Sustainability Report 2012 - H&M









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Rapport annuel 2012 de H&M
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02 avril 2014

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4 Mo

Report 2012e of c
Sustainability Report 2012
I oduc Ion
The CEO Interview 3
About H&M Conscious 6
Key Highlights from 2012 8
The Challenges Along Our Value Chain 11
Engaging with Our Stakeholders and
Joining Forces for Solutions 14
How We Organise Ourselves 15
mmI me
Provide Fashion for Conscious Customers 16
Choose and Reward Responsible Partners 27
Be Ethical 47
Be Climate Smart 57
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 65
Use Natural Resources Responsibly 70
Strengthen Communities 81
Ior Ion
How We Report 90
Auditor’s Review Report 91
Get in Touch 93
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The CEO interview
How do you view the concept of 2012 was another success-
fashion in regards to sustainability? ful and exciting year for
Fashion is and remains a form of
H&M. But how do continued self-expression. I’m proud to know
strong growth and sustain- that we play a part in that. We want
ability go together? Read to help people create their personal
style and love what they buy for sev-about this and more in an
eral seasons. And we want to make interview with our CEO
it easy for them to choose more Karl-Johan Persson.
sustainable fashion and to take care
of their clothes in a conscious way.
How does sustainability ft with
H&M’s business model and contin-
ued growth?
Our business idea is to offer fashion
and quality at the best price. Sus-
tainability is an increasingly impor-
tant part of this. I strongly believe
that sustainability will more and
more become a hygiene factor in our
industry. Our goal is for H&M to be We take a long-term view on our Adding sustainability value
at the forefront of sustainability. business. And there is no way for
We work hard to always strengthen us not to think about and invest in to our products is one of
our customer offering. I think that our sustainability, because it simply
the keys to strengthen our adding sustainable value to our prod- makes business sense.
ucts is one of the keys to do so. customer offering. To begin with, using resources eff-
What opportunities do you see ciently often means reducing costs.
in integrating sustainability into But there’s much more to this than
Karl-Johan Persson, CEO the business model? the obvious. ”H& on I a Ion su I I I r or 2012 3 f 93
cctrestcysnmbslttatsputonoaI oduc Ion
The CEO interview
I’m really happy to see that our Ensuring that all workers in supplier There is no way for us not customers and colleagues show such factories earn enough to live on in
interest in sustainability. This opens a decent number of hours is another to think about and invest
great opportunities to strengthen our key challenge. It’s a complex issue
customer offering, build our brands and solutions need to consider the in our sustainability,
and attract and retain the talent we competitiveness and development
need for our continued growth. because it simply makes of entire countries. Our whole
industry has more to do to fnd and business sense.And contributing to economic implement exactly such solutions.
growth, jobs and stability in our pur- And the tragic, recent factory fres
chasing markets and creating strong show again that safety can’t be
partnerships with the best suppliers taken serious enough.
helps to secure the supply we need
in the years to come. More than ”
that, our strong presence in these of clean water for all of us in the
countries provides us with the great years to come.
opportunity to improve the lives of
hundreds of thousands of people and What are the challenges?
help develop entire communities. There are many challenges in our
new ones, reducing the impact on industry and our business. I’m proud
What were the biggest steps on the environment and providing us of all my dedicated colleagues who
this journey in 2012? with access to future resources for work with great passion every day
We were named the biggest user of making more sustainable fashion. to make H&M and our industry more
organic cotton in the world for the sustainable. But in order to achieve
second year in a row. From 2013, together with WWF, great results, we need to focus and,
we will set new standards for water together with our stakeholders, bal-
We are the frst fashion retailer in stewardship in our industry. Again, ance the right priorities. To name a
the world to launch a global system this collaboration opens great few of these priorities, it’s about closing
to collect old clothes and help them opportunities to engage our custom- the loop on textile fbres and waste and
to a new life. In the long run, we ers on the important issue of water playing our part in combating climate
want to upcycle these clothes into and to help secure the availability change and growing water scarcity.
H& on I a Ion su I I I r or 2012 4 f 93
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The CEO interview
I also think that we have more to do In order to create lasting
to overcome common misconcep-
tions such as that only expensive improvements, we need to
products can be sustainable. In fact,
the retail price of a garment doesn’t promote systemic change
show how hard a brand has worked that involves everyone to improve conditions. Obviously,
it is our job to engage more closely concerned.
with our stakeholders and customers
on this matter.
How do you work to tackle these
challenges? ”In a variety of ways. As an integral At H&M we believe in a fast pace
part of our day-to-day work and our and sometimes I feel that the
strategy. And of course in the close changes we want to see do not hap-
collaboration with our suppliers and pen as fast as we would like. But
other stakeholders. in order to create lasting improve-
ments, we need to promote systemic
But many of these challenges can’t be change that involves everyone con- 30 years from now, where do you in the future, upcycling old clothes
solved by one company alone. That’s cerned. Our size gives us the oppor- see H&M and sustainability in will be a standard in our industry,
why we play a very active role in ini- tunity to promote such change well the fashion industry in general? that workers in supplier factories
tiatives like the Sustainable Apparel beyond our own operations. We take a long-term view on our can negotiate wages and working
Coalition and the Global Compact. business. My grandfather founded conditions in a fair dialogue with
And we need to support authorities We see a lot of innovative smaller the company in 1947. I want to see their employers, that making clothes
in making the right decisions. For sustainable fashion brands on the H&M continue to be successful and will have a minimal impacts on
example, I met with Sheikh Hasina, market. I think this is a great devel- create jobs and growth all over the waters and that consumers all over
Prime Minister of Bangladesh, to opment. At H&M, we can help lift world for many years to come. I want the world can easily build their per-
express H&M’s support to raise the such innovations to a larger scale. H&M to be seen as a leader in terms sonal style with sustainable fashion.
minimum wage for garment workers Together this will hopefully lead to of innovation, sustainability and, of And that H&M has played its part on
and for regular wage reviews. a more sustainable fashion future. course, great fashion. I hope that this journey.
H& on I a Ion su I I I r or 2012 5 f 93
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About H&M CONSCIOUS We want to take on
the challenge of making
fashion sustainable
and sustainability
At H&M, we like to think But it goes beyond that. We want
to make more sustainable choices of sustainability as a word
in fashion available, affordable and of action, something we do
attractive to as many people as possi-The global need for rather than something we
ble. Together with our millions of cus-
simply say. It is an ongoing energy is estimated tomers we can bring massive change
process with a clear direction – from improving the livelihood of
to increase by 45% to be continuously improved. a cotton farmer to how our customers
care for the clothes they buy.It is a journey that requires by 2030*determination, passion and
We want our colleagues to be proud of teamwork. Because together
The need for fresh where they work. We want our custom-
with our colleagues, stake- ers to feel reassured about the fashion water by 30%holders, business partners * they buy and that we have exceeded
and peers, real, lasting their expectations. We can see there
are clear opportunities to further change is possible.
And for food by strengthen our customer offering by
It’s about the 3 Ps. People, planet, and adding sustainability value to our 50%*
proft. All highly interconnected. All product lines. We want to take on the
equally important. The earth is facing challenge of making fashion sustain-
scarcity issues on m

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