Donnes de cadrage sur laconsommation du vin ros sur lesprincipaux marchs d’exportations du vin
Jean-Philippe PerroutySenior Research ManagerWine Intelligence27 Juin 2008
Wine Intelligence 2008
et mthodologie
Objectifs de la recherche
Vue d’ensemble de la consommation du vin ros surles principaux marchs d’exportation;Focus sur les Etats-Unis et le Royaume-Uni: explorerla problmatique du prix.
Wine Intelligence:Qui sommes nous et que faisons-nous?
We are the only company dedicated to supporting the wineindustry globally with consulting, branding & market research
Wine Intelligence was founded in 2001 by 3 seasoned wine industry marketers - all with previous experience ofowning or managing wine distribution & retail businesses, and who were all frustrated by the lack of useful marketinsight guidance dedicated to the wine industryWe are retained by wine producers & brand owners, distributors, generic organisations and retailers, as well asassociated companies such as closures manufacturers, in all major wine source countries to advise on:
• Wine business corporate strategy and market entry• Wine brand and new product development & re-development and testing - from liquid to packaging (Vinibrand)• Wine brand tracking and measuring• Wine brand and source-country positioning development and testing• Wine brand and source country communications creative development and media trackingWine industry trade opinions and needs, focusing on both on- and off-premise channels•• Teaching and lecturing
Prsentation d’aujourd’hui:D’o les donnes proviennent-elles?
Listen to opinions of theworld’s wine consumers
Vinitrac is the only global survey thatspecifically monitors and tracks wineconsumers’ attitudes, behaviour andrelationship with wine
In addition, Vinitrac operates in the following markets asa bespoke or omnibus survey on a demand basis:China –Russia -France – Italy -Spain – MexicoOther markets are available on request
Wave 3 of Vinitrac (March 08), covering thefollowing markets:
Toutes les donnes proviennent de VinitracGlobalLes donnes ont t collectes en Mars/Avril 2008Les chantillons sont prsents dans le tableau ci-dessous: