Transporation Funding Task Force - Public CommentName Representing Comment SummaryGood time to look at ending IDG's and replace with Mr. David Worthums Michigan Municipal League service fees. Offered MML's assistanceTransportation is a sound economic investment in community. Wants TF to be visionary. Need to dedicate Mr. Casey Dutmer The Rapid & Concerned Citizen larger share of $$ to transit. To diversify system, need to diversify sources of transportation funding (if all funding comes from autos, all Mr. Andy Guy Michigan Land Use Institute funding goes towards accommodating autos).Consider disabled when making transportation funding Ms. Rae Bower Disability Advocates decisions.Mr. David Bulkowski Local support for public transit.Ms. Sandra Carroll Families Near I-275 Consider road noise.MI's future transportation needs to inlcude more than Ms. Gretchen Driskell Mayor of Saline highways.Mr. Jack Kirksey Mayor of Livonia Welcomed the TF2.Ms. Megan Owens Transportation Riders United Need to embrace alternative modes of travel.Mr. Todd Scott Michigan Trails & Greenways Aliiance Consider support for trailways.Local support for public transit. Access to all mobility Mr. Frank Lynn Disability Advocates of Kent Co. options with choices.Ann Arbor Center for Independent Support for public transit options - make the system work Ms. Carolyn Grawi Living for everyone.Working with others to provide a statewide vision for transit, believes system should ...