Fallout New Vegas








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Manuel du jeu vidéo Fallout New Vegas.
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4 Mo

aFlluo teN wgaVesinstall Ater ynitsurtcoisnt  oth one crsn eeitamllac yollo youromndor i algesai  tnuhcoullFad  Vew Nt: evah uoellatsni
For more information, visit www.ESRB.org .
Table o ConTenTs Gameplay Controls                            2 Main Menu                                3 The Game Screen                             4 Compass and Activation Icons                       5 The Pipoy 3                              Stats Menu                                 SPCIA                                Items Menu                                 ata                                    ardcore Mode                               P and evelin p                             Comat                                  2 ATS                                  4 Companions                               5 Aid                                     Stealth                                   eputation                                 Crime and Punishment                            ialoue                                  Containers                                2 arterin                                 2 Gamlin                                 2 ptions and Preerences                          24 amily Settins                              24 arranty Inormation                            25 Technical and Customer Support                      25
Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games Photosensitive Seizures A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games. These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects. Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms— children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued. If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
ESRB Game Ratings The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings are designed to provide consumers, especially parents, with concise, impartial guidance about the age-appropriateness and content of computer and video games. This information can help consumers make informed purchase decisions about which games they deem suitable for their children and families. ESRB ratings have two equal parts: Rating Symbols suggest age appropriateness for the game. These symbols appear on the front of virtually every game box available for retail sale or rental in the United States and Canada. Content Descriptors indicate elements in a game that may have triggered a particular rating and/or may be of interest or concern. The descriptors appear on the back of the box next to the rating symbol. ON FRONT ON BACK
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 GaMeplay ConTRols
5  uic Save uic Load en iBoy old or iht Auto Move Forward Activate Read /Reload Wait
T Q W e R T
C l a s D 
 Always Run Strafe Left Bac Strafe Rigt Cange iew
 Run rab AS shif l Z V
C l a l s  Snea Ai/Bloc u V.A.T.S. ConTrolS Attac V  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Enter V�A�T�S� Mode Ai/Bloc Hold to Scan Left Click  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Select Target Left Click on the left or right arrows to switch to a new target� Use Mouse to highlight Specific Body Parts and Left Click Clic eteen irstperson E  � � � � � � � � � � � � � Accept V�A�T�S� Targeting and thirdperson vies Right Click  � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Exit V�A�T�S�, Scroll to oom your vie in ancel eed Attacs and out in thirdperson
MaIn Menu
Continue Continue playin rom your most recent saved ame New ein a ne ame o allout e eas Load Allos you to select rom a list o previously saved ames Settings Taes you to the Settins Menu here you can adust your ameplay display audio and control preerences See p 24 or more ino Credits ie the allout e eas credits Downloadable Content ie any onloadale Content you have otained or allout e eas
Fallout New Vegas3
THe GaMe sCReen
Rad Meter
 Bar Action oints
itCoassDaresagoleeanlet ByarCWenaditioonno oints d o Sield it oints  our overall health hen you run out o P your character dies Coass The compass indicates the direction you are headin as ell as enemies neary locations enemies and uest marers Action oints A The total numer o AP availale is ased on your character’s aility Action Points are only used in ATS Mode see p 4 Weaon Condition CND The shorter the ar the orse the condition o your eapon Ao The ammo or your euipped eapon The irst numer is ho many rounds you have eore a reload and the second numer is your remainin ammo ney ealt Bar Shos the current health o the tareted enemy Rad Meter ill appear henever radiation damae is taen  Bar ill appear henever eperience points are earned Daage resold Sield ill appear hen the damae inlicted y your eapon is loer than the amae Threshold or the armor o the enemy you’re attacin hen this appears you should sitch to a more eective eapon see p 3
CoMpass anD aCTIVaTIon ICons
Clear triangle Indicates a location that you have not yet discovered Filled triangle Indicates a location that you have previously discovered uest arget I you have an active uest any uest tarets ill e displayed on your compass as a solid arro The uest taret ill lash aster and aster as you et closer to it Ma Marer I you have placed your on marer on the map this ill e displayed as a transparent arro Friend/Foe Marers People and creatures that you perceive are displayed on the compass as vertical ars ello ars indicate riendly people and creatures ed ars indicate enemies our Perception stat aects i you can “detect” them Crossair our crosshair ill chane henever you are ale to interact ith an oect Press to interact ith the hihlihted oect
aFlluo teN weVgas5
THe pIpboy 3
Rad Meter
Stats tes Data Sections
Pip-Boy Controls TAB  - Enter/exit Pip-Boy. Left Click - Select Items/Tabs/Menus in Pip-Boy. Up/Down Arrows, Mouse Wheel, or Click-and-Drag croll ar - Scroll up/down through lists.
Rad Meter  To the top let o your Pipoy is a personal radiation meter that tells you ho many ads you’ve currently taen in radiation damae Sections There are three main sections in your Pipoy 3 Stats – Inormation aout your character’s stats and ailities tes – All o the items your character is currently carryin Data – Contains your maps uest ino notes and access to any radio sinals you can pic up ach section is roen into dierent sumenus
sTaTs Menu
The Stats Menu has ive menus Status SPCIA Sills Pers General SAS The Status Menu has asic ino aout the health o your character ith the /Down Arrow eys you move eteen the three important susections or Status CND – Shos the condition o each part o your character’s ody indicated y a ar The shorter the ar the more damaed that ody part is hen the ar is one that part is considered crippled and ill appear as a dotted line I you have any octor’s as pressin ill heal all o your lims I you have Stimpas you can heal a speciic lim y pressin S and selectin hich speciic one you’d lie to heal See Aid pae   RAD – Shos your current level o radiation resistance and ho many total ads o damae your character has taen I you have adAay in your inventory press A to use it to lush As out o your system I you have ad you can press to increase your character’s A resistance or a period o time • ou can e eposed to radiation either directly rom the environment or y inestin irradiated ood and ater A small amount o radiation ill not hurt you ut as your accumulated eposure oes up you ill ein to suer ill eects includin death eventually * R 2 a 00 diation Poisoning Effects rads: -1 EN * 400 rads: -2 EN, -1 AG * 600 rads: -3 EN, -2 AG, -1 ST * 800 rads: -3 EN, -2 AG, -2 ST * 1000 rads: Death! FF – Shos all o the positive and neative eects you character is eperiencin This could e due to radiation damae certain clothin you have euipped Aid you may e usin and other eects
Fallout New Vegas
our seven primary attriutes A  to the riht o the numer indicates that attriutes is suerin a neative eect hile a  indicates it is enoyin a oost Chec the CND  section o your Status menu or more inormation SLLS Inormation on your sills RS Special ailities you can choose every other level NRAL ists your eputation ith the various actions in the Moave asteland  Press to tole eteen eputation and a list o your many accomplishments hile playin the ame as ell as your current arma status and level  See pae  or more on eputation
ITeMs Menu
The Items Menu has ive sections eapons Apparel Aid Misc and Ammo Menu Controls Left Click – Equip, Unequip or Use the selected item. Right Click – Drop the selected item. R – Repair the selected item (see Repair, pg 13). X  – Mod the selected weapon (see eapon Mods, pg 1). 1,3-8 keys – ot e the selected item (see elow).
te Caracteristics Items in your inventory may have a numer o characteristics that ill appear hen the item is hihlihted DAM – o much amae the eapon does the hiher the numer the etter  DS – o much amae the eapon does per second the hiher the numer the etter  D – The amae Threshold the hiher the numer the etter  See ArmorApparel pae 3 W – o much the item eihs AL – The item’s value in ottlecaps CND – The current condition o the eapon  FFCS – Any positive or neative eects your character ill eperience i the item is euipped  eapons ill also display the calier Ammo the eapon uses alon ith the current rounds loaded and remainin rounds S In the Inventory Menu deine hoteys y holdin one o the nuber eys ecept the ey hich is used to sitch ammo types hile simultaneously selectin the eapon apparel or Aid you ant in that slot y Left Clicing the desired selection ote you can still chane menus ith the oteys open and the item ill e assined hen you Left Clic hile playin use the nuber eys to select any o your seven oteyed items
Fallout New Vegas9
The top portion o the ata section ill alays display your current location and the current date and time The ata section includes ive menus ocal Map orld Map uests otes and adio  LCAL MA The ocal Map displays an overhead map o your current location as ell as any neary doors WRLD MA The orld Map shos an overhead map o the entire Moave asteland area and marers or any places that have een discovered durin the course o your adventures adventures ou can ast travel directly to any place you have previously visited y hihlihtin the location and Left Clicing on the map se the Mouse Weel to oom inout on the map Left Clic to move around the map Rigt Clic to move or remove your on marer on a ocal or orld Map SS The uests screen in your Pipoy’s ata section tracs your proress in every uest you have undertaen To the let is a list o uests those ith riht tet are active those ith darened tet have een completed or ailed  our active uest is mared y a small o  n the rihthand side o the screen are the oectives or each uest The active oectives have riht tet and are on the top o the list the completed oectives have darened tet and are at the ottom o the list ectives mared as “ptional” are not necessary to successully complete the uest NS Contains all uest related and miscellaneous notes you ind in the ame oth ritten and audio Left Clic to listen to an Audio note the audio ill continue to play even i you close your Pipoy menu Left Clic to tole eteen All otes and only Active uest otes  RAD All the radio sinals you have discovered are listed on the adio screen in the ata ta o your Pipoy Sinals listed in riht tet are ithin rane and can e listened to  Sinals listed in darened tet have een discovered ut you are no loner ithin rane – in order to listen to one o these stations you have to move ac into the sinal’s receivin rane 
HaRDCoRe MoDe Ater creatin your character you ill e iven the choice to turn on ardcore Mode Separate rom diiculty levels this special ay o playin the ame creates a more strateic and comple eperience that is tailored or more eperienced allout players In ardcore Mode you ill have to eat sleep and remain hydrated Any damaed lims can only e healed usin octor’s as or visitin a doctor Ammunition is iven eiht in hardcore mode reuirin you to closely monitor your inventory at all times hile ast travelin via the Pipoy does still or in ardcore Mode you may not ast travel i your character ould die due to dehydration or starvation in the time it ould tae you to et there ou may tole ardcore Mode at any time via the ptions menu hoever in order to earn the ardcore achievement you must play the entire ame rom the point you are irst prompted until the endame seuence ithout ever turnin it o p anD leVelInG up
hen you reach the reuired numer o perience Points you ill level up automatically so lon as you’re not in comat very time you level up your ealth increases and you ain Sill Points to assin to your sills ou may choose a ne per or every to levels you increase Note hen levelin up the level or your sills is their natural level and does not include any onuses you may e receivin due to items or Chems
aFllout New Vegas
W aeoyRuopsnew Neg Val3FutloDDoM GnIsa esp ro smeu ot
As you mae your ay throuh the Moave asteland you may ind eapon mods or sale or in various containers ach o your eapons can accommodate up to three uniue modiications and these can add ne eatures lie enhanced oomin ith a scope additional ullets per clip or increased damae Moddin a eapon also increases its value to merchants To activate a mod select the eapon in the Items list o your Pipoy Then select the mod you ant to attach nce a mod is attached to a eapon it is indicated ith a  sin in your eapons list ou cannot remove a mod once it has een attached Mods are speciic to each individual eapon so you cannot attach the siht or the mm Pistol to the 35 Manum evolver Melee anD unaRMeD aTTaCs ou can attac an enemy ith melee or unarmed attacs hen they are ithin rane o your character As you increase your Melee sill you may notice your eapons have uniue moves in ATS see pae 4 or more on ATS At hiher levels o the narmed sill you ill automatically use advanced unarmed attacs hile ihtin  In addition there are several uniue unarmed moves that can e learned rom characters throuhout the Moave asteland  Left Clic Perorms a melee attac old to do a poer attac that does doule damae Rigt Clic loc locin incomin melee attacs provides a lare onus to your damae resistance
The Moave asteland is a danerous place and comat is a act o lie or all ut the most diplomatic o survivors Weapons eapons all into several cateories raned eapons melee eapons unarmed eapons renades and mines our eectiveness ith any eapon depends on your character’s sills the condition o the eapon and the amae Threshold o your opponents hen usin any eapon aim ith your crosshair and Left Clic to attac hen usin an automatic eapon holdin don the Left Mouse Button ill continuously ire our character ill automatically reload a eapon hen you use up your current rounds provided you have additional ammo availale To reload at any time you can press R amae is calculated y sutractin the AM ratin o the eapon you are irin aainst the amae Threshold o your taret’s armor ou ill alays cause some damae ut i you see a red shield it means you ould e etter o usin a dierent eapon I you see a shredded shield imae this means you are doin lare amounts o damae to your taret our accuracy and damae in comat is determined y your Strenth level as ell as the overnin sill or the type o eapon you are irin Guns nery eapons plosives etc eapon condition also aects ho much damae is done as ell as the chance the un ams hen reloadin epairin eapons can increase the amount o damae they do see “epairin eapons and Apparel” elo and reduce the chance o your eapon ammin Rigt Clicing ill allo you to aim and ire more accurately ut move sloly hen you are sneain press LCtrl  your character ill move sloly ut has a chance o a snea attac onus on any taret that has not detected you or more inormation on Stealth mode see p 
  siy uo yodt ihmilar it have sii eht no R rianl oan cou mteo yiPpuo rniy  eptinelecy snesdd pemrrooa ece a pirom ve iecer uoy noitceotpr  ontouame apri sA oo deror is in the armeh rehtlesdna moaritr n  oe thhrese T Thholdoty dd saamuo ryor moar aareu p hcale o eceirom attacs Th eoy uillt a eth lee  dssaamih erehuoy T raRoRappMRaeadna sselmad llio  ditndn ioom rol tnyl rAe reue am morp ssel reo lli ontidion cerome s rtipeianar ou cn ctiorotepoea ans anDaRppstatpeRIRIaW Gnition aects holenAi etm socdn asro alles t lle  meti eh o ponsr coloe sav sti aeuleve armorneectieiec so oSemp av ha e pp aelarT eserh olamad dit ad uholdes sounne treseeacrins  achsuS ro slliS ot sy uo rraomr socndition is loer de uoyesoliop s nt ouryoam hTera ed hslore te supairo rera ruoy uer romtoy rlla iidvo a
otcmes  pht ee andammoith ed aletsa eht rednnd arheeto tndroa dn ehria mrs you aeapons a nos emoc inaprap tdee ur utocan you aneechsm i etoyruti horntvennspe yeercs a  ereh npanion als ehni doyu  e nseloSe  hts oa ra yaruoymoc 
Lib Condition ney ealt The aultTec Assisted Taretin System or ATS allos you to pause the ame assess any comat situation tactically and taret the speciic ody parts o any enemies onscreen Lib Condition isplays the relative health o each part o an enemy hen the ar disappears the ody part is crippled A Action oints This ar ill deplete as you ueue up attacs The lashin part is the amount o AP needed to do an attac ney ealt o much health your taret has let Pressin and holdin ill pause the ame and scan the area o tarets To oom in on an enemy simply select it and release  ou are no ale to taret the individual ody parts o that enemy hen usin a melee eapon or unarmed comat you ill need to e close to have a chance to hit oth melee and renades are “ull ody” attacs and you cannot speciy a speciic ody part I your Melee sill is hih enouh you ill see a uniue attac move listed on the screen very attac on a ody part uses up Action Points eavier eapons use more Action Points or every shot hen you’ve used up all o your Action Points and are ready to perorm the attacs press The numer o attacs you can mae is limited y your Action Points
Action oints
As you venture across the asteland you ill encounter riendly characters ho ill oer to oin you on your ourney At any time you can have one human or humanoid creature such as a mutant or houl and one nonhuman root or animal companion ith you avin a companion adds speciic onuses or each character such as increases to the eectiveness o healin items or stat increases These onuses are only in eect hile that character is ith you and o aay as soon as you dismiss them rom your party Companions also have uniue storylines to e olloed as you play throuh the ame Get to no them and they’ll reveal more aout themselves and the asteland
eylnithts rehti or the o to one  rustidee teetoinapmoc lli sn sacttn airtCea dnndeeea m leh eitcn rateeoc rnapm nois otleMe Telselou y esR naeg/ds e healin itemsoita sn dniutis ist esrehet  ioyruc mooth va eait or panion pmoc eht ssA eot ai ton ioanol  lo uro royay ou m aloneithinr ntvey orneheht h ritlaeh ets lo  Wati re/eoFllwoM atthe otnipaom clli snotamotua ly uicalny hse ani aeili  netsmo step panion toyruc mo eTll sSte/ Cayis Dncta tee cai aor yes liti ain ea dnsest u ac Bnsioanpmoc ruoy dna uol aenrm ro eauoion se this toli po lu neen ptht  eminoso  lae  p oat ayou tanc disuoy htinapmoc r aups en loia dsgat New Ve5Fallout ovenic moaore conter or mua damot uona od aiu yocatiy llloolll  siinnoer yerevu h yoRuoy GnIlloRTnoCpaomsConnIpaoM C al up to yourp raytm mee rnao Tinrup he tmoC inap noleehnionompael t heus e osinasdocmmerovl ro ymhe tu nac uoC eht esr apmitS a esuorntveinr ou yomruc  loyh ae yote co Thnionomparoeo eatta ctar etr inteaS itas  es you to  Allosi onal nhe ttho remuapmitS rrens cuin ytly nievuo ry tnroanmpniocus enrreh thtladna am imum health are idpsaley deher es statac  attlseT ovieass atot sen he noinapmoc ruoy roissue than then  uoc  drpse svesie /BAge esgrsdnaB  esemmocsaisotp oyruev e ranset hen ro tia ot uoy nipaom cl il onocpmnaoi nilla ressive your at eterti  nihacttan hoy ilst
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