19 Apr 2010 – they knocked off Fowl Ball Sports 37-27 before dropping a close one to NW Combat. 23-22. In the second tourny AJS beat a dead tired EWS ...
2011 Indian Wells Valley Combined Federal Campaign
2011- 2012 COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTOR’S GUIDE All you have shall one day be given; therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors.” – Kahlil Gibran– YOUR 2011 LFCC COMMITTEElocal, national, and international causes and gives Federal workers anHOW MUCH SHOULD I GIVE? accountable, flexible way to donate to the charities of their choice. Whether your passion is to improve the lives of our youth, cleanse our Thank You! Thanks to all the volunteers and donors who make the Indian Wells Valley Combined Federal Campaign a success. SpecialTHANK YOU FOR YOUR INTERESTeppohteofvisendlowauknleyowtfigruoy,evofeifdakemaliltehaegercneotncieslandorawet;rorredacieatethsediesasahtatttekleh thanks to the Local Federal Coordinating Committee for their time and effort on this year’s campaign.IN THE COMBINED FEDERAL CAMPAIGN!you choose. However, the amount you give is entirely up to you. Mara Bowen – ChairRECOGNITION 760-939-2356 mara.bowen@navy.milWHO IS THE CFC? Kari Boisvert – 2011 PCFO, United Way of Indian Wells ValleypersonneilitarylaepmlnaFddekiorfngyelowes.S.yvaNtroUehnideoCbmhTeigpaamCaleredFMeht–uoysinbouytonveigeblliwwolebrugfoysotinereefcoogdAnsaLruoBn,ounaietriht,oderalluomaanycoditmmntmeidgngfittimesntandcorrespon 760-375-1920kari@unitedwayiwv.orgManeragement,FederalAviationAdministration,andtheU.S.Postaly Paula Davis 760-939-5807 paula.davis@navy.mil Service in the Indian Wells Valley. The CFC was established in 1961 one of the LFCC board members listed in this brochure. Accepting a PeggyShoaf760-939-1683peggy.shoaf@navy.milbwyotrhkepplarecsei,dfeunntdf-orraitshiengpucrapmopseaiogfn.prEovxicdeipntgfoarosnercveiaceyreealri,eifndtrhiveersgiiftdisyourchoice.UseanddisplaytheseitemstoindicateyourCFC AnnZidek760-939-8514ann.zidek@navy.milanddisasterappeals,theCFCistheonlysolicitationconductedon-pwrorledaannddtoouarcckonomwmleudnigteyyboyuhreclphionicgeottohemrsakaendawdiofrfkeirnengcteoiwnarodura Joan Ball 760-939-9619 joan.ball@navy.mil the-job. better world for all of us. Elizabeth Allen 760-939-4719 elizabeth.allen@navy.milWHERE DOES MY CONTRIBUTION GO? GIVERS ALL FloBombela760-939-2247florence.bombela@navy.milYwohuoragrieftlegsosefsordtiurencattley,ttootghieveorthgeangiizfattioofnli(fse)tyhoruouseglhecmtetodihceallpthoseWewillhonorALLGIVERSwithanAccentMajesticEaglePin Susan Walker 760-939-6563 susan.walker@navy.mil research, to cleanse our air, water and land, to create a better place in Over the last 50 years, Federal workers have donated more than $6 which to live. We will hoEnoAr EGALGELEGGIIVVEERRSSw-ith$a3E5a0gl-e$St5an0d0Up Stapler billion to the Combined Federal Campaign, making them one of theWHAT SAFEGUARDS DOES THE CFC SUPER EAGLE GIVERS - $501 - $1,000 most powerful philanthropic forces in the world.PROVIDE?will honor SUPER EAGLE GIVERS wi hWe The Combined Federal Campaign continues to expand opportunities As a potential contributor, you have the right to make the choice to “SAM” The Super Eagle (Stuffed animal) t for all Federal workers, regardless of their socioeconomic status, to contribute, to select where your contribution will go, and to make a make meaningful differences in the world by providing a broad range l ofdonationoptions.cSohnofuilddenytoiaufgeieflttihnaatsuenadlueedpernevsesluorpee.orcoerciveactivitiesexistedinSWOeAwRilIlNhoGnorESAOGARLIENGGEIAVGELRE-GI$V1E,R0S0w1it+hUp As one of the most effective and efficient channels for philanthropic your campaign, please contact your LFCC CO-Chairpersons, Susan an giving, the Combined Federal Campaign includes a huge variety of Walker at 939-7426 or Jayme Carter at 939-7353. Eagle and Flag Paperweight The CFC: ITS STORY AND MISSIONasnisnsiaoeree.diqounaitgcraaEhI.n.oeiitvaruetcisechntorganndependeaerntozitaoisnedfaofsermbmetrapdnanoitareheCintateicipwo.niernhtCFotchhoeoufladtfesrhtesroaghotetihkcwr/ondaontizaniFSRIstiweiverwhichiorm990;eltohtasavlibaorfcapueicbllpxetanalpmoete u The mission of the CFC is to support and toDonors may contact the charity directly and/or industry oversight organizations promote philanthropy through a voluntary program additional information on a particular federation and any dues/fees paid byto better understand the financial status, service delivery record, and Forin order that is employee-focused, cost-efficient andgvorahcytifoehtlmibpmoeessciitniaterees,necriovcetcnCehtarThteheScaretorantaitifnegd.eibtesfoorne,dedaritnoweteheforrevimembers,.relrtpoaGsuannsepyfoteztehhattrvseesicT(xanomogeroeiscategoriyCodes) effective in providing all Federal employees theoffer. Charities self-select up to three alpha-most charitable organizations How Do I Designate A Federation, Or Alternatively, opportunity to improve the quality of life for all.OtrherofehtdengZealattcneostyrogetaissaeraChaist.estritiiddahtleceonstinrusclniotinCehcCFirahlytcodess(ohnwblewo)ofOne Of Its Members, To Receive My Contribution? category. What is the CFC?The 26 service categories are derived from the National Taxonomy of Exempt If you wish to designate all or some portion of your contribution to a TheCombinedFederalCampaign(CFC)istheonlyauthorizedsolicitationofECnetnittieersf(orNTChEaEr)itcalbalsesSiftiactiastitiocns,siysstweimd.elTyhuissesdyisntetmh,edevelopfeidtbytheuNniattyi.onalfnheuedmleibrseatrtioofonnt,hyepoflueerdapeslreeatdriegocenGofsrodrmmteh.maTtbheferefoderedgreaarntiaiotzinaotGnisonncaso.rmrCeeoswnptirolilnbbduietinloginstsfeiddveesa-itdgtinhgaeittetdocptoodoefa Federal employees in their workplaces on behalf of approved charitable non-pro comm organizations.SERVICE CATEGORIES (TAXONOMY)feouIfycy.adcnetiwhttehfederationGspoliarednoitliweblhasdreainorcc The CFC began in the early 1960Gs to coordinate the fundraising efforts ofA Arts, Culture, and Humanities various charitable organizations so that the Federal donor would only betaoianlBdEcuions&RInstitutvitceititaleAdeQtyliEnsCr.viotec,Pr&Btionficiaetuntaoiubirtnocruoyfoniortpoeomsorlaltaeisngoedshtwiesaocer,noielpanrgatizmbmeoerretaoinaietfddeanaffiltiontotgidie-umndeconopserrovifgnidanizorgnGscatioehadrtaietffligeform.ebrnoyuorlpde solicited once in the workplace and have the opportunity to make charitableelRalimedatuaDnA contributions through payroll deduction. Federal employees continue to make the CFC the largest and most successfuldRehabilitativeMFneatleHlaht,isCrIiserntntvenoieaEHeG–htlnalarenHow Do I Designate An Independent Organization workplace philanthropic fundraiser in the world. Continuing a long-standingG Disease, Disorders, Medicinal DisciplinesTo Receive My Contribution? tradition of selfless giving, in 2010, Federal employees raised over $281.5H Medical ResearchYou may wish to designate to an independent organization that is not affiliated million dollars for charitable causes around the world. Legal RelatedI Crime,with a federation. Simply enter that organizationGs five-digit code number on Structure of the CFCdKteodFobJolaReemyo,tnJlpmEtionndNutritlru,ea,gAirucyour pledge form. The CFC is made up of 199 local campaigns that organize the annual fundLHoufaScilbsiD,yteSh,ngsiPurMteelRless&eifrPrasteedneeparWhat If I Choose Not To Specify An Organization Or raising effort in Federal workplaces in the United States and abroad. Sports, Lei ure, AthleticsN Recreation,Federation To Receive My CFC Contribution? Each local campaign is managed by a Local Federal Coordinating Committees (LFCC), which serves as a Board of Directors for the local campaign. TheesmetannHdPmOutnhaeSrreivecOYsou–tuhMtDlepvierluooppAll funds contributed to the CFC that are not designated to a specific LFCC is comprised of Federal employees and representatives of labor unions and is responsible for the oversight of the local CFC. In conformance with CFCnigfaAfs,iratNanrenoit,laeroFQIntcycaitcAlaiovdA,noRigivilSochts,leSoianytCRucirnaziogralldeotdinistenslatioytirahCCFCehtamshetintisLitnowlirefedaratedaslbetredetanufednungistrisutibadsdndinagroonoitazoroppresaonti regulations and policies, the LFCC makes admission determinations for local charities and selects a Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO) tooF&adnuratnmsi,pyluVoanilrothdlniTghPicytBiunt,CapamprovemeomSCItynimustiontchaenynortn.ioutibtrsiddetangisednuproitnoofhtereceiveanyangidetllodsraotnecrveeiesdoisnzitatodtahtionignargans.Oeceseddevi administer the day-to-day operations of the campaign and to serve as its fiscalServices agent.ivecseicSecneseRhcransItutis,teerSlaicoSV,esutitstInhrcseaeygRonoleThce&iencUScWhat Is The International General Designation The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regulates the CFC and provides Social Benefit: Multipurpose, OtherW Public, guidance and oversight to the local campaigns (LFCCs and PCFOs). Related, Spiritual DevelopmentX ReligionIfO ypotuiownis?h to have your contribution distributed proportionately among all Y Mutual/Membership Benefit Orgs., Other Public AccountabilityZ Otherinternational organizations that received designated gifts, you may do so by OPM is accountable for assuring Federal employees that their designations areFor additional guidance on selecting charities, visit the CFC website atfive-digit code: 11111 on your pledge form.entering the honored and distributed to the charitable organizations of their choice. OPMhttp://www.opm.gov/cfc/html/qfd.asp. achieves this in several ways:What Is The Payroll Deduction Option? OPM maintains strict eligibility and public accountability criteria that allDo I Have To Give Through The CFC?oftoyrevnoneinbyeprstouivgloledudaPrykesitcctionmaorcatsstubinoircoutrondieayng,rmroeaLtsyaeeyear.heentirsdnufCFClalfo0%9anth participating CFC charities must meet. For details, see CFC Regulations in 5 No. Participation in the CFC is strictly voluntary. CFRPart950athttp://www.opm.gov/cfc/opmmemos/index.asp.Coercionisforbidden.Youhavetherighttonotbeimproperlyinfluencedraisedweremoandethtehrfoirustghpayrolldeduction.Paymentsonpayrolldeduction OnanannualbasisOPMmakesadmissiondecisionsforallnationalandregardingyourdecisiontogiveornottogivethroughtheCFC.ProhibitedplediogdesbeginpayperiodinJanuaryandconcludewiththelastpay internationalcharityapplicantsandresolveslocalcharityadmissionappeals.tphreayctiscuepseirnvcilsued;es,etbtuitngar1e0n0o%tlpiamrittiecdiptaot:iosnupgeoravliss,orpsrosvoildiicnitginagntdheuseinmpldooyneoerspdheeardpupcetniiofnnorhDeselocpesmmyaobnueyrc.paerToehpfeloreretyihsoaunnrotcoosicmomnmptlureinrbituywteaayunsdfionyrgouyproawuyrotorollld.mdeadkuectgiooon.dPtahyirnoglls OPM sets strict requirements and provides on-going guidance for the activities g and conduct of the LFCC and the PCFO. The fiscal integrity of the campaign is lists for purposes other than the routine collection of contributions, establishing verifiedbyOPMcomplianceauditsandtheannualreviewoflocalcampaignpneorns-ocnoanltrdiboulltianrggeoamlpsloaynedesq.uotas,anddevelopingandusingliststoidentifyWill I Receive A Receipt For My Contribution? auditsthatPCFOsarerequiredtohavecompletedbyanindependentCPA.Ifyouprefer,youmaydonatetotheCFCanonymolybyplacingyYoouusmhaodueldakpeaeypraolclodpeydoufctyioounrcploendtrgiebfuotiromn,),asasweallreacseyiopturopfayyosutrateplmedegntes.(iAf us your The CFC Charity Listconfidential gift in a sealed standard envelope. h heck TheCharityListisapaperorweb-baseddisplayofnational,international,andCivilianemployeesmayregistercomplaintsaboutcoercionwiththeLFCCandFederalemployeewhomakesaone-tidmean(dcaasc,oc,ormoneyorder) localorganizationsthathavemetCFCeligibilityrequirements.Asampletchoenitracctotmhemiarnpdeirnsgononffeilcoefrfsi.cIefs;thmeiliistsauryeipsernsootnnreesloslhvoeudldsactiosnftaaccttotihley,LmFiClitCaroyrcsaohnnodtwrtihtbehuetainomanomumentuosfotfthmtehaeionrctgaoainnntirziaabtubitaoinonskn.croeLcnotocrrailbuctaedmtpoa,igthnpesydcaoatfnetbohefetfhpoleuencddogneutrsfiiobnrugtmitohtneo, charitylistingisshownbelowwithkeyelementsshowninitalics.KeypersonnelmayalsocontacttheDepartmentofDefenseWrhington elements include: the organizationGs five-digit CFC code, the IRS Business File as nameshowninparenthesesifitisdoingbusinessasanothername,),a25-HeadquartersServicesat(703)699-1841.Cwawmwp.oapigmn.govL/ocfcca/tSoerarcshe/Laorccahtor.faesaptuYroeusohnoultdhceonsCulFtCatawxeabdsivtiseertaot word statement of purpose (except in abbreviated listings), its administrative and fundraising expense rate (AFR), and its Service Categories (TaxonomyCan I Specify Which Organization Will Receive Mydetermine if additional verification of the donation is required by the IRS. Codes). Are The Costs Of The Campaign?Contribution? What Sample Charity Listing local campaign costs across the nation have averaged ten percent.Yes, the CFC is a donor-designated campaign. By designating the five-digit Historically, 11405 ABC Charity(Alpha-Charity)(800) 555-5555 www.abccharity.orgcode of the charity of your choice, you ensure that your donation goes to meet EIN#12-3456789ABC Charity attacks the causes of hunger and Thesethe needs that you feel are most important. Simply designate theto print materials, train volunteers, audit funds are required poverty by promoting effective and innovative community-baseditig-ddaneoduomaehtwuoytntopishe.ledgehwierhcrecionouryoicndedatepelgdthefiventeringaginroyou)ofon(szatiAedfdoirtimonbayleverarsandweieapmaclatsocngiies.dutlocAlliminrdaitevtsariout,nsdanheotnocbirt.nginOcalpaamhetoclvoreingneFLCCgedbythdapprov solutions that create self-reliance, economic justice, and food security. c 15.8% P,S,Kddoecsiugmneatnitoednsexmpaeynsbees fcoormtphleetoepderoantioansoefcothnedlpolceadlgCeFfCoramn.Ecxpetofrdnuuffllieldreht;sngiapmacngsiaidrunferthhtodiwapercmolowtiscosthisarev,egauoyelpegdseogvealrygonywaotawdrhleipgnothers.od,erofetgnitanarchaorothyithteguhneusFCCeverresllarydo Making Informed Giving Decisionspledges, all contributions are distributed as designated. The EIN, AFR, and the Service Categories are included to help you identify There is no limit to the amount of contributions an organization may receiveWh organizations that meet your interests and performance standards. through the CFC.at Is On-line Pledging or E-Giving? The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is issued by the Internal RevenueYou cannot designate to an organization that is not listed in this Charity List.On-line pledging and E-giving, in general terms, mean that donors have the Service (IRS). It can be used for obtaining additional information about anAdding organizations not listed, orwrite-ins$, is prohibited by CFCadditional pledging tools of the charity list and pledge form available to them organization from the IRS (877-829-5500).Please Note:Some organizationsregulations and donations to such organizations will be treated asintranet. Currently, several local campaigns offeron-line or on the internet or may be covered under an umbrella organizationGs tax exemption status andundesignated funds. In addition, pledges made using anything other than theon-line charity lists and secure pledge transactions through the Employee EIN may or not be required to have an EIN.assigned five-digit codes cannot be honored and will be treated as(EEX) HR System. Other campaigns have web-based charity lists andExpress undesignated funds. Undesignated funds are distributed to only those charitiesdeegfroadlbelpisapums.ThisowdoanlirivstsCFiawCyeenogrogngtorpsselrepapereonsindassce. The Administrative and Fundraising Rate (AFR) represents the percentage of ceivedro o dollars spent on administering the charity. It is calculated as a percentage of thengisoitaed.nspempeasnhtyrethenasrtioeviecertahtindansioatondLocal campaigns can be found using the Campaign Locater search feature on organizationGs total support and revenue. OPM, as well as the philanthropic the CFC website at http://www.opm.gov/cfc/ Search/Locator.asp community at large, remains concerned about excessive AFR levels. The VisitWhat Are Affiliated And Independent Organizations the CFC H philanthropic community generally considers an AFR in excess of 35 percent omepageAnd Federations? to be problematic. Some organizations are listed with a negative AFR. While there are other reasons this may happen, these are often the result of A federation is a charitable organization that provides common fundraising, For information about the CFC, including details on the public accountability organizations reporting negative revenues caused by investment losses administrative, and management services to its member organizations. standardsfor participating charities, how to contact your local CFC campaign, experienced during these extraordinary difficult economic times. Donors Affiliated organizations receive services from a Federation and may pay dues and more, visit the CFC Home Page atwww.opm.gov/cfc. 2