Zanetto and Cavalleria Rusticana









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The Project Gutenberg eBook, Zanetto and Cavalleria Rusticana, by Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti, Guido Menasci, and Pietro Mascagni, Translated by Willard G. Day
This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online Title: Zanetto and Cavalleria Rusticana Author: Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti, Guido Menasci, and Pietro Mascagni Release Date: December 16, 2004 [eBook #14370] Language: Italian and English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK ZANETTO AND CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA***
E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland, Linda Cantoni, Joseph E. Loewenstein, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team
English translation by WILLARD G. DAY
Published by
F. Rullman Theatre Ticket Office 111 Broadway—New York
Mezzo-Soprano Soprano
Silvia is the rich and beautiful hostess of a country hotel, who has been besieged by lovers of almost every description, she repulses them all, because although they may be well-to-do and even wealthy and powerful, they have not pleased her fancy or awakened her heart. At last she forswears love entirely, being convinced that her destiny is to remain single. Still, she remembers a youth she once saw, and believes that he lives near by, in Florence, toward which city she idly looks out in the summer evening from the veranda of her hotel, placed on the side of a steep mountain. As she looks she hears the voice of a roving minstrel who is approaching. She conceals herself. He comes near, and not venturing to enter the hotel, lies down to sleep on a bench. He is soon asleep; and Silvia comes near to see him. She recognizes in him her ideal; and at once loves him. She wakes him up, and he sees in her the madonna of his dreams. He is fond of his freedom, and of his own way of living; but thinks it would be nice to have a home, and a sister. This does not suit Silvia; who then conceals her identity; and says that she is a widow, and very poor; and cannot possibly entertain a wandering poet. After several refusals, he tells her that he has heard of Silvia, who is also beautiful, as well as rich, and liberal. He asks his newly-beloved to help him find her. She advises him not to go, that she would do anything to save him from his danger. Although both love each other she is unwilling to let herself be known. He believes in her sincerity; and offers to go in any direction she may point out. She points toward the dawn; he dashes toward it; she watches him till out of sight; then burying her face in her hands exclaims: Blessed art thou, O Love! Now can I weep again! The allegorical sense of the plot is that the sweet minstrel, love, comes once; and if not frankly and honestly received, he goes away; and may never come again. Another is, that true love is willing to sacrifice itself in order that its ideal may achieve its high ambition.
SCENE I—SILVIA, alone. SCENA I—SILVIA sola. SILVIA. SILVIA. Against love are my curses; Maladetto l'amore! I've no tears any more. Non ho più lacrime. (descending slowly) (lentamente) I am that cruel lady, Son la crudel signora Whom all must adore; Che ognun sempre adorò But I love no one. Che ognuno adora On lips I'm everywhere respected; Ognun col labbro They're asking for my hand, Rispetta; sfiora But the ardor of kisses La mia man; ma l'ardore I do not understand! Del bacio non salì Drowning is tedious. Fino al mio core! Here in the silence M'uccide il tedio Quiet night to awaken Le silenziose There should be couplets Chiare notti d'estate For serenading; Che paion fatte Bad tis for a poet Per le serenate ' To give out his fire; Danno a' poeti il destro Yet still, to my ire Di sfogar l'estro They will be singing, Ed in onor mio Stupid madrigals ringing. Dispiegan l'ali The soldier, and the merchant Scipiti madrigali. All who have power, Il soldato, il mercante, On me treasures shower, il podestà But contempt I still hold ai piè mi gittan loro Both for them and the gold Ma disprezzo costoro Suffer I, my life thus to give, E la lor vanità For without love Soffro; viver così, Life is not fit to live. Senza un amor I have no recollection Viver non è. Of affection genteel. (pointing to the city) (addita la città) Now there is Florence, in s lendor, l in in Non mi ricorda un fiore ualche affetto
the distance, and having, perhaps, a youth gentil. Firenze splende laggiù, lontana, who's looking up to this same heaven; he sereno, e tende forse, lo sguardo al cielo who once I saw, and who in his breast felt un giovanetto che m'ha vista una volta, e heart-beats for me, for me unworthy. Just to sente in petto battere il cor per me, cross my pathway, he found it fatal! I've no l'indegna. Se a traversa la mia strada fatal hope now, but to run away from him. I must si trovi. Oh! non isperi di fuggirsene via, e not stay here and be disgraced. non sarò la sola disgraziata. ZANETTO. ZANETTO. (Sings in the distance) (canta di lontana) Heart of mine, as a flower, Cuore, come un fiore Is found in thee love's secret power. Si dischiude, in te l'amore Not merry now the song I'm singing La canzon non è gioconda Know'st thou to thee its way it's winging! L'odi tu, piccina bionda! Heart of mine, why from weeping Cuore, v'è il dolore Comes the perfume, true love keeping, Tra il profumo e la splendore Think you grieving all unbidden Par che il pianto si nasconda In the flower can be hidden? In quel fior piccina bionda? SILVIA. SILVIA. Sweet is thy lovely singing. Dolce è la melodia: Thy voice has touched my heart, la voce tocca il cuor. But this folly of foolish loving Ma queste fole d'amore Will not be on my part. io non l'intendo più. (Goes slowly up the terrace, turning (Sale lentamente su la terazza, volgendosi absently toward the direction whence distrattamente verso la parte da veniva la came the voice. Zanetto with a lute on his voce Zanetto col liuto a tracolla, e shoulder, and dragging his cloak up the trascinando per l'erta il mantello, entra con steep, enters with a happy air, without aria allegra senza veder Silvia) seeing Silvia).   
ZANETTO. Sweet nights of summer, By the moon lighted, Smiles, on my journey, On me benighted. The stars too above Shed on me their light From golden eyes bright. I'm ready—Loves my Florence
ZANETTO. Le notti estive Ridono al viaggio E si va della luna Al chiaro raggio Ma di lassù le stelle Infondono coraggio Con le pupille d'or. Son giunto, Ama Fiorenze
The sound of the lute? Il suono del liuto And songs of true love? E la canzon d'amor? As a minstrel I'm dressed, Non posso And not in such plight in questa arnese Could I appear Picchiare In hotel candle light alla locanda del paese Here to sleep I will lay me Mi converrà dormire This warm summer night. All'aria aperta. (He stretches himself out on a bench and (Si sdraia sulla panca avvolgendosi nel wraps his cloak around him). mantello) (Silvia comes quickly down from the (Silvia scende rapidamente dalla terrazza) r ter ace).SILVIA. SILVIA. Oh poveretto, ed io che avevo in uggia O poor little fellow! If I only had such sweet questa serenità! Debbo chiamarlo ed tranquility! Shall I call him, and offer him ospitalità debbo offrir? Ma che! Dorme di hospitality? but then—Just sleep down già. there!(guardando Zanetto addormentato) (looking at him sleeping) Il silenzio, il profumo della sera questo The silence, the perfumed air of the fanciul dormente, mi turban forse? Un evening, this sleeping boy. Why should palpito novo m'agita il core. they disturb me? Yet a new palpitation is Ahimè! n movi g my heart! Ah me! Somiglia al sogno mio! He's like my dream, exactly! Su! Destati! Up! Wake up! (prendendolo con dolcezza per la mano) (taking him sweetly by the hand) (Zanetto si sveglia e guarda Silvia con (Zanetto awakes and looks at Silvia with adorazione e meraviglia) wonder and admiration).ZANETTO. ZANETTO. La bianca visione The lovely white vision che in sogno mi ridea. I saw in my dreaming.SILVIA. SILVIA. Bambino! O darling! Solo un pallido raggio 'Twas but a pale ray di stella l'occhio tuo vedea. From a star, bright seeming.ZANETTO. ZANETTO. No, no, tu sei la bella realtà del mio sogno: No, no! You were the lovely angel of my Questa voce divina dream. L'udivo a me vicina! Your voice I heard near me; Ah, you do not fear me!SILVIA. SILVIA.Son, se ti piace, un ospite gradita al viandante.
I am, if it please you, a hostess; and welcoming a wayfarer.ZANETTO. ZANETTO.(guardandola) Grazie. Ho cenato tardi, e il sonno mi svanì. Thank you, I've just had my supper— And my sleep is all gone.SILVIA (da sè). SILVIA (to herself).Silvia sii buona! È l'amor tuo funesto (Silvia, be good now! Ed un fanciullo è questo. 'Tis love that is so painful (a Zanetto) And this boy can't be so baneful!) (to Zanetto) Ma, dimmi, non potrò saper chi sei? But, tell me; can't I know who you are?ZANETTO. ZANETTO.Sono Zanetto; un nomade suonator; mi diletto ogni dì nel cambiar d'aria, e di I am Zanetto, a wandering musician; tetto. It's my delight to change house and air Venti mestieri inutili every day! Mi fan campar la vita Twenty useless callings So condurre col fragile I have, to make my living. Remo la barca rapida. I know how to push the bending oar Slancio nell'aria il falco My bark speed giving; Volo in corsa ardita I can bring down the falcon Domo col morso L'agile puledro. Flying in the heavens; E in un sonetto chiudo le rime fulgide Can tame the kicking mule, In cerchio d'oro stretto. And good verse arrange in sevens— So I am not a fool!SILVIA. SILVIA.E non saranno rare Le volte, in cui But does it often happen Ti manca il desinare! That your dinnerZANETTO. you are lacking? ZANETTO.Talvolta, sì. Ma se trovo in paese Sometimes, yes! Qualche signor cortese But I find where'er going Io sono il benvenuto True courtesy is showing, M'accettano alla mensa And I know I am welcome— Il mio liuto By my lute I am able Rallegra la brigata To find a place at a table, E per quel dì la cena Company entertaining, È assicurata! And for that day A supper I am gaining.SILVIA. SILVIA.Firenze è la tua mèta? Are you going to Florence?ZANETTO. ZANETTO.Non so. Se mai più florido qualche sentier mi
Don't know. piaccia If I find a more flowery path Lo seguirò. La strana fantasia segue I follow it. It is a strange fancy that draws l'ardita traccia the bird through the trackless azure sky. Segnata dall'augel nell'aria azzurra And I must say, too, that in my journeys I Ancor sul mio cammino non trovai fortuna! have not found fortune.SILVIA. SILVIA. Ma non sognasti un giorno di riposo nel But have you not dreamed of resting some correr tuo fantastico e dubbioso? E non hai day in your fantastic and doubtful mai veduta una casetta bianca tra i verdi wandering? And have you not seen a little pampini, donde una giovinetta un rapido white house, set 'mid green, waving palms, buon giorno ti mando?  qaunidc kw "hGeoroe da myooruninngg!g"irl once gave you aZANETTO.  ZANETTO.Sì, qualche volta. Ma qual io mi sono, penso ai padri ai tutori, e non mi piace Yes, sometimes—But I know what I am—I delle famiglie disturbar la pace. think of fathers, and tutors; and it does notSILVIA please me to disturb the family peace.. SILVIA.Nè ti fermasti mai se la fanciulla Il fiore ti getto che Have you not set your mind firmly on the Avea in petto? girl who gave you that flowerZANETTO. you wear on your breast? Un bacio e seguitavo la mia strada ZANETTO.La libertà m'è cara. Non voglio altro fardello A kiss! and I go on my travels. Che il liuto, e la piuma del capello. Liberty to me is dear. Un amore I want no other burdens Dentro al core than my lute and the feather in my cap! È un bagaglio troppo grave! And loveSILVIA. When you would move Is too heavy to carry! L'augel di bosco non vuol gabbia! SILVIA.un giorno non t'alletti il nido!Chi sa A bird in the woods wants no cageZANETTO. But who will say that some day he will not No, No! L'amor mi fa paura, sai? build a nest? È così bello andarsene via — , ZANETTO.Come le libellule che van per L'aria libere! No! No! Do you know, all love makes me afraid?SILVIA. It is delightful to go your own way, Ma, non sarai felice. as you please, and be as E vieni qui dal fato free as the air! Tenuto per la mano SILVIA.O il vol di qualche rondino Seguisti da lontano? But you are not happy—
And fate did you follow As led by its hand; Quasi! Or the flight of a swallow From some far-away land?SILVIA. ZANETTO.Ti guida dunque una speranza? Perhaps—ZANETTO. SILVIA.Appeno un sogno. Are you led by some hope?SILVIA. ZANETTO.Parla! 'Twas only a dream.ZANETTO. SILVIA.Io qui potrei forse restare. Senti: I pari miei, Tell it!pmaadrrceh ees em ao ddr'eu nn ovinl lhaannon? o.E  Scohin  lfoi glsiao ? d'Puenl ZANETTO.mondo corsi fin'ora libero giocondo, nè mai vita migliore ho sospirato. Ma da quando Perhaps I may stay here! Know, then, that I ho gustato la cara voce tua, Madonna bella have no parents, father or mother. I may be ho sognato: D'avere una sorella. Quando the son of a Marquis, or of a villain—who m'hai susurrato dell'intima dolcezza del knows? In the world's course so far I've mondo, in mezzo di fiore allora sì, mi non lived a free and merry life; and have never sentito solo! desired any other. But after having enjoyed your dear voice, beautiful Madonna, I'veItroa ttceendeor ti avii ctiun,o iq uceosnt'suisgilig. noOlho!  rasne davgoiloe!s Isoi been dreaming that I might have—a sister! resterci teco sempre d'accanto mi avresti e Since you have aroused in me the desire col mio canto le tue lunghe giornate for a sweet little cottage, far from all the noises of the world, set in the midst of abbrevierei! flowers, now, yes! I begin to feel lonesome! I accept your wise counsel! Oh! If you were willing to be entertained by this nightingaleSILVIA. wanderer, I would stay here with you. I would be always near you; and with myBCaommbei inl oc!ore misussulta lute and song the long hours of your Che è mai questo timore? mornings I would shorten! Aver lo sempre meco, SILVIA (to herself).Udirlo delirante Darmi il nome d'amante! (My darling! Oh, il mio sogno avverato! How my heart is exulting! What is it always makes me fear?ZANETTO. To have all I have willed! Vuoi? To hear I'm aflame! Tell me my love's name!SILVIA. My dream has been fulfilled!) Se voglio? Ah, no, mai! ZANETTO.Pur è lui che mi supplica! Are you willing?ZANETTO.
SILVIA (to herself).Madonna, domandi troppo lo so; ma vuoi? (I willing? Ah! no! never!SILVIA. Why does he ask me?) Saprà chi son domani! ZANETTO. ZANETTO. Madonna! I ask too much, I know; but will you? Anco una volta vuoi! SILVIA. SILVIA. You shall know who I am tomorrow. Non posso! ZANETTO. ZANETTO. Again I ask you, will you? E perchè? SILVIA. SILVIA. I can not. Son vedova; son povera; e non posso ospitar poeti erranti. ZANETTO. ZANETTO. And why not? Uno scudier non hai? SILVIA. SILVIA. A widow am I, and poor, and cannot entertain wandering poets. No! ZANETTO. ZANETTO. Don't you have a servant? Un paggio? SILVIA. SILVIA. No! No! ZANETTO. ZANETTO. A footman? Io con un frutto desino! SILVIA. SILVIA. No. Deh, taci! Sono vedova vivo nel pianto sola. ZANETTO. ZANETTO. I can dine on fruit! Ed io non vo' che starmene ai tuoi piedi! SILVIA. SILVIA. I'Dmo na' t wsipdeoawk,  oaf nitd. live alone, weeping!È impossible, credi! ZANETTO. ZANETTO. I not st Dunque per sempre addio, bel sogno mio! And may and at your feet? Avrò forse domani, più fortuna con Silvia.
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