The War With the United States : A Chronicle of 1812









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The War With the United States A Chronicle of 1812 Volume 14 (of 32) in the seriesChronicles of Canada, by William WoodThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atwww.gutenberg.netTitle: The War With the United States A Chronicle of 1812 Volume 14 (of 32) in the series Chronicles of CanadaAuthor: William WoodEditor: George M. Wrong and H. H. LangtonRelease Date: January 3, 2005 [EBook #14582]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES ***This etext was produced by Gardner Buchanan.CHRONICLES OF CANADAEdited by George M. Wrong and H. H. LangtonIn thirty-two volumesVolume 14THE WAR WITH THE UNITED STATESA Chronicle of 1812By WILLIAM WOODTORONTO, 1915CONTENTSI. OPPOSING CLAIMS II. OPPOSING FORCES III. 1812: OFF TO THE FRONT IV. 1812: BROCK AT DETROIT AND QUEENSTON HEIGHTS V. 1813: THEBEAVER DAMS, LAKE ERIE, AND CHATEAUGUAY VI. 1814: LUNDY'S LANE, PLATTSBURG, AND THE GREAT BLOCKADE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTECHAPTER IOPPOSING CLAIMSInternational disputes that end in war are not generally questions of absolute right and wrong. They may quite as well bequestions of opposing rights. But, when there are rights on both sides; it is usually found that the side which takes theinitiative is moved by its ...
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08 décembre 2010

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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The War With theUnited States A Chronicle of 1812 Volume 14 (of32) in the series Chronicles of Canada, by WilliamWoodThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere atno cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under theterms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: The War With the United States A Chronicleof 1812 Volume 14 (of 32) in the series Chroniclesof CanadaAuthor: William WoodEditor: George M. Wrong and H. H. LangtonRelease Date: January 3, 2005 [EBook #14582]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERGEBOOK WAR WITH THE UNITED STATES ***This etext was produced by Gardner Buchanan.
CHRONICLES OF CANADAEdited by George M. Wrong and H. H. LangtonIn thirty-two volumesVolume 14THE WAR WITH THE UNITED STATESA Chronicle of 1812By WILLIAM WOODTORONTO, 1915
CHAPTER IOPPOSING CLAIMSInternational disputes that end in war are notgenerally questions of absolute right and wrong.They may quite as well be questions of opposingrights. But, when there are rights on both sides; itis usually found that the side which takes theinitiative is moved by its national desires as well asby its claims of right.This could hardly be better exemplified than by thevexed questions which brought about the War of1812. The British were fighting for life and libertyagainst Napoleon. Napoleon was fighting to masterthe whole of Europe. The United States wished tomake as much as possible out of unrestricted tradewith both belligerents. But Napoleon's BerlinDecree forbade all intercourse whatever with theBritish, while the British Orders-in-Council forbadeall intercourse whatever with Napoleon and hisallies, except on condition that the trade shouldfirst pass through British ports. Between two suchdesperate antagonists there was no safe place foran unarmed, independent, 'free-trading' neutral.Every one was forced to take sides. The Britishbeing overwhelmingly strong at sea, while theFrench were correspondingly strong on land,American shipping was bound to suffer more fromthe British than from the French. The French
seized every American vessel that infringed theBerlin Decree whenever they could manage to doso. But the British seized so many more forinfringing the Orders-in-Council that the Americansnaturally began to take sides with the French.Worse still, from the American point of view, wasthe British Right of Search, which meant the rightof searching neutral merchant vessels either inBritish waters or on the high seas for desertersfrom the Royal Navy. Every other people whosenavy could enforce it had always claimed a similarright. But other peoples' rights had never clashedwith American interests in at all the same way.What really roused the American government wasnot the abstract Right of Search, but itsenforcement at a time when so many handsaboard American vessels were British subjectsevading service in their own Navy. The Americantheory was that the flag covered the crew whereverthe ship might be. Such a theory might well havebeen made a question for friendly debate andsettlement at any other time. But it was a newtheory, advanced by a new nation, whose peculiarand most disturbing entrance on the internationalscene could not be suffered to upset the acceptedstate of things during the stress of a life-and-deathwar. Under existing circumstances the British couldnot possibly give up their long-established Right ofSearch without committing national suicide. Neithercould they relax their own blockade so long asNapoleon maintained his. The Right of Search andthe double blockade of Europe thus became twovexed questions which led straight to war.
But the American grievances about these twoquestions were not the only motives impelling theUnited States to take up arms. There were twodeeply rooted national desires urging them on inthe same direction. A good many Americans wereready to seize any chance of venting their anti-British feeling; and most Americans thought theywould only be fulfilling their proper 'destiny' bywresting the whole of Canada from the Britishcrown. These two national desires worked bothways for war—supporting the government caseagainst the British Orders-in-Council and Right ofSearch on the one hand, while welcoming analliance with Napoleon on the other. Americanswere far from being unanimous; and the party infavour of peace was not slow to point out thatNapoleon stood for tyranny, while the British stoodfor freedom. But the adherents of the war partyreminded each other, as well as the British and theFrench, that Britain had wrested Canada fromFrance, while France had helped to wrest theThirteen Colonies from the British Empire.As usual in all modern wars, there was muchofficial verbiage about the national claims and onlyunofficial talk about the national desires. But, againas usual, the claims became the more insistentbecause of the desires, and the desires becamethe more patriotically respectable because of theclaims of right. 'Free Trade and Sailors' Rights' wasthe popular catchword that best describes the twostrong claims of the United States. 'Down with theBritish' and 'On to Canada' were the phrases thatbest reveal the two impelling national desires.
Both the claims and the desires seem quite simplein themselves. But, in their connection withAmerican politics, international affairs, andopposing British claims, they are complex to thelast degree. Their complexities, indeed, are sotortuous and so multitudinous that they baffledescription within the limits of the present book.Yet, since nothing can be understood without somereference to its antecedents, we must take at leasta bird's-eye view of the growing entanglementwhich finally resulted in the War of 1812.The relations of the British Empire with the UnitedStates passed through four gradually darkeningphases between 1783 and 1812—the phases ofAccommodation, Unfriendliness, Hostility, and War.Accommodation lasted from the recognition ofIndependence till the end of the century.Unfriendliness then began with President Jeffersonand the Democrats. Hostility followed in 1807,during Jefferson's second term, when Napoleon'sBerlin Decree and the British. Orders-in-Councilbrought American foreign relations into the five-year crisis which ended with the three-year war.William Pitt, for the British, and John Jay, the firstchief justice of the United States, are the twoprincipal figures in the Accommodation period. In1783 Pitt, who, like his father, the great Earl ofChatham, was favourably disposed towards theAmericans, introduced a temporary measure in theBritish House of Commons to regulate trade withwhat was now a foreign country 'on the most
enlarged principles of reciprocal benefit' as well as'on terms of most perfect amity with the UnitedStates of America.' This bill, which showed theinfluence of Adam Smith's principles on Pitt'sreceptive mind, favoured American more than anyother foreign trade in the mother country, andfavoured it to a still greater extent in the WestIndies. Alone among foreigners the Americanswere to be granted the privilege of trading betweentheir own ports and the West Indies, in their ownvessels and with their own goods, on exactly thesame terms as the British themselves. The bill wasrejected. But in 1794, when the French Revolutionwas running its course of wild excesses, and theBritish government was even less inclined to trustrepublics, Jay succeeded in negotiating atemporary treaty which improved the position ofAmerican sea-borne trade with the West Indies.His government urged him to get explicitstatements of principle inserted, more especiallyanything that would make cargoes neutral whenunder neutral flags. This, however, was notpossible, as Jay himself pointed out. 'That Britain,'he said, 'at this period, and involved in war, shouldnot admit principles which would impeach thepropriety of her conduct in seizing provisions boundto France, and enemy's property on board neutralvessels, does not appear to me extraordinary.' Onthe whole, Jay did very well to get any treatythrough at such a time; and this mere fact showsthat the general attitude of the mother countrytowards her independent children was far frombeing unfriendly.
Unfriendliness began with the new century, whenJefferson first came into power. He treated theBritish navigation laws as if they had been inventedon purpose to wrong Americans, though they hadbeen in force for a hundred and fifty years, andthough they had been originally passed, at thezenith of Cromwell's career, by the only republicangovernment that ever held sway in England.Jefferson said that British policy was so perverse,that when he wished to forecast the British line ofaction on any particular point he would firstconsider what it ought to be and then infer theopposite. His official opinion was written in thefollowing words: 'It is not to the moderation orjustice of others we are to trust for fair and equalaccess to market with our productions, or for ourdue share in the transportation of them; but to ourown means of independence, and the firm will touse them.' On the subject of impressment, or'Sailors' Rights,' he was clearer still: 'The simplestrule will be that the vessel being American shall beevidence that the seamen on board of her aresuch.' This would have prevented the impressmentof British seamen, even in British harbours, if theywere under the American merchant flag—aprinciple almost as preposterous, at that particulartime, as Jefferson's suggestion that the whole GulfStream should be claimed 'as of our waters.'If Jefferson had been backed by a united public, orif his actions had been suited to his words, warwould have certainly broken out during his secondpresidential term, which lasted from 1805 to 1809.But he was a party man, with many political
opponents, and without unquestioning support fromall on his own side, and he cordially hated armies,navies, and even a mercantile marine. His idea ofan American Utopia was a commonwealth withplenty of commerce, but no more shipping thancould be helped:I trust [he said] that the good sense of ourcountry will see that its greatest prosperitydepends on a due balance betweenagriculture, manufactures, and commerce; andnot on this protuberant navigation, which haskept us in hot water since the commencementof our government… It is essentially necessaryfor us to have shipping and seamen enough tocarry our surplus products to market, butbeyond that I do not think we are bound to giveit encouragement… This exuberant commercebrings us into collision with other Powers inevery sea.Notwithstanding such opinions, Jefferson stoodfirm on the question of 'Sailors' Rights.' He refusedto approve a treaty that had been signed on thelast day of 1806 by his four commissioners inLondon, chiefly because it provided no preciseguarantee against impressment. The Britishministers had offered, and had sincerely meant, torespect all American rights, to issue specialinstructions against molesting American citizensunder any circumstances, and to redress everycase of wrong. But, with a united nation behindthem and an implacable enemy in front, they couldnot possibly give up the right to take British
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