National Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTThe Safety of Roundabouts in BelgiumD. AntoineNational Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTRoundabouts and Traffic Lights : Evolution Number of traffic lights and roundabouts in Wallonia700600500Traffic lights in National RoadsRoundabouts in National Roads40030020010001990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002National Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTEvaluation of roundabouts3 Evaluations1) Before - After2) Accidents Frequency3) Comparisons : Roundabouts - Traffic lights;Belgium (Wallonia) - FranceNational Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTBefore - AfterAssessment of the changing into roundaboutsHeavy improvemmentDeterioration25%27%No significant Improvementresults28%20%National Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTBefore - AfterYearly average number of injury accidents"After"9837265432110 "Before"4012345678National Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTBefore - After122 crossroads (1992-2000)Before After736 accidents 411 accidents544 years 520 yearsreduction of 42 %National Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTBefore - AfterOpen country : - 50 %Semi-urban: -46 %Urban: -15 %But on the same period, - 15 % of accidents in other crossroadsNational Roundabout Conference 2005 DRAFTBefore - After : ComparisonFrance : - 60 % of accidents (100 R., Haute-Garonne)- 66 % of accidents (SETRA, CETE de l'Ouest, ...)- 88 % (55 R., Loire Atlantique 1979-2000)Denmark : - ...