m1 = Make One. With tip of right needle, lift the strand from row below onto left needle and knit through the back.
K2tog = Knit Two Together. Knit the next two sts together as if they were one.
SSK = Slip Slip Knit. Slip next two sts knitwise, one at a time, from left to right needle without working. Knit these two sts together on the right needle.
Cardigan is knit in one piece from neck down.
With 5mm (US 8) 60cm (24”) circular needle, cast on 64 (72, 80) sts. Work 4 rows in garter stitch.
Next row: K 32 (36, 38) for the left front. K 38 (42, 46) then slip these 38 (42, 46 sts to a holder for first sleeve. K 58 (66, 78) for the back. K 38 (42, 46) then slip these 38 (42, 46) sts to a holder for the second sleeve. K 32 (36,38) for the right front.
Next row: P, 32 (36, 38) turn and cast on 8 sts. Turn back to wrong side and P58 (66, 78), turn and cast on 8 sts. Turn back to wrong side and P32 (36, 38). 138 (154, 170) sts.
Continue in Stocking Stitch until the pieces measures 19 (20, 21) inches from the neck cast on at the centre back. Work 4 rows of Garter Stitch. Cast off.
Sleeves: Startingfrom the centre of one of the armhole cast on edges, pick up and K4 sts. Slip sleeve sts from holder onto 5mm (US 8) 40cm (16”) circular needle. K 38 (42, 46) sts from the holder, then pick up K4 remaining sts from the cast off edge of armhole. 46 (50, 54) sts. Place a marker to mark the beginning and end of the round. Work in th Stocking Stitch in the round for 19 rounds. On 20 round, K2tog at the beginning of the round, knit to last 2 sts of round, SSK. Decrease in this manner on th following 20rounds, three more times. 38, (42, 46) sts. Work 20 more rounds (or more or less to adjust length of sleeve). Work 4 rounds of Garter Stitch (Knit one round, Purl one round). Cast off.Work the remaining sleeve in the same manner.
Button Band: With 4.5mm (US 7) needles, pick up along the left front opening edge as follows: beginning at the neck, *pick up and K4 sts from 4 edge sts of the front opening. Skip one edge st.* Repeat along the entire edge, making a note of the number of sts picked up. Work in Garter Stitch for 7 rows. Cast off. Mark for placement of 7 buttons. The top button being 1/2” from the cast on edge of neck and the bottom button being 1/2” from bottom cast off edge. Space the remaining 5 button markers evenly between these two markers.
Buttonhole Band:Pick up as given for button band. Work 3 rows of Garter Stitch. Make buttonholes to correspond to markers as follows: Cast off two sts. On following row, cast on 2 sts over the cast off sts of the previous row. Work two more rows of Garter Stitch. Cast off.
Finishing: Sew in ends, stitch buttons to marked positions.