Manuel du jeu vidéo Tropico 3. Tutorial The Tropico 3 tutorial is a short mission that introduces the camera controls, the interface, and the key gameplay elements like constructing and administrating buildings, issuing edicts, and controlling your avatar.
Campaign : Tropico 3 features a 15 mission campaign set on various fictional islands in
the Caribbean. Initially only a single mission is available, but as the campaign
progresses more and more missions will become available and usually you will be able to choose between several missions that are not yet completed. Completed missions are available for replay and are marked with a flag on the campaign map. After you have selected a mission to play, you will have to choose or create a character, as described in the “Character Creation” section of this manual.
Sandbox : The Sandbox maps set no specific goals for you, but you are allowed to
customize the “Game Parameters” as described in the corresponding section
of this manual. You will be able select the map to play or to create a custom
random island. For details on the latter option, refer to the “Map Generation”
Challenges : Challenges are special scenarios created by Tropico 3 players across the
world. You are able to browse the challenges uploaded online, play a random
challenge, or manage and upload your own challenge. To access the online functionality of the game, such as browsing challenges and uploading your challenge online, you will have to create an online Tropico 3 account or log into your existing account. Online features are described in detail in the “Online” section of the manual.
Starting a Challenge : To play a challenge click the “Challenges” button in the Main Menu and then click “Browse”. This will open the “Challenge Browser”, which contains a list
of challenges on the left page and the description of the currently selected
challenge on the right page. Initially the browser shows only your challenges
which are stored locally. To browse through challenges submitted by other
players you must click the “Online” button.