Return to Pleasure Island









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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

The Project Gutenberg EBook of Return to Pleasure Island, by Cory DoctorowThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online** This is a COPYRIGHTED Project Gutenberg eBook, Details Below ** ** Please follow the copyright guidelines inthis file. **Title: Return to Pleasure IslandAuthor: Cory DoctorowRelease Date: November 20, 2005 [EBook #17027]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK RETURN TO PLEASURE ISLAND ***Copyright (C) 1999 by Cory DoctorowReturn to Pleasure IslandCory DoctorowFrom "A Place So Foreign and Eight More," a short story collection published in September, 2003 by Four WallsEight Windows Press (ISBN 1568582862). See for more.Originally Published in Realms of Fantasy August 1999"By design or default, something about this story (and I can't describe exactly what because I don't know) disturbedme a great deal, though it's a well-written and unique take on an old tale. Others may find it more palatable. IfDoctorow's intent was to unsettle, he succeeded…"- J. G. Stinson, Tangent Online—Blurbs and quotes:* Cory Doctorow straps on his miner's helmet and takes you deep into the caverns and underground rivers of PopCulture, here filtered ...
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The Project GtuneebgrE oBkoo Ref rntuo  teaPleruslsI ,dna yb  DocCorywThitorooo k sBerot sif  ose uheneyoanf rehwyna  on ta ew ti hlaoctsa dnrestrictmost no eost.revsnoiahw op city ou Yay m yroa aw etig,vinderit uuse  re-ht fo smret eht nbteGut ecojPre dedutiw ht he sig erceLie nsclinwtwwg.tuneebgrn.Book or online aetfao our   on sisuoy  ll'ht t,ere Cory Do much asiH sivistcrowo .en smye glog brssa ytilaer fo esiretwew *F alubawA n drnimo* eeryCooc Drotot ehT ehdoro etSurgeon Award, NeD - .kcaraM diva W  ekusofr neiny uoende Sot rPGd yo finay bur ww ridew  eott ehd a guidd as gooni-dna ,lp ,egguitmbusioinin ag,reate tnyv ,s vaing, darart,: smsretirw wen tsebr ouf  one oisw r, Asimov's SF*  roDozsi  E idotfio . ndGa- nerdoy ser'uiog t gn bef outus aore tas  yhthcserttersfiy-nturntcet  fo dlroewt eht own and r CrackdehH caekoh rfoT stw feraoc Droto*noiroC tsiDtcarreakeedfeeksh a w tisnse ees sht
Title: Return to Pleasure Island Author: Cory Doctorow Release Date: November 20, 2005 [EBook #17027] Language: English
Copyright (C) 1999 by Cory Doctorow
** This is a COPYRIGHTED Project Gutenberg eBook, Details Below ** ** Please follow the copyright guidelines in this file. **
Return to Pleasure Island Cory Doctorow From "A Place So Foreign and Eight More " a short story collection published in September, 2003 by Four Walls , Eight Windows Press (ISBN 1568582862). See for more. Originally Published in Realms of Fantasy August 1999 "By design or default, something about this story (and I can't describe exactly what because I don't know) disturbed me a great deal, though it's a well-written and unique take on an old tale. Others may find it more palatable. If Doctorow's intent was to unsettle, he succeeded…" - J. G. Stinson, Tangent Online Blurbs and quotes: * Cory Doctorow straps on his miner's helmet and takes you deep into the caverns and underground rivers of Pop Culture, here filtered through SF-coloured glasses. Enjoy. - Neil Gaiman  Author of American Gods and Sandman
sin kimo fo noisolxe ifzzse !eHd eo sHe sparkles! He skaeeht ruf utinckbaipflans brd n eeitnoro ysdC Sciere!  ficnce ilretS etuA   gnoworctDoucBr- ! 
 with heart, weirdass shapeshifters from Pleasure Island and jumping automotive  jazz joints. If this is Canadian science fiction, give me more. - Nalo Hopkinson  Author of Midnight Robber and Brown Girl in the Ring * Cory Doctorow is the future of science fiction. An nth-generation hybrid of the best of Greg Bear, Rudy Rucker, Bruce Sterling and Groucho Marx, Doctorow composes stories that are as BPM-stuffed as techno music, as idea-rich as the latest issue of NEW SCIENTIST, and as funny as humanity's efforts to improve itself. Utopian, insightful, somehow simultaneously ironic and heartfelt, these nine tales will upgrade your basal metabolism, overwrite your cortex with new and efficient subroutines and generally improve your life to the point where you'll wonder how you ever got along with them. Really, you should need a prescription to ingest this book. Out of all the glittering crap life and our society hands us, craphound supreme Doctorow has managed to fashion some industrial-grade art." - Paul Di Filippo  Author of The Steampunk Trilogy * As scary as the future, and twice as funny. In this eclectic and electric  collection Doctorow strikes sparks off today to illuminate tomorrow, which is  what SF is supposed to do. And nobody does it better. - Terry Bisson  Author of Bears Discover Fire A note about this story This story is from my collection, "A Place So Foreign and Eight More," published by Four Walls Eight Windows Press in September, 2003, ISBN 1568582862. I've released this story, along with five others, under the terms of a Creative Commons license that gives you, the reader, a bunch of rights that copyright normally reserves for me, the creator. I recently did the same thing with the entire text of my novel, "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom" (, and it was an unmitigated success. Hundreds of thousands of people downloaded the book — good news — and thousands of people bought the book — also good news. It turns out that, as near as anyone can tell, distributing free electronic versions of books is a great way to sell more of the paper editions, while simultaneously getting the book into the hands of readers who would otherwise not be exposed to my work. I still don't know how it is artists will earn a living in the age of the Internet, but I remain convinced that the way to find out is to do basic science: that is, to do stuff and observe the outcome. That's what I'm doing here. The thing to remember is that the very *worst* thing you can do to me as an artist is to not read my work — to let it languish in obscurity and disappear from posterity. Most of the fiction I grew up on is out-of-print, and this is doubly true for the short stories. Losing a couple bucks to people who would have bought the book save for the availability of the free electronic text is no big deal, at least when compared to the horror that is being irrelevant and unread. And luckily for me, it appears that giving away the text for free gets me more paying customers than it loses me. You can find the canonical version of this file at If you'd like to convert this file to some other format and distribute it, you have my permission, provided that: * You don't charge money for the distribution * You keep the entire text intact, including this notice, the license below, and the metadata at the end of the file * You don't use a file-format that has "DRM" or "copy-protection" or any other form of use-restriction turned on If you'd like, you can advertise the existence of your edition by posting a link to it at Here's a summary of the license: Attribution. The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. 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"Collective Work" means a work, such as a periodical issue, anthology or encyclopedia, in which the Work in its entirety in unmodified form, along with a number of other contributions, constituting separate and independent works in themselves, are assembled into a collective whole. A work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work (as defined below) for the purposes of this License. b. "Derivative Work" means a work based upon the Work or upon the Work and other pre-existing works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgment, condensation, or any other form in which the Work may be recast, transformed, or adapted, except that a work that constitutes a Collective Work will not be considered a Derivative Work for the purpose of this License. c. "Licensor" means the individual or entity that offers the Work under the terms of this License.  d. 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mehteep d lef ofomfrhe tt oumesohr t-cee eh diash" ,bawo sprinkles?"Georloros iwlr ,iwht blettli ainy odel ot me sih revey, . "Her,"mist-hpsh giopogee duocsretnoeG 'egrlmpaons t pus hisuni ghtsn tti ,hed agai and pusits ,htoob sih o tan rnd aupro gH  etl.yrceumo eat sing aughll lcam-ssoleH .eniha n pu se ivehbef ila dnt ehppdee in conhe fto tmoC" gniiiirgiii uht" p, sheg,anguthi  tnih siq uick left hand. thinh ig hunspe ac eh dna ,ria eostlw, jelboght c noo en tosdei necowis paf r penortir gh hts sid and knge smile earkco coek dhtven ed eer, highehb ?yT"uocnyob  Sh?tccorrbeawtregduF ?osrettuB?t want a dip, touos ru eoy uod'ne  hidsa"A,  yredenrsti ips ,tog euterh ebofub tes, inkl spr thedesnepsidtaht elppnie thr fod heH  eerca drgee.n blue anripes oftiw ts hereyti dhe tlan  pofk,in yna dalw sal zaix shiftght-to-s dera nits yegganegellra, ted anlaylcnutsaupfe tly lrare he  butindim eht dah oh wne oftsoe Th. soft ones, thoug oedlaw ti hht e badugro hht uim  h sihhtafh reblingrumout g ableev twttr,yt ihkne rgeo tow hewerit sihG .ssendo  satthcc at,enni revda eh evencrushed rtently  tahdn shtiesrfo tbyd deunrourps eh taht os ,meht hithoue wispokihkcs't htre safu ev a plaeritsifac imcse il sofmyaphtwyeh nhtye griped their pe eh nehwiw koohsm,he tthattho  smslih  eoo-ddeg redlnatud gay andnaegatskcab mroifuns hid keucshgr eG oeip.ds ut how andoud,w prna ,oh d dahneebd oln mae ise th!rH wow sif taehgripes.Hrennial riduy wa sis hngdah flesa dedore muc how himh ofsndiehi re,esew aysmow hro b twnon ,gnittiw id ha laundry hampert soes dtii tn od th, anstesy tawayaeh mtut nep d teas tnd ab,umhtrae,doog rieht and hisft thumbirhg thts rtno goo ld kefthiHe. evelel rh tac si m af orrd yalnu wheline lefn he taht trf nwosihhar heatenolstd -hocolruded nuagrees and workshieH .erd dessmih lfsen  ie thrtea yavaelrgnt luithat so tas nhe w !eerht erht llAntou chell"A. erege pxrelt ypsrie!" he said.Georuorht hgd eh,spiedalhe tlo f tssof sust k crthic d alpei npat ehd!ki, thou muryo nepO" .selknirptic gleeh realiset,dw ti "ehhsuowih , des hiutmoepo  denehT.yob t ha tsointwe thil gnilk fo sthgmidwthe efleay ro fftcdeb cah simok rsland ahe toop  folilaso avn his tongue. Geroegs'q iukc ,lcd dnah tfel revean-hngloa d peiptn onoi s oplddee, tfudghot the tdeps eh nehpilfonb  h acktigoy httat regi hra cperfectlminated ual dehgeoog .yl soyllwaedownd aep nomtu.hT ehb y in the boy's ognorts sh thgir tiecnfcohin  ionehd ret ni girppge hGeord ovandeand rad whe neni ei ot his fac plungedt ehb yona,da dn gdyealr arewes rae sih taht wasrge  Geonds,frieih sio nr je notlaugh had sounde d ailttell ki etiet lnggeon ar,h dnedsihgil det andght,ched watr iat ehtaet nps. aybra web joA ,enod lluoht eh #.eGroeg eimwdyaposed to was supygnobburht rps e oesthf  cerblobpup ew ds ohawsyoon,at ntly rompta tfihs-ffo og ale  Ht.ghniid ms ipec diwhtt ehhant-dung sauce,a daraj  fo pele fheezre, er hhei  noostnIt ti .withrth cy r jui,doog dnae naelcgetaot cou fhe, hind the area be eowdodeehl tilt. rs tInbrs heotof rih rs hteppuf wimseld hiusieegb eGroih.mb  yngro wnoo  dldoucyob eht dna ,eoprh e iderevtiy t em yeh tilJ noed and rheumy eyseh das ohenw tid deeetn ts,rdwoh :hguohkcarc siaind remf hier osy . sadda'neHh  tfe mihht ,l taor fhe trdwosslegneu ,na fih sot's folly old maneoJdna ,bmuht tf oon she te,Jo. os nht ell , diBr leleveis cof hworcim ehcaerevalibbbue thn  inger dnaedt ehniotim, ed hhe wand eht elc  rev,enol.alil B bl,ngeiemllo  fht eascu woke when the spyopsle thn  iit derevoc dna esuand ers eathe, fascuornwneb-g er ihta n  bheugrodna  os rts ,gnos' henho brotherrfmot ehhcciek ningsg things, thekpet  oh nat ehplup sdsthd ane  ot sgnimehtekamgood mealfor hisk ni demna t aabnclaofe ar ey thnihta sgl dnnivign ,aeitr hetfred thrriel castililativ fo gnat ea g inarepPr. tytus ewtaw urgno-ig top aof the boel dratborc'staev,  aen ws,chhideh iwhsot rdncue co. Th JoelandliB ,srehtorb ow tis hthwid rehali law s dohemB. shamble, and heabeddekrnehw eh nid t gh aimoo gm ant hie cod thneti dhtj suw saou hstCaan, ngsiyawa dep eht ot the cottage he sfot ehl ni,et  oay wo  te thd encudn,rotlla eht ta snd ay,waid m ta ylsselmiaderth Prneaundeors dns'sIalru eelsaedblwa aamtrab grt es maa ,yht sas the snothing o  nht efo tnose elpoep  eht rofy etcisosohe tof ena thtar lects of homege'sGeorart ht mr tat naouhr tgh uheidlttfo en.seHb aodred a Cast Memberoh frp wguoho thorGe tgehiyt. ngahivgnt dab ee,nfather houd his s eht ,egroeG !ereth s on seehr ,nauhbmtht r girongs stf hion opee hoeps.leoe Jawdiht yguorht hen to George abos'L ae dah dpskopo sad h Jton kea ,ti tuegroeGdn teldn'te anl Joub teo ,ocluoy uhough hi, even tifinhsde shsfi tha tthn ar eerliven c resrieeH . homightstraame ehawda ,snet;ei getaksac bederndm eht gnihctaw ,laerda yohem ,anpping in the pilfo ealb teknht s aat tlleehrro b shshtrei  nradebackthe m of rootoc eht eoJ.egatt n'as wet ymeho elaw reotegno e, ththerent ey w dna eti sa drah Ws.ckroeythn hemoo  fhtie rikdn, and their bodihtiw tuotolcgnihas, as whe tstcuded  neeTheyle. f roni,golhtonc  bthwid geul bescsum esool ,yggathe smalt ones, ebwtee n lhtmu bedckhe the tlay eht fos mahsfo eisnd ireshuingtiG dna llew egroeoredntut, Bi eyehcnek tinau T. othr r eithfahaereht k ri dniof em big, even forbael .oBhto  fht sa erew secaf eoswh f elmshin icems epb gilaylpecin esen ad berew hw et dehteel-seapshsehohi cc al,yw lutpros've as scexpressielc  rev,enoyehtte a.#ad a more civiliht eelsg .hTyeh cidu."nge Josnha des yawr foorpell a" Bi hisskedterut'r ey?ten det yot"Nrgeo G," gnorts .rehtorb.rW" eae rrbtoehis clevee told hgnitrof ni eiaw o  Nnsse tt,n.heru", rohpuepehs ws t kno. He himeht saw eh ecnisd an, idsal il B
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