Community Calendar................34. Places of Prayer ........................35. Community Happenings...........36. Sports ...................................37-38. FIJI NEWS. China Is The ...
Fiji PM - V. BainimaramaAttorney General A.Khaiyum Air Pacific - C.E.O. Osefrotehtuoiroreopportu-nitiottrufrehlpxeurTormiAisjaiFnifilhgtPcaficingfromtaoHornagmkaoiymliunJB2a,e13eiqdoarNVnroeodPomsmmeorCrio0tc0e1sjimFsirsietMni His Excellency Commodore Voreqe said we are going into the expo pre-Bainimarama was leading a high pow- pared to show the world and China in ered delegation to 2010 World Expo in particular what Fiji has to offer to them Shanghai, China. In an inflight interview in terms of potential investment as a with myself the enthusiastic and very high level of interest has been shown so confident PM of Fiji confirmed he was far from potential Chinese investors leading a Fiji delegate with his Attorney who are interested in setting up busi-General Hon Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum and nesses in Fiji. Commodore Baini-officials from Air Pacific including marama said the prospects are huge for C.E.O David Plieger for a number of Fiji and the advantages for the country meetings scheduled with prospecting in- will be seen in the very near future. vestors in China. Honourable Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum The Manaement f The Fijian Hera- said Fiji Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-has a lot more to offer to the Pacific Isan News Wishes A Msim tourism sector and there are numerousKhaiyum said there are numerous op-portunities to explore as Chinese opportunities to be explored. He said Brthers An Sisters A Bessfare keen on investing in Fiji.investors future for Fiji looks very bright the RAMAdAN MuBARAkHe highlighted that the delegation in- and invited Fi ians in CCaonntainduaetdooanlpsaogien3-cludes officials from Air Pacific andSAY IT IN FIJIAN: Enish • Penty • In Fijian aa e (aaey )
Fiji-Ast Rw Scaatin Says Speciaist By Bainimaramas government for credited for its continued suspension of ForumAn Australian specialist on the Mereseini Marau credible a having over the island countrys decision FijiSouth Pacific says comments by Fijis home-grown process (Fiji HeraldPrime Minister Commodore Voreqe not to hold elections until 2014. for positioning Fiji as a modern nation Bureau; Suva) to hold true democratic elections. ''IBainimarama on ditching ties with Aus- and think we need to forget about the tralia and New Zealand and looking to- Forum, about Australia and New Thats a doublespeak endorsement wards China marked a new level in the Zealand.Let's maintain the trade but for- of Mr Bainimaramas refusal to hold row with Australia and attempts to iso- get about the politics,'' he said. elections until September 2014which late Fiji. Jenny Hayward-Jones is pro- We need infrastructure, we need was exactly the grounds for his being vest in Fiji and take advantage of the re- gram director of the Myer Foundation water, we need electricity. Australia and turfed out of the Pacific Islands Forum cent dual citizenship arrangements that the Low In Fijiisofferingforallitsex-citizens.tMuteel.anesiaProgramatysti-tNheoswenZaetiaolannsdandoiAmericao,vindoentheato.finthefirstplace,thearticlesaid. WhenaskedabouttherecentPacificOtherPacificcountrieswanttotalk''WeknowartehagtnnogwtboepcrauseoftheircludIetdalfsroomsatihdethFaotrbuymkbeuetpiinngcluFidjeideixn-Island forum and trade talks with its to Fiji, and Australia and New Zealand policies towards us, so let's forget about sub-regional gatherings, his Pacific neighbouring Australia and New are the only ones maintaining this 'don't these nations,'' he said from China where neighbours were sending Bainimarama Zealand, The Fijian PM was very up- talk' policy, Howard-Jones said in com- he is attending the World Expo in a mixed message at best, while he in front in saying Fiji should be left to ments published by The Age newspaper. Shanghai. Fiji has become a big test of turn has conceded nothing. deal with her own situation as Fiji is not She said however that Bainimarama alia's di lo he interferingwithitsneighbours.HehadoverestimatedChina'sinterestinFijiPAaucsitfric,TheApgesmaaitdi.cinfluenceintprobleUmntiilshreesdolovees,dasondmeunoltehsesrthweayF,iijti said we welcome trade with our neigh- s to hel overnment. boursbutwillnotinvolvedwiththemandCwiultltiinnggnetiseswithpAhiusstgraliawouldForuTmhewEascionntoromuisbtlemoevaenrwthheileFisjiaiisdstuhee.iFsoruunmlikweillylbtheatabltehetoPaaccihfiiecveIslmauncdhs politically . -Air Pacific C.E.O David Plieger whoc-fici,nhteaPazinesatheemagitraelcnInariAdifttlti\edarauiwdgynaHht,yemmosnloaceelr.isildasnadssnteaJtoeds-.eslsuAlartsaiceucedednirspecapmnotjiFs'i-disatlarttiososapuaidPNew was even serving in-flight meals to the GuineaBainimarama made the comments cussing and Solomon Island leaders Sir a free-trade deal at last years passengers was very open when ques-cal radio this w tioned about Air Pacifics future. He saidCnitimmusauandDrDerekSiklieaaahlctirMuseramoSuleddiFijecxutwithairns,bginlyonk,eeaysludehnloo Air Pacific has lot more to offer to theoisnfonFheumorsspeusahdneodsrdetsyawoolswecNceldaasnodntsasluafeZircoilpoecsptehplhCniaocwtheaktdAFijino people of Fiji and the tourist who are vis-eomeaclijri.Fsalelkab.-paPstohweariensgtnigsageds\Ehthttuarabtey iting Fiji. He confirmed that he is in modeHelsataokcattdePehacificIslandsgoemtnevnrbcehdancsieavd.defaeohhcgiuorhhuqeidnahrwtnfoarcpoemsmuesakstiagnberdhteldareneoohht,hoTbmstlaiadNingniteemcific of streamlining Air Pacific operation to reduce expenses and generate profit for build mounds," he said. Samples from dependingRights Resource team. Officials at on the moon," he said. itsoperationandatthesametimeAirPa-tienrmBiutleilceaksaesaantdsefvoeunroitnherBahsoomgeas--thhareveenowasalalMsJahtyatred-eytsdmeirnfcoeicffoavuSs'TRRRsandaiethntmoMhKreuacebrehtfoesdtoecteeasibefngslaohwfeorkesioprxtanwg cific is committed to the best services ever for its customers. Mr Plieger said been were sent to Australia for tests.fpewyarmoehntinurthgtnyr.D"nhtceuoiencedinsexperIrltneoroec-ioitndcoamemberofthe.ereehSsioslath Fiji's International Airline, Air Pacific will be adding another direct B737 Auck-JAloBuPkASElATtroleheahwem.oscSebirottstdsuajofmtshleidustlMeicdtsaaseediH.eas",hpoeleepeunatfortessnejtmenisnaduegbodased60yofa,stsirb-aveneGsiismmCoJufoonntaoianl land to Suva flight from August 1st, 2010.AdB Jbetter person in life. Mr Khan said Ra-AirPacificManagingDirectorandHUMANrightsactivistImranacomFmIiCssAioCnirnec2e0n0tl6y.broughtchargesmadanwasoneofthemostimportant CEO Dave Pflieger said they listened to Jalal has left the theircustomerswhenitcomestoserv-countrypeiarnmaDneevnetlyto-icinganyrouteincludingthenewlyNaditmaeknetuBpaankjoibntwhiethPthhileiAisneslops-againstMsJalalforallegedminormis-eventsintheIslamiccalendarandfast-toHongkongroute.IwaspersonallybandRatuSakiusaTuipspolia.coHnefirrhmueddcielmfeoaondoruersgurellaatitionngstbouStuavajuCditgyetChoruenw-ing"wAatstohneeeonfdtohfetfhievempoilnltahr,sitofgiIvselasmu.s surprisedtowitnessafullflightfromthistotheFijiTimesyesterday,sayingthecaseout.aothcehrarnacceestoinsthhaerecoouunrtrfy,e"stihveitsiaeisd.with HongKong Nadi- Hongkong. Ms Jalal has been in the Philippines for TERMITES EATfive weeks.AMERANAduMlSMISBoESvRthenisiestholamadaRicamslIdaenalctnomfoehtnishspent.rTehmnohtis FAMIlY ouT oFniETHntmool-hfgntsarofbyMuslimssmilsuMdheliaytghtsafgniirudtgn HoMEgocdr.cAsnteosuwntmdafromaRgnirud,moc.tsernvcoimslmutothfoerftaydasruhTsaahdanefhtgnohgiteishrsou new moon. are A FAMILY outside Labasa has been side Hafiz forcedtoteardowntheirhousebecauseKhanFisjiaiMdumsloiomnLheaasgbueeepnrseightendt,inFijittgehaeetnegs(adtoeefsviHlosfe)llhaearareveteisenhdutu,paoanpndedtnhtehedesarhneadwyaatrhade-of an invasion of termites. Vijay Chand so fasting started on Thursday. He said for good deeds, acts of charity and acts said she was cleaning her compound last they followed the lunar calendar for the of worship are multiplied in this month weekwhenshespottedseveraltermitedatesoftheRamadan.Whilefastingduringthemonth., mounds beneath her kitchen floor. "The fast will be for 29 or 30 days Muslims abstain from food and drink She said the termite infestation had weakened the walls of her home at Vu-nivau, adding some structures were de-stroyed by the termites. "The kitchen was the worst af-fected," she said. Carpenters Dharma Naidu and Ram Narayan said it was alarming to see the termites infesting hardwood like vesi and yasi while buabua posts were left rotting. "It's just She took up three-year contract as shockingtoseewhatthesetinycreaturessenisocialdevaelopmentadviser,spe-can do because they have cost us thou- or sands of dollars," Mr Naidu said. cialising in development and gender. He said even treated marine ply had Ratu Sakiusa said their son will join been eaten away. Agriculture Ministry Ms Jalal later, given that he is awaiting permanent secretary Colonel Mason the outcome of a case brought against Smith said the termites found in the him by the Fiji Independent Commis-house was the local species. sion Against Corruption (FICAC). "The subterranean species builds itsA lawyer by profession, Ms Jalal is nest 30 metres below ground and doesn'ta former adviser to the Pacific Regional