rism and recreational sports (37 million people per year visit the lake). It provides water resources to the entire Keihanshin (Kyoto-. Osaka-Kobe) Industrial Belt ...
COMEST is the World Commissionon the Ethics of Scientific Knowledgeand Technology established byUNESCO in 1997 to advise theOrganization on its programmeconcerning the ethics of scientificknowledge and technology. TheCommission is composed of 18 mem-bers appointed by the Director-General for a four-year term, renewableonce. COMEST’s specific mandate isto act as advisory body and intellec-tual forum for the exchange of ideasand experience. COMEST shall:“detect on that basis the early signsof risk situations; perform the role ofadviser to decision-makers in thisrespect; and promote dialogue bet-ween scientific communities, deci-sion-makers and the public at large”(Statutes of COMEST, adopted by theExecutive Board of UNESCO at its15t4hsession in May 1998).
When COMEST met for the first time in Oslo inApril 1999, a decision was made on prioritysubject areas. UNESCO’s InternationalHydrology Programme (IHP) had already setup an intercultural and interdisciplinary workinggroup chaired by Professor Llamas to report onthe Ethics of the Uses of Freshwater. Thisgroup looked at a wide range of topics all ofwhich related to the ethical management ofwater: food security, health and sanitation,natural disasters, decision-making and mana-gement, ecology, the special role of women,history, the challenges of technology, conflict,intense use of groundwater and the conse-quences of dam building. Following this tho-rough preparation, COMEST decided to appoint aSub-Commission on the Ethics of Freshwater Use.
The first meeting of the Sub-Commission washeld in Aswan in October 1999. The ethicalissues relating to water mirror broader debateson social ethics and relate to a number ofethical principles. The Sub-Commission resol-ved that rather than analyse once more theethical issues of water management, it shouldpromote best ethical practice. Some funda-mental principles were identified as essentialcomponents :Human dignitfyo,r there is no life without•