Reason and Faith; Their Claims and Conflicts - From The Edinburgh Review, October 1849, Volume 90, No. - CLXXXII. (Pages 293-356)









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Reason and Faith; Their Claims and Conflicts by Henry RogersThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atwww.gutenberg.netTitle: Reason and Faith; Their Claims and Conflicts From The Edinburgh Review, October 1849, Volume 90, No.CLXXXII. (Pages 293-356)Author: Henry RogersRelease Date: April 6, 2005 [EBook #15563]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK REASON AND FAITH ***Produced by Michael MaddenREASON AND FAITH; THEIR CLAIMS ANDCONFLICTS.[by Henry Rogers]THE EDINBURGH REVIEW,OCTOBER, 1849.[Volume 90] No. CLXXXII. [Pages 293-356]Art.I—1. Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon Buonaparte Eighthedition, pp. 60. 8vo. London. 2. The Nemesis of Faith. By J. A. Froude,M. A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 12mo. London: pp. 227. 3.Popular Christianity, its Transition State and Probable Development. ByF. J. Foxton, B. A.; formerly of Pembroke College, Oxford, and PerpetualCurate of Stoke Prior and Docklow, Herefordshire. 12mo. London: pp. 226.'Reason and Faith,' says one of our old divines, with the quaintness characteristic of his day, 'resemble the two sons ofthe patriarch; Reason is the firstborn, but Faith inherits the blessing. The image is ingenious, and the antithesis striking;but nevertheless the sentiment is far ...
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08 décembre 2010



The Project Gutenberg EBook of Reason andFaith; Their Claims and Conflicts by Henry RogersThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere atno cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under theterms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: Reason and Faith; Their Claims and ConflictsFrom The Edinburgh Review, October 1849,Volume 90, No. CLXXXII. (Pages 293-356)Author: Henry RogersRelease Date: April 6, 2005 [EBook #15563]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERGEBOOK REASON AND FAITH ***Produced by Michael Madden
REASON AND FAITH;THEIR CLAIMS ANDCONFLICTS.[by Henry Rogers]THE EDINBURGH REVIEW,OCTOBER, 1849.[Volume 90] No. CLXXXII. [Pages 293-356]Art.I—1. Historic Doubts relative to NapoleonBuonaparte Eighthedition, pp. 60. 8vo. London. 2. The Nemesis ofFaith. By J. A. Froude,M. A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 12mo.London: pp. 227. 3.Popular Christianity, its Transition State andProbable Development. ByF. J. Foxton, B. A.; formerly of Pembroke College,Oxford, and PerpetualCurate of Stoke Prior and Docklow, Herefordshire.12mo. London: pp. 226.'Reason and Faith,' says one of our old divines,with the quaintness characteristic of his day,
'resemble the two sons of the patriarch; Reason isthe firstborn, but Faith inherits the blessing. Theimage is ingenious, and the antithesis striking; butnevertheless the sentiment is far from just. It ishardly right to represent Faith as younger thanreason: the fact undoubtedly being, that humancreatures trust and believe, long before theyreason or know. But the truth is, that both reasonand Faith are coeval with the nature of man, andwere designed to dwell in his heart together. Intruth they are, and were, and, in such creatures asourselves, must be, reciprocally complementary—neither can exclude the other. It is as impossible toexercise an acceptable faith without reason for soexercising it,—that is, without exercising reasonwhile we exercise faith*,—as it is to apprehend byour reason, exclusive of faith, all the truths onwhich we are daily compelled to act, whether inrelation to this world or the next. Neither is it rightto represent either of them as failing of thepromised heritage, except as both may fail alike,by perversion from their true end, and depravationof their genuine nature; for it to the faith of whichthe New Testament speaks so much, a peculiarblessing is promised, it is evident from the samevolume that it is not a 'faith without reason' anymore than a 'faith without works,' which isapproved by the Author of Christianity. And this issufficiently proved by the injunction 'to be ready togive a reason for the hope,'—and therefore for thefaith,—'which is in us.'____
* Let it be said that we are here playing upon anambiguity in the word Reason;—considered in thefirst clause as an argument; and in the second, asthe characteristic endowment of our species. Thedistinction between Reason and Reasoning (thoughmost important) does not affect our statement; forthough Reason may be exercised where there isno giving of reasons, there can be no giving ofreasons without the exercise of Reason.____If, therefore, we were to imitate the quaintness ofthe old divine, on whose dictum we have beencommenting, we should rather compare Reasonand Faith to the two trusty spies, 'faithful amongstthe 'faithless,' who confirmed each other's report of'that good land which flowed with milk and honey,'and to both of whom the promise of a richinheritance there was given,—and, in due time,amply redeemed. Or, rather, if we might bepermitted to pursue the same vein a little further,and throw over our shoulders for a moment thatmantle of allegory which none but Bunyan couldwear long and successfully, we should representReason and Faith as twin-born beings,—the one, inform and features the image of manly beauty,—theother, of feminine grace and gentleness; but toeach of whom, alas! was allotted a sad privation.While the bright eyes of Reason are full of piercingand restless intelligence, his ear is closed to sound;and while Faith has an ear of exquisite delicacy, onher sightless orbs, as she lifts them towardsheaven, the sunbeam plays in vain. Hand in hand
the brother and sister, in all mutual love, pursuetheir way, through a world on which, like ours, daybreaks and night falls alternate; by day the eyes ofReason are the guide of Faith, and by night the earof Faith is the guide of Reason. As is wont withthose who labour under these privationsrespectively Reason is apt to be eager, impetuous,impatient of that instruction which his infirmity willnot permit him readily to apprehend; while Faith,gentle and docile, is ever willing to listen to thevoice by which alone truth and wisdom caneffectually reach her.It has been shown by Butler in the fourth and fifthchapters (Part I.) of his great work, that the entireconstitution and condition of man, viewed inrelation to the present world alone, andconsequently all the analogies derived from thatfact in relation to a future world, suggest theconclusion that we are here the subjects of aprobation discipline, or in a course of education foranother state of existence. But it has not, perhaps,been sufficiently insisted on, that if in the actualcourse of that education, of which enlightenedobedience to the 'law of virtue,' as Butlerexpresses it, or, which is the same thing, to thedictates of supreme wisdom and goodness, is thegreat end, we give an unchecked ascendency toeither Reason or Faith, we vitiate the wholeprocess. The chief instrument by which thatprocess is carried on is not Reason alone, or Faithalone, but their well-balanced and reciprocalinteraction. It is a system of alternate checks andlimitations, in which Reason does not supersede
Faith, nor Faith encroach on Reason. But ourmeaning will be more evident when we have madeone or two remarks on what are conceived to betheir respective provinces. In the domain ofReason men generally include, 1st, what are called'intuitions,' 2d, 'necessary deductions' from them;and 3d, deductions from their own direct'experience; while in the domain of Faith areranked all truths and propositions which arereceived, not without reasons indeed, but forreasons underived from the intrinsic evidence(whether intuitive or deductive, or from our ownexperience) of propositions themselves;—forreasons (such as credible testimony, for example,)extrinsic to the proper meaning and significance ofsuch propositions: although such reasons, byaccumulation and convergency, may be capable ofsubduing the force of any difficulties orimprobabilities, which cannot be demonstrated to*involve absolute contradictions.____* Of the first kind of truths, or those received byintuition, we have examples in what are called 'self-evident axioms,' and 'fundamental laws' or'conditions of thought,' which no wise man has everattempted to prove. Of the second, we haveexamples in the whole fabric of mathematicalscience, reared from its basis of axioms anddefinitions, as well as in every other necessarydeduction from admitted premises. The thirdvirtually includes any conclusion in science basedon direct experiment, or observation; though the
belief of the truth even of Newton's system of theworld, when received as Locke says he receivedand as the generality of men receive it,—withoutbeing able to follow the steps by which the greatgeometer proves his conclusions,—may berepresented rather as an act of faith rather than anact of Reason; as much so as a belief in the truthof Christianity, founded on its historic and otherevidences. The greater part of man's knowledge,indeed, even of science,—even the greater part ofa scientific man's knowledge of science, based asit is on testimony alone (and which so oftencompels him to renounce to-day what he thoughtcertain yesterday),—may be not unjustlyconsidered as more allied to Faith than Reason. Itmay be said, perhaps, that the above classificationof the truths received by Reason and Faithrespectively is arbitrary; that even as to some oftheir alleged sources, they are not always clearlydistinguishable; that the evidence of experiencemay in some sort be reduced to testimony,—thatof sense, and testimony reduced to experience,—that of human veracity under given circumstances;both being founded upon the observed uniformityof certain phenomena under similar conditions. Weadmit the truth of this; and we admit it the morewillingly, as it shows that so inextricably intertwinedare the roots both of Reason and Faith in ournature, that no definitions that can be framed willcompletely separate them; none that will notinvolve many phenomena which may be said to fallunder the dominion of one as much as the other.We have been content, for our practical purpose,without any too subtle refinement, to take the line
of demarcation which is, perhaps, as obvious asany, and as generally recognised. Few would saythat a generalised inference from direct experiencewas not matter of reason rather than of faith;though an act of faith is involved in the process;and few would not call confidence in testimonywhere probabilities were nearly balanced, by thename of faith rather than reason, though an act ofreason is involved in that process. We are muchmore anxious to show their general involution withone another than the points of discriminationbetween them. ____In receiving important doctrines on the strength ofsuch evidence, and in holding to them against theperplexities they involve, or, what is harder still,against the prejudices they oppose, every exerciseof an intelligent faith will, on analysis, be found toconsist; its only necessary limit will be provencontradictions in the propositions submitted to it;for, then, no evidence can justify belief, or evenrender it possible. But no other difficulties,however, great, will justify unbelief, where man hasall that he can justly demand,—evidence such in itsnature as he can deal with, and on which he isaccustomed to act in his most important affairs inthis world (thus admitting its validity), and such inamount as to render it more likely that thedoctrines it substantiates are true, than, from mereignorance of the mode in which these difficultiescan be solved, he can infer them to be false.'Probabilities,' says Bishop Bulter, 'are to us thevery guide to life; and when the probabilities arise
out of evidence which we are competent topronounce, and the improbabilities merely from oursurmises, where we have no evidence to deal with,and perhaps, from the limitation of our capacities,could not deal with it, if we had it, it is not difficult tosee what course practical wisdom tells man heought to pursue; and which he always doespursue, whatever difficulties beset him,—in allcases except one!Such is the strict union—that mutual dependenceof Reason and Faith—which would seem to be thegreat law under which the moral school in which weare being educated is conducted. This law isequally, or almost equally, its characteristic,Whether we regard man simply in his presentcondition, or in his present in relation to his futurecondition,—as an inhabitant only of this world, or acandidate for another; and to this law, by a seriesof analogies as striking as any of those whichButler has pointed out (and on which we heartilywish his comprehensive genius had expended achapter or two), Christianity, in the demands itmakes on both principles conjointly, is evidentlyadapted.Men often speak, indeed, as if the exercise of faithwas excluded from their condition as inhabitants ofthe present world. But it requires but a very slightconsideration to show that the boasted prerogativeof reason is here also that of a limited monarch;and that its attempts to make itself absolute canonly end in its own dethronement, and, aftersuccessive revolutions, in all the anarchy of
absolute pyrrhonism.For in the intellectual and moral education of man,considered merely as a citizen of the presentworld, we see the constant and inseparable unionof the two principles, and provision made for theirperpetual exercise. He cannot advance a step,indeed without both. We see faith demanded notonly amidst the dependence and ignorance inwhich childhood and youth are passed; not only inthe whole process by which we acquire theimperfect knowledge which is to fit us for beingmen; but to the very last we may be truly said tobelieve far more than we know. 'Indeed,' saidButler, 'the unsatisfactory nature of the evidencewith which we are obliged to take up in the dailycourse of life, is scarce to be expected.' Nay, in anintelligible sense, even the 'primary truths,' or 'first'principles,' or 'fundamental laws of thought, or''self-evident maxims, or 'intuitions,' or by whateverother names philosophers have been pleased todesignate them, which, in a special sense, are thevery province of reason, as contra-distinguishedfrom 'reasoning' or logical deduction, may be saidalmost as truly to depend on faith as on reason fortheir reception.* For the only ground for believingthem true is that man cannot help so believingthem! The same may be said of that great fact,without which the whole world would be at a stand-still—a belief in the uniformity of the phenomena ofexternal nature; that the same sun, for example,which rose yesterday and to-day, will rise againtomorrow. That this cannot be demonstrated, isadmitted on all hands; and that it is not absolutely
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