grade pedestrian access to bridgeGlendale/Waterloo/Fargo Intersection to•Additional leg of crosswalk added at Glendale/Waterloo/Fargo Intersection toand over Glendale Blvdfacilitate pedestrian access to new openand over Glendale Boulevard spacearea north of Glendale Blvdfacilitate pedestrian access to new open space area north of Glendale Blvd •Glendale Blvd. Bridge Retained for•Glendale Blvd. Bridge Retained for•Part of Glendale Blvd. Bridge Retained for•Glendale Blvd. Bridge & Flyover Removed•Glendale Blvd. Bridge & Flyover Removed Open Space Community Reuse.Larger communityCommunity Reuse and Greening.Larger CommunityReuse and Greening.View•Open space area north of Glendale Blvd is•Linkage to north to Los Angeles River is gathering/view space is created on thecommunity gathering/view space is createdterrace created on the part of the bridgerevegetated with a naturalized landscape.possible bridge. onthe bridge.retained. Evokesthe natural setting of the community,•Passive open space/gathering areas are •Linkage to north to Los Angeles River•Linkage to north to Los Angeles River is•Linkage to north to Los Angeles River islike the revegetation/pocket parks along theprovided at grade in areas north and is possiblepossible possibleLos Angeles River.New atgrade opensouth of Glendale Blvd•Passive open space and court/play•Passive open space is provided in areas•Passive open space is provided in areasspace provided south of the Glendale Blvd facilities are provided in areas north andnorth and south of Glendale Blvdnorth and south of Glendale Blvdwell as south of Glendale Blvd•Linkage to north to Los Angeles River is possible TradeOffs TradeOffsTradeOffsTradeOffsTradeOffs•No Landscaped Median/Parkway Treatment is•With bridge structure retained, there is not•With bridge structure partially retained,•Community green space functions more as a•Left turn movement in the Glendale/SR2 possible on Glendale Blvd or SR2 terminus intersection will significantly reduce throughthere is not sufficient width tovisual amenity than as park or gatheringsufficient width to accommodate a •NonStandard shoulder and median widths flow, while increasing volume or being aLandscaped Median/Parkway Treatment onspace. This would decrease the burden ofaccommodate a Landscaped may not be accepted by Caltrans Glendale Blvd or SR2 terminusMedian/Parkway Treatment on Glendalepark space maintenance.traffic attractor to the terminus. •Flyover structure would need to be modified to •onStandard shoulder and median widthsBlvd or SR2 terminus•Landscaping in the median north of the SR2•Landscaping in the median north of the SR2 N come to grade further north of existing may not be accepted by Caltrans•terminus would require special agreementterminus would require special agreementThere may be structural engineering location, and to reduce slope of ramp, which is •with Caltranswith Caltranscomplications in partial demolition of theFlyover structure would need to be modified too steep to accommodate ADA access as to come to grade further north of existingbridgebuilt location, and to reduce slope of ramp,•Continuous sidewalk connection is not provided along west side of Glendale Blvd,which is too steep to accommodate ADA between Waterloo and Duaneaccess as built•Left turn lane/arrow from SB Glendale Blvd to •Retaining the bridge structure would require NB SR2 is not possible if bridge remains in regrading the slope east of the SR2, place adjacent to Allessandro, and removing the •Retaining the bridge structure would require existing landscaping along the Allessandro regrading the slope east of the SR2, adjacent edge to Allessandro, and removing the existing landscaping along the Allessandro edge