Wild Flowers Worth Knowing









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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Wild Flowers Worth Knowing, by Neltje Blanchan et al
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Title: Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
Author: Neltje Blanchan et al
Release Date: September, 2005 [EBook #8866] [This file was first posted on August 16, 2003]
Edition: 10
Language: English
Character set encoding: iso-8859-1
E-text prepared by Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders
FromNature's Garden
A still more popular edition of what has proved to the author to be a surprisingly popular book, has been prepared by the able hand of Mr. Asa Don Dickinson, and is now offered in the hope that many more people will find the wild flowers in Nature's garden all about us well worth knowing. For flowers have distinct objects in life and are everything they are for the most justifiable of reasons,i.e., the perpetuation and the improvement of their species. The means they employ to accomplish these ends are so various and so consummately clever that, in learning to understand them, we are brought to realize how similar they are to the fundamental aims of even the human race. Indeed there are few life principles that plants have not worked out satisfactorily. The problems of adapting oneself to one's environment, of insuring healthy families, of starting one's children well in life, of founding new colonies in distant lands, of the cooperative method of conducting business as opposed to the individualistic, of laying up treasure in the bank for future use, of punishing vice and rewarding virtue--these and many other problems of mankind the flowers have worked out with the help of insects, through the ages. To really understand what the wild flowers are doing, what the scheme of each one is, besides looking beautiful, is to give one a broader sympathy with both man and Nature and to add a real interest and joy to life which cannot be too widely shared.
Neltje Blanchan.
Oyster Bay, New York, January2, 1917.
Editor's Note.--The nomenclature and classification of Gray's New Manual of Botany, as rearranged and revised by Professors Robinson and Fernald, have been followed throughout the book. This system is based upon that of Eichler, as developed by Engler and Prantl. A variant form of name is also sometimes given to assist in identification.--A.D.D.
Preface, and Editor's Note
Flower Forms
Leaf and Root Forms
List of Illustrations
WATER-PLANTAIN FAMILY(Alismaceae)  Broad-leaved Arrow-head
ARUM FAMILY(Araceae)  Jack-in-the-Pulpit;  Skunk Cabbage
SPIDERWORT FAMILY(Commelinaceae)  Virginia or Common Day-flower
PICKEREL-WEED FAMILY(Pontederiaceae)  Pickerel Weed
LILY FAMILY(Liliaceae)  American White Hellebore;  Wild Yellow, Meadow,  Field or Canada Lily;  Red, Wood, Flame or Philadelphia Lily;  Yellow Adder's Tongue or Dog-tooth "Violet";  Yellow Clintonia;  Wild Spikenard or False Solomon's Seal;  Hairy, True or Twin-flowered Solomon's Seal;  Early or Dwarf Wake-Robin;  Purple Trillium;  Ill-scented Wake-Robin or Birth-root;  Carrion flower
AMARYLLIS FAMILY(Amaryllidaceae)  Yellow Star-grass
IRIS FAMILY(Iridaceae)  Larger Blue Flag, Blue Iris or Fleur-de-lis;  Blackberry Lily;  Pointed Blue-eyed Grass, Eye-bright or Blue Star
ORCHIS FAMILY(Orchidaceae)  Large Yellow Lady's Slipper, Whippoorwill's Shoe or Yellow Moccasin Flower;  Moccasin Flower or Pink, Venus' or Stemless Lady's Slipper;  Showy, Gay or Spring Orchis;  Large, Early or Purple-fringed Orchis;  White-fringed Orchis;  Yellow-fringed Orchis;  Calopagon or Grass Pink;  Arethusa or Indian Pink;  Nodding Ladies' Tresses
BUCKWHEAT FAMILY(Polygonaceae)  Common Persicaria, Pink Knotweed or Jointweed or Smartweed
POKEWEED FAMILY(Phytolaccaceae)  Pokeweed, Scoke, Pigeon-berry, Ink-berry or Garget
PINK FAMILY(Caryophyllaceae)  Common Chickweed;  Corn Cockle, Corn Rose, Corn or Red Campion, or Crown-of-the-Field;  Starry Campion;  Wild Pink or Catchfly;  Soapwort, Bouncing Bet or Old Maid's Pink
PURSLANE FAMILY(Portulacaceae)
 Spring Beauty or Claytonia
WATER-LILY FAMILY(Nymphaeaceae)  Large Yellow Pond or Water Lily, Cow Lily or Spatterdock;  Sweet-scented White Water or Pond Lily
CROWFOOT FAMILY(Ranunculaceae)  Common Meadow Buttercup, Tall Crowfoot or Cuckoo Flower;  Tall Meadow Rue; Liver-leaf, Hepatica, Liverwort or Squirrel Cup;  Wood Anemone or Wind Flower;  Virgin's Bower, Virginia Clematis or Old Man's Beard;  Marsh Marigold, Meadow-gowan or American Cowslip;  Gold-thread or Canker-root;  Wild Columbine;  Black Cohosh, Black Snakeroot or Tall Bugbane;  White Bane-berry or Cohosh
BARBERRY FAMILY(Berberidaceae)  May Apple, Hog Apple or Mandrake;  Barberry or Pepperidge-bush
POPPY FAMILY(Papaveraceae)  Bloodroot;  Greater Celandine or Swallow-wort
FUMITORY FAMILY(Fumariaceae)  Dutchman's Breeches;  Squirrel Corn
MUSTARD FAMILY(Cruciferae)  Shepherd's Purse;  Black Mustard
PITCHER-PLANT FAMILY(Sarraceniaceae)  Pitcher-plant, Side-saddle Flower or Indian Dipper
SUNDEW FAMILY(Dioseraceae)  Round-leaved Sundew or Dew-plant
SAXIFRAGE FAMILY(Saxifragaceae)  Early Saxifrage;  False Miterwort, Coolwort or Foam Flower;  Grass of Parnassus
WITCH-HAZEL FAMILY(Hamamelidaceae) Witch-hazel
ROSE FAMILY(Rosaceae)  Hardhack or Steeple Bush;  Meadow-Sweet or Quaker Lady;  Common Hawthorn, White Thorn, Red Haw or Mayflower;  Five-finger or Common Cinquefoil;  High Bush Blackberry, or Bramble;
 Purple-flowering or Virginia Raspberry;  Wild Roses
PULSE FAMILY(Leguminosae)  Wild or American Senna;  Wild Indigo, Yellow or Indigo Broom, or Horsefly-Weed;  Wild Lupine, Sun Dial or Wild Pea;  Common Red, Purple, Meadow or Honeysuckle Clover;  White Sweet, Bokhara or Tree Clover;  Blue, Tufted or Cow Vetch or Tare;  Ground-nut;  Wild or Hog Peanut
WOOD-SORREL FAMILY(Oxalidaceae)  White or True Wood-sorrel or Alleluia;  Violet Wood-sorrel
GERANIUM FAMILY(Geraniaceae)  Wild or Spotted Geranium or Crane's-Bill;  Herb Robert, Red Robin or Red Shanks
MILKWORT FAMILY(Polygalaceae)  Fringed Milkwort or Polygala or Flowering Wintergreen;  Common Field or Purple Milkwort
TOUCH-ME-NOT FAMILY(Balsaminaceae)  Jewel-weed, Spotted Touch-me-not or Snap Weed
BUCKTHORN FAMILY(Rhamnaceae)  New Jersey Tea
MALLOW FAMILY(Malvaceae)  Swamp Rose-mallow or Mallow Rose
ST. JOHN'S-WORT FAMILY(Hypericaceae)  Common St. John's-wort
ROCKROSE FAMILY(Cistaceae)  Long-branched Frost-weed or Canadian Rockrose
VIOLET FAMILY(Violaceae)  Blue and Purple Violets;  Yellow Violets;  White Violets
EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY(Onagraceae)  Great or Spiked Willow-herb or Fire-weed;  Evening Primrose or Night Willow-herb
GINSENG FAMILY(Araliaceae)  Spikenard or Indian Root
PARSLEY FAMILY(Umbelliferae)
 Wild or Field Parsnip;  Wild Carrot or Queen Anne's Lace
DOGWOOD FAMILY(Cornaceae)  Flowering Dogwood
HEATH FAMILY(Ericaceae)  Pipsissewa or Prince's Pine;  Indian Pipe, Ice-plant, Ghost flower or Corpse-plant;  Pine Sap or False Beech-drops;  Wild Honeysuckle, Pink, Purple or Wild Azalea, or Pinxter-flower;  American or Great Rhododendron, Great Laurel, or Bay;  Mountain or American Laurel or Broad-leaved Kalmia;  Trailing Arbutus or Mayflower;  Creeping Wintergreen, Checker-berry or Partridge-berry
PRIMROSE FAMILY(Primulaceae)  Four-leaved or Whorled Loosestrife;  Star-flower;  Scarlet Pimpernel, Poor Man's Weatherglass or Shepherd's Clock;  Shooting Star or American Cowslip
GENTIAN FAMILY(Gentianaceae)  Bitter-bloom or Rose-Pink;  Fringed Gentian;  Closed or Blind Gentian
DOGBANE FAMILY(Apocynaceae)  Spreading or Fly-trap Dogbane
MILKWEED FAMILY(Asclepiadaceae)  Common Milkweed or Silkweed;  Butterfly-weed
CONVOLVULUS FAMILY(Convolvulaceae)  Hedge or Great Bindweed;  Gronovius' or Common Dodder or Strangle-weed
POLEMONIUM FAMILY(Polemoniaceae)  Ground or Moss Pink
BORAGE FAMILY(Boraginaceae)  Forget-me-not;  Viper's Bugloss or Snake-flower
VERVAIN FAMILY(Verbenaceae)  Blue Vervain, Wild Hyssop or Simpler's Joy
MINT FAMILY(Labiatae)  Mad-dog Skullcap or Madweed;  Self-heal, Heal-all, Blue Curls or Brunella;  Motherwort;
 Oswego Tea, Bee Balm or Indian's Plume;  Wild Bergamot
NIGHTSHADE FAMILY(Solanaceae)  Nightshade, Blue Bindweed or Bittersweet;  Jamestown Weed, Thorn Apple or Jimson Weed
FIGWORT FAMILY(Scrophulariaceae)  Great Mullein, Velvet or Flannel Plant or Aaron's Rod;  Moth Mullein;  Butter-and-eggs or Yellow Toadflax;  Blue or Wild Toadflax or Blue Linaria;  Hairy Beard-tongue;  Snake-head, Turtle-head or Cod-head;  Monkey-flower;  Common Speedwell, Fluellin or Paul's Betony;  American Brooklime;  Culver's-root;  Downy False Foxglove;  Large Purple Gerardia;  Scarlet Painted Cup or Indian Paint-brush;  Wood Betony or Loosewort
BROOM-RAPE FAMILY(Orobanchaceae)  Beech-drops
MADDER FAMILY(Rubiaceae)  Partridge Vine or Squaw-berry;  Button-bush or Honey-balls;  Bluets, Innocence or Quaker Ladies
BLUEBELL FAMILY(Campanulaceae)  Harebell, Hairbell or Blue Bells of Scotland; Venus' Looking-glass  or Clasping Bellflower
LOBELIA FAMILY(Lobeliaceae)  Cardinal Flower;  Great Lobelia
COMPOSITE FAMILY(Compositae)  Iron-weed or Flat Top;  Joe Pye Weed, Trumpet Weed, or Tall or Purple Boneset or Thoroughwort;  Golden-rods;  Blue and Purple Asters or Starworts;  White Asters or Starworts;  Golden Aster;  Daisy Fleabane or Sweet Scabious;  Robin's or Robert's Plantain or Blue Spring Daisy;  Pearly or Large-flowered Everlasting or Immortelle, Elecampane  or Horseheal;
 Black-eyed Susan or Yellow or Ox-eye Daisy;  Tall or Giant Sunflower;  Sneezeweed or Swamp Sunflower;  Yarrow or Milfoil;  Dog's or Fetid Camomile or Dog-fennel;  Common Daisy, Marguerite, or White Daisy;  Tansy or Bitter Buttons;  Thistles; Chicory or Succory;  Common Dandelion;  Tall or Wild Lettuce;  Orange or Tawny Hawkweed or Devil's Paint-brush
BLACK-EYED SUSAN(Rudbeckia hirta)ARROW-HEAD(Sagittaria latifolia) SOAPWORT OR BOUNCING BET(Saponaria officinalis)LIVERWORT OR HEPATICA(Hepatica triloba)MARSH MARIGOLD(Caltha palustris)BLACK COHOSH(Cimifuga racemosa)MANDRAKE OR MAY APPLE(Podophyllum peltatum)BLOODROOT(Sanguinaria canadensis)STEEPLEBUSH OR HARDHACK(Spiraea tomentosa)PURPLE-FLOWERING RASPBERRY(Rubus odoratus)TOUCH-ME-NOT OR JEWEL WEED(Impatiens biflora)SHRUBBY ST. JOHN'S WORT(Hypericum prolificum)COMMON PURPLE VIOLET(Viola cucullata)DOWNY YELLOW VIOLET(Viola pubescens)FIRE WEED(Epilobium angustifolium)EVENING PRIMROSE(Oenothera biennis)SILKY CORNEL OR KINNIKINNIK(Cornus amomum)MOUNTAIN LAUREL(Kalmia latifolia)TRAILING ARBUTUS OR MAYFLOWER(Epigala repens) SEA OR MARSH PINK(Sabataria stellaris)CLOSED OR BLIND GENTIAN(Gentiana Andrewsii)PURPLE MILKWEED(Asclepias purpurascens)BUTTERFLY-WEED(Asclepias tuberosa)BLUE VERVAIN OR WILD HYSSOP(Verbena hastata)HYSSOP SKULLCAP(Scutellaria integrifolia)SELF-HEAL OR BLUE CURLS(Prunella vulgaris)GREAT MULLEIN OR VELVET DOCK(Verbascum Thapsus)MOTH MULLEIN(Verbascum blattaria)MONKEY-FLOWER(Mimulus ringens)DOWNY FALSE FOXGLOVE(Gerardia flava) PAINTED CUP(Castilleja coccinea)
BUTTON-BUSH OR HONEY BALL(Cephalanthus occidentalis)CARDINAL FLOWER(Lobelia cardinalis)GREAT LOBELIA OR BLUE CARDINAL(Lobelia syphilitica)CANADA GOLDEN-ROD(Solidago canadensis)LATE PURPLE ASTER(Aster Patens)TALL OR GIANT SUNFLOWER(Helianthus giganteus)TANSY OR BITTER BUTTONS(Tanacteum vulgare)PASTURE OR FRAGRANT THISTLE(Cirsium pumilum)BUR OR SPEAR THISTLE(Cirsium lanceolatum)CHICORY OR SUCCORY(Cichorium Intybus)
Broad-leaved Arrow-head
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