Scientific American, Volume XXXVI., No. 8, February 24, 1877 - A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, - Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures.









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Scientific February 24, 1877, by Various American, Volume XXXVI., No. 8, This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Scientific American, Volume XXXVI., No. 8, February 24, 1877 A Weekly Journal of Practical Information, Art, Science, Mechanics, Chemistry, and Manufactures. Author: Various Release Date: September 29, 2006 [EBook #19406] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN *** Produced by Juliet Sutherland and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF PRACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY, AND MANUFACTURES. Vol. XXXVI., No. 8. [N EW SERIES.] $3.20 per Annum. [POSTAGE PREPAID.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1877. Scientific American. ESTABLISHED 1845. MUNN & CO., Editors and Proprietors. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NO. 37 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. O. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. TERMS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. One copy, one year, postage included. One copy, six months, postage included. $3.20 1.60 Clubs.—One extra copy of THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN will be supplied gratis for every club of five subscribers at $3.20 each; additional copies at same proportionate rate. Postage prepaid. THE S CIENTIFIC A MERICAN S UPPLEMENT is a distinct paper from the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. THE SUPPLEMENT is issued weekly; every number contains 16 octavo pages, with handsome cover, uniform in size with SCIENTIFIC A MERICAN . Terms of subscription for S UPPLEMENT , $5.00 a year, postage paid, to subscribers. Single copies 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers throughout the country. Combined Rates.—The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and SUPPLEMENT will be sent for one year, postage free, on receipt of seven dollars. Both papers to one address or different addresses, as desired. The safest way to remit is by draft, postal order, or registered letter. Address MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, N.Y. Subscriptions received and single copies of either paper sold by all the news agents. VOL. XXXVI., No. 8. [NEW SERIES.] Thirty-second Year . NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1877. Contents. (Illustrated articles are marked with an asterisk.) Academy of Sciences, New York. Answers to correspondents. Arts, lost, in New York. Augers and drills (16). Bain, Alexander. Blue glass deception, the. Blue glass science. Boilers for small engines (2, 14). Business and personal. Caffeone. Chromate of lime, acid (18). Circle problem, the three (8). Clock collector, a. 117 123 113 123 121 113 121 123 123 114 123 123 119 Coal, burning small (19). Cremation temple, proposed*. Dark days (11). Dates and the date palm*. Diseases, infections. Dyeing process, a cold (9). Engines for boats (12). Floors, filling for hardwood (6). Friction at rest (15). Frost plant of Russia, the*. Glass making, toughened. Greenhouses, tar paint in (3). Harness cockeye, improved*. Heating ranges (17). Heating rooms (7). Hemi-plunger, the.* Hens, Leghorn. Ink, purple marking. Iron trade in England. Laboratory manipulations. Lathe chuck.* Lathe, screw-cutting.* Lead, sea water and. Moneyed men. Mortar, black (10). New books and publications. Ornaments in winter, natural. Papin's steam engine.* Patent decision, a. Patent matters in Washington. Patent office annual report. Patents, American and foreign. Patents, official list of. Planing mill machinery. Posterity, for—a suggestion. Railroad, the Wetli mountain.* Rock sections for microscopy. Roofs, leaky slate (1). Rose bushes, soot for. Salicylic acid for the feet. Sawdust in rough casting. Seed-distributing panthers. Self-reliance and success. Snow a fertilizer. Something to do. Spectroscope prisms (11). Steam engine, Papin's. Steam engine, the Brown. Suicide statistics. Telegraph, the speaking. Trolling hook, improved*. Watch, position of a (13). 123 119 123 111 121 123 123 123 123 116 121 123 118 123 123 115 114 117 117 117 118 118 119 122 123 122 118 120 115 116 117 122 124 115 112 114 117 123 119 115 114 111 121 119 121 123 120 120 116 120 114 123 Waterproofing, suint for. White color in animals. Wire, crossing a river on a. Wool, purifying. Zinc roofs (4). TABLE OF CONTENTS OF 114 114 121 114 123 THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, No. 60, For the Week ending February 24, 1877. I. ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS.—Artificial Production of Ice by Steam Power—The American Roller Skate Rink, Paris, 1 engraving.—The Little Basses Light House, 4 figures.—The Souter Point Electric Light.—On the Minute Measurements of Modern Science, by ALFRED MAYER.—Method of Measuring by Means of the Micrometer Screw furnished with the Contact Level; Method of Electric Contact Applied to Measurements with the Micrometer Screw, 2 engravings.—Abstracts from Report of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers on the Metric System.—New Turret Musical and Chiming Clock for the Bombay University, with 1 page of engravings.—Water Gas and its advantages, by GEO. S. DWIGHT. —Brattice Cloths in Mines.—Eight Horse Power Portable Steam Engine, with dimensions, particulars, and 1 page of engravings. —Clyde Ship Building and Marine Engineering in 1876.—Four Masted Ships.—New Bridges at and near New York city.—The Sutro Tunnel.—Independent Car Wheels.—Passenger Travel, New York city. II.—TECHNOLOGY.—Design for Iron Stairway, and Iron Grilles, with 3 engravings.—The Process of Micro-photography used in the Army Medical Department.—Direct Positives for Enlarging.—A Monster Barometer.—Architectural Science, Carpentry Queries and Replies.—The Carpet Manufactures of Philadelphia. How the Centre Selvage is Formed, 3 figures.—Glass of the Ancients.—On the Preservation of Meat; a resume of the various methods now practiced.—California Pisciculture.—Savelle's System of Distillation, 2 engravings.—New Bromine Still, by W. A RVINE , 1 engraving.—The Phoenix Steam Brewery, New York.—French Cognac Distillation, 1 engraving.—Schwartz's Sugar Refinery, London. General description of the establishment.—Vienna Bread and Coffee.—How Pictorial Crystals are Produced and Exhibited. III. LESSONS IN MECHANICAL DRAWING. New Series. By Professor C.W. MACC ORD; with several engravings. IV. ELECTRICITY, LIGHT, HEAT, SOUND, ETC.—Magnetic Action of Rotatory Conductors.—The Sensation of Sound.—Sympathetic Vibration of Pendulums.—Protection from Lightning.—Musical Tones, photograph of. V. MEDICINE, HYGIENE, ETC.—On the Treatment of Typhoid Fevers. By ALFRED L. OOMIS, M.D. —Hydrophobia Cured by L Oxygen.—The efficacy of Lymph, by M. HILLER.—Success of Chloral Hydrate for Scalds and Burns.—Uses of Cyanide of Zinc. —Dr. Brown-Sequard on Nerve Disease. VI. MISCELLANEOUS.—Geological Notes.—A Geological Congress.—The last Polar Expedition.—Old Men of Science. —Pre-glacial Men.—Post-glacial Pacific Formations. period, Esthonia.—Northern Terms:—SCIENTIFIC A MERICAN S UPPLEMENT , one year, postpaid,five dollars. One copy of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and one copy of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN S UPPLEMENT , one year, postpaid, seven dollars. CLUBS. —One extra copy of the SUPPLEMENT will be supplied gratis for every club of five SUPPLEMENT subscribers at $5.00 each. All the back numbers of the SUPPLEMENT, from the commencement, January 1, 1876, can be had. Price 10 cents each. NOW READY.—The SCIENTIFIC AERICAN SPPLEMENT M U for 1876. Complete in two large volumes. Over 800 quarto pages; over 2,000 engravings. Embracing History of the Centennial Exhibition. New Illustrated Instructions in Mechanical Drawing. Many valuable papers, etc. Price five dollars for the two volumes, stitched in paper; or six dollars and fifty cents, handsomely bound in stiff covers. Remit by postal order. Address MUNN & CO., PUBLISHERS, 37 Park Row, New York. Single copies of any desired number of the SUPPLEMENT sent to any address on receipt of 10 cents. PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. New subscriptions to the SCIENTIFIC A MERICAN and the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT will, for the present, be entered upon our books to commence with the year, and the back numbers will be sent to each new subscriber unless a request to the contrary accompanies the order. Instead of a notice being printed on the wrapper, announcing that a subscription is about to end, the time of expiration is now denoted in the printed address each week, so that the subscriber may see when the period for which he has prepaid is about to expire. DATES AND THE DATE PALM. Even those whose knowledge of the customs of the Orient extends no further than a recollection of the contents of that time-honored story book, the "Arabian Nights," are doubtless aware that, since time immemorial, the date has been the chief food staple of the desertdwellers of the East. The "handful of dates and gourd of water" form the typical meal and daily sustenance of millions of human beings both in Arabia and in North Africa, and to this meager diet ethnologists have ascribed many of the peculiar characteristics of the people who live upon it. Buckle, who finds in the constant consumption of rice among the Hindoos a reason for the inclination to the prodigious and grotesque, the depression of spirits, and the weariness of life manifest in that nation, likewise considers that the morbid temperament of the Arab is a sequence of vegetarianism. He points out that rice contains an unusual amount of starch, namely, between 83 and 85 per cent; and that dates possess precisely the same nutritious substances as rice does, with the single difference that the starch is already converted into sugar. To live, therefore, on such food is not to satisfy hunger; and hunger, like all other cravings, even if partially satisfied, exercises control over the imagination. "This biological fact," says Peschel, "was and still
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