Moffett / Whisman Road AreaCommunity Meeting - Comment CardMountain View General Plan UpdateJune 8, 2009 • Time 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.German School • 310 Easy StreetCitywide Policy Questions1. ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT What type of uses and development are appropriate in the North Bayshore Area, the area to the east of Whisman Road, Downtown and the San Antonio Center? Are there areas where some of these additional uses might best be targeted?2. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATIONAre there additional opportunities for expanding parks and recreation in Mountain View? What opportunities exist for improving and protecting the City’s natural resources?3. HEALTH AND SAFETYWhat are the opportunities to improve community health and wellness through the built environment in Mountain View?4. CLIMATE CHANGE AND SUSTAINABILITYWhat are some key strategies to address global climate change at the local level?Neighborhood Questions5. LAND USE AND DESIGNThe map on the opposite page shows the focus area and potential land uses identified by the community during the Visioning Process. Where within the focus area could these land uses be applied? Is the focus area boundary accurate? What is the appropriate scale and character of these new land uses?6. HOUSINGWhat type of housing needs do you foresee in the City over the next twenty years? Are there opportunities for providing these units in your neighborhood? If so, where?Stevens Creek TrailCentral AveCentral ...