U.S. Route 1 Location Public HearingStudy C Comment SheetApril 29, 2003 Mount Vernon High School VDOT Project No. 0001-96A-103, PE-1005:00-8:00 pm 8515 Old Mount Vernon Rd. in Alexandria Federal Project No. STP-96A-9(008)Mr.Mrs.Name (Please Print) ______________________________________ Date: ____________Ms. ____Address: ____________________________________________________________________City: __________________________ State: _________________ Zip: _________________This questionnaire offers you the opportunity to provide general comments on the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) U.S. Route 1 Location Study, and specific comments on the Study C portion, which covers the 10.5 mile segment from Belvoir Woods Parkway (just north of Telegraph Road, Route 611), to the Capital Beltway (I-95/I-495) interchange. As part of your input, we are seeking your comments on nine different optional approaches to the location study alignment at specific locations on the 10.5-mile segment. The longest of these Options is the Bus Right Turn Lane (BRT) Option on the eight-lane portion at the north end of the study. The BRT option would provide bus pullouts at various locations along Route 1, and restrict traffic in the outer lane in each direction to buses and vehicles making right turns. Other options shift the Route 1 alignment or comprise alternate intersection configurations.If you are ...