Manuel du jeu vidéo Crysis. Mission Intel
Eyes Only
Unexplained communications breakdown with archaeology
team of US nationals operating on island in Philippines Sea. Last
transmission from team leader, Dr Rosenthal, indicates Korean
People’s Army forces have invaded island and seized control.
Situation Report:
Cause of KPA intervention unknown: no previous indication of
expansionist aims in this location. Possible scenarios: seizure of
finds at archaeological site; US nationals taken hostage for ransom;
acquisition of expert personnel for unknown KPA project.
Action Authorized:
Avoidance of officially sanctioned conflict with KPA imperative at
present time. Recommend covert infiltration by Special Forces
personnel—deploy Nanosuits for flexible response. Primary
objective: hostage location and evacuation. Secondary objective:
update sitrep and establish cause of KPA intervention.
Status: Approved