Pelham — Volume 07









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The Project Gutenberg EBook Pelham, Vol 7. by Edward Bulwer-Lytton #49 in our series by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
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Title: Pelham, Volume 7.
Author: Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Release Date: March 2005 [EBook #7621] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first
posted on February 8, 2003]
Edition: 10
Language: English
This eBook was produced by David Widger
Si ad honestatem nati sumus ea aut sola expetenda est, aut
certe omni pondere gravior est habenda quam reliqua ...
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The Project Gutenberg EBook Pelham, Vol 7. byEdward Bulwer-Lytton #49 in our series by EdwardBulwer-LyttonCopyright laws are changing all over the world. Besure to check the copyright laws for your countrybefore downloading or redistributing this or anyother Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen whenviewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do notremove it. Do not change or edit the headerwithout written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and otherinformation about the eBook and ProjectGutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included isimportant information about your specific rights andrestrictions in how the file may be used. You canalso find out about how to make a donation toProject Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain VanillaElectronic Texts****EBooks Readable By Both Humans and ByComputers, Since 1971*******These EBooks Were Prepared By Thousandsof Volunteers*****Title: Pelham, Volume 7.
Author: Edward Bulwer-LyttonRelease Date: March 2005 [EBook #7621] [Yes,we are more than one year ahead of schedule][This file was first posted on February 8, 2003]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERGEBOOK PELHAM, V7, BY LYTTON ***This eBook was produced by David Widger<>VOLUME VII.CHAPTER LXXIII.           Si ad honestatem nati sumus ea aut solaexpetenda est, aut
           certe omni pondere gravior est habendaquam reliqua omnia.                          —Tully.             Cas. Brutus, I do observe you now of late:             I have not from your eyes that gentleness,             And shew of love as I was wont to have.                          —Julius Caesar.I rose at my usual early hour; sleep had tended tocalm, and, I hope, also, to better my feelings. I hadnow leisure to reflect, that I had not embraced myparty from any private or interested motive; it wasnot, therefore, from a private or interested motivethat I was justified in deserting it. Our passions areterrible sophists! When Vincent had told me, theday before, that it was from men, not measures,that I was to change, and that such a change couldscarcely deserve the name, my heart adopted theassertion, and fancied it into truth.I now began to perceive the delusion; weregovernment as mechanically perfect as it hasnever yet been (but as I trust it may yet be), itwould signify little who were the mere machinesthat regulated its springs: but in a constitution likeours, the chief character of which—pardon me, yeDe Lolmites—is its uncertainty; where meninvariably make the measures square to thedimensions of their own talent or desire; andwhere, reversing the maxim of the tailor, themeasures so rarely make the men; it required nopenetration to see how dangerous it was to entrustto the aristocratic prejudice of Lincoln, or the
vehement imbecility of Lesborough, the executionof the very same measures which might safely becommitted to the plain sense of Dawton, and,above all, to the great and various talents of hiscoadjutors. But what made the vital differencebetween the two parties was less in the leadersthan the body. In the Dawton faction, the best, thepurest, the wisest of the day were enrolled; theytook upon themselves the origin of all the activemeasures, and Lord Dawton was the mere channelthrough which those measures flowed; the plain,the unpretending, and somewhat feeble characterof Lord Dawton's mind, readily conceded to theabler components of his party, the authority it wasso desirable that they should exert. In Vincent'sparty, with the exception of himself, there wasscarcely an individual with the honesty requisite forloving the projects they affected to propose, or thetalents that were necessary for carrying them intoeffect, even were their wishes sincere; nor wereeither the haughty Lincoln, or his noisy andoverbearing companion, Lesborough, at all of atemper to suffer that quiet, yet powerfulinterference of others, to which Dawtonunhesitatingly submitted.I was the more resolved to do all possible justice toDawton's party, from the inclination I naturally hadto lean towards the other; and in all matters, whereprivate pique or self-interest can possiblypenetrate, it has ever been the object of mymaturer consideration to direct my particularattention to that side of the question which suchundue partizans are the least likely to espouse.
While I was gradually, but clearly, feeling my wayto a decision, I received the following note fromGuloseton:—"I said nothing to you last night of what is now tobe the subject of my letter, lest you shouldsuppose it arose rather from the heat of anextempore conviviality, than its real source, viz. asincere esteem for your mind, a sincere affectionfor your heart, and a sincere sympathy in yourresentment and your interest."They tell me that Lord Dawton's triumph ordiscomfiture rests entirely upon the success of themotion upon—, brought before the House ofCommons, on the—. I care, you know, very littlefor my own part, which way this question isdecided; do not think, therefore, that I make anysacrifice when I request you to suffer me to followyour advice in the disposal of my four votes. Iimagine, of course, that you would wish them toadopt the contrary side to Lord Dawton; and uponreceiving a line from you to that effect, they shallbe empowered to do so."Pray, oblige me also by taking the merit of thismeasure upon yourself, and saying (wherever itmay be useful to you), how entirely, both thevoters and their influence are at your disposal. Itrust we shall yet play the Bel to this Dragon, andfell him from his high places."Pity me, my dear friend; I dine out to-day, and feelalready, by an intuitive shudder, that the soup will
be cold, and the sherry hot. Adieu."Ever your's,"Guloseton."Now, then, my triumph, my vanity, and my revengemight be fully gratified. I had before me a goldenopportunity of displaying my own power, and ofhumbling that of the minister. My heart swelledhigh at the thought. Let it be forgiven me, if, for asingle moment, my previous calculations andmorality vanished from my mind, and I saw onlythe offer of Vincent, and the generosity ofGuloseton. But I checked the risings of my heart,and compelled my proud spirit to obedience.I placed Guloseton's letter before me, and as Iread it once more in order to reply to it, thedisinterested kindness and delicacy of one, whom Ihad long, in the injustice of my thoughts, censuredas selfish, came over me so forcibly, andcontrasted so deeply with the hollowness of friendsmore sounding, alike in their profession and theircreeds, that the tears streamed fast and gushinglyfrom my eyes.A thousand misfortunes are less affecting than asingle kindness.I wrote, in answer, a warm and earnest letter ofthanks for an offer, the judicious kindness of whichpenetrated me to the soul. I detailed, at somelength, the reasons which induced me to thedecision I had taken; I sketched also the nature of
the very important motion about to be broughtbefore the House, and deduced from that sketchthe impossibility of conscientiously opposing LordDawton's party in the debate. I concluded withrepeating the expressions my gratitude suggested,and after declining all interference with LordGuloseton's votes, ventured to add, that had Iinterfered, it would have been in support ofDawton; not as a man, but a minister—not as anindividual friend, but a public servant.I had just despatched this letter, when Vincententered: I acquainted him, though in the mostrespectful and friendly terms, with mydetermination. He seemed greatly disappointed,and endeavoured to shake my resolution; findingthis was in vain, he appeared at last satisfied, andeven affected with my reasons. When we parted, itwas with a promise, confirmed by both, that nopublic variance should ever again alter our privateopinions of each other.When I was once more alone, and saw myselfbrought back to the very foot of the ladder I had sofar and so fortunately climbed; when I saw that, inrejecting all the overtures of my friends, I was leftutterly solitary and unaided among my foes—whenI looked beyond and saw no faint loophole of hope,no single stepping-stone on which to recommencemy broken, but unwearied career—perhaps onepang of regret and repentance, at mydetermination, came across me: but there issomething marvellously restorative in a goodconscience, and one soon learns to look with hope
to the future, when one can feel justified in turningwith pride to the past.My horse came to the door at my usual hour forriding: with what gladness I sprung upon his back,felt the free wind freshening over my feveredcheek, and turned my rein towards the green lanesthat border the great city on its western side. Iknow few counsellors more exhilarating than aspirited horse. I do not wonder that the Romanemperor made a consul of his steed. Onhorseback I always best feel my powers, andsurvey my resources; on horseback, I alwaysoriginate my noblest schemes, and plan theirablest execution. Give me but a light rein, and afree bound, and I am Cicero—Cato—Caesar;dismount me, and I become a mere clod of theearth which you condemn me to touch; fire,energy, etheriality have departed; I am the soilwithout the sun—the cask without the wine—thegarments without the man.I returned home with increased spirits andcollected thoughts; I urged my mind from my ownsituation, and suffered it to rest upon what LadyRoseville had told me of Reginald Glanville'sinterference in my behalf. That extraordinary manstill continued powerfully to excite my interest; norcould I dwell, without some yearning of the kindlieraffections, upon his unsolicited, and, but for LadyRoseville's communication, unknown exertions inmy cause. Although the officers of justice were stillactively employed in the pursuit of Tyrrell'smurderer, and although the newspapers were still
full of speculations on their indifferent success,public curiosity had began to flag upon the inquiry.I had, once or twice, been in Glanville's companywhen the murder was brought upon the tapis, andnarrowly examined his behaviour upon a subjectwhich touched him so fearfully. I could not,however, note any extraordinary confusion orchange in his countenance; perhaps the palecheek grew somewhat paler, the dreaming eyemore abstracted, and the absent spirit more wandering than before; but many other causes than guilt,could account for signs so doubtful and minute."You shall soon know all," the last words which hehad addressed to me, yet rang in my ears, andmost intensely did I anticipate the fulfilment of thispromise. My hopes too—those flatterers, so oftenthe pleasing antitheses of reason, whispered thatthis was not the pledge of a guilty man; and yet hehad said to Lady Roseville, that he did not wonderat my estrangement from him: such words seemedto require a less favourable construction than thosehe had addressed to me; and, in making thismental remark, another, of no flattering nature toGlanville's disinterestedness, suggested itself;might not his interference for me with Lord Dawton,arise rather from policy than friendship; might it notoccur to him, if, as I surmised, he was acquaintedwith my suspicions, and acknowledged theirdreadful justice, that it would be advisable topropitiate my silence? Such were among thethousand thoughts which flashed across me, andleft my speculations in debate and doubt.
Nor did my reflections pass unnoticed the nature ofLady Roseville's affection for Glanville. From theseeming coldness and austerity of Sir Reginald'stemperament, it was likely that this was innocent,at least in act; and there was also somethingguileless in the manner in which she appearedrather to exult in, than to conceal, her attachment.True that she was bound to no ties; she hadneither husband nor children, for whose sake lovebecame a crime: free and unfettered, if she gaveher heart to Glanville, it was also allowable torender the gift lawful and perpetual by the blessingof the church.Alas! how little can woman, shut up in her narrowand limited circle of duties, know of the wanderinglife and various actions of her lover. Little, indeed,could Lady Roseville, when, in the heat of herenthusiasm, she spoke of the lofty and generouscharacter of Glanville, dream of the foul anddastardly crime of which he was more thansuspected; nor, while it was, perhaps, her fondestwish to ally herself to his destiny, could her wildestfancies anticipate the felon's fate, which, if deathcame not in an hastier and kinder shape, mustsooner or later await him.Of Thornton, I had neither seen nor heard aughtsince my departure from Lord Chester's; thatreprieve was, however, shortly to expire. I hadscarcely got into Oxford-street, in my wayhomeward, when I perceived him crossing thestreet with another man. I turned round toscrutinize the features of his companion, and, in
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