The American Goliah









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The American Goliah, by Anon.Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloadingor redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen when viewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do not remove it. Do notchange or edit the header without written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and other information about the eBook and Project Gutenberg at the bottom of thisfile. Included is important information about your specific rights and restrictions in how the file may be used. You can alsofind out about how to make a donation to Project Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts****eBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971*******These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousands of Volunteers!*****Title: The American GoliahAuthor: Anon.Release Date: November, 2004 [EBook #6869] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was firstposted on February 2, 2003]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK, THE AMERICAN GOLIAH ***[Gutenberg Etext proofed by M.R.J.]THE AMERICAN GOLIAHA Wonderful Geological DiscoveryA PETRIFIED GIANTTen And One-Half Feet High DiscoveredIn Onondaga County, N.Y.[[Wood Cut Here]]History of the discovery on October 16, 1869, of an image of stone, the same being a ...
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08 décembre 2010



The Project Gutenberg EBook of The AmericanGoliah, by Anon.sCuorpey triog chth leacwk st haer ec ocphyarniggihnt gl aawll so fvoerr  ytohuer  wcooruldn.t rByebefore downloading or redistributing this or anyother Project Gutenberg eBook.vTiheiws inhge atdhiesr  Psrhoojeulcdt  bGeu ttehne bfierrsgt  tfihlien. gP lseeaesne  wdho ennotremove it. Do not change or edit the headerwithout written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and otherinformation about the eBook and ProjectGutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included isimportant information about your specific rights andrestrictions in how the file may be used. You canalso find out about how to make a donation toProject Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain VanillaElectronic Texts****eBooks Readable By Both Humans and ByComputers, Since 1971*******These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousandsof Volunteers!*****Title: The American Goliah
Author: Anon.[RYeelse,a swee  Darate e:m Noroev tehmabn eor,n 2e 0y0e4a r[ EaBhoeoakd  #o6f869]schedule] [This file was first posted on February 2,]3002Edition: 10Language: English*E**B OSTOAK,R TT HOEF  ATMHEE RPICRAONJ EGCOT LIGAUHT *E*N*BERG[Gutenberg Etext proofed by M.R.J.]THE AMERICAN GOLIAHA Wonderful Geological DiscoveryA PETRIFIED GIANTTen And One-Half Feet High DiscoveredIn Onondaga County, N.Y.[[Wood Cut Here]]History of the discovery on October 16, 1869, of animage of stone, the same being a perfectly formedand well developed man, descriptions of thepetrification, with the opinions of scientific menthereon.(Entered according to Act of Congress, A.D., 1869,
bNyo rtRheedrinn gDtiosnt ri&c t Hoof wNe.,Y i.n the Clerk's Office of theSPECIAL NOTICEThis pamphlet is the only authorized account of thediscovery of the great wonder and the latest factsregarding management; and is the only publicationfurnished by the owners of the Giant withimmediate and authentic information of anyexaminations, experiments or new developmentsregarding it. Such new facts will be immediatelyadded to this pamphlet, together with suchscientific opinions as may be of interest or value tothe public.The statements herein contained have been takenfrom the lips of living witnesses on the groundwhere the events transpired, (excepting wherereports are credited to other sources,) and can bedepended upon as reliable.This publication will be found valuable forpreservation, as it records perhaps the mostimportant scientific discovery of this century.Certainly the wonder is something that in the wholehistory of this country has never been exceeded,even if ever equaled.This pamphlet combines all the important facts asnarrated by the newspaper press, in addition towhatever others may occur, placing them in aconvenient form for permanent preservation. Cuts
are being prepared, illustrating, the various pointsof interest.The Trade supplied by Redington & Howe, onliberal terms, to whom all orders (either wholesaleor retail) should be addressed.
WONDERFUL SCIENTIFICDISCOVERY. A GIANT OFSTONE, 10 1-2 FEET HIGH,EXHUMED IN ONONDAGACOUNTY, N.Y.On Saturday forenoon, Oct. 16th, 1869, William C.Newell, a farmer residing near the village of Cardiff,in the town of Lafayette, County of Onondaga,commenced to dig a well near his barn. Twoworkmen were employed, Gideon Emmons andHenry Nichols; Mr. Newell being engagedmeanwhile in drawing stone with which to line thewell. At the depth of about three feet one of theworkmen struck a stone, as he at first supposed. Amoment later he thought it a water lime pipe, andasked for an ax with which to break it. Before theax arrived the foot was partially uncovered, withthe exclamation, "I declare, some old Indian hasbeen buried here!" Farther excavation disclosedthe entire foot, and a part of the leg. One of theworkmen, seeing the direction in which the bodylay, dug down just above where he thought thehead might be, and his shovel struck the nose. Theface and head were soon uncovered, and in ashort time the entire figure exposed to view. Therethen appeared to the few assembled spectatorsthe colossal, well-proportioned form of a humanbeing of the following remarkable
DIMENSIONS.From top of head to instep of sole, ten feet threeinches. If standing in a perfectly upright position,the height would be ten feet, seven or eight inches.Length of head from chin to top of head, twenty-one inches.Nose, from brow to tip, six inches—across base ofnostrils, three and one-half inches.Mouth four inches.Shoulders from point to point, three feet.Circumference of neck thirty-seven inches.Lmeidndglteh  foinf griegr,h tf oaurrm f efreot,m n ipnoei nat nodf  oshnoe-uhldaelfr  itnoc heensd. ofAcross palm of hand, seven inches.Length of second finger from knuckle joint, eightinches.Across wrist, five inches. Distance around thighs,(about half way between knee and thigh joints,) fivefeet, seven and one-half inches.Leg, from hip joint to knee joint, three feet; throughthigh, one foot; through calf, nine and one-halfinches.
Foot, nineteen and one-half inches.The discovery, as may be supposed, created animmense sensation. Mr. Newell was muchperplexed and annoyed and determined at onetime to fill up the excavation and keep thediscovery from the knowledge of the public. Someyears ago a razor was found in a hollow stumpnear by and suspicions were then thrown out that amurder had been committed. The family fearedthat the corpse of the murdered man would insome manner confront them through thisdiscovery.A rush occurred of neighbors and others to see theexhumed wonder, for intelligence of the Giantspread on the wings of the wind. The excitementand ceaseless questions still farther confused themind of the quiet proprietor and he almostunconsciously consented to various suggestions.One was that the body be raised that day(Saturday,)—consent for which Mr. Newellacknowledges to have given. Ropes were procuredand preparations made therefor, but the latenessof the afternoon hour caused its postponement.This is a matter of rejoicing to scientific men, aswell as the public generally; for every one naturallywishes to see the Giant as he had slept in his bedfor centuries, and for themselves examine thewinding sheets he wrapped about him.POSITION OF THE FIGURE.
The form is lying on its back, the head towards theeast and the feet toward the west. The recliningposture is a perfectly natural one, the limbs andfeet being slightly drawn up. The figure appears asif a person had fallen there and died. There seemto be evidences of considerable physical anguish inthe position of the limbs, of the body, and in thetension of the nerves as well as the contraction ofthe muscles (which are fully developed.) The righthand rests upon the lower abdomen, and the left ispressed against the back directly opposite. The leftfoot is thrown partially over the right one, the legresting partly upon its fellow, but not crossing it.The head is inclined to the right.The face is the only part seemingly free fromtraces of the agony of dissolution. The expressionis calm, thoughtful, almost sweet. The high,massive forehead sets off with grand, yetbenevolent dignity, the well rounded andproportioned features. The countenance is a study.Beautiful despite its immensity, it displays alargeness of kindly feeling not commonly surmisedfrom Fairy tales of Giants and Giant deeds. Thespectator gazes upon the grand old sleeper withfeelings of admiration and awe. "Nothing like it hasever been seen," say all who have gazed upon it."It is a great event in our lives to behold it," (is theuniversal verdict,)—" worth coming hundreds ofmiles for this alone." "I would not for anything havemissed seeing it, for I consider it the greatestnatural curiosity of the age," say Geologists,Naturalists, Students and all who can intelligentlyexamine the Onondaga County Wonder.
The increasing interest of the public and theconstantly enlarging attendance corroborate thepreviously expressed opinions of the inestimablevalue of the discovery, and sanction the verdictthat the Cardiff Giant is the great wonder of theNineteenth Century.WHAT IS IT?This question has been diligently asked andvariously answered. Dr. John F. Boynton, ofSyracuse, a celebrated Geologist, went among thefirst to the scene and examined the figure withmuch care. His opinion, (which was the first oneexpressed by any distinguished scientific authority)has been given decidedly that the body is amassive and beautiful statue. His own language willbest state his reasons for declining to think it apetrifaction. A letter of his is subjoined, which waskindly furnished by him for publication. The letterwas written to one of the most scientific men ofAmerica.SYRACUSE, Oct. 18th, 1869.Henry Morton, Prof. in Pennsylvania University andFranklin Institute:DEAR SIR:—On Saturday last, some laborersengaged in digging a well on the farm of W.C.Newell, near the village of Cardiff, about 13 milessouth of this city, discovered, lying at about threefeet below the surface of the earth, what they
supposed to be the "petrified body" of a humanbeing, of colossal size. Its length is ten feet andthree inches, and the rest of the body isproportionately large. The excitement in this localityover the discovery is immense and unprecedented.Thousands have visited the locality within the lastthree days, and the general opinion seems to bethat the discovery was the "petrified body" of ahuman being.I spent most of yesterday and to-day, at thelocation of the so-called "FOSSIL MAN," and madea survey of the surroundings of the place wherethis wonderful curiosity was found. On a carefulexamination, I am convinced that it is not a fossil,but was cut from a piece of stratified sulphate oflime, (known as the Onondaga Gypsum.) If it werepulverized or ground, a farmer would call it plaster.It was quarried, probably, somewhere in thiscounty, from our Gypsum beds. The layers are ofdifferent colors—dark and light. The statue wasevidently designed to lie on its back, or partially so,and represents a dead person in a position hewould naturally assume when dying. The body liesnearly upon the back, the right side a little lower;the head leaning a little to the right. The legs lienearly one above the other; the feet partiallycrossed. The toe of the right foot, a little lower,showing plainly, that the statue was neverdesigned to stand erect upon its feet. The left armlies down by the left side of the body, the forearmand hand being partially covered by the body. Theright hand rests a short distance below theumbilicus, the little finger spreading from the
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