Quotes and Images from the Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Quotes and Images From The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt, by Giacomo Casanova (AKA Jacques Casanova de Seingalt) This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net Title: Quotes and Images From The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt Author: Giacomo Casanova (AKA Jacques Casanova de Seingalt) Edited by David Widger Release Date: August 26, 2004 [EBook #7538] [Last updated on February 16, 2007] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CASANOVA ***
Produced by David Widger
By Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
A man never argues well except when his purse is well filled Accepted the compliment for what it was worth Accomplice of the slanderer Advantages of a great sorrow is that nothing else seems painful Age, that cruel and unavoidable disease All women, dear Leah are for sale All-powerful lever, gold Alms given in public are sure to be accompanied by vanity Anger and reason do not belong to the same family Angry man always thinks himself right At my age I could not be allowed to have any opinions Augurs could never look at each other without laughing Awkward or miserly, and therefore unworthy of love Axiom that ...
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QUOTES AND IMAGES FROM THE MEMOIRS OFCASANOVAThe Project Gutenberg EBook of Quotes and Images From The Memoirs ofJacques Casanova de Seingalt, by Giacomo Casanova (AKA Jacques Casanova de Seingalt)This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: Quotes and Images From The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de SeingaltAuthor: Giacomo Casanova (AKA Jacques Casanova de Seingalt)            Edited by David Widger    Release Date: August 26, 2004 [EBook #7538][Last updated on February 16, 2007]Language: EnglishCharacter set encoding: ISO-8859-1*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CASANOVA ***Produced by David WidgerTHE MEMOIRS OF CASANOVABy Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
A man never argues wpurse is well filledell expecw thneh si
Accepted the compliment for what it washtrowAccomplice of the slandererAdvantages of a great sorrow is thatnothing else seems painfulAge, that cruel and unavoidable diseaseAll women, dear Leah are for saleAll-powerful lever, goldAlms given in public are sure to beaccompanied by vanityAnger and reason do not belong to thesame familyAngry man always thinks himself rightAt my age I could not be allowed tohave any opinionsAugurs could never look at each otherwithout laughingAwkward or miserly, and thereforeunworthy of loveAxiom that "neglected right is lostright"Beauty is the only unpardonable offencein your eyesBeauty without wit offers love nothingBed is a capital place to get anappetiteBest plan in this world is to beastonished at nothingBeware of the man of one bookCalumnies are easy to utter but hard torefuteCherishing my griefClever man deceives by telling thehturtCommissaries of ChastityConfessionContempt of lifeCould tell a good story without
laughingCriticism only grazed the skin andnever wounded deeplyDelights are in proportion to theprivations we have sufferedDesire is only kept alive by beingdeniedDesire to make a great fuss like agreat manDespair which is not without somesweetnessDespised ignoramus becomes an enemyDiminish the tale of your years insteadof increasing itDistance is relativeDivinities—novelty and singularityDo not mind people believing anything,provided it is not trueDo their duty, and to live in peace andsweet ignoranceEconomy in pleasure is not to my tasteEmotion is infectiousEssence of freedom consists in thinkingyou have itEverything hung from an ifExercise their reason to avoid themisfortunes which they fearFanaticism, no matter of what nature,is only the plagueFatal desire for luxury and empty showspoils allFavourite passion has always beenvengeanceFirst motive is always self-interestFoolish enough to write the truthFor in the night, you know, all catsare greyFor is love anything else than a kindof curiosity?
Fortune flouts old ageFound him greater at a distance thanclose at handGave the Cardinal de Rohan the famousnecklaceGirl who gave nothing must take nothingGive yourself up to whatever fateoffers to you,Government ought never to destroyancient customs abruptlyGroans, and prayers, and blasphemiesHappiness is purely a creature of theimaginationHappiness is not lasting—nor is manHappy or unhappy from a merely cursoryinspectionHappy ignorance!Happy age when one's inexperience isone's sole misfortuneHasty verses are apt to sacrifice witto rhymeHe won't be uneasy—he is a philosopherHobbes: of two evils choose the leastHonest old man will not believe in theexistence of rascalsIdle questions which are commonlyaddressed to a travellerIf this and if that, and every other ifIf I could live my life over againIf history did not lieIgnorance is blissIgnorant, who talk about everythingright or wrongImagine that what they feel themselvesothers must feelIt is only fools who complainIt's too much for honour and too littlefor loveJealousy leads to anger, and anger goes
Jealousy leads to anger, and anger goesa long wayKnowing that he would not be regrettedafter his deathLast thing which we learn in alllanguages is witLaugh out of seasonLet not thy right hand know what thyleft hand doethLie a sufficient number of times, oneends by believing itLight come, light goLove always makes men selfishLook on everything we don't possess asa superfluityLove fills our minds with idle visionsLove makes no conditionsMade a point of forgetting everythingunpleasantMade a parade of his AtheismMan needs so little to console him orto soothe his griefMarriage without enjoyment is a thornwithout rosesMarriage state, for which I felt I hadno vocationMarried a rich wife, he repented ofhaving married at allMere beauty does not go for muchMost trifling services are assessed atthe highest ratesMy spirit and my desires are as youngas everMy time was too short to write solittleMystical insinuationsNegligent attireNever to pass an opinion on any subjectNever wearied himself with too muchthinking
thinkingNobody read his books, but everybodyagreed he was learned'Non' is equal to giving the lieNow I am too old to begin curing myselfObscenity disgusts, and never givespleasureOh! wonderful power of self-delusionOne never knows enoughOwed all its merits to antithesis andparadoxPardonable weakness, most of us prefer"mine" to "thine"Passing infidelity, but not inconstancyPassion and prejudice cannot reasonPeople did not want to know things asthey truly werePeople want to know everything, andthey inventPigmies mimicking a giantPity to sell cheaply what would have tobe replaced dearlyPleasures are realities, though all toofleetingPope, whom no Roman can believe to beinfalliblePost-mastersPrejudices which had the sanction ofthe lawPride is the daughter of follyPrivately indulged in every luxury thathe forbade to othersPrivilege of a nursing motherPromising everlasting constancyProud nation, at once so great and solittleQuacksRather be your debtor than for you tobe mine
Read when I am goneReading innumerable follies one findswritten in such placesRepentance for a good deedReproached by his wife for the money hehad expendedRid of our vices more easily than ofour folliesRome the holy, which thus strives tomake all men pederastsRumour is only good to amuse foolsSad symptom of misery which is called anwaySadness is a disease which gives thedeath-blow to affectionScold and then forgiveScrupulously careful not to cheat youin small thingsSeldom praised and never blamedSelfishness, then, the universal motorof our actions?Shewed his contempt by saying nothingSin concealed is half pardonedSleep—the very likeness ofnon-existenceSnatching from poor mortal man thedelusionsSoften the hardships of the slow butcertain passage to the graveStupid servant is more dangerous than abad one'Sublata lucerna nullum discrimen interfeminas'Submissive gaze of a captive whoglories in his chainSurface is always the first to interestTalent of never appearing to be alearned manTaste and feeling
Tell me whether that contempt of liferenders you worthy of itThere is no cure for deathThere's time enough for thatTime that is given to enjoyment isnever lostTime that destroys marble and brassdestroys also the very memoryTime is a great teacherTimidity is often another word forstupidityTo know ill is worse than not to knowat allVengeance is a divine pleasureVerses which, like parasites, stealinto a funeral orationVictims of their good faithWash their dirty linen in privateWhat is love?When we can feel pity, we love nolongerWhen one is in an ill humour,everything is fuel for the fireWhims of the mob and the fancies of theRepublicWife worthy of being a mistressWiser if they were less wittyWish is father to the thoughtWit cannot stand before stupidityWoman has in her tears a weaponWomen are always as old as they lookWomen would be either tyrants or slavesWomen often do the most idiotic thingsout of sheer obstinacyWorld of memories, without a presentand without a futureWould like to shape the laws accordingto their needs
Wretch treats me so kindly that I lovehim more and moreseIgf myoeun t wiasnhd  toc orepay di tt hien teo ntyiroeu rc ocnlitpebxto oafr da nmy eofm tohreyse tqhueont aotipoenns , tsheel epclta ian  stheoxrtteBook below and paste a small part of the phrase into your computer's find orsearch operation.Entire Gutenberg Casanova Edition  (7 mb)These quotations were collected from theworks of Casanova by David Widger whilepreparing etexts for Project Gutenberg.Comments and suggestions will be mostwelcome.End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of Quotes and Images From The Memoirs ofJacques Casanova de Seingalt, by Giacomo Casanova (AKA Jacques Casanova de Seingalt)*** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CASANOVA ******** This file should be named 7538-h.htm or 7538-h.zip *****This and all associated files of various formats will be found in:        http://www.gutenberg.net/7/5/3/7538/Produced by David WidgerUpdated editions will replace the previous one--the old editionswill be renamed.Creating the works from public domain print editions means that noone owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation(and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States withoutpermission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules,set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply tocopying and distributing Project Gutenberg-tm electronic works toprotect the PROJECT GUTENBERG-tm concept and trademark. ProjectGutenberg is a registered trademark, and may not be used if youcharge for the eBooks, unless you receive specific permission. If youdo not charge anything for copies of this eBook, complying with therules is very easy. You may use this eBook for nearly any purposesuch as creation of derivative works, reports, performances andresearch. They may be modified and printed and given away--you may dopractically ANYTHING with public domain eBooks. Redistribution issubject to the trademark license, especially commercialredistribution.
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