Land Rover 90 TD to Discovery 200TDi Engine Conversion Parts Required 1. Land Rover 90 TD 2. MOT failure Land Rover Discovery 200TDi 3. Disco conversion downpipe 4. Disco conversion intercooler pipes 5. Extended 200TDi oil cooler pipes 6. New rear crank oil seal 7. New clutch (clutch and release bearing) 8. New heavy duty clutch arm 9. New alternator and power steering belt 10. New filters and gaskets
Owner’s Handbook
Manuel du Conducteur
Manuale di Istruzioni
Manual del Conductor
Manual do ProprietárioÓ
SECTION 1 Introduction .......................................................... 1 2 Controls & instruments ........................................ 7
SECTION 3 Driving & operating ............................................. 45 4 Owner maintenance 79
SECTION 5 Workshop........................................ 123 6 General data ......................................................... 155
SECTION 7 Parts & accessories............................................... 169 8 Off-road driving .................................................... 173
Index ..................................................................... 185
In-car entertainment
Forecourt data card
As part of the Land Rover environmental policy, this publication is printed on paper
made from chlorine free pulp.
Rover Group Limited 1999 Publication Part No. LRL 0336ENGSECTION 1
Section Contents PageOWNER’S HANDBOOK
This handbook covers all current versions of Service portfolio .......................................... 3
Land Rover Defender petrol and diesel models Warning labels ............................................. 3
and, together with the Service Portfolio book, Vehicle identification number....................... 4
provides all the information you need to derive Anti-theft precautions .................................. 4
maximum pleasure from owning and driving Breakdown safety code ................................ 5
your new vehicle.
For convenience, the handbook is divided into
sections, each dealing with a particular aspect
of driving or caring for the vehicle. Sections
are listed on the contents page; you will find it
worthwhile to take a little time to read each
one, and to get to know your Defender as Land Rover operates a policy of
soon as you possibly can. Remember, the constant product improvement and,
more you understand before you drive, the therefore, reserves the right to change
greater the satisfaction when you are seated specifications without notice at any
behind the steering wheel. time. Whilst every effort is made to
ensure complete accuracy of the
information in this handbook, no
liabilities for inaccuracies or the
consequences thereof can be accepted
by the manufacturer or the dealer,
except in respect of personal injury
caused by the negligence of the
manufacturer or the dealer.
All rights reserved. No part of this
The specification of each vehicle will vary publication may be reproduced, stored
according to territorial requirements and in a retrieval system or transmitted, in
also from model to model within the vehicle any form, electronic, mechanical,
range. Some of the information published in photocopying, recording, or other
this handbook, therefore, may not apply to means without prior written permission
your particular vehicle. from Rover Group Limited.
The Service Portfolio book included in your VEHICLE
literature pack contains important vehicle
identification information and details of your Warning labels attached to
entitlement under the terms of the Land Rover your vehicle bearing this
warranty. symbol mean: DO NOT touch
Most important of all, however, is the section or adjust components until you have read
on maintenance. This outlines the servicing the relevant instructions in the handbook.
requirements for your vehicle and also
includes the 1500 km (1,000 mile) Free Warning labels showing this
Service Voucher, as well as incorporating the symbol indicate that the
service record slips, which the dealer should ignition system utilises very
sign and stamp to certify that routine services high voltages. DO NOT touch any ignition
have been carried out at the recommended components while the starter switch is
intervals. turned on!
Safety warnings are included in this Your vehicle has a higher ground clearance
handbook. These indicate either a procedure and, therefore, a higher centre of gravity
which must be followed precisely, or than ordinary passenger cars. This will
information that should be considered with result in different handling characteristics.
great care in order to avoid the possibility of Inexperienced drivers should take additional
personal injury or serious damage to the care, particularly in off-road driving
vehicle. situations and when performing abrupt
manoeuvres on unstable surfaces.
If you need to communicate with a Land While it may be difficult to deter the
Rover dealer, you may be asked to quote the ’professional’ car thief, the majority of thefts
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). are carried out by unskilled opportunists.
Therefore, take vehicle security very seriouslyThe VIN and recommended maximum vehicle
and ALWAYS adopt this simple ’five point’weights (dependent on market) is stamped on
drill whenever you leave your vehicle - evena plate riveted to the top of the brake pedal
for just a few minutes:box in the engine compartment (this should
also match the VIN recorded in the Service • Fully close all the windows (and the
Portfolio book). The VIN is also stamped on sunroof).
the right-hand side of the chassis, forward of • Remove your valuable belongings (or hide
the spring mounting turret. them out of sight).
In addition, as a deterrent to car thieves and to • Remove the starter key.
assist the police, the VIN is also stamped on a
• Engage the steering lock (by slightlyplate visible through the left side of the
turning the wheel until it locks).windscreen.
• Lock all the doors.
Thieves are attracted to ’vulnerable’ vehicles.
Even if you have followed the ’five point’ drill,
there is still much you can do to make your
vehicle a less inviting target.
• Park where your vehicle can easily be seen
by householders and passers-by.
• At night, park in well lit areas and avoidA. Type approval
deserted or dimly lit side streets.
B. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
• At home, if you have a garage, use it - and
C. Gross vehicle weight (where required)
NEVER leave the keys in the vehicle.
D. Gross train weight (where required)
• Do not keep important vehicle documents
E. Maximum front axle load (where required) (or spare keys) in the vehicle - these are a
real bonus for the thief.F. rear axle load (where required)
NOTE: In the interests of safety, it is essential
that the gross vehicle weight, gross train
weight and axle loads are NOT exceeded. For
further information see ’General data’.
Remember the breakdown
safety code
If a breakdown occurs while travelling:-
• Wherever possible, consistent with
road safety and traffic conditions,
the vehicle should be moved off the
main thoroughfare, preferably into a
lay-by. If a breakdown occurs on a
motorway, pull well over to the
inside of the hard shoulder.
• Switch on hazard lights.
• If possible, position a warning
triangle or a flashing amber light at
an appropriate distance from the
vehicle to warn other traffic of the
breakdown (note the legal
requirements of some countries).
• Consider evacuating passengers
through nearside doors onto the
verge as a precaution in case your
Defender is struck by another
Controls & instruments
Section Contents PageIn this section of the handbook you will find
descriptions of the controls and instruments Controls ....................................................... 9
on your vehicle. Locks & alarm ........................................... 11
Seats ......................................................... 21For your own safety, it is most important to
Seat belts ................................................... 24read this section fully and to gain a thorough
Instruments ............................................... 28understanding of all the controls before
Warning lights 29driving.
Lights & indicators .................................... 32
Wipers & washers ..................................... 34
Switches .................................................... 36
Windows ................................................... 37
Sunroof ..................................................... 38
Heating & ventilation ................................. 39
Air conditioning ......................................... 42
Interior equipment ..................................... 44