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26 Jan 2012 – Registrants may visit to .... Sports37 (Schurz High. School in Irving Park) ... for the programs that interest them and ...
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2949 W. Pope John Paul II Dr. BRIGHTON PARK - Formerly 43rd St. -Between Richmond & Sacramento CHICAGO, IL 60632 Serving the Communities of Brighton PLark, MIcKinleFy Park aEnd Archer Heights, for over 70 Years Phone (773) 523-3663 Fax (773) 523-3983Email: McKINLEY PARK News Deadline Monday 6 p.m. Display and Classified Deadline Tues. 6 p.m. $65.00 Per Year By Mail in U.S. VOL. 79 NO. 14THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 2012 THE SOLID DELIVERY Newspaper 15c Per Copy at Newsstands MPCA Announces Open House At St. Richard SchoolWinter Reading Project At Kelly High Educator Awards The officers of the McKinley Park Civic Association announce the recipients of this year’s Educator of the Year Awards: Eric Carlson, Kelly High School; Barb Duda, Blessed Sacra-ment Parish CCD; Sarah Kissell, Namaste Charter School; Valerie Land, N. Greene School; Anthony Maldonado, De La Salle Institute; Yevgeniya Rezina, Everett School and Michael Youngberg, Evergreen Middle School Academy. Daniel Gaichas has been named the recipient of The William H.G. Toms Community School Service Award. They will be honored during the annual Awards Banquet to be held at Polonia Banquets, 4604 S. Archer on Sunday, March 4th. Tickets are $22 for adults and $15 for chil-The faculty and Student Council “Catholic Schools Week” Committee making final preparations for this Sunday’s Open House. (L-r) Mrs. Rosedren age 11 and underThe Kelly High School Student Council and student body turned the cafeteria into a Winter Graca, Claudia Szflarski, Mrs. Patsy Gil, Ryan Morrissey, Aaron Navarro,until Feb. 16th. FromDec. 21st where kindergarten through 3rd grade students from Shields, Davis, andWonderland on Mrs. Pamela Topping and Manny Jimenez.Feb.17th to 23rd, ticketsBurroughs Elementary schools took part in an assortment of holiday activities. are $25 for adults andKelly students read holiday books to youngsters at the reading station, passed out gifts at the As part of their whowill present informa-classes are offered in$18 for children. ForSanta station, and helped the gradeschoolers make their own ornaments at the Arts and Crafts sta-Catholic Schools Weektion about the many newgrades 4-8, enrichmentreservations, call Agnestion. Over 300 gifts were collected to give away to the 200 students who attended. The remaining gifts celebration, Saintand exciting programsclasses in all grade levels,Bednarkiewicz, presidentwere given out to members of the Kelly community. Kelly High is currently working on a project Richard School, 5025 S.offered at various classan expanded physicalat (773) 927-6145 or Suecalled “Living in an Multi-lingual World” where students will learn about the importance of being a dual language speaker in a multi-cultural world. To promote the project, bilingual books will be Kenneth will be holding alevels. educationaland motorPletsch, treasurer at donated to Shields Elementary to support the celebration of diverse languages. special Open House forSt. Richard, theskills programs, comput-(773) 847-0261. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________ new students on Sunday,largest Catholic school iner and music classes, free Jan. 29th from 10:30 a.m.the Archer Heights -after school tutoring and to 1:30 p.m. A specialBrighton Park Commun-Honors Classes in math, After School MattersShields Students of Month invitation is beingity, remains committed toScience and Language extended to all communi-providing a qualityArts in grades 6-8. Illinois visit the school and regis-children of all ages. Fullments are accepted.Opens Applications ty residents to come andCatholic Education forAction for children pay-ter their children for theday classes for 3 and 4Extracurricular activi-2012-13 School year.year olds as well as stu-ties include a sports pro-After School Mattersof age and enrolled in a There will be toursdents from Kindergartengram, scouting programs, is accepting applicationsChicago Public Schools and everyone will alsothrough eighth grade arechildren’s choirs, after for its Spring cycle ofhigh school. Teens must have the opportunity toavailable. A longer schoolschool clubs and a full day after-school which focusapply online at meet with the faculty andday and school year pro-Summer Adventure Day on the arts, communica-w w w . a f t e r s c h o o l m a t -students. Parents willvide additional time forCamp. tions, science, sports for the programs have the opportunity toclassroom instruction.For more information, technology. About 8,000that interest them and meet with the teachers,Foreign languagecall (773) 585-1221. program opportunities theninterview or audi-_________________________________________________________________________ will be offered at 45tion with the instructors. Chicago Public School___________________ high schools, more than Dance Showcase Fundraiser50 community organiza-MSI Offers tions and at Gallery 37 Center for the Arts.Free Admission Sports37 (Schurz High The Museum of School in Irving Park) Science and Industry will will train teams to offer free general admis-become coaches, instruc-sion to Illinois residents tors or officials in basket-on Jan. 26th and 27th, ball, football, baseball,and 30th and 31st plus soccer and volleyball andWednesdays Feb. 1st to run sports programs for29th and Monday, March youth ages 6 to 12.5th from 9:30 a.m. to 4Philip Salemi, (background) principal of Shields School, announces stu-dents of the month for December, 2011. Honorees in front row are: Ariana Hat Design andp.m. Valadez, 1st grade and America Sanchez, kindergarten. 2nd row: David Construction (Gallery37Visitors will enjoy hands-on exhibits likeFlores, 7th grade; Gabriel Pablo, 5th grade; Lucia Galan, 4th grade; Sharon Center for the Arts) will Science Storms and You!Gonzalez, 3rd grade and Crystal Venegas, 2nd grade. Top row:Diana provide teens with the The Experience as wellSanchez, 8th grade; Alexander Reid, 5th grade and Estefani Cervantes, 6th opportunity to sketch as the classic favorites.grade. designs, learn about_______________________________________________________________________ The Wanger Family materials, hat creation Fab Lab lets patrons cre-sewing and construction techniques.Adult Classes AtOpen House At ate their own keychain or seasonal gift on computer Music Production: The software, then watch as aBurroughs SchoolPJPII School Hero Mixtape (Street-design is printed on Pope John Paul II Level Youth Media in acrylic plastic by a laserBurroughs-Brighton puterTuesdays 5 to 7 Catholic School, 4325 S. West Town) will offer the cutter. This program isPark Neighborhood Coun-p.m. Advanced Com-Richmond will conduct opportunity to write offered Tuesdays to Open House on Sunday,cil Community School,puter Fridays 5 to 7 p.m. music and lyrics and use Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 29th from 1:30 to 33542 S. Washtenaw, isCitizenship Class Fridays recording studio equip-and 1 p.m. p.m. providingfree adult class-(to be determined). ment to produce a mix-Omnimax films and Parents and prospec-es to residents ofRegister with Lizbeth tape to promote, market U-505 Submarine option-tive students will haveBrighton Park.Gonzalez in person at and distribute to the pub-al on-board tour are not Stairway of the Stars and Maywood Fine Arts are sponsoringDancersOfferings include ESL3542 S. Washtenaw or bythe opportunity visit lic. included in general Helping Dancers,a fundraising showcase at Trinity High School in Riverclassrooms and meet (English as a Secondcalling (773)535-7226 Sports Broadcasting admission. Forest on Saturday, Jan. 28th at 4 p.m. Tickets are $10 at the door.with teachers and stu-___________________ Language)Monday, Wed-from 2 to 6 p.m. (Curie High School in Proceeds will help rebuild the home of Stairway of the Stars which wasdents. nesday and Thursday 5 toChildcare is available Archer Heights) will destroyed in a fire. The “On Three Dance Troupe” representing Linda’sOfferings include 7 p.m. Aerobics, Monday,while a parent attends teach broadcasting tech-Dance Studio of Brighton Park will participate in this showcase. Picturedkindergarten through Wednesday and Thurs-these classes. The chil-niques, including in foreground are Jacqueline Orozco and Vanesa Garcia. Top row: VanessaB-K Baseball8th grade, full and half day, 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.dren need to be 3 to 10 announcing and report-Rivera, Isaly Palacios, Brianna Velazquez, Briana Serrano and Abigaliday 3 & 4 year old pre-ing, public speaking, film-Registers Players Cooking class Tues-daysyears old and potty Fuente. For more information, contact Linda at (773), before and after _______________________________________________________________________3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Arts andtrained. ing, lighting and record-Brighton Kelly Base-school care and___________________ Crafts Thursday (to be ing skills, to produce a ball will accept regis-Sacramental prepara-determined). Basic Com-weekly TV segment about traiton for the 2012 sea-tion. Financial aid is Queen ContestApplications For PNA North SeniorsCurie’s sports teams. son at Kelly High School,available. Urban Agriculture42nd & California, doorFor more information, For St. Patrick’sSchedule MeetingDavis LSC ___________________Malone Honored (Iron Street Farm in#5 on Saturdays duringcall (773) 523-6161. Paul C. Odrobina, viceThe Local School James T. Sullivan,tion on why they want toBridgeport) will teachFebruary from 11 a.m. to president of the PolishWingate University ofCouncil of Nathan S. general chairman of thebe Queen. To downloadhow to grow organic veg-2 p.m. National Alliance an-Wingate, North CarolinaElementary School, 3014 2012 St. Patrick’s Dayan application, visitetables, herbs and flowersAge divisions and fees nounces that the NorthWinter Programshas named MargaretW. 39th place, is accept-are 7-9, Minor League, Parade, announced a city-www.chicagostpatspa- atan urban farm. Side Seniors will conductMalone to the President’sing applications for the $130; 10-12, Major These programs areAt McKinley Park wide search for “ their monthly meeting atList for outstanding aca-2012-14 terms through League, $130; 13-14, Jr. cago’s fairest Colleen”Contest finals will befree and open to all the Home Office Cafe-McKinley Park, 2210demic achievement dur-March 8th at 3 p.m. League, $180 and 15-16, who will serve as queen ofheld Sunday, Feb. 19th inChicago teen residents teria, 6100 N. Cicero onW. Pershing, is currentlying the fall 2011 semes-To apply, see Mrs. Sr. League, $230. the Annual St. Patrick’sthe Stephen M. Baileywho are at least 14 years Wednesday, Feb. 8th attaking registration forter. MariaLobato in the Applicants must bring Day Parade on MarchAuditorium, 1340 W. 10 a.m.the following Winter pro-The President’s ListAnnex Building. The LSC a parent or legal guar-17th. Washingtonblvd. Dead-Items to be discussedgrams: Teen Club, Funrequires a term GPA ofElections will be held dian, 3 proofs of resi-The Queen and herline for entries is Friday, includes the upcomingand Games, Play School,3.80 on at least 12 quali-during Report Card Pick-court of four will attendFeb. 10th.Registration For dence, a birth certificate trip to the “Four WindsPreschool, High Impactty point academic hoursUp Day on Wednesday, and half of the fee. ___________________ civic, neighborhood, Polar PlungeVolunteers are also Casino” in New Buffalo,Aerobics, MightyFitKidz,with no grade below a C.April 18th. parish and Irish events Michigan on March 7th.Walking Club, Recrea-needed to serve as man-Registration is now on behalf of the parade All seniors ages 55tional Tumbling, Bad-St. Camillus for the Chicago agers, coaches or um-committee. and over (members andminton, Basketball, Bitty pires. For more informa-Polar Plunge, taking Plan Casino Tription, contact Denise Any girl of Irish ances-Basketball, Dodgeball, non-members) are en-place Sunday, March 4th couraged to attend.Robles at (630) 750-6128Did you know... try, never married, 17-27Floor Hockey, Indoor The St. Camillusat North Avenue Beach. years old, is eligible toRefreshments will beSoccer, Arts & Crafts, or Rick Barrera at (773) Seniors will celebrateProceeds will benefit MardiGraswithatriptoSCC/SpecialOlympics48____7_7______________LaVan Insurance Agency enter. Entrants shouldserved. Parking is avail-and Moms, Pops & Tots 5-10 . send a snapshot withable in the lot behind theInteraction. the Potawatomi CasinoChicago. (40th & S. California Ave.) name, age, address,builidngs. Winterprograms run and Bingo Hall inRegistrants may visit phone number and briefFor additional infor-through Sunday, March Milwaukee on Tuesday, toSpecializes in Insurance for: Legal Clinics biography and explana-mation about activities,25th. For more informa-Feb. 21st.create their own call (773) 286-0500, ext.tion, call (312) 747-6527. • Restaurants Included are round-fundraising page. A mini-At Kelly High 316. trip transportation, buf-___________________ mumof $125 is request-The Chicago Law and•Bars/Taverns fet lunch, a $5 FKCed. Education Foundation Reward Play pre-loadedThe fun kicks off at 10will conduct free legal•And most other businesses onto your account thatMexican Museuma.m. when plungers enterclinics for community day when playing slots orthe icy waters of Lakeresidents at Kelly HighFind out what we can do for you!! BINGOthe option of playing aMarks 25 YearsMichigan. A “Melt DownSchool, 4136 S.To complement our weekly edition The Brighton Park-ST. BRUNO PARISHCalifornia, library room three hour session ofThe National MuseumParty” will follow inside Matinee Bingo at 1 p.m.of Mexican Art, 1852 W.the boathouse and heated101 on Wednesdays, Feb.LaVan Insurance Agency, Inc. McKinley Park Life has 4839 S. HARDINGThe coach leaves at15th, March 21st, April19th st., will celebrate 25tents from 11 a.m. to 2launched a website. On it 18th and May 16th from3956 S. California Ave. (LIC. NO. B-2022) 8:30 a.m. from the parishyears of art, culture andp.m. Admission is freecan be found general infor-Every Friday - 6:45 p.m. parking lot at 55th andcommunity during 2012.and participants willmation about us, recent and 3 to 6 p.m. Lorel and departsFor more informationreceive free food and non-advertisingpast issues, Chicago, IL 60632 More information 2 - $500 Gamesabout the Chicago Law Milwaukee at 5 p.m. Acall (312)738-1503. alcoholicbeverages. Ainformation and a calendar drivers license or photoMuseum hours are 10cash bar will be avail-ID is required. For reser-a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdayable.(773) 247-6765 and Education Foun-of free local events. We DAUBER dation can be found byencourage our readers to STAR SEARCH AND vations, call (773) 284-through Sunday. Admis-For more information, visiting their website at:check back often for new TIC-TAC RAFFLE 2176. sionis (312) 527-3743.Established 1969 in Brighton Park PULL TABS (P336)updates!R. LAVAN
Page 2BRIGHTON PARK AND McKINLEY PARK LIFEThursday, January 26th, 2012 Early Registration Polar Bear ProjectSt. Bruno Scout Troop On Ski Outing For O-D Baseball  TheOmega Delta ernave. Youth Baseball LeagueBoys and girls between has announced early reg-the ages of 4 and 16 are istration dates for thewelcome to participate. 2012 baseball and softballRegistration fees as season. Families are en-follows: T-Ball Division couraged to register early(ages 4-5) $65, Rookie Di-and save up to (ages 6-8) $80,  Registrationwill be ac-Minor Division (ages 9-10) cepted Saturday, Jan.$100, Major Division 28th from 9 a.m. to 12(ages 11-12) $110, Pony p.m. at Metropolitan Division (ages 13-14) Bank, 1947 W. 35th st.$115, Girls Fast-pitch and Wednesday, Feb. 1stSoftball (ages 10-13) $100, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Taco ElTeen Fast-pitch Softball Jalisciense, 3452 S. West-(ages 14-16) $110.  Feesinclude uniforms, Academic Honors trophies, awards banquet, ticket to a minor league At Trinity Collegebaseball game and more. A $10 sibling discount is  NicolasGuzman and available to families. Erik Quinonez have re- Coachesare also ceived Faculty Honors for needed. For more infor-the fall 2011 semesters at The students of Kiddy Kare Pre-School, 4401mation, call (773) 851-Trinity College in Hart-2213. S. Kedzie completed an enjoyable project aboutford, Conn.  ___________________ polar bears by reading books, baking themeHonorees must achieve a cakes and making masks. Parents of children agesemester grade point av-erage of at least a 3.667 13 months to 7 years can register for a variety of Free Hours For with noindividual letter state assisted programs. For more information, Members of Boy Scout Troop 42 from St. Bruno Parish experienced a fun filled day of skiing and call (773) 247-6642.Art Institute grade below B-minus. snowboarding at Sunburst Ski area in Kewaskum, Wisconsin on Jan. 16th. Pictured in foreground is  The Art Institute ofAndrew Juarez. Middle row: Sebastian Flores, Sergio Montano, Jose Mata and Miguel Gutierrez. Back Chicago invites Illinoisrow: Scoutmaster Bob Alanis, Jose Islas, Joe Metoxen, Julian Villar, Angel Andrade, Alex Cruz, Carlos residents to take advan-Mazon and Leader Amal Centers Sr. For more information on upcoming events and joining Troop 42, tage of free admission allcontact Scoutmaster Robert Alanis at (773) 656-7285. _______________________________________________ day every weekday through Friday, Feb. 10th from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Italian Cultural Ctr. including late Thursday evenings until 8 p.m. Sat-(773) 847-6784 We have urdays and Sundays dur-Plans Dinner DanceMedicare ing this period willDr. Thomas require regular museum Buividas entrance fee.Approved be served at 6 p.m., pro-gram at 7 p.m., followed  Freeadmission for Illi-Your Foot & Ankle POPE JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOL nois residents will con-Diabetic by dinner, entertainment along with an open bar.Specialist tinue on the first and Tickets are $85 person.Shoes second Wednesdays of Reservations are required4554 S. Archer Ave. every month beginning at (708) 345-5933. March 7th. ChildrenPrivate Insurance, PPO, Medicare ______________________ Open Housemitted free.& Medicaid Accepted under 14 are always  Cityof Chicago resi-Ice Skate Rinks dents with Public Library Sunday, January 29th - 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. At Area Parks cards can borrow a “Mu-seum Passport” card from  TheChicago Park Dis-any library branch for Visit classrooms, meet teachers & students,free general admission toReg. $202.00 Games trict’s outdoor skating rinks will operate the nine members of Mu-Thursday, Jan. 26th, 2012 and learn why your child should join our family!through Sunday, Feb. seums in the Park, in-26th, weather permitting. cluding the Art Institute  McKinleyPark, 2210 of Chicago. W. Pershing road (312)ST. BARBARA’S ______________________ • GradesK-8 747-5992 offers free open skate hours WednesdayBINGO & RAFFLE • 3& 4 year old Pre-SchoolA. ROSATI Essay Contest through Sunday from 2859 S. Throop St. Chgo. (Full & Half Day)12:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Italian Cultural For Prom Package WestLawn Park, 4233 DOORS OPEN AT 4:30 P.M.GAMES START AT 6:45 P.M. Center at Casa Italia will • Before& After School CareW. 65th st. (773) 284- PrincessCloset is presenttheir 42nd An-ProgressiveJackpots 6078 opens free open sponsoring a 500 wordnual Dinner Dance honor-skate Wednesday • SacramentalPreparation essay contest for highing Allison Rosati at AltaTic-Tac Raffle................$6,902.00 through Sunday from schools seniors on theVilla Banquet Hall in Ad-12:30 to 7:30 p.m. SkateStar Raffle.......................$499.00 • FinancialAid Availabletheme, “What Does Promdision on Saturday, Feb. rental is $6. Mean To You?”18th. Hors d’oeuvres will Odd/Even.....................$1,199.00  ___________________  The winner will re-ceive an ultimate prom $500 Coverall package. Submissions Polar Adventure 4325 S. Richmond Street - Chicago, IL 60632Winter Parking should be sent to www.princesscloset.orgAt Northerly Isle BEGINNERS LUCK PACKAGE Now In Effect 8 Paper Cards & 4 specials - (773) 523-6161by March 1st.  TheChicago Park Dis-$  The City of Chicago12 trict will present the sev-+ FREE Dauber enth annual Polar will enforce the winter Adventure Day from 12 -parking ban on arterial 4 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. + FREE streets through April 1st.  Parkingis prohibited$ 18th, at Northerly Island, LA PALMAsnow is present.The program is admissionOffer Val1id for0all new or fOirst-timfe pflayers, and is extended 1400 S. Lynn White Dr.,Dauber from 3 a.m. to 7 a.m. on on the Museum Campus. posted streets even if no to multiple persons within the same party. free. SUPERMERCADO & LIQUORSwill be prohib- ParkingOffer valid on all Bingo Packages $22 and above.  Familieswill have the ited at all times if there is Coupon expires 1/26/12Lic. B-463 Corner Richmondopportunity to explore the two inches or more of Island and view live ani-4173 S. Archermals, engage in winterLicense #B-463 (773)254-8092 snow on the ground. Vio-lators will be towed ($150 activities, watch ice sculp-SAINT BARBARA CATHOLIC CHURCH OPEN 7 DAYS 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. WE ACCEPT LINK - WIC - ILLINOIS LOTTERYfee) and receive a parking ture carvings, and create2859 S. Throop Street (Throop @ Archer) ticket ($50 fee). Storage WE HAVE MASA FOR TAMALES - LA GUADALUPANA. WE SELL CALLING CARDS (TARJETAS TELEFONICAS)nature-inspried crafts.MASS: Sun. 6 a.m., 9:30 & 11:30 (Sat. 5 p.m.) fee is $10 per day. Participants are encour-ROSARY: Sunday 5:30 a.m., Tuesday 5:30 p.m. RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES AND CORRECT PRINTING ERRORS aged to dress for the weather as events take SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 26TH TO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, 2012. place outdoors and inside the visitor center. Muslos Pulpa CarneJamon Siberianhuskies will 4460 S. Kedzie(773) 847-7170 De Pollobe present and adventur-Negra29ChickenMolida49Polaco99ers will talk about their c 7315 S. Kedzie Ave.(773) 776-6959,3444 S. Austin Ave.(708) 780-7700 3 792 2periences.Business Hours: Sun. - Thurs. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Beef Steaklb. lb.Polish Hamlb. Drumstickslb.Iditarod dog sled race ex-SE HABLA ESPANOL Gound Beef Crema Sour Cream Liveentertainment ChuletasFri. - Sat. 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. Fajitas Pedacitos99 3Old Town School of FolkOpen 7 Days A Week La Chona 16 Oz.2 forwill be provided by the Ahumadas __________________________________ De Res99De Puerco79 89Crema Sour CreamMusic. Limited parking isWe Accept Credit Cards Smoked 2 1 23 Formore information,Dine In * Take Out 99 Pork Stewlb. PorkChops lb. Beef Fajitaslb. V&V Supremo 16 Oz.2 foravailable for $3. Queso Fresco Supremo call (312) 742-PLAY.COUPON COUPON COUPON 99Queso2 forLeche ___________________ Pepsi & 2 Cheese 12 Oz. FrescoBareman’s __________________________________ Quesco Fresco D. Casa992% MilkCoca Cola 99Tapatio 12 Oz.99 39 MEDIUM EXTRAFAMILY Cheese 414 2Dean’s List At Cheese 12 Oz.2 for1 Gallon2 Liter SPECIAL SPECIAL LARGE Jugos TakisBradley Univ. 2 for Coca Cloro•Large Cheese & Jumex Fuego AmandaLanger, Anna Sausage Pizza ColaNectar BarcelClorox 99 9999 19 Mitchell, Colby Tapling, PIZZA PIZZA 5 13 2Karissa Suarez Del Real•Large Salad Jessica Matura and•Half Slab Ribs 20 Pk. Cans9 Oz.64 Oz.96 Oz. Free One ToppingOne Ingredient have received recognition Mayonesa McCormickFrijoles Pintos (Goya) •Spaghetti 99Azucar Gatorade99on the Dean’s List for the Assorted___________________________3_______ ___________________________1______Fall semester at Bradley Black Beans 29 oz.2 for Mayonaise 28 Oz. 19Aceite 1-2-333 Oz59Frosted Flakes99Honorees must achieve a99 9999 SugarUniversity in Peoria. Flavors 132average for the semester7 924 99 4minimum 3.5 grade point+ Tax+ Tax Domino 4 lb.Kellogg’s 14 Oz.2 for 32 Oz.Vegetable & Corn Oil2 for+ Tax Bombon De La RosaGuayaba HerdezExpires 2/1/12Expires 2/1/12Expires 2/1/12 89on a 4.0 scale. 29ManzanaNaranjas Oranges 1 1 14 Oz.Guavas 26 Oz. _________________________________ _________________________________ Atun DoloresAriel - Downy99c Juice Roja 1 2169 19 79 Tuna 6 Oz.Liquid Detergent 33 Oz.4 lb. Bolsa BagRed Appleslb. EMISSIONS FAILURE SPECIALISTS * GUARANTEED RESULTS Cerveza Miller Lite ZanahoriasCarrotsChile Cebolla MGD, Budweiser 1lb. Poblano Amarilla Pkgs.29c c99 24 Pk. 3199 3915 lb. lb. forOnions CanPeppers Yellow Cerveza CartaBlanca BeerHigh LifeEAlignment Miller Lite, Corona Tecate& Miller COMPLETE AUTO SERVIC MGD & Budweiser 49 9999 49 12 Pk.12 Pk.12 Pk. 30 Pk. Btl. Btl.Can Btl.3430 W. 47th St. 8 12 912and 773/376-4264 Miller Lite,Rompope ArborAbsolute MGD & BudweiserSanta ClaraMist Vodka 99 9999 99Certified In All Areas Of Repair!Suspension Master Auto & Truck Technicians 18 Pk.One 750750 12 93 21 Btl. Ltr.M.L. M.L. Tequila TequilaTequila Whiskey Mon. - Fri. 6 a.m.-6p.m.Specialists 100 Anos ReposadoPueblo ViejoPatron SilverCanadian Club 750 750750Sat. 6 a.m. -12 noon 99 9999 49 750 15 1840 14 M.L. M.L.M.L. M.L.•TOWING SERVICE
Thursday, January 26th, 2012
Help Wanted ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Baker Production Worker Commercial Bakery seeks full time production worker for its Chicago Bakery. Experience preferred but not required. We offer competitive wages and benefits. Production workers must be detail orientated, able to lift 50 lbs. and able to with-stand warm temperatures. Applications are being accepted Until Feb. 10th Monday thru Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. EAST BALT COMMISSARY 1801 W. 31st Place Chicago, Il 60608 __________________________________ DAY CLERK For south side warehouse. Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Shipping and receiving experience required. EOE. (773) 733-5131 __________________________________
For Rent ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 45th & CALIFORNIA 4-1/2 room, 2 bedroom apart-ment, 1st floor. $560 month. Tenant pays heat. 1-1/2 months security deposit. 44TH & WALLACE 2 bedrooms, tenant heated, 1st floor. $660 per month plus 1-1/2 months security. 45th & CALIFORNIA 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2nd floor, ceiling fans, modern kitchen and bath, tenant pays heat.1-1/2 months security de-posit. $640 month. AGENT OWNED O’Brien Family Realty (773) 581-7883 __________________________________ 3 ROOM APT. 4355 S. Saywer. One bedroom. Newly decorated with oak floors and cabinets includes range and refrigerator. $500 month plus utilities. (773) 247-1140 __________________________________ 40TH Place & Kedzie. 3 bedroom Garden apartment. Updated kitchen, bath. Range and refrigerator. Gas heat. Very clean. Laundry in building. $725 month plus utilities and one month security. (847) 302-6046. __________________________________ BRIGHTON Park, basement apartment, 3 bedrooms, carpeted, hardwood floors. Includes heat. Laundry hookup. Credit check. $850 month. (773) 719-7110. __________________________________ 5-1/2 ROOM apartments. Available now. McKinley Park. Close to Orange Line. 2 blocks to school. $610 month. Se Hable Espanol. Call Angelo (773) 920-0723. Lourdes (773) 890-1354. __________________________________ 4446 S. ARCHER 3 rooms, 1 bedroom, 2nd floor. Newly decorated with oak cabinets and floors. Rent includes range, re-frigerator and private parking. $625 month plus utilities. (773) 247-1140 __________________________________ 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Private entrance, furnace heat, ceiling fans, newly decorated. Tenant pays utilities. Background and credit check. 1 year lease. $695 month plus security de-posit. 38th & Wood. Senior Citizen Discount (773) 801-0687 __________________________________ 38TH - Homan. 5 room, 2 bedroom apartment, across from new school, 1st floor. $600 month. Tenant pays all utili-ties. Security deposit required. Call now! (773) 294-3622. __________________________________ 4 ROOMS, 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor. No pets. $625 month. 38th - Homan. (773) 847-6546, (219) 290-0242. __________________________________ 4 ROOMS, 1st floor. $300 month plus de-posit and utilities. Archer - Kolin. (312) 547-9451. __________________________________ SLEEPING room, $365 month, one month security deposit. Near 38th - Cali-fornia. (773) 927-6664. __________________________________ 2 BEDROOM apartment, 48th - Pulaski, $700 month plus security deposit. Tenant pays utilities. (773) 650-0462. __________________________________ ONE bedroom attic apartment. 40th place & Kedzie. $590 month, includes utilities. (847) 302-6046. __________________________________ ONE BEDROOM APT. Living room. Kitchen includes range and refrigerator. Heated, no pets. $570 month plus secu-rity deposit. 45th - Whipple (773) 401-4667
To Our Advertisers: Please notify us if you find an error in your ad or if your ad failed to run. If you notify us on the first day it was scheduled to appear, we’ll make the correction as soon as deadlines per-mit. We want to give you the best possible service. But if you do not let us know of a problem the first day, it may continue to run incorrectly. This newspaper will not be liable for failure to publish an ad or for a typographi-cal error or errors in publication ex-cept to the extent of the cost of the ad for the first day’s insertion. Adjust-ment for the errors is limited to the cost of that portion of the ad where the error occurred. Please check your advertisement EACH time it ap-pears and notify us in case of an error (773) 523-3663. Brighton Park-McKinley Park Life Newspaper is not responsible for mail delivery, for the reproduction quality of any “computer generated” photography or poor quality photo-graphs submitted.
For Rent ★★★★★★★★★★★★★✍ 3027 W. 41st St. 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor. Newly decorated with oak kitchen cab-inets, hardwood floors, tile bath, new windows. Includes range and refriger-ator. $650 month plus utilities. (773) 247-1140 __________________________________ 2102 W. 37th ST. 4 rooms, 1 bedroom. Newly deco-rated with oak kitchen cabinets and refinished hardwood floors. Close to Orange Line and McKinley Park. $625 month plus utilities. (773) 491-0903 __________________________________ HOUSE - 49th & Kildare. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, 2 car garage, cen-tral air. (708) 262-1969. __________________________________ 3014 W. 40th street. 3 bedrooms, 3rd floor. Newly remodeled, new windows. $650 month. (773) 733-8592. __________________________________ 4416 S. SPAULDING 2-1/2 room studio, 2nd floor. Newly decorated with oak kitchen cabinets and refinished hardwood floors. Rent includes range and refrigerator. $500 month plus utilities. (773) 247-1140 __________________________________
Garage For Rent ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SECURE garage and storage, 40th place & Kedzie. 2 spots, $100 month each, $175 both. Automatic door and security lights. (847) 302-6046. ___________________________________
Miscellaneous For Sale ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Clearance - Overstocked Sale AZTECSUPPLYCOR.P Fri., Jan. 27th, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat., Jan. 28th, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5024 W. 67th St. (708) 594-6080 Janitorial cleaning supplies. Toi-let paper, paper towels, plastic liners, mops, brooms and more. Cash or credit cards only. __________________________________
Home Theater ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ MAX Powers. Home Theater Specialists (773) 934-2435. Se Hable Espanol. ___________________________________
Wanted To Buy ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ WE buy junk cars. Lost title? No problem! Up to $2,500. No one beats our price guar-antee! Open 7 days week. Se Habla Es-panol. (773) 592-7917. ___________________________________
Real Estate For Sale ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERY DIVISION SECOND FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO, A FEDERALLY CHARTERED SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION; P l a i n t i f f , v s . MIGUEL ANGEL PADILLA-PATINO; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; D e f e n d a n t s , 10 CH50759 NOTICE OFSALE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on November 28, 2011, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Wednesday, February 29, 2012, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mortgaged real e s t a t e : Commonly known as 5851 South Austin Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638. P.I.N. 19-17-224-051-0000. The improvement on the property consists of a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act. Sale terms: Bidders must present, at the time of sale, a cashier's or certified check for 10% of the successful bid amount. The balance of the successful bid shall be paid within 24 hours, by similar funds. The property will NOT be open forinspection. For information call Mr. Russell R. Custer, Jr. at Plaintiff's Attorney, Lillig & Thorsness, Ltd., 1900 Spring Road, Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-1495. (630) 5 7 1 - 1 9 0 0 . INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer,(312) 444-1122 I406151
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspa-per is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any Preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, hand-icap, famililial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such prefer-ence, limitation or discrimination.” Famililial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parent or legal custodians, pregnant women and peo-ple securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our read-ers are hereby informed that all dwelling advertised in this newspaper are avail-able on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 927-9275.
Guide Home Improvement Rely on this directory for the businesses &services to meet your Home Improvement Needs.
Carpentry ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
OVERQUALIFIED HANDYMAN •DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE All aspects of carpentry, drywall, decks, fences, porches, basements, remodeling, stairs, room additions, garages and new construction. Jim (708)253-9087 If I don’t answer, please leave message. I’m probably working.
Electrical Service ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ CHYBA ELECTRIC, INC. Industrial - Commercial (773) 523-7767 Licensed - Bonded - Insured
Real Estate For Sale ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION CITIMORTGAGE, INC., P l a i n t i f f , - v . -DELFINA RODRIGUEZ, UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NON-RECORD C L A I M A N T S D e f e n d a n t s 10 CH44072 4852 S LAMON AVE Chicago, IL 60638 NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on November 18, 2011, an agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on February 21, 2012, at the The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following described real estate: Commonly known as 4852 S LAMON AVE, Chicago, IL 60638 Property Index No. 19-09-213-035-0000. The real estate is improved with a single family residence. The judgment amount was $202,895.14 Sale terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated on residential real estate at the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the mortgagee acquiring the residential real estate pursuant to its credit bid at the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor acquiring the residential real estate whose rights in and to the residential real estate arose prior to the sale. The subject property is subject to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered for sale without any representation as to quality or quantity of title and without recourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" condition. The sale is further subject to confirmation by the court. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG, LTD. , 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (312) 372-2020 . Please refer to file number 09-2222-13201. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Corporation at for a 7 day status report of pending sales. HAUSELMAN, RAPPIN & OLSWANG, LTD. 39 South LaSalle Street - Suite 1105 CHICAGO, IL 60603 (312) 372-2020 Attorney File No.: 09-2222-13201 Attorney Code. 4452 Case # 10 CH 44072 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. I404908 _____________________________
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT -CHANCERY DIVISION BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP; P l a i n t i f f , v s . JAVIER RANGEL; LAURA RANGEL; UNKNOWN OWNERS AND NONRECORD CLAIMANTS; D e f e n d a n t s , 10 CH 09068 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure entered in the above entitled cause on September 2, 2010, Intercounty Judicial Sales Corporation will on Friday, February 17, 2012, at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office at 120 West Madison Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property: P.I.N. 19-17-307-031-0000. Commonly known as 5930 SOUTH AUSTIN, CHICAGO, IL 60638. The mortgaged real estate is improved with a single family residence. If the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit of a common interest community, the purchaser of the unit other than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by subsection (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the condominium Property Act Sale terms: 25% down by certified funds, balance within 24 hours, by certified funds. No refunds. The property will NOT be open for inspection. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sale which will entitle the purchaser to a Deed to the premises after confirmationof the sale. For information: Visit our website at Between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer to File Number 0935496. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N Selling Officer, (312)444-1122 I402672 ___________________________
Use The Want Ads (773) 523-3663 Deadline Tuesday 6 p.m.
You Take Pride In Your Home... We Take Pride In Our Work!
Handyman ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
BUILDING maintenance - heating, cooling, hot water tanks, frozen pipes, construction. (773) 457-2400. ________________________________
Snow Removal ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
S.A. LANDSCAPING. Free estimates. Expert work. Snow shoveling, plowing. Parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, roofs. (773) 330-3514. Se Hable Es-panol.
Hey Contractors -Did you know this newspaper reaches approximately ~26,000 roofs that leak~40,000 drains that can clog~20,000 sewers that back up ~100,000 windows to replace~150,000 rooms to paint~50,000 trees to trim ~20,000 furnaces & air conditioners to service TO ADVERTISE CALL FOR RATES(773) 523-3663
BRIGHTON PARK AND McKINLEY PARK LIFEPage 3 Real Estate For SaleReal Estate For SaleReal Estate For SaleReal Estate For SaleReal Estate For Sale ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTYCOUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERYDEPARTMENT - CHANCERY DIVISION GMAC MORTGAGE, LLCDIVISION JPMORGAN CHASEDIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK, NADIVISION WELLS FARGO BANK,DIVISION DEUTSCHE BANK P l a i n t i f f ,BANK, N.A.P l a i n t i f f ,N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THENATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS - v . -P l a i n t i f f ,- v . -HOLDERS OF THE FIRSTTRUSTEE FOR LONG BEACH JULIO C. ARGUELLO, RENYA E.- v . -JULIO ARGUELLO, MAYORIFRANKLIN MORTGAGE LOANMORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2005-WL1 A R G U E L L OELVIA RINCON, ROGELIO RINCONBAHENA, REYNA E. ARGUELLOTRUST 2006-FF15 MORTGAGEP l a i n t i f f , PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, D e f e n d a n t sD e f e n d a n t sD e f e n d a n t s- v . -10 CH 05497510 CH 15154 10 CH013009 CECILIAMIRANDA, JPMORGAN SERIES 2006-FF15 6343 S. LONG AVENUE CHICAGO, IL5929 SOUTH MONITOR Chicago, IL6424 S. LONG AVENUE CHICAGO, ILCHASE BANK, NATIONAL P l a i n t i f f , 6 0 6 3 86 0 6 3 86 0 6 3 8ASSOCIATION, AUSTIN PLACE - v . -NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICENOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICENOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICECONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION DION BARAN, ISMELDA BARAN, IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to aD e f e n d a n t s MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Judgment of Foreclosure and SaleJudgment of Foreclosure and SaleJudgment of Foreclosure and Sale09 CH 43849 REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS entered in the above cause onentered in the above cause onentered in the above cause on August6023 W. 64TH PLACE UNIT 2 NOMINEE FOR FIRST FRANKLIN A December 15, 2011, an agent of TheSeptember 13, 2010, an agent of The30, 2010, an agent of The JudicialChicago, IL60638 DIVISION OF NATIONAL CITY BANK Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM onNOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE D e f e n d a n t s AM on February 15, 2012, at the TheAM on February 10, 2012, at the TheFebruary 16, 2012, at the The JudicialIS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a 11 CH 20274 Judicial Sales Corporation, One SouthJudicial Sales Corporation, One SouthSales Corporation, One South WackerJudgment of Foreclosure and Sale 5645 WEST 64TH STREET Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO,Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO,Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL,entered in the above cause on March 5, CHICAGO, IL60638 IL, 60606, sell at public auction to theIL, 60606, sell at public auction to the60606, sell at public auction to the2010, an agent of The Judicial Sales NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE highest bidder, as set forth below, thehighest bidder, as set forth below, thehighest bidder, as set forth below, theCorporation, will at 10:30 AM on IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a following described real estate:following described real followingdescribed real estate:February 23, 2012, at the The Judicial Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Commonly known as 6343 S. LONGestate:Commonly known as 5929Commonly known as 6424 S. LONGSales Corporation, One South Wacker entered in the above cause on October AVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60638SOUTH MONITOR, Chicago, ILAVENUE, CHICAGO, IL 60638Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 31, 2011, an agent of The Judicial Property Index No. 19-21-102-038. The60638 Property Index No.Property Index No. 19-21-110-052. The60606, sell at public auction to the Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on real estate is improved with a19-17-403-031-0000. The real estate isreal estate is improved with a singlehighest bidder, as set forth below, the February 2, 2012, at the The Judicial residence. Sale terms: 25% down of theimproved with a single family residence. Sale terms: 25% downfollowing described real estate: Sales Corporation, One South Wacker highest bid by certified funds at theThe judgment amount was $519,865.35of the highest bid by certified funds atCommonly known as 6023 W. 64TH Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, close of the auction; The balance,Sale terms: 25% down of the highestthe close of the auction; The balance,PLACE UNIT 2, Chicago, IL 60638 60606, sell at public auction to the including the Judicial sale fee forbid by certified funds at the close of theincluding the Judicial sale fee forProperty Index No. highest bidder, as set forth below, the Abandoned Residential Propertyauction; The balance, including theAbandoned Residential Property19-20-115-034-1002. The real estate is following described real estate: Municipality Relief Fund, which isJudicial sale fee for AbandonedMunicipality Relief Fund, which isimproved with a residential Commonly known as 5645 WEST 64TH calculated on residential real estate atResidential Property Municipality Reliefcalculated on residential real estate atcondominium. The judgment amount STREET, CHICAGO, IL 60638 the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionFund, which is calculated on residentialthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fractionwas $88,219.13 Sale terms: The bid Property Index No. thereof of the amount paid by thereal estate at the rate of $1 for eachthereof of the amount paid by theamount, including the Judicial sale fee 19-20-211-006-0000. The real estate is purchaser not to exceed $300, in$1,000 or fraction thereof of the amountpurchaser not to exceed $300, infor Abandoned Residential Property improved with a frame single family certified funds, is due within twenty-fourpaid by the purchaser not to exceedcertified funds, is due within twenty-fourMunicipality Relief Fund, which is home; no garage. Sale terms: 25% (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the$300, in certified funds, is due within(24) hours. No fee shall be paid by thecalculated on residential real estate at down of the highest bid by certified mortgagee acquiring the residentialtwenty-four (24) hours. No fee shall bemortgagee acquiring the residentialthe rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction funds at the close of the auction; The real estate pursuant to its credit bid atpaid by the mortgagee acquiring thereal estate pursuant to its credit bid atthereof of the amount paid by the balance, including the Judicial sale fee the sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentresidential real estate pursuant to itsthe sale or by any mortgagee, judgmentpurchaser not to exceed $300, shall be for Abandoned Residential Property creditor, or other lienor acquiring thecredit bid at the sale or by anycreditor, or other lienor acquiring thepaid in certified funds immediately by Municipality Relief Fund, which is residential real estate whose rights inmortgagee, judgment creditor, or otherresidential real estate whose rights inthe highest and best bidder at the calculated on residential real estate at and to the residential real estate aroselienor acquiring the residential realand to the residential real estate aroseconclusion of the sale. No fee shall be the rate of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction prior to the sale. The subject property isestate whose rights in and to theprior to the sale. The subject property ispaid by the mortgagee acquiring the thereof of the amount paid by the subject to general real estate taxes,residential real estate arose prior to thesubject to general real estate taxes,residential real estate pursuant to its purchaser not to exceed $300, in special assessments, or special taxessale. The subject property is subject tospecial assessments, or special taxescredit bid at the sale or by any certified funds, is due within twenty-four levied against said real estate and isgeneral real estate taxes, speciallevied against said real estate and ismortgagee, judgment creditor, or other (24) hours. No fee shall be paid by the offered for sale without anyassessments, or special taxes leviedoffered for sale without anylienor acquiring the residential real mortgagee acquiring the residential representation as to quality or quantityagainst said real estate and is offeredrepresentation as to quality or quantityestate whose rights in and to the real estate pursuant to its credit bid at of title and without recourse to Plaintifffor sale without any representation as toof title and without recourse to Plaintiffresidential real estate arose prior to the the sale or by any mortgagee, judgment and in "AS IS" condition. The sale isquality or quantity of title and withoutand in "AS IS" condition. The sale issale. The subject property is subject to creditor, or other lienor acquiring the further subject to confirmation by therecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS"further subject to confirmation by thegeneral real estate taxes, special residential real estate whose rights in court. If the sale is set aside for anycondition. The sale is further subject tocourt. If the sale is set aside for anyassessments, or special taxes levied and to the residential real estate arose reason, the Purchaser at the sale shallconfirmation by the court. Upon paymentreason, the Purchaser at the sale shallagainst said real estate and is offered prior to the sale. The subject property is be entitled only to a return of the depositin full of the amount bid, the purchaserbe entitled only to a return of the depositfor sale without any representation as to subject to general real estate taxes, paid. The Purchaser shall have nowill receive a Certificate of Sale that willpaid. The Purchaser shall have noquality or quantity of title and without special assessments, or special taxes further recourse against theentitle the purchaser to a deed to thefurther recourse against therecourse to Plaintiff and in "AS IS" levied against said real estate and is Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or thereal estate after confirmation of the saleMortgagor, the Mortgagee or thecondition. The sale is further subject to offered for sale without any Mortgagee's attorney. Upon payment inThe property will NOT be open forMortgagee's attorney. Upon payment inconfirmation by the court. Upon payment representation as to quality or quantity full of the amount bid, the purchaser willinspection and plaintiff makes nofull of the amount bid, the purchaser willin full of the amount bid, the purchaser receive a Certificate of Sale that willrepresentation as to the condition of thereceive a Certificate of Sale that willof title and without recourse to Plaintiffwill receive a Certificate of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to theproperty. Prospective bidders areentitle the purchaser to a deed to theand in "AS IS" condition. The sale isentitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmation of the saleadmonished to check the court file toreal estate after confirmation of the salefurther subject to confirmation by thereal estate after confirmation of the sale The property will NOT be open forverify all information. If this property is aThe property will NOT be open forcourt. Upon payment in full of theThe property will NOT be open for inspection and plaintiff makes nocondominium unit, or a unit which isinspection and plaintiff makes noamount bid, the purchaser will receive ainspection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condition of thepart of a common interest community,representation as to the condition of theCertificate of Sale that will entitle therepresentation as to the condition of the property. Prospective bidders arethe purchaser of the unit at theproperty. Prospective bidders arepurchaser to a deed to the real estateproperty. Prospective bidders are admonished to check the court file toforeclosure sale, other than aadmonished to check the court file toafter confirmation of the sale Theadmonished to check the court file to verify all information. If this property is amortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsverify all information. If this property is aproperty will NOT be open forverify all information. If this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of theand the legal fees required by Thecondominium unit, the purchaser of theinspection and plaintiff makes nocondominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than aCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCSunit at the foreclosure sale, other than arepresentation as to the condition of theunit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay the assessments605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). In accordancemortgagee, shall pay the assessmentsproperty. Prospective bidders aremortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal fees required by Thewith 735 ILCS 5/15-1507(c)(1)(h-1) andand the legal fees required by Theadmonished to check the court file toand the legal fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS(h-2), 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(5), and 765Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCSverify all information. If this property is aCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertyILCS 605/18.5(g-1), you are hereby605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this propertycondominium unit, the purchaser of the605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condominium unit which is part of anotified that the purchaser of theis a condominium unit which is part of ais a condominium unit which is part of a unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a common interest community, theproperty, other than a mortgagee, shallcommon interest community, thecommon interest community, the mortgagee, shall pay the assessments purchaser of the unit at the foreclosurepay the assessments and legal feespurchaser of the unit at the foreclosurepurchaser of the unit at the foreclosure and the legal fees required by The sale other than a mortgagee shall payrequired by subsections (g)(1) andsale other than a mortgagee shall paysale other than a mortgagee shall pay Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS the assessments required by The(g)(4) of section 9 and thethe assessments required by Thethe assessments required by The 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCSassessments required by subsectionCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCSCondominium Property Act, 765 ILCS is a condominium unit which is part of a 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE(g-1) of section 18.5 of the Illinois605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE common interest community, the MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),Condominium Property Act. IF YOUMORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER),MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAINARE THE MORTGAGOR YOUHAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAINYOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN sale other than a mortgagee shall pay IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS(HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THEIN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYSIN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS the assessments required by The AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFRIGHT TO REMAIN INAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OFAFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEPOSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTERPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEENTRY OF AN ORDER OFWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), ILLINOIS MORTGAGEPOSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCEILLINOIS MORTGAGEILLINOIS MORTGAGE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN FORECLOSURE LAW. ForWITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THEFORECLOSURE LAW. ForFORECLOSURE LAW. For IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS information, contact Plaintiff's attorney:ILLINOIS MORTGAGEinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:information, contact Plaintiff's attorney: AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF The Sale Clerk, CODILIS &FORECLOSURE LAW. ForThe Sale Clerk, CODILIS &HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTHinformation, contact Plaintiff's attorney:ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTHMIHLAR, LLC , 111 East Main Street, WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,Anthony Porto, FREEDMANFRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100,DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719 . ILLINOIS MORTGAGE BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)ANSELMO LINDBERG LLC , 1807 W.BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630)THE JUDICIAL SALES FORECLOSURE LAW. For 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3DIEHL ROAD, SUITE 333,794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3CORPORATION One South Wacker information: Visit our website at PM only and ask for the salesNAPERVILLE, IL 60563, (866)PM only and ask for the salesDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL between the department.. Please refer to file number402-8661 For bidding instructions, calldepartment.. Please refer to file number60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE & 14-10-39075. THE JUDICIAL SALES630-453-6713 24 hours prior to sale.14-10-10048. THE JUDICIAL SALESalso visit The Judicial Sales ASSOCIATES, Plaintiff's Attorneys, CORPORATION One South WackerPlease refer to file number C10030118.CORPORATION One South WackerCorporation at for a 7 day One North Dearborn Street Suite 1300, Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, ILTHE JUDICIAL SALESDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, ILstatus report of pending sales. CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No. (312) 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canCORPORATION One South Wacker60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canHEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & 476-5500. Please refer to file number also visit The Judicial SalesDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, ILalso visit The Judicial SalesMIHLAR, LLC 111 East Main Street PA1112018. THE JUDICIAL SALES Corporation at for a 7 day60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You canCorporation at for a 7 dayDECATUR, IL 62523 (217) 422-1719 CORPORATION One South Wacker status report of pending sales.also visit The Judicial Salesstatus report of pending sales.Attorney Code. 40387 Case # 09 CH Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.Corporation at for a 7 dayCODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C.43849 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,status report of pending sales.15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD,Collection Practices Act, you are also visit The Judicial Sales SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527FREEDMAN ANSELMO LINDBERGSUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527advised that Plaintiff's attorney is Corporation at for a 7 day (630) 794-9876 Attorney File No.:LLC 1807 W. DIEHL ROAD, SUITE(630) 794-9876 Attorney File No.:deemed to be a debt collector status report of pending sales. PIERCE 14-10-39075 ARDC# 00468002333 NAPERVILLE, IL 60563 (866)14-10-10048 ARDC# 00468002attempting to collect a debt and any & ASSOCIATES One North Dearborn Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 10 CH402-8661 Attorney File No.: C10030118Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 10 CHinformation obtained will be used for Street Suite 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 054975 NOTE: Pursuant to the FairARDC# 6275591 Attorney Code. 26122013009 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fairthat purpose. (312) 476-5500 Attorney File No.: Debt Collection Practices Act, you areCase # 10 CH 15154 NOTE: PursuantDebt Collection Practices Act, you areI404071 PA1112018 Attorney Code. 91220 Case advised that Plaintiff's attorney isto the Fair Debt Collection Practicesadvised that Plaintiff's attorney is____________________________ # 11 CH 20274 deemed to be a debt collectorAct, you are advised that Plaintiff'sdeemed to be a debt collector I402817 attempting to collect a debt and anyattorney is deemed to be a debtattempting to collect a debt and anyCont. on Page 4 ____________________________ information obtained will be used forcollector attempting to collect a debtinformation obtained will be used for that purpose.and any information obtained will bethat purpose. I404408 usedfor that purpose.I405684 ____________________________Blood Drive ____________________________ ____________________________ I404348 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOKIN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISCOUNTY, ILLINOISCHANCERY DIVISIONAt Maria High COUNTY DEPARTMENT -COUNTY DEPARTMENT -COUNTY DEPARTMENT, WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., NOT IN CHANCERY DIVISIONCHANCERY DIVISION ITS INDIVIDUAL DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONALFANNIE MAE ("FEDERAL CAPACITY, BUT AS TRUSTEE TO TRUST COMPANY ASNATIONAL MORTGAGE THE RMAC PASS-TRUSTEE FOR FIRST FRANKLINA S S O C I A T I O N " ) THROUGH TRUST, SERIES 2010-7T MORTGAGE LOANP l a i n t i f f P l a i n t i f f , TRUST 2006-FF8, ASSET-BACKEDV . v s . C E R T I F I C A T E S ,GRACIELA SOSA; LUIS A. SOSA; ARNULFO J. GARCIA, JOSE L. SERIES 2006-FF8Plaintiff, GILBERTOGUILLEN SANCHEZ; GARCIA, CURRENT v s .ESPERANZA SOSA; ISIDRO SOSA; SPOUSE, IF ANY, OF ARNULFO J. VINCENT MARTINEZ AKA VINCENTUNKNOWN OWNERS AND GARCIA, CURRENT E MARTINEZ;NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, SPOUSE IF ANY, OF JOSE L. DIANE MARTINEZ AKA DIANED e f e n d a n t s GARCIA, AMERICAN VERA MARTINEZ;10 CH 46828 GENERAL FINANCIAL SERVICES MORTGAGE ELECTRONICProperty Address: 6231 WEST 64TH OF ILLINOIS,INC., REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,STREET CHICAGO, IL60638 UNKNOWN OWNERS, GENERALLY, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR FIRSTNOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE AND NON-RECORD F R A N K L I N ,Fisher and Shapiro file # 10-044101 CLAIMANTS. ADIVISION OF NAT. CITY BANK OF(It is advised that interested parties D e f e n d a n t s , IN; CITY OFconsult with their 10 CH 47427 CHICAGO; UNITED STATES OFown attorneys before bidding at NOTICE OF SALE AMERICA; UNKNOWNmortgage foreclosuresales.) PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OWNERS AND NON RECORDPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that that pursuant to a Judgment of CLAIMANTS; Defendants,pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure Foreclosure and Sale entered in the 09 CH 46727entered on November 9, 2011, Kallen above entitled cause on November 29, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thatRealty Services, Inc., as Selling Official 2011 Intercounty Judicial Sales pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosurewill at 12:30 p.m. on February 10, 2012, Corporation will on Thursday, March 1, entered in the above entitled cause onat 205 W. Randolph Street, Suite 1020, 2012 at the hour of 11 a.m. in their office April 1, 2010, Intercounty Judicial SalesChicago, Illinois, sell at public auction at 120 West Madison Street, Suite Corporation will on Wednesday,to the highest bidder for cash, as set 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell at public February 15, 2012, at the hour of 11forth below, the following described real auction to the highest bidder for cash, a.m. in their office at 120 West Madisonp r o p e r t y : as set forth below, the following Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, Illinois,Commonly known as 6231 West 64th described mortgaged real estate:Maria High School Red Cross Club moderator sell to the highest bidder for cash, theStreet, Chicago, IL60638 P.I.N. 19-09-223-002-0000. following described property:Permanent Index No.: 19-20-109-025Judy Bumbul oversees Lecretia Windham, while Commonly known as 4905 South P.I.N. 19-21-105-010-0000.The mortgaged real estate is improved the senior donates the gift of blood during recent LaCrosse, Chicago, IL 60638. Commonly known as 5224 WEST 63RDwith a dwelling. The property will NOT The mortgaged real estate is improvedblood drive for the American Red Cross. Senior PLACE, CHICAGO, IL open for inspection. with a single family residence. If the The mortgaged real estate is improvedThe judgment amount was $Julie Pater, president of the Red Cross Club, and subject mortgaged real estate is a unit other club members organized the annual blood with a single family residence. If the340,779.55. Sale terms for non-parties: of a common interest community, the subject mortgaged real estate is a unit10% of successful bid immediately at purchaser of the unit other than adrive which collected 27 units. _______________________________________________ of a common interest community, theconclusion of auction, balance by 12:30 mortgagee shall pay the assessments purchaser of the unit other than ap.m. the next business day, both by required by subsection (g-1) of Section mortgagee shall pay the assessmentscashier's checks; and no refunds. The 18.5 of the Condominium Property Act required by subsection (g-1) of Sectionsale shall be subject to general real 18.5 of the condominium Property Actestate taxes, special taxes, specialApplication For IDNR Police Sale terms: 10% down by certified funds, balance, by certified funds, within Sale terms: 25% down by certifiedassessments, special taxes levied, and 24 hours. No refunds. The property funds, balance within 24 hours, bysuperior liens, if any. The property is  The Illinois Depart-then “career opportuni-will NOT be open for inspection certified funds. No refunds. Theoffered "as is," with no express or For information call Mr. David C.ment of Natural Resour-ties.” property will NOT be open forimplied warranties and without any inspection. Upon payment in full of therepresentation as to the quality of titleConservation Policeces is seeking applicants Kluever at Plaintiff's Attorney, Kluever & Platt, L.L.C., 65 East Wacker Place, for the position of Conser-Officer Trainee is a state amount bid, the purchaser will receive aor recourse to Plaintiff. Prospective Chicago, Illinois 60601. (312) Certificate of Sale which will entitle thebidders are admonished to review the 2 3 6 - 0 0 7 7 .employment position titlevation Policing Officer purchaser to a Deed to the premisescourt file to verify all information. after confirmation of the sale.For information: Sale Clerk, Fisher andTrainee. The departmentfor which CMS does not INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALES C O R P O R A T I O N plans to hire 15 new Illi-test on a regular basis. For information: Visit our website atShapiro, Attorney # 42168, 2121 Selling Officer,(312) 444-1122 BetweenWaukegan Road, Suite 301, I406168nois recruits to begin theApplicants must pos-3 p.m. and 5 p.m. only. Pierce &Bannockburn, Illinois 60015, (847) Associates, Plaintiff's Attorneys, 1498-9990, between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00sess either an associate’sacademy in June. ____________________________ North Dearborn Street, Chicago,p.m. weekdays only. Applicant testing isdegree (in any field of Illinois 60602. Tel.No. (312) 476-5500.I392179 scheduled for Feb. 6th tostudy) and three years of Refer to File Number 0933440. INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL SALESVisitors Guide9th through the Illinoisfull-time law enforcement ____________________________ C O R P O R A T I O NDepartment of Centralexperience with the same Selling Officer, (312)444-1122For St. Louis Management Services Ex-agency (or three years as I402515  TheSt. Louis Conven-amining and Counselingan active duty, fully ____________________________ Club InvitesDivision. Interested appli-sworn military police offi-tion and Visitors Com-mission has published itscants should submit acer), or possess a bache-Car Donations 2012 Visitors Guide.CMS100 employment ap-lor’s degree (in any field of Loan Modifications  Boysand Girls ClubsThe calendar of eventsplication, which can bestudy). Either degree  TheBrighton Parkhave issued an appeal forsection includes Mardifound online at www.must be obtained within Neighborhood Council,donations of cars. TheyGras festivities in Appli-90 days of the written ex-4475 S. Archer, is a HUDneed not be functional butary, Chinese lantern fes-cants should also reviewamination. Ex-perience or certified agency which of-require a title.tival in the Missourithe hiring informationactive duty military expe-fers free assistance withThey will be picked up,Botonical Garden and fes-contained on the Illinoisrience cannot be substi-the Home Afford-ablesold at auction and thetivals celebrating art,Department of Naturaltuted for undergraduate Modification Program.proceeds will benefit clubbeer, ethnic culture andResources, “Law Enforce-education.  Appointmentsare re-programs. Route66. ment”website at www.For more information, quired with Annette atFor more information,To receive a free copy,, click oncall (217) 785-8407. (773) (800) (800) 916-0040.“law enforcement” and
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