Includes schools, nonprofit youth serving org., and county or municipal recreation ... 79 (62%) organized sports; 37 (29%) youth sport. – 46 (58%) baseball or ...
EnEhxaplnocriinnggSthaefetSytainndYaordutohfSCpaorrets:Gregg S. Heinzmann, Ed.M.Director, Youth Sports Research CouncilRutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Educational ObjectiveIn view of recent, highly-publicized, media accounts of serious injuries/fatalities to young athletes, you will be able to describe the parameters which determine the standard of care for municipal recreation departments in New Jersey that sponsor youth sport programs.
DisclaimerThis information is supplied with the permission of Gregg S. Heinzmann on behalf of Rutgers Youth Sports Research Council for educational purposes only and does not constitute, nor, is it a substitute for legal or medical advice. If legal or medical advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Content AdvisoryDuring the course of this presentation, we will review medical research which involves the testing of laboratory animals and examine images of human autopsy. Some people might find this disturbing and objectionable. Audience discretion is advised.
YOUTH SPORTS RESEARCH COUNCILDeveloping the Child Inside the Athlete
Youth Sports Research Council1983 -Established within Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at Rutgers University1986 -Helped pass N.J.s Little League Law1987 -Partnered with NJRPA to disseminate applications of research. . .1990 -Co-authored Minimum Standards for Coaches2002 -Assisted state Attorney Generals office with developing Model Code of Conduct2003 -Developed a Youth Sports Charter2008 -Trained more than 180,000 volunteer coaches via the Rutgers S.A.F.E.T.Y. Clinic
OutlineN.J.s Youth Sport SafetyLegislationSudden Cardiac Arrest in YoungAthletesLegislative Responses to SCACommotio CordisPreventive Measures/Empirical ResearchStandard of Care Strategies for Reducing Potential LiabilityReflection & Discussion
N.J.s Youth Sport SafetyLegislation
Li(t2tlAe:6 L2Ae-a6 geut. eseLqa.)wPassed 5/12/86; Amended 8/3/88;Volunteer coaches, managers, and officials;Links civil immunity protection to attendance at a safety orientation and training skills program;Excludes willful, wanton, gross negligence
AED U(s2eAr:6s 2IAm-2m3-u25n)ity LawPassed 3/8/99;Purpose: to encourage greater AED useEntity acquiring AED shall:Ensure users are certified by ARC, AHA, etc.;Ensure defibrillator is maintained and tested according to manufacturers guidelines;Notify EMS of acquisition and location;Provide prescribing licensed physician with protocol of compliance
AED Us(e2rAs:6I2mA-m26u)nity LawPrecludes use unless certified in CPR and AED administrationExcludes licensed paramedics, EMT-D, or first responder-DRequires AED users to request EMS ASAP