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The Project Gutenberg EBook of School History of
North Carolina, by John W. Moore
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**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla
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*****These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousands
of Volunteers!*****Title: School History of North Carolina
Author: John W. Moore
Release Date: July, 2004 [EBook #6080] [Yes, we
are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This
file was first posted on November 3, 2002]
Edition: 10
Language: English
This eBook was prepared by Bruce Loving
In the publication of a fourteenth edition it seems
proper that something should be said as to
changes made in this work. At a session of the
North Carolina Board of Education, held November
22d, 1881, it was resolved that "the Board
expressly reserve to itself the right to require
further revisions" in Moore's School History of
North Carolina, the second edition of which was
then adopted for use in the public schools.
Conforming to this requirement of the State Board
of Education, the author has diligently sought aid
and counsel in the effort to perfect this work. To
Mrs. C. P. Spencer, E. J. Hale, Esq., of New York,
and Hon. Montford McGehee, Commissioner of
Agriculture, the work is indebted for many valuable
suggestions, but still more largely to Col. W. L.
Saunders, Secretary of State, who has aided
assiduously not only in its revision, but in its
progress through the press.
The teacher of North Carolina History will be
greatly aided in the work by having a wall map of
North Carolina before the class, and to this end the
publishers have prepared a good and accurate
school map, which will be furnished at a special lowprice.
CHAPTER. I. Physical Description of North
Carolina II. Physical Description—Continued III.
Geological Characteristics IV. The Indians V.
Sir Walter Raleigh VI. Discovery of North
Carolina VII. Governor Lane's Colony VIII.
Governor White's Colony IX. The Fate of
Raleigh X. Charles II. and the Lords Proprietors
XI. Governor Drummond and Sir John Yeamans
XII. Governor Stephens and the Fundamental
Constitutions XIII. Early Governors and their
Troubles XIV. Lord Carteret adds a New Trouble
XV. Thomas Carey and the Tuscarora War XVI.
Governor Eden and Black-Beard XVII. Governor
Gabriel Johnston XVIII. The Pirates and Other
Enemies XIX. Governor Arthur Dobbs XX.
Governor Tryon and the Stamp Act XXI.Governor Tryon and the Regulators XXII.
Governor Martin and the Revolution XXIII. First
Provincial Congress XXIV. Second Provincial
Congress XXV. The Congress at Hillsboro XXVI.
Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge XXVII. Fourth
Provincial Congress Declares Independence
XXVIII. Adoption of a State Constitution XXIX.
The War Continued XXX. Stony Point and
Charleston XXXI. Ramsour's Mill and Camden
Court House XXXII. Battle of King's Mountain
XXXIII. Cornwallis's Last Invasion XXXIV. Battle
of Guilford Court House XXXV. Fanning and his
Brutalities XXXVI. Peace and Independence
XXXVII. The State of Franklin XXXVIII.
Formation of the Union XXXIX. France and
America XL. The Federalists and the
Republicans XLI. Closing of the Eighteenth
Century XLII. Growth and Expansion XLIII.
Second War with Great Britain XLIV. After the
Storm XLV. The Whigs and the Democrats
XLVI. The Condition of the State XLVII. The
Courts and the Bar XLVIII. Origin of the Public
Schools XLIX. Slavery and Social Development
L. The Mexican War LI. The North Carolina
Railway and the Asylums LII. A Spectre of the
Past Re-appears LIII. The Social and Political
Status LIV. President Lincoln and the War LV.
The War Between the States LVI. The Combat
Deepens LVII. The War Continues LVIII. War
and its Horrors LIX. The Death Wound atGettysburg LX. General Grant and his
Campaign LXI. North Carolina and
Peacemaking LXII The War Draws to a Close LXIII.
Concluding Scenes of the War LXIV. Refitting
the Wreck LXV. Governor Worth and President
Johnson LXVI. Results of Reconstruction LXVII
Results of Reconstruction—Continued LXVIII.
Impeachment of Governor Holden LXIX.
Resumption of Self-Government LXX. The
Cotton Trade and Factories LXXI. Progress of
Material Development LXXII. The Railroads and
New Towns LXXIII. Literature and Authors
LXXIV. The Colleges and Schools LXXV.
Constitution of North Carolina
Questions on the Constitution
It is well known that any subject can be more
thoroughly taught when both the eye and the mind
of the pupil are used as mediums for imparting the
knowledge; and the teacher of "North Carolina
History" will find a valuable help in a wall map ofthe State hung in convenient position for reference
while the history class is reciting.
Require the pupils to go to the map and point out
localities when mentioned, also places adjoining;
trace the courses of the rivers which have a
historical interest, and name important towns upon
their banks. A good, reliable wall map of North
Carolina can he procured at a moderate price from
the publishers of this work.
It has been deemed proper to make the chapters
short, that each may form one lesson. At the close
of each chapter will be found questions upon the
main points of the lesson. These will furnish
thought for many other questions which will
suggest themselves to the teacher. There are
many small matters of local State history which can
be given with interest to the class, from time to
time, as appropriate periods are reached. These
minor facts could not be included in the compass
of a school book, but a teacher will be helped by
referring occasionally to "Moore's Library History of
North Carolina."
Inspire your pupils with a spirit of patriotism and
love for their native State. A little effort in this
direction will show you how easily it can be done. In
every boy and girl is a latent feeling of pride in
whatever pertains to the welfare of their native
State, and this feeling should be cultivated and
enlarged, and thus the children make bettercitizens when grown. The history of our State is
filled with events which, told to the young, will fix
their attention, and awaken a desire to know more
of the troubles and noble deeds of the people who
laid the foundation of this Commonwealth.
The Appendix contains the present "Constitution of
North Carolina." Then follows a series of
"Questions on the Constitution," prepared
expressly for this work by Hon. Kemp P. Battle, LL.
D., President of the University of North Carolina.
This is an entirely new and valuable feature in a
school book, and contains an analysis of our State
government. This is just the information that every
citizen of North Carolina ought to possess, and
teachers should require all their students of this
history to read and study the Constitution and
endeavor to answer the questions thereon.
No State in the Union possesses a record of nobler
achievements than North Carolina. Her people
have always loved liberty for themselves, and they
offered the same priceless boon to all who came
within her borders; and it was a full knowledge of
this trait of our people which made Bancroft say
"North Carolina was settled by the freest of the