The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 17: 1570-72









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The Project Gutenberg EBook Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1570-72 #18 in our series by John Lothrop Motley
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Title: The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1570-72
Author: John Lothrop Motley
Release Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4818] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first
posted on March 19, 2002]
Edition: 10
Language: English
This eBook was produced by David Widger
[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample the author's
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The Project Gutenberg EBook Rise of the DutchRepublic, 1570-72 #18 in our series by JohnLothrop MotleysCuorpey triog chth leacwk st haer ec ocphyarniggihnt gl aawll so fvoerr  ytohue r wcooruldn.t rByebefore downloading or redistributing this or anyother Project Gutenberg eBook.vTiheiws inhge atdhiesr  Psrhoojeulcdt  bGeu ttehne bfierrsgt  tfihlien. gP lseeaesne  wdho ennotremove it. Do not change or edit the headerwithout written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and otherinformation about the eBook and ProjectGutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included isimportant information about your specific rights andrestrictions in how the file may be used. You canalso find out about how to make a donation toProject Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain VanillaElectronic Texts****eBooks Readable By Both Humans and ByComputers, Since 1971*******These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousandsof Volunteers*****Title: The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1570-72
Author: John Lothrop MotleyRelease Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4818] [Yes,we are more than one year ahead of schedule][This file was first posted on March 19, 2002]Edition: 10Language: English*E*B* OSTOAK RTT HOE FD TUHTEC HP RROEJPEUCBTL IGC,U 1T5E7N0B-7E2R *G**This eBook was produced by David Widger<>[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, orpwiosinht teor ss, aamt tphlee  tehned  aouft thhoer' sfi lied efoars  tbheofsoer ew hmoa kminagyan entire meal of them. D.W.]
OMFO TTLHEEY'S HISTORYENDEITTHIOENR,L VAONLDUS,M PE G18.THE RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLICBy John Lothrop Motley55811570 [CHAPTER VI.]Orange and Count Louis in France—Peacewith the Huguenots— Coligny's memoir,presented by request to Charles IX., on thesubject of invading the Netherlands—Secretcorrespondence of Orange organized byPaul Buys—Privateering commissions issuedby the Prince—Regulations prescribed byhim for the fleets thus created—Impoverished condition of the Prince—Hisfortitude—His personal sacrifices andprivations—His generosity—Renewedcontest between the Duke and the Estateson the subject of the tenth and twentiethpence—Violent disputes in the council—Firm
opposition of Viglius— Edict commanding theimmediate collection of the tax—Populartumults—Viglius denounced by Alva—TheDuke's fierce complaints to the King—Secretschemes of Philip against Queen Elizabeth ofEngland—The Ridolphi plot to murderElizabeth countenanced by Philip and Pius V.—The King's orders to Alva to further theplan— The Duke's remonstrances—Explosion of the plot—Obstinacy of Philip—Renewed complaints of Alva as to theimprudent service required of him—Otherattempts of Philip to murder Elizabeth—DonJohn of Austria in the Levant——Battle ofLepanto—Slothfulness of Selim—Appointment of Medina Celi—Incessantwrangling in Brussels upon the tax—Persevering efforts of Orange—Contempt ofAlva for the Prince—Proposed sentence ofignominy against his name—Sonoy's missionto Germany—Remarkable papers issued bythe Prince—The "harangue"—Intense hatredfor Alva entertained by the highest as well aslower orders—Visit of Francis de Alva toBrussels—His unfavourable report to theKing—Querulous language of the Duke—Deputation to Spain—Universal revolt againstthe tax—Ferocity of Alva—Execution ofeighteen tradesmen secretly ordered—Interrupted by the capture of Brill—Beggarsof the sea—The younger Wild Boar ofArdennes—Reconciliation between theEnglish government and that of Alva—TheNetherland privateersmen ordered out of
English ports— De la Marck's fleet beforeBrill—The town summoned to surrender—Commissioners sent out to the fleet—Flightof the magistrates and townspeople—Capture of the place—Indignation of Alva—Popular exultation in Brussels—Puns andCaricatures—Bossu ordered to recover thetown of Brill—His defeat—His perfidiousentrance into Rotterdam—Massacre in thatcity—Flushing revolutionized— Unsuccessfulattempt of Governor de Bourgogne to recalthe citizens to their obedience—Expeditionunder Treslong from Brill to assist the townof Flushing—Murder of Paccheco by thePatriots—Zeraerts appointed Governor ofWalcheren by Orange.While such had been the domestic events of theNetherlands during the years 1569 and 1570, thePrince of Orange, although again a wanderer, hadnever allowed himself to despair. During this wholeperiod, the darkest hour for himself and for hiscountry, he was ever watchful. After disbanding histroops at Strasburg, and after making the bestarrangements possible under the circumstancesfor the eventual payment of their wages, he hadjoined the army which the Duke of Deux Ponts hadbeen raising in Germany to assist the cause of theHuguenots in France. The Prince having beenforced to acknowledge that, for the moment, allopen efforts in the Netherlands were likely to befruitless, instinctively turned his eyes towards themore favorable aspect of the Reformation inFrance. It was inevitable that, while he was thus
thrown for the time out of his legitimateemployment, he should be led to the battles offreedom in a neighbouring land. The Duke of DeuxPonts, who felt his own military skill hardlyadequate to the task which he had assumed, wasglad, as it were, to put himself and his army underthe orders of Orange.Meantime the battle of Jamac had been fought; thePrince of Condo, covered with wounds, andexclaiming that it was sweet to die for Christ andcountry, had fallen from his saddle; the wholeHuguenot army had been routed by the royalforces under the nominal command of Anjou, andthe body of Conde, tied to the back of a she ass,had been paraded through the streets of Jarnap inderision.Affairs had already grown almost as black for thecause of freedom in France as in the provinces.Shortly afterwards William of Orange, with a bandof twelve hundred horsemen, joined the banners ofColigny. His two brothers accompanied him. Henry,the stripling, had left the university to follow thefortunes of the Prince. The indomitable Louis, afterseven thousand of his army had been slain, hadswum naked across the Ems, exclaiming "that hiscourage, thank God, was as fresh and lively asever," and had lost not a moment in renewing hishostile schemes against the Spanish government.In the meantime he had joined the Huguenots inFrance. The battle of Moncontour had succeeded,Count Peter Mansfeld, with five thousand troopssent by Alva, fighting on the side of the royalists,
and Louis Nassau on that of the Huguenots,atoning by the steadiness and skill with which hecovered the retreat, for his intemperate courage,which had precipitated the action, and perhapsbeen the main cause of Coligny's overthrow. ThePrince of Orange, who had been peremptorilycalled to the Netherlands in the beginning of theautumn, was not present at the battle. Disguisedas a peasant, with but five attendants, and at greatperil, he had crossed the enemy's lines, traversedFrance, and arrived in Germany before the winter.Count Louis remained with the Huguenots. Sonecessary did he seem to their cause, and so dearhad he become to their armies, that during thesevere illness of Coligny in the course of thefollowing summer all eyes were turned upon him asthe inevitable successor of that great man, the onlyremaining pillar of freedom in France.Coligny recovered. The deadly peace between theHuguenots and the Court succeeded. The Admiral,despite his sagacity and his suspicions, embarkedwith his whole party upon that smooth andtreacherous current which led to the horriblecatastrophe of Saint Bartholomew. To occupy hisattention, a formal engagement was made by thegovernment to send succor to the Netherlands.The Admiral was to lead the auxiliaries which wereto be despatched across the frontier to overthrowthe tyrannical government of Alva. Long andanxious were the colloquies held between Colignyand the Royalists. The monarch requested adetailed opinion, in writing, from the Admiral, on themost advisable plan for invading the Netherlands.
The result was the preparation of the celebratedmemoir, under Coligny's directions, by young DeMornay, Seigneur de Plessis. The document wascertainly not a paper of the highest order. It did notappeal to the loftier instincts which kings orcommon mortals might be supposed to possess. Itsummoned the monarch to the contest in theNetherlands that the ancient injuries committed bySpain might be avenged. It invoked the ghost ofIsabella of France, foully murdered, as it wasthought, by Philip. It held out the prospect of re-annexing the fair provinces, wrested from theKing's ancestors by former Spanish sovereigns. Itpainted the hazardous position of Philip; with theMoorish revolt gnawing at the entrails of hiskingdom, with the Turkish war consuming itsextremities, with the canker of rebellion corrodingthe very heart of the Netherlands. It recalled, withexultation, the melancholy fact that the only naturaland healthy existence of the French was in a stateof war—that France, if not occupied with foreigncampaigns, could not be prevented from plungingits sword into its own vitals.It indulged in refreshing reminiscences of thosehalcyon days, not long gone by, when France,enjoying perfect tranquillity within its own borders,was calmly and regularly carrying on its long warsbeyond the frontier.In spite of this savage spirit, which moderndocuments, if they did not scorn, would, at leasthave shrouded, the paper was nevertheless asagacious one; but the request for the memoir,
and the many interviews on the subject of theinvasion, were only intended to deceive. They werebut the curtain which concealed the preparationsfor the dark tragedy which was about to beenacted. Equally deceived, and more sanguinethan ever, Louis Nassau during this period wasindefatigable in his attempts to gain friends for hiscause. He had repeated audiences of the King, towhose court he had come in disguise. He made astrong and warm impression upon Elizabeth'senvoy at the French Court, Walsingham. It isprobable that in the Count's impetuosity to carryhis point, he allowed more plausibility to be given tocertain projects for subdividing the Netherlandsthan his brother would ever have sanctioned. ThePrince was a total stranger to these inchoateschemes. His work was to set his country free, andto destroy the tyranny which had grown colossal.That employment was sufficient for a lifetime, andthere is no proof to be found that a paltry andpersonal self-interest had even the lowest placeamong his motives.Meantime, in the autumn of 1569, Orange hadagain reached Germany. Paul Buys, Pensionary ofLeyden, had kept him constantly informed of thestate of affairs in the provinces. Through hismeans an extensive correspondence wasorganized and maintained with leading persons inevery part of the Netherlands. The conventionalterms by which different matters and persons ofimportance were designated in these letters werefamiliarly known to all friends of the cause, not onlyin the provinces, but in France, England, Germany,
and particularly in the great commercial cities. ThePrince, for example, was always designated asMartin Willemzoon, the Duke of Alva as MasterPowels van Alblas, the Queen of England as HenryPhilipzoon, the King of Denmark as PeterPeterson. The twelve signs of the zodiac wereused instead of the twelve months, and a greatvariety of similar substitutions were adopted.Before his visit to France, Orange had, moreover,issued commissions, in his capacity of sovereign,to various seafaring persons, who wereempowered to cruise against Spanish commerce.The "beggars of the sea," as these privateersmendesignated themselves, soon acquired as terrible aname as the wild beggars, or the forest beggars;but the Prince, having had many conversationswith Admiral Coligny on the important benefits tobe derived from the system, had faithfully sethimself to effect a reformation of its abuses afterhis return from France. The Seigneur de Dolhain,who, like many other refugee nobles, had acquiredmuch distinction in this roving corsair life, had for aseason acted as Admiral for the Prince. He had,however, resolutely declined to render anyaccounts of his various expeditions, and was nowdeprived of his command in consequence. Gillainde Fiennes, Seigneur de Lumbres, was appointedto succeed him. At the same time strict orderswere issued by Orange, forbidding all hostilemeasures against the Emperor or any of theprinces of the empire, against Sweden, Denmark,England, or against any potentates who wereprotectors of the true Christian religion. The Duke
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