www.aed.org/us/youth.html. Chapin Hall Center ... www.search-institute.org ...... the largest category (50%), followed by nonschool team sports (37%), religious ...
Youth Development: Issues, Challenges and Directions
Youth Development:
Issues, Challenges and
A publication of Public/Private VenturesYouth Development:
Issues, Challenges and DirectionsYouth Development Directions Participants
Academy for Educational DevelopmentPublic/Private Ventures is a
1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
national nonprofit organization Washington, DC 20009
whose mission is to improve the 202-884-8000
www.aed.orgeffectiveness of social policies,
programs and community initia- Center for Youth Development and Policy Research
tives, especially as they affect Academy for Educational Development
1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.youth and young adults. In carry- Washington, DC 20009
ing out this mission, P/PV works 202-884-8267
www.aed.org/us/youth.htmlwith philanthropies, the public
and business sectors, and non-
Chapin Hall Center for Children
profit organizations. University of Chicago
1313 East 60th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
IYF-US, International Youth Foundation
7014 Westmoreland Avenue
Takoma Park, MD 20912
Community Action for Youth Project
308 Glendale Drive
Toms River, NJ 08753
Juvenile Law Center
1315 Walnut Street, 4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107
National Youth Employment Coalition
1836 Jefferson Place, N.W.
Washigton, DC 20036
Public/Private Ventures
2005 Market Street, Suite 900
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Search Institute
700 South Third Street
Suite 210
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1138
This volume is the major product of
the Youth Development Directions
(YDD) project. YDD was set up in
response to issues raised by members
of the Youth Development Funders
Group at a meeting held at the Ewing
Marion Kauffman Foundation in
Kansas City in the summer of 1997.
The project’s purpose is to examine
the state of the emerging “youth
development” field, to lay out key
challenges it faces, and suggest
directions to advance its growth
and effectiveness.
Financial support for YDD was
provided by The Edna McConnell
Clark Foundation, The W.K. Kellogg
Foundation, The DeWitt Wallace-
Reader’s Digest Fund, The Annie
E. Casey Foundation, The Ford
Foundation, the Ewing Marion
Kauffman The Surdna and the John D. and
Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
Beyond their financial support, sev-
eral foundation staff actively partici-
pated in the YDD discussions: Mike
Bailin and Pamela Stevens of The
Edna McConnell Clark Foundation;
Talmira Hill and Deborah Delgado of
The Annie E. Casey Inca
Mohamed and Perrin Wicks of The
Ford Foundation; Barbara Haar of the
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation;
and Robert Sherman of The Surdna
Gary Walker of Public/Private
Ventures coordinated the YDD proj-
ect. The papers were edited by Natalie
Jaffe; design work was by Malish &
Pagonis. Jenifer Marquis assisted with
the chapters’ revisions. The volume’s
production process was overseen by
Maxine Sherman, Communications
Manager at Public/Private Ventures.
The authors want to thank all of the
above for their support in making
this volume possible. We hope it
is useful to those individuals and
institutions working to make “posi-
tive youth development” a reality for
American adolescents.4 Youth Development: Issues, Challenges and DirectionsContents
Introduction and Overview 7
The Context for Moving Forward
Unfinished Business: 17
Further Reflections on a Decade of Promoting Youth Development
Karen Pittman, Merita Irby and Thaddeus Ferber
IYF-US, International Youth Foundation
The Policy Climate for Early Adolescent Initiatives 65
Gary Walker
Public/Private Ventures
A Matter of Money: 81
The Cost and Financing of Youth Development
Robert P. Newman, Stephanie M. Smith and Richard Murphy
Center for Youth Development and Policy Research,
Academy for Educational Development
What We Know—and Don’t
The Scientific Foundations of Youth Development 125
Peter L. Benson and Rebecca N. Saito
Search Institute
Measuring Deficits and Assets: 149
How We Track Youth Development Now, and How We Should Track It
Gary B. MacDonald and Rafael Valdivieso
Academy for Educational Development
Institutional Challenges
History, Ideology and Structure
Shape the Organizations That Shape Youth 185
Joan Costello, Mark Toles, Julie Spielberger and Joan Wynn
Chapin Hall Center for Children, University of Chicago
Juvenile Justice and Positive Youth Development 233
Robert G. Schwartz
Juvenile Law Center
Youth Development in Community Settings: 281
Challenges to Our Field and Our Approach
James P. Connell, Michelle Alberti Gambone and Thomas J. Smith
Community Action for Youth Project (A cooperative project of Gambone &
Associates/Institute for Research and Reform in Education)
The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same: 301
The Evolution and Devolution of Youth Employment Programs
Alan Zuckerman
National Youth Employment CoalitionIntroduction and Overview8 Youth Development: Issues, Challenges and Directions
The last several decades have witnessed a growing skepticism in
America about the capacity of social programs—especially publicly
funded social programs—to address the problems and prospects of
American youth. This skepticism is especially strong once youth reach
the pre-teen years and beyond. Thus interest in early childhood pro-
grams continues and grows—while support for teenage employment
programs declines and dwindles. The body politic seems to be in the
process of deciding that a young person’s life course is set in concrete
after the onset of puberty.
This trend is disturbing in itself, and is exacerbated by other trends:
First, in the opening decade of the new millennium the sheer number
of adolescents in America will increase enormously—more teenagers
than we have had since the early 1970s.
Second, the past few years there has been a growing number of high-
profile events involving young people and deadly violence. The young
people involved were not poor; not minority; not from central cities.
Third, the demands of the new “global economy” are more rigorous,
and less forgiving of individual shortcomings and early mistakes, than
was the American economy from the postwar period to the present. In
short, there will soon be more young people making the transition to
adulthood in America than ever before—and the requirements for their
success economically will be stricter and greater.
These trends together pose difficult challenges for our society—and
especially for our young people. They make it an odd time for
American society to be drifting into a “What will be, will be...” policy
stance toward its adolescents. Increased interest in early childhood
programs is sensible and important, and will no doubt help increase
the capacity of some young people to meet life’s later challenges—but
to see a child’s life as if its later, ongoing challenges can be neutralized
by an early inoculation is to ignore what common sense and science
tell us about human development, especially in an age of such rapid
and basic social and economic change. It is also to ignore the evidence
from the last two decades of social programming: that short-term inter-
ventions bring only short-term improvements.
There are counter-trends. The recent incidents of youth violence
in noncentral city schools have acted as a wake-up call to many
Americans, and, although some see the solution in metal detectors and
security guards, for others these incidents have stimulated increased
interest in what is going on in the minds and lives of young people—
and in what adult society can do to promote the healthy development
of those minds and lives. The increase in support for after-school pro-
gramming is a prominent example of this renewed interest.Introduction and Overview 9
There is also a growing body of evidence about the positive relation-
ship between the number of supports and opportunities children
experience while growing up—their “assets” or “social capital”—and
the increased successes and decreased problems they have during ado-
lescence. This data confirms what many think is self-evident common
sense; to others it is revealing evidence that environment does have
a powerful effect, one which can be broken down into practical bits.
Many communities have expressed a commitment to learning how they
can organize to implement a “positive youth development” approach
for their young people.
In addition, evidence is accumulating that individual social programs
can produce the assets that increase a youth’s successes and decrease his
or her problems. The most publicized example is the impact study of Big
Brothers Big Sisters, which shows that mentoring significantly reduces
initial drug use and school violence, and increases school performance.
In short, the evidence is clear that we do not have to “give up” on youth
if they experience serious problems and do not have adequate support,
guidance or opportunities in their immediate environment.
Lastly, there arose in the early 1990s a movement to augment the typi-
cal “problem-reduction” orientation of youth policy with a new (at
least new to public policy) toward “positive youth devel-
opment.” The new orientation is more attuned to the basic needs and
stages of a youth’s development, rather than on simply “fixing” what-
ever “problem” may have arisen. It focuses on youth’s need for posi-
tive, ongoing relationships with both adults and other youth; for active
involvement in community life; and for a variety of positive choices in
how they spend nonschool time. It aims to build strengths as well as
reduce weaknesses.
The movement’s fundamental assumption—one receiving increased
corroboration both from the study of human behavior and program
evaluations—is that enduring, positive results in a y