The Revelation Explained









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Revelation Explained, by F. Smith This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The Revelation Explained Author: F. Smith Release Date: August 20, 2004 [EBook #13229] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE REVELATION EXPLAINED *** Produced by Joel Erikson, Christing Gehring, David King, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team The Revelation Explained An Exposition, Text by Text, of the Apocalypse of St. John Showing the Marvelous Development of the Prophecies from the Time of their Delivery on the Isle of Patmos—The Establishment and Growth of Christianity—Rise of Mohammedanism in the Eastern Empire—Of the Papacy in the Western Division—Of Protestantism—The Civil History of the Territory Comprising the Ancient Roman Empire until the End of Time—Together with the Conflicts and Triumphs of the Redeemed until the Final Judgment, and their Eternal Reward and Home in the "New Heavens and New Earth." By F.G. SMITH Author of "What the Bible Teaches" and "The Last Reformation," etc. "Behold the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." Isa. 42:9. "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets." Amos 3:7. FOURTH EDITION [pg 5] PREFACE. The subject of prophecy should be of interest to every Bible student. Its importance can not be overestimated. By it we are enabled to ascertain our true position in this time-world. From the early dawn of creation, Inspiration has foretold with certainty the great facts connected with the history of God's chosen people. By this means alone, the divinity of Jesus Christ and the truth of our holy religion has been established in many minds; for it is not in the power of mortals thus to vaticinate future events. With such surprising accuracy have these predictions been fulfilled that even infidels ofttimes bear witness to their truthfulness. "Behold the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them." Isa. 42:9. "For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done." Isa. 46:9, 10. The Revelation is a rich mine of prophetic truth. The history of the current dispensation is there delineated in advance so perfectly that we can not but attribute its authorship to Him who knoweth the end from the beginning, and worketh all things after the counsel of his own will. It was written for the special benefit of the people of God, and we should give it prayerful consideration. In the preparation for this work, I have gleaned historical information from all the general and ecclesiastical histories, encyclopedias, etc., within my reach, and only regret that I had not access to a still greater number. However, knowing that large books are seldom read, I determined in advance not to write an extensive work, but to condense the subject matter as much as possible, and, therefore, I have been obliged to omit much valuable material previously gathered. For this reason many lines of prophetic truth penned by others of the sacred writers have been passed over in silence, even though relating to the same events as certain symbolic visions in the Revelation. I have availed myself of all the helps and the commentaries within my reach in the study of this important subject. However, I have but seldom referred to the opinions of expositors. In most cases their explanations are not based upon any established rule of interpretation, and the definite laws of symbolic language are usually overlooked or disregarded. Ordinary readers of the Revelation have always supposed that the only course for them was to take the opinion of some learned expositor and to believe on his authority ; and when they have found that equally learned and judicious men sustained the most opposite views, they have been bewildered amid conflicting opinions and have decided that, when such men were at issue, it was useless for them to investigate. While, therefore, I have made every available use of their opinions, it was only for the purpose of forming my own and of enabling myself so to unfold the nature of the symbols that every one might see for himself the propriety of the interpretation given. [pg 6] [pg 7] The present knowledge that has been attained of this prophetic book is largely the result of the combined efforts of all who have labored to unfold its meaning. No one has had the honor of first understanding all its parts, and very few have failed to contribute something, more or less, to its true interpretation. Therefore I have endeavored as much as possible to gather up the good from the labors of my predecessors and to combine it with the results of my own study and research. The Exposition of Mr. Lord has had an important bearing on this work. For many beautiful thoughts concerning the nature and the use of symbols, in the chapter on the nature of symbolic language, I must acknowledge special indebtedness to the Lectures of Thomas Wickes on the Apocalypse, delivered many years ago, although I have ofttimes arrived at quite different conclusions in their interpretation throughout the Revelation. Much appreciated assistance has been derived from the works of other commentators as well. There is considerable disagreement among historians themselves regarding certain historical points, but their differences are of minor importance so far as the present work is concerned. When such points were involved, I have simply endeavored to follow the best authorities. Lengthy or important quotations from other writers have been duly credited where they appear, hence no special mention is necessary in this place. Minor extracts are merely enclosed within quotation-marks. [pg 8] The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6 Vols., Philadelphia, 1872, is the edition of Gibbon's Rome from which quotations are made. To assist in simplifying the subject and in placing it before the reader in a concise, comprehensive manner, a number of useful diagrams have been added; for they serve about the same purpose in the study of a subject so complicated as do maps in the study of geography. I would especially call attention to the large "Diagram of the Revelation," where the various lines of prophetic truth are outlined in parallel series, enabling the reader to comprehend at once where the symbolic narrative returns to take up a new line of thought covering the same period of time. In these diagrams, however, no attempt has been made to set forth every phase of thought connected with the subject; only the main features have been outlined. Feeling directed by the Lord to undertake this work and realizing the greatness of the task, I have earnestly sought for divine wisdom and guidance, and I humbly acknowledge his gracious assistance in its prosecution; and while I can not indulge the hope that human fallibility has been overcome, yet I firmly believe that a careful reliance upon the Holy Spirit has been an effectual means of avoiding error and unfolding many of the hitherto mysterious prophecies of this wonderful book. To his worthy name I ascribe all praise and glory. The future, doubtless, will witness a still greater development of this subject; for men of God more worthy and possessing greater abilities will arise, who, beginning where we have left off, will continue its investigation and throw upon it additional light as yet unrevealed. That the Lord will bless The Revelation Explained to the good of his church upon earth and grant it a place, however small, in the cause of present truth, is my earnest prayer. [pg 9] Yours in Christ, F.G. Smith. Grand Junction, Mich., June 26, 1906. PREFACE TO FOURTH EDITION The reception accorded this work when it was first submitted to the public was more than gratifying to the author. The lapse of time has only tended to confirm still more strongly the fundamental nature of the principle of interpretation adopted. In order to supply the constant demand, the fourth edition is now issued. I have taken advantage of this opportunity to make certain revisions necessitated by an increase of knowledge since the work was first written, nearly twelve years ago. This revision, however, did not require an entire rewriting and does not involve a change in fundamentals. F.G. Smith. Anderson, Ind., Mar. 1, 1918. [pg 11] CONTENTS. Preface Nature of Symbolic Language CHAPTER I. Introduction, verses 1-11 Vision of Christ, verses 12-20 CHAPTER II. Message to Ephesus, verses 1-7 Message to Smyrna, verses 8-11 Message to Pergamus, verses 12-17 Message to Thyatira, verses 18-29 CHAPTER III. Message to Sardis, verses 1-6 Message to Philadelphia, verses 7-13 Message to Laodicea, verses 14-22 CHAPTER IV. Vision of God's Throne CHAPTER V. The Book with Seven Seals CHAPTER VI. [pg 12] First Seal Opened, verses 1, 2 Second Seal Opened, verses 3, 4 Third Seal Opened, verses 5, 6 Fourth Seal Opened, verses 7, 8 Fifth Seal Opened, verses 9-11 Sixth Seal Opened, verses 12-17 CHAPTER VII. God's Servants Sealed, verses 1-8 The White-Robed Company, verses 9-17 CHAPTER VIII. Seventh Seal Opened, verses 1-5 First Trumpet Sounded, verses 6, 7 Second Trumpet Sounded, verses 8, 9 Third Trumpet Sounded, verses 10, 11 Fourth Trumpet Sounded, verses 12, 13 CHAPTER IX. Fifth Trumpet Sounded, verses 1-12 Sixth Trumpet Sounded, verses 13-21 CHAPTER X. The Rainbow Angel CHAPTER XI. Temple and Holy City, verses 1, 2 The Two Witnesses, verses 3-6 The Witnesses Slain, verses 7-10 The Witnesses Resurrected, verses 11-14 Seventh Trumpet Sounded, verses 15-19 [p
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