Ironclads: High Seas Game Manual v. 1.1








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Manuel du jeu vidéo ironclads : High Seas.
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Ironclads: Hi
h SeasGame Manual v. 1.1
I. System requirements. Before installation, verify that your computer meets the minimal system requirements. Close all other programs prior to installing. You must have DirectX 9.0c installed. After installation you can start the game from the windows “Start” menu. WARNING:Game stability or performance on notebooks and laptops has not been tested. Minimal:Recommended:OS: Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7, DirectX 9.0COS: Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7, DirectX 9.0C The processor: Pentium 4 / Athlon 1.1 GHz or betterThe processor: Pentium 4 / Athlon 2,4 GHz or better RAM: 512 MBRAM: 1024 MB or above Videocard: 128 MB GeForce 6600 / RADEON 9600 or betterVideocard: 256 MB GeForce 7600 / RADEON x1600 or better Sound card: compatible with DirectX 16bit sound PCI a cardSound card: compatible with DirectX 16bit sound PCI a card II. How to install. Before installing on Windows 2000 or XP, please ensure that you have administrative rights. Game must be installed in an account that has adequate permissions to perform its function. If you are unsure if you have the requisite permissions please contact your system administrator or refer to your computer's user guide before proceeding. 1. Start installation: when the download is completed, doubleclick on the setup file to start the installation. 2. Welcome Screen: press "Next" to continue to the license Agreement Screen. Please read the license agreement before you proceed. When you have completed reviewing the agreement and if you agree to the terms, click the checkbox next to "I accept the license agreement" and press "Next" to continue with the installation of the software. 3. Destination Location: click "Next" to accept the default location or use "Browse" to specify where you want game installed. 4. Start Installation: click "Next" to start installing game into your computer. After the copying of files you will get a confirmation that the installation was successful. 5. Installation successful. Click "Finish" to complete the installation process. III. Management of the game camera. 1. Camera rotation: Move the mouse left or right while holding the right mouse button.This can also be accomplished using the “Home" and “End” keys on the keyboard. 2. Camera height: move the mouse up or down while holding the right mouse button.This can also be accomplished using the "PgUp" and “PgDn” keyson the keyboard. 3. Camera zoom: scroll the mouse wheel up or down or use the“+” and ““keys on the keyboard.  1
Ironclads: Hih SeasGame Manual v. 1.1IV. Support service. For technical support relating to installation, start up, or game crash issues contact Before contacting us, please ensure that your computer meets the minimal system requirements.Additionally, check to make sure you have the latest version of your computer’s video drivers and that DirectX 9.0c is installed. When sending an email requesting technical support, attach your computers diagnostic file and game log file.To get the files, follow the instructions below: 1. Find in a folder "C:Users\Public\Documents\IroncladsHighSeas"forWindowsVistaor"C:\WindowsXPHgiheSsa"ofrtsenro\IlancdsllA\esUD\srmucomecuDosgnitteSdnastn a file"Totem3Log.log" 2.Packit(Totem3Log.log)bymeansofanyarchiver.3. Click to Windows Start button. Choose "Run". 4.Intheopenedwindowtype:dxdiag,thenpresstheconfirmationbutton(Ok).5. The program of diagnostics of your computer will open. Save data on the computer in text file. 6.Packit(DxDiag.txt)bymeansofanyarchiver.7. Send both files by means of email to the orottmg@t.mloicausmeroppV. How to play the game. 1. Start game. Choose the side and level of complexity of game: Realistic leveldetailed historical characteristics of ships and weapons. Players need to carefully plan their finances to build and: Highly maintain their fleet.Game length:long. Normal level: Basic historical characteristics of the ship and weapons. Player is given enough finances to buy a squadron of ships. Game length: medium. Arcade level: Lessdetail, ships maneuver faster and gun cause more damage. Easier to purchase and repair ships. 2. In harbor buy the initial ships for your squadron. The list of the ships accessible to sale is in the top part of the screen. Icons of the ships on a black background inform that the ship can be bought immediately. Icons of the ships on a red background inform, that the ships are not accessible to purchase. As the game progresses, you can buy new types of the warships. The quantity of the ships of each type is limited. The list of the bought ships is located in the bottom part of the screen. After each battle your squadron will come back in harbor where you can buy the new ship, repair the damaged ship or to sell one or several ships of your squadron. Attention: the sold ship cannot be bought once again. Money will be spent for all actions in harbor. The panel of the information on the squadron finance contains: at the left data on accessible money, and on the right about money which the player will receive after following battle. The player receives additional money for the destruction of the enemy ships during a battle.
Ironclads: Hi
h SeasGame Manual v. 1.1
1 The ship is accessible to purchase.The ship is not accessible to purchase. The ship cannot be bought, if in group the maximum number of the ships of such 2 type or if the ship can be bought later.The menu button. 3 Topasstocreationofgroups(columns).Squadron finance. In total money at a squadron at the left. How many will arrive money after each following battle on 4 the right.Buttons of purchase and sale of the ships. The ship price at sale is less, than the price at purchase. The sold ship cannot 5 be bought once again.Buttons of repair of the ship damaged in fight. At sale the damaged ship costs more cheaply, than without damages. The 6 ship with a hole under water cannot fight in following battle.The panel of the ships of a squadron. Insert a ship icon to see its characteristics.7Howtounderstanddataonartillery:4xR6.4B=4(numberofguns)xR(trunkrifle)6.4(caliberininch)B(typeBrooke)SB  SmoothBore gunsD Dahlgren guns R Rifle gunsP Parrott guns B Brooke guns Thetableofcomparisonofsmoothborenavalguns(where100%thebestvalue)SB 15" DSB 11" DSB 10" DSB 9" DSB 8" DSB 6,4”damage100%75%62%50%37%12%accuracy61%70%70%68%66%63%armor 69%38%30%34%37%27%penetrationrate of fire25%50%50%100%100%100%Thetableofcomparisonofriflenavalguns(where100%thebestvalue)R 8" PR 7" BR 6,4" BR 6,4" PR 4,2" PR 3,7" Pdamage75%62%50%50%12%12%accuracy100%100%99%97%93%88%armor 70%100%63%57%40%28% 3
Ironclads: Hih SeasGame Manual v. 1.1penetrationrate of fire50%50%100%100%100%100%3. Follow to the screen of creation of warship groups. You can share between 3 groups of no more than 15 ships. The ships of each group in battle will follow the first ship in a column. It is possible to take from harbor not all ships. Velocity of all groups is defined by the slowest ship. It is recommended to pool the ships of one type in one column. For example, only armorplated ships (ironclads and monitors) or only the fast wooden ships should be in group. During a battle it will be impossible to separate the column created in harbor. During a battle it will be impossible to collect a new column.
To make the ship the leader of a column places here its icon.1 To make to attach to the leader of a column other ships place here their icons.2 <)( Will return to harbor. ( > ) To begin battle.3 Toadd(+)andremove()theshipinacolumn.4 The panel of the ships of a squadron.5 4. After the beginning of battle you will see a battle area which is limited by red anchor buoys. Squadrons can fight only in this battle area. Along with the limited battle area there is a time limitation for the battle. In the top left corner under a compass the timer is located. This timer shows the time remaining in the battle. After battle all remaining ships come back in harbor. If during battle the ship receives severe damages from gunfire, flooding or a fire it independently leaves battle. When the ship leaves for anchor buoys it comes back in harbor and can be used the player or the computer in following battle. The purpose of each battle is the destruction of the enemy ships. It is necessary to destroy as many enemy ships as possible. After last battle results of all battle and quantity of the destroyed ships at the player and its enemy will be counted up. The ideal result and a full victory consider an indicator in 100 % of success. The player can control movement only the first ship in a column. The column moves with speed of the slowest ship. During turn maneuvers, it is not recommended to change a movement direction sharply. This can lead to loss of formation or collisions. After collision the player cannot control the ship.
Ironclads: Hih SeasGame Manual v. 1.1
Compass and the timer which shows time till the end of game. The North is a blue part of an arrow.1 Save and load game, exit game.2 Ship condition: damage, accuracy of hit by the chosen ship, velocity.3 Data on the ship: ship condition, artillery, parameters.4 Managementofgametime:realtimemode,timeacceleration(onlyifthedistancebetweentheshipscannotleadtocollision),pause.5 Tobegingunfire(left)andtostopgunfire(right).Tousetocomenearertotheenemyandtoshootfromallguns.6 Managementofshipturn(inthetoppart).Managementofshipspeed(fromlefttoright)fromafullbacktoafullforward.7 Tochoosegroup(column)presstheRomanfigureontheleftside.Tochoosetheshippressonitsicon.8 Onlyshipsequippedwithspecialrams(CSturretorCSironclad)cancausedamageduringacollision.Whenramminganenemyship,trytobemovingasfastas possible and as close to a 90 degree angle as possible.US monitors and CS casemate ironclads cannot be rammed. Ships movement consists of two parts:A speed control and turning.The ship speed is shown on the games speed dial.The White Numbers on the right of the dial indicate forward ship movement.The Red Numbers on the left of the dial indicate aft ship movement.Speed can be selected from stop to maximum. The numbersinbetweencorrespondtopercentagesoftheshipsmaximumspeed.Turning a ship is accomplished by selecting a position on the slide bar above the speed selector.If the selector is in the middle of the slide bar the ship will move in a straight line.As the selection is to the right of the center the ship will turn towards the right. If the selection is to the left of the center the ship will turn to the left. Each ship will automatically select targets to fire at, as they come into range of it armaments.If you wish to control the firing of individual ships, bring the ships into range and click on the “Begin Gun Fire” control. The ship will fire all available guns at the enemy target simultaneously, if you wish the ship to stop firing click on the “Stop Gun Fire” control. During a battle shell fired at a target may hit above water line or below water line. A successful hit above the water line may cause a fire.A successful hit below the water line may cause flooding.As the ship takes fire from the enemy or is on fire the percent damage will increase.Eventually damage will cause the ship to sink.A ship crew will automatically try to put out fires and pumps out flooding during a battle.The more percent damage a ship sustains the harderitistorepairfloodingadputoutfires.Damagealsoreducedashipsmovement.
Ironclads: Hih SeasGame Manual v. 1.1After a battle the crew of each ship increases its experience level. There are three level of experience that improves the parameter of a ship.As the level of experienceincreasesasilverstarwillappearontheShipsdatascreen.CS Navy warshipsUS Navy warships type: lightgunboat type:screw gunboat displacement: 200t displacement:691 t max speed:7,2 ktsmax speed:10 kts broadside guns: broadsideguns: 4x SB 6,5 pivot / turret guns:3 x SB 8” Dpivot guns:1 x SB 11” D armor belt: 1x R 3,7” P armor deck: armordeck:  armor turret: armorturret:  ship price:$44 000ship price:$131 290 type: screwcruiser type:screw sloop dis lacement:1100 tdis lacement:1600 t max speed:12 ktsmax speed:11 kts broadside guns:6 x 6,4” Bbroadside guns:6 x SB 9” D ivot / turretuns: ivot / turretuns: 1x R 6,4 P armor belt: armorbelt:  armor deck: armordeck:  armor turret: armorturret:  ship price:$275 000ship price:$304 000 type: casemateship type:light monitor displacement: 855t displacement:1200 t max speed:5 ktsmax speed:8 kts broadside guns:2 x R 6,4” Bbroadside guns: pivot / turret guns:6 x SB 6,4”pivot / turret guns:2 x SB 15” D armor belt:4” armorbelt: 3” armor deck:4” armordeck: 3” armor turret: armorturret: 8” ship price:$273 600ship price:$336 000 type: screwcorvette type:screw frigate displacement: 2500tdisplacement: 4000t max speed:11 ktsmax speed:11 kts broadside guns:12 x R 6,4” Bbroadside guns:6 x R 4,2” P 8 x SB 6,4”26 x SB 9” D armorbelt:3(battery)armorbelt:armor deck: armordeck:  armor turret: armorturret:  ship price:$675 000ship price:$760 000 type: turretship type:ironclad ship displacement: 2750t displacement:3500 t max speed:10 ktsmax speed:7 kts broadside uns: broadsideuns: 2x R 8” P pivot / turret guns:4 x R 7” B14 x SB 11” D armor belt:2”4,5” armorbelt: 4,5” armor deck: armordeck: 1” armor turret:7,5” armorturret:  shi rice:$825 000shi rice:$805 000 type: ironcladship type:heavy monitor displacement: 5130t displacement:3290 t max speed:12 ktsmax speed:7 kts broadside guns:12 x R 6,4” Bbroadside guns: 4 x SB 8” Dpivot / turret guns:4 x SB 15” D armor belt:4,8” armorbelt: 5” armor deck: armordeck: 5” armor turret: armorturret: 10” ship price:$1 385 000ship price:$921 200
Ironclads: Hih SeasGame Manual v. 1.1VI. Game Hotkeys Click to real time mode.K(ey  )Z Clicktotimeacceleration.K(eyX)Click to pause.K(ey  C) TheunitsgroupnumberIK(ey1)TheunitsgroupnumberII(Key2)The units group number  IIIK(ey  3) Menu:save,load,exitgameK(eyEsc)ScreenshotyeK5F)(HidegameuserinterfaceK(eyF4)
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