Manuel du jeu vidéo X2 The threat Welcome space pilot to TerraCorp, you are now a member of the largest space fleet in the
whole of the Argon controlled territories. TerraCorp is a family. Every ship you meet will
greet you with the warmth and companionship that only our beloved Corporation can give
you. Be sure to act in accordance with company policy and be courteous to your fellow
travellers as I am sure they will be to you.
Your ship (unless you have documents stating otherwise) belongs to the Corporation. Any
damage is to be paid for from your credits. Please keep your vessel, both inside and out,
in the condition you received it.
You will find in these pages the basic flight controls of your craft that are based upon the
“unified flight control” systems of your very own TerraCorp. This enables pilots to easily
move from one ship class to another retaining some familiarity with the control
There are various technical sections detailing weapon systems, flight control, race history
and more to help you in your employment.
Read and learn these well for knowledge of the Universe is of great importance, especially
if your travels take you outside of Argon controlled space.
Good profit to you and in the words of our founder ”Never travel empty. A journey without
profit is a journey with no purpose.”