Manuel du jeu vidéo Dark Star One. Several centuries have passed since the Great Galactic War that had been a devastating escalation of conflicts between the races. It all began with a misunderstanding, the so-called Damokles incident when the Mortok destroyed
the Terran cruiser Damokles during a routine inspection. War broke out between the Terran and the Mortok. Arrack and Raptor became involved siding with the Mortok, while the Oc'to supported the Terran. The Thul delivered weapons to all parties involved and then attacked the weakened opponents. The Great War ended after forty years although none of the opponents was declared victorious. The Terran sustained the heaviest losses as all their systems were virtually destroyed; the Thul had gained the most by almost doubling their
territories due to their smart warfare: They avoided most of the battles, protected
the borders of their territories, and provided the opposing parties with weapons.
The Terran promoted establishing a Galactic Union in order to prevent such a devastating war from breaking out ever again. All races should participate. The Thul, however - a people of Terran origin - showed no interest in a Galactic Union. The Great War did not affect them negatively and they regarded the desire to establish an intergalactic body as a weakness of the other races. Moreover, across all races everyone was opposed to the Thul's genetic experiments or despised them. The Thul regarded these morals also as
weakness - after all, the Thul regard all other people as undisciplined semicivilized
beings driven by organic instincts.