The Project Gutenberg EBook of Si Klegg, Book 5 (of 6), by John McElroyThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.orgTitle: Si Klegg, Book 5 (of 6)The Deacon's Adventures At Chattanooga In Caring For The BoysAuthor: John McElroyRelease Date: March 25, 2010 [EBook #31775]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SI KLEGG, BOOK 5 (OF 6) ***Produced by David WidgerSI KLEGGThe Deacon's Adventures At ChattanoogaIn Caring For The BoysBy John McElroyBook FivePublished ByThe National Tribune Company,Washington, D. C.Second EditionCopyright 1912THE SIX VOLUMES SI KLEGG, Book I, Transformation From a Raw Recruit SI KLEGG, Book II, Through the Stone River Campaign SI KLEGG, Book III, Meets Mr. Rosenbaum, the Spy SI KLEGG, Book IV, On The Great Tullahoma Campaign SI KLEGG, Book V, Deacon's Adventures At Chattanooga SI KLEGG, Book VI, Enter On The Atlanta Campaign frontispiece (98K)titlepage (28K)ContentsPREFACESI KLEGGCHAPTER I. THE DEACON PROVIDESCHAPTER II. THE DEACON ATTEMPTED RESTITUTIONCHAPTER III. A COW IN CAMPCHAPTER IV. THE DEACON'S PLANCHAPTER V. TROUBLE ENCOUNTEREDCHAPTER VI. THE BOYS IN THE OLD HOME ON BEAN BLOSSOM CREEKCHAPTER VII. WEEKS OF CONVALESCENCECHAPTER VIII. SI IS PROMOTEDCHAPTER IX. SHORTY IN ...