The Shield









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08 décembre 2010



The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Shield, by Various, Edited by Maksim Gorky, Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev, and Fyodor Sologub, Translated by A. Yarmolinsky This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atww.wro.ggetugrebn Title: The Shield Author: Various Editor: Maksim Gorky, Leonid Nikolayevich Andreyev, and Fyodor Sologub Release Date: October 3, 2006 [eBook #19453] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE SHIELD***  E-text prepared by Juliet Sutherland, Jeannie Howse, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team (     
Transcriber's Note: Inconsistent hyphenation and unusual spelling in the original document have been preserved. A number of obvious typographical errors have been corrected in this text. For a complete list, please see the end of this document.
THE NEWEST BORZOI BOOKS ASPHALT By Orrick Johns BACKWATER By Dorothy Richardson CENTRAL EUROPE By Friedrich Naumann CRIMES OF CHARITY By Konrad Bercovici RUSSIA'S MESSAGE By William English Walling THE BOOK OF SELF By James Oppenheim THE By A. Hyatt Verrill MODERN RUSSIAN HISTORY By Alexander Kornilov THE RUSSIAN SCHOOL OF PAINTING By Alexandre Benois THE JOURNAL OF LEO TOLSTOI (1895-1899) THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A SUPERTRAMP By With a Preface by Bernard Shaw
Translated from the Russian by A. Yarmolinsky
New York ALFRED A. KNOPF Mcmxvii
FOREWORD This is not merely a book about the Russian Jews. It is a marvellous revelation of the Russian soul. It shows not only that the overwhelming majority of the Russian intellectuals, including nearly all of her brilliant literary geniuses, are opposed to the persecution of the Jews or any other race, but that they have a capacity for sympathy and understanding of humanity unequalled in any other land. I do not know of any book where the genius and heart of Russia is better displayed. Not only her leading litterateurs but also her leading statesmen and economists are represented—and all of them speak as with a single voice. I am writing on the 16th of March. Yesterday the news reached the world that Russia had probably at last succeeded in emancipating itself from the German-sustained and German-supported autocracy which so long has been renounced by practically all classes of the Russian people. I have pointed out elsewhere that this Second Act of the great drama of social transformation in Russia was to be expected in connection with the present war. It is not surprising that this Act, like the first—the Revolution of 1905—is accompanied by an irresistible demand for the cessation of the persecution of the Jews and other minority races. The first Duma, that of 1906, demanded unanimously that all these races be given absolutely the same rights as other Russians. The rise of Liberalism during the war, in connection with military necessities, had already abolished a number of Jewish disabilities. There is no longer any question that the Jews will be given equality. Without exception the anti-Semitic organisations were supported by the pro-German party, the money which was alone responsible for the pogroms was furnished by these same organisations, and now this Party and these organisations are forever overthrown. It was Dr. Dubrovin, for example, who year by year carried out the murders of the leading representatives of the Jews in the Duma and who almost succeeded in having Milukov assassinated a few weeks ago. Dubrovin was one of the most important of the sinister forces supported by the money of the German Czarina's court party—which was organised by Baron Fredericks and other notorious Germans masquerading as Russians. The re-birth of Russia which is now taking place cannot be understood apart from the Jewish problem. As Russia's leading Liberal statesman, Prof. Paul Milukov—who is well and favorably known in America because of extended visits here—points out in the article he contributes to the present volume, the anti-Semitic parties coincide with the anti-constitutional parties. At first this seems a strange and unaccountable fact, but a brief glance at the history of other countries will show that the party standing for the persecution of weak foreign neighbours and the oppression of minority races within and without a country has always and everywhere been the party of reaction. As Milukov says, there was no need for an anti-constitutional movement until there was a constitutional movement. As soon as Liberalism appeared, however, and gained support among the masses, it was necessary to fabricate some counter movement, and the governmental bureaucracy fixed upon anti-Semitism as a primitive means of appealing to the masses, and so of bridling them. It may be further pointed out that this systematic propaganda against democracy was almost non-existent in Russia until it had become thoroughly organised and successful in Germany. Both Kovalevsky and Milukov demonstrate in the present volume that anti-Semitism became an important factor in Russian life only after the middle of the Nineteenth Century—that is to say, after the final victory of Prussian Reactionism over German Liberalism in 1849 (a victory which has lasted to the present time)—and still more, after the great military victories of Prussia from 1864 to 1870 had put Prussian militarism in the saddle and had made it the dominating force in the Russian court and Russian bureaucracy. However, the intelligence, energy, and courage of the Russian Liberals has entirely thwarted this scheme to divide the Russian people. The bureaucracy has gained almost no support among any section of the Russian nation, except its own narrow circles, either for its persecution of the Jews or its oppression of the Poles, Finns, Tartars, Armenians and other races. On the contrary, the anti-Semitic propaganda has reacted against its promoters. A considerable number, though by no means a majority, of the Russian Liberals are Jews, and Russian Liberals do not at all endeavour to hide this fact. The consequence is that the union of the Russian Liberals with all the persecuted races has been all the more firmly cemented. And just as all Russian Liberals are ardent supporters of the war against Germany, so practically all the leaders of the Russian Jews are equally patriotic—in spite of the fact that many forms of persecution have remained, and, furthermore, new forms of persecution have been invented since the war. Though the German agitation in America has won over a large part of the Russian Jews in this country to the German cause, this agitation has had no such success in Russia, unless among a relatively small proportion of the Jewish population. It is known that the anti-Semitic agitation in Russia has taken hold of only a small proportion of the Russian people among the semi-criminal population of the cities and towns. It is notorious that the pogroms were often organised and carried out by the secret police and the cossacks, and that in other instances they were executed by bands of a few hundred bribed toughs, called by educated Russians "the black hundreds." This social element is what we would ordinarily call in America the "mob," and it certainly does not constitute one per cent. of the population in Russia or in any other country. Gorky refers to it as "the populace": "In addition to the people, there is also the 'populace,' something standing outside of social classes and outside of civilisation, and united by the dark sense of hatred against all that surpasses its understanding and is defenceless against brute force. I speak of the populace which thus defines itself in the words of Pushkin: "'We are insidious and shameless, Ungrateful, faint-hearted and wicked; At heart we are cold, sterile eunuchs, Traducers, born to slavery.'" The refusal of the Russian people to be either bribed or deceived into hostility to the Jews is clearly enough demonstrated by the feeling of affection on the part of most intelligent Jews towards the Russian people. The only
ah ttct  taftrna andatededucthe ssalcdetavitluc easp, iassRun  irelal naikgns veand persguages, lima railanof ylvicisalithwihe tackwhe btateardsuRsso  fniudai nnd arystansius Rmnrevog tuB .tne this fact, impotrna tsai it,sm t ust noscobe ur ehtauqe yllopmiedatucedr heoty nafo taht naht rsibl pos thewithevrahetssw c alanrm Wy.t haGeof noit foxe etpecand the  understh po eot eacnntoerof eronuoc ngif  oonti more onnilfa  n evoeucns, etrieisesxercna yuR daissup nRueriassson etciuotbdeyls rtnoegblic opinion und ni ehT"trofsa hLLWIM IAieSh."ld yna dnicuiccnltgly set terestinuPECAFERP.tucitc Rhe tbyd heisblNI.GAWLLSI HNELGonneh, CnwicGree cherahaerctnd aiop o tniv fo wenew Russia unles sewnuedsratdnt s hidtanheow nislc os ers ,ylraee Ruf thn "issiaelegtnle,a "tnistrorad. ar in Pe aaltse hi tfod  taw lheieSh sldiiro lan,bugeht ofs tsisnoc koob ehT rht eojnietidotJewish Life undet roS ehydut fo sius Sanieoc ftyve ,rdyeoSolna ds, Gtter, Anorkym tnenimel-fo-neofp hirs eeehr t Rhesiusknt  towd dnon oaP ha eltheJewis within itsef ralosi hic Phe tomfre om chcihw sweJ esohtare ons eptiexcer Ienev:"WhsaysJ weisnaR sum te, meluvot enespr ,bugoloS rodoyFngelytenthe stravo eof rcaoisul I , waalabs adrodell ta m syevrakao s epssai fuRh th wite loesamw aissuReht hciherespry eyTh. vet ehR suisnae imgrants; they arenignna ght das e tmedeenesrnass i si nruter eht if, edenddsay llqeauna dru nr ter toeagelly equahsradna  si h osa,siho wvelous Rdlt eh yro ehsuoe.Wherefmpossibltos anicveeiec d sselesuremA rofthemward is ?"Itsoipi hn eotatlbue qiostisn it euRehaisseJ nhsiw thinking that tt ehsmleev sniotexe ptce panpleo.yasofnU yb raehy, this rtunatelisedarlbsia c nohe tofn iortpoe eJ eht fo latot ,andssian Ruws ihtseor msif i  tic eseitdna wot  insthn hee t arfot ehP la ehtta most of ourimmic stnargtuB .emohe tll aede or mdeJ cutana dwesry la ve parargehw onkwo lhtso ecatedalt areeduo leht r a yvartthei berus Ra sienswna dru eretanlitssiah Rurougof noitceffa pee d aelfe, rspepa for in spite of rhtie rocnurt,ys ng ttom hestju,llasuR  aisolebto ooes  Rustherumhca  stid a  srstodi ee thf  oO .snaisehtfo enre is onthat theseitno ;igna ,uq, anorGeAr, nimeiarknainsiloU ,hsh,PJewithe  as ihgnhct  oussin e ertht ha tay sot hcum yrev ekisvyk":eWw uodll s. Says Merezhkoeht suR naisweJ "aontos ha toft r"cael dseit euqotheany -calr so sa tsom ot llewl il wkyaly plapoitailano lana frsden  a etyenngylr letaerc olesind denied. A blna 'msilihpoduJ' aa'bihoopud'Jd t ehilseie nhtre..""dy..rageir trneahe tig r thtas oht y ,ta dna; the Russianpeolp eahevy tet  oulwoe  w tkelid w tub ,otonnac enequly oontestisuisehR eY,sna .llrapae tht ha ttseggus ton odI ear s clit ibut et ,pmel soclei hah  tveEne isglon oht tmelbD ?sestions?ndian quhsa dnI ehriI ir.ycarcomn ew oD esgrro pded ans Adis onap ortaciave ot hnegrour i romocnherpisner heimunrtpot an tfov ei wfoo ruble from thepoindnf tna llaib iriscung dnatiasciyerdnA yb snoissvskozhreMend aevobrua  sleol walsimilar closely weJ phsit otriehthBohe tblro. emin rect ringefer hotb ton geo rutiesquro ond aontseuq ruy fo noithat the Russianrwtire snit ehp sere vntumolare ep ecefr yltrrociged obl her fors ehhtta lebw li tffritaa diIno a fo noi nottoc in that country?oisnt  oujtsci eur ferthon csscenwo kas ot eekami  t esapmrisiEhBritthe pon ch uum sa tsuj nedru bleaberolnt istcsnoecssnElgna'dar from ally cleton uqe I ?dti sIrn anelesdopo utnocscitN ?seuni cnsioatulnd iancooia rttttisua towaude Asiards i dous ng hcssord anupst cidmeriegt ehsmleev sofr a certain peri ingdiansty ane n fo truoc eht nrica Ame can Andh va eothrpoe evofn he tecrsioutdna ruo gen seors long aations aafomsuep suo rniesprngsihe ton nstsi' :'saeCpo eof our empire, sR-suisnalemene t rhe tveo  thtigw taht oah yam etwe  thawithmay suisebR a dnna,sfo n.ti mrifoitainblafd uaeqy llll yrbni'yanutarlute 'Na An absoahT""'.aeY' etulsoabn  athor fgsnolaaNiteh' ott say  we  whyt iseb' uJodhplise'.'"Is it not clearf rt mor ehnecedit ussconsin  irBtiht eaPlrsi hnt tiamethe hat orphsirIiew melbkelis ghmoaln  a show ou dignitylaf ca,e ranitnof  ohua s  aatthn ,gt to namniebt. Cbeasf a hatouJodeb' t  oaeest ha tso' esobph ot esaec yam ewmans. In the samit chtnat ehG rens itutiontiofs aw ew ,yeliheht sian Rusple  peoeGmro  ft ehna,yor mlyteraocemedeeb evahinifni nssai ,hteso  fuR thanthoemocracyw es htiht sac eerev isevee  rrylepod vehtref rumuchare ica Amerd lareneg fo noictredie thn  ied naciovauo dom rl radianelntctleau lerpsnoisibilties by turning oc laromfo egaruucede thla cedato  fssseai .uRsseel We f we thattepif  ot ha sintnemeve og anrevnti-demon more aah nhttarctacit isexn  ockbar ou tI .semirc gnity beentlrequhasftut deo iotnnep erwhy acexe the  ni era rcotuanacy tocratheyhan sl e yafd menia  ang indudmptlenromyaf eer-rihcah are necessarilafimselei shwci dna lautcelletn ihe tvehas anicmAreet dudacsue  of  few.Butnioncilbipo  nahupybor f tceheatbyr tiesflr niatni system maisting sdna enet eh dninwhi meall ole aecirp-doum taht pae  bstthn  iidi  soptsopen dhte greater theblob ,st tul ehegnothr see lettntmed toorcere frs a rnihtiene dd fewhy  beslif  orkotucesrepeht hcilly rottot actuaehn teowde ,ybt tisa ionciurlivi ,den fiop snosiy da verthistil  enul firasdtewoate omisnos itn i devil evah I y poisoneedin the ,rbaehtompseherthl e esndouals  hcirrusia dhw r eadhtseraorkrh,blem'proall s,' lbaraebneht ot elo angwi us,smgiey t,Ia R suisna intellect."And pah r yperpetnesnt ileeluact al,drub feihc eht fe tht nof  is,enw ihed,nbfruhceicruseen as bch hsuR naisgniheht n  Iisthat nn.ios ya:sW"b oo kehthe 'Jewhen did esquh isle' ontiym no paI?kcab not  do . I knowro nawbsi  tiwhtd andeunitr Fr. t mov eh yreemomnt I assumed a cnocsoisua tttiducyraba,  aedocutgro sinademrdna  of an athe faceoisni  n eocdntind anymaer Gofe crof yratilim dnal aectutell, inrolaehm b tykcdexe rlpmar ,erage. nddrAneveyfo, rFnaeca dnE gnal by the money of tI .melo eno sissRua y obprn ia msaboelralirpmihe Jds th prewissuis aahes sfoR ourage ave the cinip .nolbupo ciedatascle Thucedr aehTyeda.e apsey at th thalise ecnegilletni dne adspa l al ctons committed by htResuisnan taoi pretlarrey onsplbisof eht ris eess werltofohere oerert htseemydn ve en, tghouthevah yehop neeb  perhapsrilliant edecutat ah nht aof onycleds as,noi ew rehttan manangee cht thegh-l raed,d-yiselnt ind aedrteab erom yllautcel .fIw  eiwhst uonderstand educatR deissuhwa hcis haoubrt ghouabnet dverabaocpmn imle ianceportot neve loc eht wal saoslfseitr gniston id esucsanicars ntgeerAmae towlrt ih srge excepthing els elihw nrob gnie bisa sius Rew nleili tna dnen,se lithesite I wrd ned anosthofe ht l esoocnurecnelf, a Cain."Them  yrbtoeh rihsmmyt nsaierthro bfo yna fga ecnefheeyin tf ales oahev , Imo eb ceonrspet:ules rheo sseltliug yllacitymplis cocomesat siw  dht ;natoe re p uisblnaemireb ,tnevc a all powell. But ,si  ftilrsenssetsniaga ,llud a poesnr uwae ivnsniido  foiunngtalingnfairokely braetfo smoc ssapn iod antcouesridasena dpseehcse, the sincerest t rievtnf reomtsthe ct, elle intym fo stnemugra ut-carle che tll .oF,ra fopsritiulation ile trib tsoretst otm ehoo dd messlend aI fell,owerlt peutsn qotaa oi nesquh isis' onti taht deweJ' ehtious and convincuohgf luylc nocseierragn, cethalvitafo eeht vos ificientanis org nfotaoisurti dnbud any  issnesingisni sitnacifin comparison wit hhttao  ftoeh runcoietrowsg,in fo ruoc ,est otcseio  flasm rerrRuseove Mornce.ohtiw ton si aisalicogolhnec tut ,ub thts hcoosltion of e proporitalmeno rehupopthn sce oypl iedetniauqcR htiw dd rlwoe  allweisretal tia trru,ean gussis ineniu,yhpicosgoloe ,ymu, c,sihi psolo,ya dnt ehh giehconomics, historsiesprexn as"aslc elddim lautce preormyin fo codet ofcra  mnoI  nlyesecs  irdhaesoptI .tnesrup tion. This asserrpvo ehtasyrt  od ne ato knyd inm foredome nyolpsses capable andr aeydt  oebrtia fd,neai ondearedesinagrlletni" , bumentgreat a hcin tet yrtacllseod ni naht ti truns.ieheotcor pmroattnnem roie Russia  rôle inacude na rehtienmar nos ascld teh sassai tuRW aheen as bkedh lacssaii  slaomtsa ated class in Rut te tah ehtcude mWet ust norgfop alahsp nvesya ons,nati per andehto eht taerg rouerumsnn  iass laxy of tthat gavorew ah dhtni kea rand ha tton eb orettnnacd toen. ritthaswume v loestnp ert ehedosmpcos hat hat suineg naissuR
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