The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Volume 07: 1561-62









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The Project Gutenberg EBook Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1561-62, by Motley #7 in our series by John LothropMotleyCopyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country beforedownloading or redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen when viewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do not remove it. Do notchange or edit the header without written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and other information about the eBook and Project Gutenberg at the bottom ofthis file. Included is important information about your specific rights and restrictions in how the file may be used. Youcan also find out about how to make a donation to Project Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts****eBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971*******These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousands of Volunteers*****Title: The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1561-62Author: John Lothrop MotleyRelease Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4807] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was firstposted on March 12, 2002]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1561-62 ***This etext was produced by David Widger [NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample theauthor's ...
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The Project Gutenberg EBook Rise of the DutchRepublic, 1561-62, by Motley #7 in our series byJohn Lothrop MotleysCuorpey triog chth leacwk st haer ec ocphyarniggihnt gl aawll so fvoerr  ytohue r wcooruldn.t rByebefore downloading or redistributing this or anyother Project Gutenberg eBook.vTiheiws inhge atdhiesr  Psrhoojeulcdt  bGeu ttehne bfierrsgt  tfihlien. gP lseeaesne  wdhoe nnotremove it. Do not change or edit the headerwithout written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and otherinformation about the eBook and ProjectGutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included isimportant information about your specific rights andrestrictions in how the file may be used. You canalso find out about how to make a donation toProject Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain VanillaElectronic Texts****eBooks Readable By Both Humans and ByComputers, Since 1971*******These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousandsof Volunteers*****Title: The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 1561-62
Author: John Lothrop MotleyRelease Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4807] [Yes,we are more than one year ahead of schedule][This file was first posted on March 12, 2002]Edition: 10Language: English*E**B OSTOAK RTT HOE FD TUHTEC HP RROEJPEUCBTL IGC,U 1T5E6N1B-6E2R *G**This etext was produced by David Widger<>[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, orpwiosinht teor ss, aamt tphlee  tehned  aouft thhoer' sfi lied efoars  tbheofsoer ew hmoa kminagyan entire meal of them. D.W.]
MOTLEY'S HISTORY OF THENETHERLANDS, PG EDITION,VOLUME 7.THE RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLICJOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY, D.C.L., LL.D.55811561-1562 [CHAPTER III.]The inquisition the great cause of the revolt—The three varieties of the institution—TheSpanish inquisition described—The Episcopalinquisition in the Netherlands—The Papalinquisition established in the provinces byCharles V.—His instructions to the inquisitors— They are renewed by Philip—InquisitorTitelmann—Instances of his manner ofproceeding—Spanish and Netherlandinquisitions compared— Conduct ofGranvelle—Faveau and Mallart condemnedat Valenciennes— "Journee desmaubrulea"—Severe measures atValenciennes—Attack of the Rhetoric ClubsUpon Granvelle—Granvelle's insinuationsagainst Egmont and Simon Renard—Timidity
against Egmont and Simon Renard—Timidityof Viglius—Universal hatred toward theCardinal—Buffoonery of Brederode andLumey—Courage of Granvelle—Philip taxesthe Netherlands for the suppression of theHuguenots in France—Meeting of theKnights of the Fleece—Assembly at thehouse of Orange—Demand upon the estatesfor supplies— Montigny appointed envoy toSpain—Open and determined opposition toGranvelle—Secret representations by theCardinal to Philip, concerning Egmont andother Seigniors—Line of conduct traced outfor the King—Montigny's representations inSpain—Unsatisfactory result of his mission.The great cause of the revolt which, within a fewyears, was to break forth throughout theNetherlands; was the inquisition. It is almost puerileto look further or deeper, when such a source ofconvulsion lies at the very outset of anyinvestigation. During the war there had been, forreasons already indicated, an occasional pause inthe religious persecution. Philip had now returnedto Spain, having arranged, with great precision, acomprehensive scheme for exterminating thatreligious belief which was already accepted by avery large portion of his Netherland Subjects. Fromafar there rose upon the provinces the propheticvision of a coming evil still more terrible than anywhich had yet oppressed them. As across thebright plains of Sicily, when the sun is rising, thevast pyramidal shadow of Mount Etna is definitelyand visibly projected—the phantom of that ever-present enemy, which holds fire and devastation in
its bosom—so, in the morning hour of Philip'sreign, the shadow of the inquisition was cast fromafar across those warm and smiling provinces—aspectre menacing fiercer flames and widerdesolation than those which mere physicalagencies could ever compass.There has been a good deal of somewhatsuperfluous discussion concerning the differentkinds of inquisition. The distinction drawn betweenthe papal, the episcopal, and the Spanishinquisitions, did not, in the sixteenth century,convince many unsophisticated minds of the meritsof the establishment in any of its shapes. Howeverclassified or entitled, it was a machine for inquiringinto a man's thoughts, and for burning him if theresult was not satisfactory.The Spanish inquisition, strictly so called, that is tosay, the modern or later institution established byPope Alexander the Sixth and Ferdinand theCatholic, was doubtless invested with a morecomplete apparatus for inflicting human misery,and for appalling human imagination, than any ofthe other less artfully arranged inquisitions,whether papal or episcopal. It had been originallydevised for Jews or Moors, whom the Christianityof the age did not regard as human beings, butwho could not be banished without depopulatingcertain districts. It was soon, however, extendedfrom pagans to heretics. The DominicanTorquemada was the first Moloch to be placedupon this pedestal of blood and fire, and from thatday forward the "holy office" was almost exclusively
in the hands of that band of brothers. In theeighteen years of Torquemada's administration;ten thousand two hundred and twenty individualswere burned alive, and ninety-seven thousandthree hundred and twenty-one punished withinfamy, confiscation of property, or perpetualimprisonment, so that the total number of familiesdestroyed by this one friar alone amounted to onehundred and fourteen thousand four hundred andone. In course of time the jurisdiction of the officewas extended. It taught the savages of India andAmerica to shudder at the name of Christianity.The fear of its introduction froze the earlier hereticsof Italy, France, and Ger many into orthodoxy. Itwas a court owning allegiance to no temporalauthority, superior to all other tribunals. It was abench of monks without appeal, having its familiarsin every house, diving into the secrets of everyfireside, judging, and executing its horrible decreeswithout responsibility. It condemned not deeds, butthoughts. It affected to descend into individualconscience, and to punish the crimes which itpretended to discover. Its process was reduced toa horrible simplicity. It arrested on suspicion,tortured till confession, and then punished by fire.Two witnesses, and those to separate facts, weresufficient to consign the victim to a loathsomedungeon. Here he was sparingly supplied withfood, forbidden to speak, or even to sing to whichpastime it could hardly be thought he would feelmuch inclination—and then left to himself, tillfamine and misery should break his spirit. Whenthat time was supposed to have arrived he wasexamined. Did he confess, and forswear his
heresy, whether actually innocent or not, he mightthen assume the sacred shirt, and escape withconfiscation of all his property. Did he persist in theavowal of his innocence, two witnesses sent him tothe stake, one witness to the rack. He wasinformed of the testimony against him, but neverconfronted with the witness. That accuser might behis son, father, or the wife of his bosom, for allwere enjoined, under the death penalty, to informthe inquisitors of every suspicious word whichmight fall from their nearest relatives. Theindictment being thus supported, the prisoner wastried by torture. The rack was the court of justice;the criminal's only advocate was his fortitude—forthe nominal counsellor, who was permitted nocommunication with the prisoner, and wasfurnished neither with documents nor with power toprocure evidence, was a puppet, aggravating thelawlessness of the proceedings by the mockery oflegal forms: The torture took place at midnight, in agloomy dungeon, dimly, lighted by torches. Thevictim—whether man, matron, or tender virgin—was stripped naked, and stretched upon thewooden bench. Water, weights, fires, pulleys,screws—all the apparatus by which the sinewscould be strained without cracking, the bonescrushed without breaking, and the body rackedexquisitely without giving up its ghost, was now putinto operation. The executioner, enveloped in ablack robe from head to foot, with his eyes glaringat his victim through holes cut in the hood whichmuffled his face, practised successively all theforms of torture which the devilish ingenuity of themonks had invented. The imagination sickens
when striving to keep pace with these dreadfulrealities. Those who wish to indulge their curiosityconcerning the details of the system, may easilysatisfy themselves at the present day. The flood oflight which has been poured upon the subject morethan justifies the horror and the rebellion of theNetherlanders.The period during which torture might be inflictedfrom day to day was unlimited in duration. It couldonly be terminated by confession; so that thescaffold was the sole refuge from the rack.Individuals have borne the torture and the dungeonfifteen years, and have been burned at the stake at.tsalExecution followed confession, but the number ofcondemned prisoners was allowed to accumulate,that a multitude of victims might grace each greatgala-day. The auto-da fe was a solemn festival.The monarch, the high functionaries of the land,the reverend clergy, the populace regarded it as aninspiring and delightful recreation. When theappointed morning arrived, the victim was takenfrom his dungeon. He was then attired in a yellowrobe without sleeves, like a herald's coat,embroidered all over with black figures of devils. Alarge conical paper mitre was placed upon hishead, upon which was represented a human beingin the midst of flames, surrounded by imps. Histongue was then painfully gagged, so that he couldneither open nor shut his mouth. After he was thusaccoutred, and just as he was leaving his cell, abreakfast, consisting of every delicacy, was placed
before him, and he was urged, with ironicalpoliteness, to satisfy his hunger. He was then ledforth into the public square. The procession wasformed with great pomp. It was headed by the littleschool children, who were immediately followed bythe band of prisoners, each attired in the horribleyet ludicrous manner described. Then came themagistrates and nobility, the prelates and otherdignitaries of the Church: the holy inquisitors, withtheir officials and familiars, followed, all onhorseback, with the blood-red flag of the "sacredoffice" waving above them, blazoned upon eitherside with the portraits of Alexander and ofFerdinand, the pair of brothers who hadestablished the institution. After the processioncame the rabble. When all had reached theneighborhood of the scaffold, and had beenarranged in order, a sermon was preached to theassembled multitude. It was filled with laudations ofthe inquisition, and with blasphemous revilingsagainst the condemned prisoners. Then thesentences were read to the individual victims. Thenthe clergy chanted the fifty-first psalm, the wholevast throng uniting in one tremendous miserere. Ifa priest happened to be among the culprits, he wasnow stripped of the canonicals which he hadhitherto worn; while his hands, lips, and shavencrown were scraped with a bit of glass, by whichprocess the oil of his consecration was supposedto be removed. He was then thrown into thecommon herd. Those of the prisoners who werereconciled, and those whose execution was not yetappointed, were now separated from the others.The rest were compelled to mount a scaffold,
where the executioner stood ready to conductthem to the fire. The inquisitors then deliveredthem into his hands, with an ironical request thathe would deal with them tenderly, and withoutblood-letting or injury. Those who remainedsteadfast to the last were then burned at the stake;they who in the last extremity renounced their faithwere strangled before being thrown into theflames. Such was the Spanish inquisition—technically—so called: It was, according' to thebiographer of Philip the Second, a "heavenlyremedy, a guardian angel of Paradise, a lions' denin which Daniel and other just men could sustain noinjury, but in which perverse sinners were torn topieces." It was a tribunal superior to all human law,without appeal, and certainly owing no allegiance tothe powers of earth or heaven. No rank, high orhumble, was safe from its jurisdiction. The royalfamily were not sacred, nor, the pauper's hovel.Even death afforded no protection. The holy officeinvaded the prince in his palace and the beggar inhis shroud. The corpses of dead heretics weremutilated and burned. The inquisitors preyed uponcarcases and rifled graves. A gorgeous festival ofthe holy office had, as we have seen, welcomedPhilip to his native land. The news of thesetremendous autos-da fe, in which so manyillustrious victims had been sacrificed before theirsovereign's eyes, had reached the Netherlandsalmost simultaneously with the bulls creating thenew bishoprics in the provinces. It was not likelythat the measure would be rendered morepalatable by this intelligence of the royalamusements.
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