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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

ventional foot de sign (Esprit foot with fixed ankle). With the con- ventional foot the amputee had great difficulty in standing on the incline and was generally ...
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September 20-23, 2009
AOPA National Assembly, Seattle, WA,
USA. Info: www.aopanet.org AOPA National Assembly 2009
October 8-10, 2009
Rehabilitacja, Convention Centre and
Trade Fair Grounds, Lodz, Poland.
Info: www.interservis.pl
October 20-23, 2009
Medical Fair, Brno, Czech Republic.
Info: www.bvv.cz/hospimedica-gb
October 21-23, 2009
People & Health, 14th Russian National
Congress, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Contact: ph@peterlink.ru
November 13-14, 2009
IVO 17th International Congress, Part-
nership in Footcare, The Hague, The
Netherlands. Info: www.ivo2009.eu
November 26-28, 2009
Orprotec, 10th International Fair for
Orthopedics and Assisted Living, Tech- The American Orthotic & Prosthet- sion. There is only one way to stay
nology for the Disabled and Senior
ic Association (AOPA) invites and ahead of the game and that is to
People, Valencia, Spain.
welcomes you to the 92nd National be “in the know.” This year’s
Info: http://orprotec.feriavalencia.com
As sembly – the largest convention Assembly will prepare you – here’s
in the United States for Orthotics a sampling of how:
and Prosthetics. This year’s Assem-
bly will be like no other. The chal-Imprint Clinical Education and
lenges we all face outnumber thePublished by Bundesinnungsverband “German Day”solutions most patient care facilityfür Orthopädie-Technik / Verlag
Orthopädie-Technik managers and practitioners have at
Reinoldistr. 7-9 their fingertips. So AOPA will bring – Expert Level Orthotic Manage-
44135 Dortmund, Germany the best minds in the business to ment for Adolescent Idiopathic
Tel.: +49 (0)231 / 55 70 50-50 Seattle on September 20-23 to pro- Scoliosis
Fax: +49 (0)231 / 55 70 50-70
vide advice, answers, best practices – Advances in Upper Limb Pros-E-mail: boecker@ot-forum.de
and tools you can put to immedi- thetic Outcomes Using TargetedEdited by Dirk Böcker
Published quarterly providing articles ate use to help you deal with the Muscle Reinnervation
from Orthopädie-Technik, German edi - issues you confront every day. – Stance Control KAFOs – From
tion, © OT Medien, 2009 Prepare for Tomorrow, stay one Start To Finish
step ahead of the increasing com- – Treatment Options using the
plexity of the health care profes- Van Ness Procedure
Orthopädie-Technik Quarterly, English edition III/2009
English Edition
Quarterly– German Day of Technical Or - ideal office of the future, a massive – Top Ten Medicare Changes In
tho paedics – Clinical Ortho tics public relations program and all of 2009
and Chronic Back Pain the other eight initiatives. Be “in
– Osseointegration: Current Deve - the know.” Learn More at the
lopments and Potential Effects
Ame rica’s Largest O&Pon the Prosthetic Care Model Ideal Office of the Fu ture
– Ertl Osteomyplastic Amputation: Exhibition– Maximizing Suc cess inPhilosophy, Application and Re -
sults All industry professionals knowthe Future of O&P
– Understanding and Managing that the AOPA National Assembly
Diabetic Foot Complications This five part program will pro- offers the largest exhibition for the
– Experience with Vacuum Sockets vide concrete information on: orthotics, prosthetics and pedor-
thics industry in the U.S. What
– Staffing with Care Extenders they may not know is that theResults from the Inter -
– Technology – Developing and AOPA exhibit hall offers more edu-
national Task Force on Managing Processes cation opportunities than any
– Critical Steps in Documentation other exhibition:Coding Prosthetic Feet
– Analytical Tools and Practice
Come and hear the results from Management Software – Product Preview Theater – earn
the joint cooperative effort be tween up to 8.5 CE credits by attend-
AOPA and prosthetic foot manufac- ing these lively educational pro-
turers. Guidelines were es tablished grams right on the show floor.
to test feet in order to accurately – Ideal Office of the Future model
and consistently assign them to L office – don’t miss the opportu-
codes based on their scientific crite- nity to visit and explore the
ria. Attendees of this session will Ideal Office of the Future physi-
receive a list of prosthetic feet and cal model display.
their corresponding L codes. – Poster Presentations.
Outcomes Research and the New – Earn CE credits for exploring
Patient Registry, presented by Erin the exhibit hall.
Thomson, MPH, Jefferson Univer- – Expand knowledge by learning
sity’s School of Population Health. from internatio nal suppliers.
The absence of credible O&P out-
comes research data creates serious Inspiration and
vulnerabilities in how O&P pro -
Motivationviders will be reimbursed in the
future. Learn how the profession is
responding through a project Our keynote and closing presen-
which will develop a frame work tations will motivate and inspire
for patient registry data collection. you. Jim Abbott has battled the
The Future of Health Care: Im - – Outsourcing Fabrication for Ma - odds his entire life. Despite being
plications for Orthotics & Prosthet- ximum Results born with only one hand he was
ics, presented by Clement Be zold, the 15th baseball player to ever
Ph.D. As a futurist, he has applied make a professional debut in theBusiness Basics and
visioning techniques and scenarios Major Leagues without first play-
Beyondto help governments on the local, ing in the minor leagues. Abbott is
state and national level as well as an inspiration to all that meet him
internationally. He has also worked Whether the economy has affec - or have followed his career.
with health care systems, health ted you financially or not, you are Make sure your travel plans
professionals, major voluntary or - probably reevaluating many as - include time for the high energy,
ganizations and corporations in pects of your business and person- highly motivating closing presen-
helping them more wisely choose al life. Many of us are reevaluating tation. John Yokoyama and the
and create the futures they prefer. how the basics create a strong World Famous Pike Place Fish
foundation. Here is a sampling of Mongers will not only leave you
some of the mid-level business laughing out loud but with some-The Future Is Now:
management courses being offered thing far more profound and last-
AOPA Strategic at this year’s show: ing. You will leave this presenta-
tion with powerful insights to gen-Initiatives Update
– Safety In The Workplace erate success in your workplace.
Don’t miss the sequel to last – Top Ten Hints To Improve Your For the complete program and
year’s “A Glimpse into the Future” Office, From The Patient’s Point detailed information about the loca-
program. We will energize and Of View tion, accomodation, and social
inspire you with the exciting pro - – The Platinum Customer Service events, visit www.AOPAnet.org or
gress we’ve made on developing Experience contact at Assembly@AOPAnet.org
different business models, the – Ways To Find Lost Revenue for a copy of the program.
Orthopädie-Technik Quarterly, English edition III/2009 3Orthotics
M. Roller, G. Nijenbanning
Results of a Prospective
Cohort Study of the TriaC
Brace and its Clinical Effects
In a prospective cohort study it more than 45 degrees the failure for therapy as long as possible.
could be proved that it is possible rate increases even further to 62 Only a scoliosis brace which is
to successfully treat patients suf- per cent of the scoliosis patients really used can have an effect. In a
fering from scoliosis with a high treated with orthoses. study of Houghton et al. [5] 65 per
risk of progression with the TriaC The Cobb angle at the begin- cent of the patients said they wore
Brace. To do so an early start of ning of the therapy plays an the brace regularly and as long as
the treatment and a good compli- important role, but it is not the prescribed, but only 20 per cent of
ance of the patient are as impor- only factor influencing a treat- the patients really wore their
tant as a good primary correction, ment. An orthosis which is care- orthosis as prescribed.
as only a scoliosis brace that is fully adapted to the patient´s It is important to include all
really used can have an effect. The needs, concerning medical possibilities which motivate the
TriaC Brace is a modular construc- requirements as well as personal patient to a consequent coopera-
tion system which is adapted indi- needs and desires should be self- tion as an orthotic therapy is an
vidually. It connects constantly evident. As the most frequent enormous strain for the patient.
working correction forces with the treatment is a 23-hour-therapy Thus with the TriaC Orthosis the
highest possible normal range of which often lasts for years the so-called three C´s have been con-
motion for the patient. The fili- patient management during thera- sequently integrated into the
gree and non-bulky construction py plays an important role. Patient orthosis to increase the compli-
increases the readiness of the management means a team of ance (fig. 1a and b). For the

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