Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 2, May-December, 1850 - A Medium of Inter-Communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, Etc.









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Notes & Queries, Volume 2, May-December, 1850, Index, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: Notes & Queries, Volume 2, May-December, 1850, Index  A Medium Of Inter-Communication For Literary Men, Artists,  Antiquaries, Genealogists, Etc.               Author: Various Release Date: October 1, 2004 [EBook #13571] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOTES & QUERIES, VOLUME 2, ***
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"When found, make a note of."—CAPTAIN CUTTLE.
A.(A.) on solemnization of matrimony, 46. Admiration, a note of, 86. Adur, origin of, 71. 108. Æneas, Silvius, 423. Aërostation, works on, 199. 251. 269. 285. 317. 380. 459. Aerostation, squib on Lunardi, 469. "A Frog he would," &c., 45. 188. A.(F.R.) on Dr. Maginn, 109. —— on the Darby Ram, 285. —— on "Epistolm Obscururum Virorum," 122. —— on Parse, 522. —— on Hockey, 238. —— on the Turkish Spy, 12. After" (the word) in the Rubric, 424. 498. " Agapemone, the, 17. 49. Agincourt, Sir Hilary charged at, 158. 190. Ague, cure for, 130. —— spiders, a cure for 258. Albemarle (Duke and Earl of) 412. 466. Ale draper, meaning of, 310. 360. 414 Alfred's Orosius, 177. Allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 28. Anderson (W.) on the meaning of Hanger, 266 ——, on hatchment and atchievement, 265. Andrews (Alexander) on strange remedies, 435. Andrewes Bisho works, annotated co ies of, 165.
——, quotations in his Tortura Torti, 245. 284. 318. Apricot, peach and nectarine, etymology of, 420. Apuleius' Golden Ass, translation of, 464. Arabic numerals, 27. 61. 359. 413. 424. 470. "Arabs in Spain" Conde's, 279. Armorials, 247. Articles on bishops and their precedence, 265. —— on "Bloody Hanels," at Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey, 507. —— on catacombs and bone-houses, 45. —— on Caxton's printing office, 122. 187. —— on hiring of servants, 157.   —— on north sides of churchards unconsecrated, 189. —— on omnibuses, 215. —— on parish registers tax, 10. —— on passage from Shaksepare, 236. —— on strangers in the House of Commons, 125. Asher (Jr.) on English comedians in Germany, 187. Ashes to ashes, 62. Athelstone's form of donation, 120. Aubrey family, 72. Augustine on epigram on a statue of a French king, 89. Auroræ, Farquharson's observations on, 441. Authors and books, No. 7., 6. Automachia, or the self-conflict of a Christian, 392. Avidius varus, 391. "Away, let nought to love displeasing," 519. A.(W.) on the Rolliad, 439. A.(X.Y.) Folklore, 101.
B. on Book of Homilies, 89. —— on collar of SS., 89. —— on derivation of "Yoto" or "Yeot," 89.  Bacon Family, origin of the name, 247. 347. 470. ——, to save one's 424. Bacon's Advancement of Learning, 465. —— (Lord) palaces and garden, 72. Badger's legs, 12. B.(A.E.) on derivation of news, 127. —— on "Antiquitas culi juventus mundi," 395. —— on Latin epigram, "Laus tua", 78. —— on the meaning of version, 428. —— on the disputed passage from the Tempest, 389. —— on news and noise, 94. Bailie Nicol Jarvie, 421. 461. Baker's dozen, 298. Baker's MSS., extracts from, 193. Baker (Sir Richard), legend of, 67. 244. Baldoc (De) on Sir Christopher Sibthorp, 133. Ballad, "Henry and the Nut-brown maid," 104. Ballads, Yorkshire, 478. Baliolensis on P. Mathicen's Life of Sejanus, 215. —— on rib, why the first woman formed from, 213. Bamboozle, 256. Baptismal superstition, 197. Baptized Turk, 461. Barbarian, etymology of, 78. Barclay's Argenis, 40, 258. Bardoph and Pistol, 159. Barker's (Christopher) device, 465. Bastille, MS. records of, 379. Bathurst (C.W.) on Pope's Villa, 479. Battle of Death, 72. "Bawn," meaning of, 27. 60. 90. Baxter's (Richard) descendants, 89. 206. Bay leaves at funerals, 196. Bayley (W.) on Griffith of Penrhyn, 56. B.(B.H.) on preaching in nave only. —— Prayers and preaching distinct services, 95.  —— on se aration of the sexes in time of divine service, 94.
B.(C.), allusion in Friar Brackley's sermon, 28. —— on antiquity of smoking, 521. —— on a passage in Gibbon, 80. —— on a poem by Sir E. Dyer, 29. —— on ashes to ashes, 62. —— on bands, 76 . —— on construe and translate, 77. —— on the derivation of news and noise, 23. —— on Dryden's "Absalom and Achitophel," 468. —— on Dulcarnon, 168. —— on fizgigs, 120. —— on Fools rush in, 28. —— on gaol chaplains, 62. —— on Gray's ode, 31. —— on hoppesteris, 31. —— on Julin the drowned city, 443. —— on Latin line, 21. ——, Memoirs of an American Lady, 28. —— on origin of Adur, 108 . —— on Pope and Bishop Burgess, 346. —— on Porson's Imposition, 71. —— on Rome, ancient and modern, 62. —— on shipster, 30. —— on wormwood, 346. B.(C.H.) on Parsou, the Stafordshire giant, 135. B.(C.W.) on "Modum Promissionis," 279. 468. Bdn. (J.) on puzzling epitaph, 311. Bealby (H.M.) on Richard Baxter's descendants, 206. Beard (John R.) on Socinian boast, 483. Beaton (Cardinal), portrait of, 434, 497. Beatrix, (Lady Talbot), 478. Beckford, (Alderman), 262. Becket (Andrew), his works, 266, 316. Becket's mother, 106. 270. 354. 469. B.(E.D.) on armorials, 247. —— on "She ne'er with treacherous kiss," 254. Be (J.) on standing during the reading of the Gospel, 349. —— on the curfew, 189. —— on Westminster Abbey, 167. Bees, 165. Bega (C.), painting by, 494. Bell (Judas), Judas Candle, 452. Bell, one, 163. 205. Bells in chruches, 326. Bell (William), Ph.D., on Adam of Bremen's Julin, 282. 443. —— on Alfred's Orosius, 177. —— on Darvon Gatherall. 199. —— on gospel of Distaff's, 23l. —— on John o Groat's house, 442. —— on Josias Ibach Stada, 27. —— on an old guy, 163.  Beloe, child's book by, 495. Bemerton church and George Herbert, 460. Benedicite, 463. Berafrynde and Passilodion, 515. B.(E.R.C.), query on author of French verses, 71. Berkeley (Bishop), adventures of Gaudentio di Lucca, 247. —— successful experiments, 217. Bernardus Patricius, 266. Beruchino on Harvey and the circulation of the blood, 287. —— on "Never did cardinal bring good to England," 450. Bess of Hardwick, 283. Bever's (Dr. Thomas) Legal Polity of Great Britain, 254. B.(F.T.J.) on Inscription from Roma Subterranea, 263. —— on Translations of Owen's Epigram, 460. B.(F.H.) on national debt, 408. B.G.H. on Pistol and Bardolph, 152. B.(G.L.) on whistling wife, 229. on custom of selling wives, 217. —— B.(G.M.) on Mrs. Partington, 411. B.(H.A.) on death of Richard II., 321.
—— on derivation of orchard, 398. Bible and key, 5. Bibliographical queries, 323. 374. 421. 449. 492. "Bigger the ring the nearer the wet," 434. Bilderdijk, the poet, 311. 349. ——, wife of, 378. Billingsgate, 135. Bingham (C.W.) on Christopher Barker's device, 425. —— on Wat the Hare, 349. Births, marriages, &c., taxes on, 61. Birth, ten children at a, 469. Bishops and their precedence, 9. 76. 91. 254. 301. B.(J.C.) on Judas Bell, Judas Candle, 452. —— on Scotch prisoners at Worcester, 350. B.(J.M.) on "Antiquitas saeculi juventus mundi," 218. —— on charming of warts, 181. —— on Concolinel, 378. —— on Countess of Desmond, 186. —— on a deck of cards, 405. on "Her brow was fair." 407. 450. —— —— on Laugue Pandras, 376. —— on Miching Mallecho, 358. —— on Mooney's Goose, 153. —— on Osmund the Waterman, 199. —— on Querela Cantabrigiensis, the authorship of, 168. 205. —— on snake charming, 511. —— on St. Uncumber, 382. on tobacco in the East, 154. —— on Touchstone's dial, 405. —— —— on "Barum" and "Sarum," 186. B.(J.) on Discursus Modestus, 111. —— on Elizabeth and Isabel, 254. —— on ciric-ceat or church-scot, 136. —— on Poeta Anglicus, 167. —— on smoke money, 345 —— on the Lass of Richmond Hill, 350. —— Treastise on Equivocation, 136, 163. B.(J.S.) books wanted for reference, 310. Black broth coffee. 69. Black doll at old store shops, 510. Blackguard, 134, 170. 268. 285. 480. Blackhal (Father), 421. Brackley on story of three men and their bag of money. 132. Black Rood of Scotland, 308. 409. Blackwall Docks, 451. Blew-beer, 246. Bloody Baker (Sir Richard, so surnamed), legend of, 67. "Bloody hands" at Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey, 507. Bliss (James) on annotated copies of Bishop Andrewes' works, 166. —— on Cardinal Allen's Admonition, 463. —— on Discursus Modesius, 158. —— on Quotations in Bishop Andrewes' Tortura Torti, 245. Blue Boar Inn. Holborn, 30. B.(N.A.) on Ben Jonson or Ben Johnson, 167. —— charm for warts, 150. B.(N.) on couplet in De Foe, 310. —— on Family of Love, 89.  —— on India rubber, 165. —— on juice cups, 89. —— on "Rapido contrarius Orbi," 120.  —— on vineyards, 446. Boethius's Consolations of Philosophy, 56. 169. Bohemian persecution, 358. Bohn's edition of Milton's works, 24. Boiling to death, 519. Bolton's ace, 413. 497. Bone-houses and catacombs, 451. Bonny Dundee, Graham of Claverhouse, 134. Books, an ancient catalogue of, 199. ——, licensing of, 359, 425. ——, mildew in, 103, 236.
Books of reference, suggestions for cheap, 218. Books wanted for reference, 310. Bookbinding, 308. Booksellers' catalogues, 421. Bouzy grass, derivation of, 133. Borri's Chiave del Gabinetto, 134. Borrowed thoughts, 30. ——, more, 82. 92. 101. Boswell, by Croker, 373. Bowring's (Dr.) translations, 219. Boy or Girl? 20. Boys, a note for little, 513. Boyes (J.F.) on badger's legs, 12. —— on the grand style, 31. B.(P.) on disourses of national excellences of England, 345. —— on "Travailes of two English Pilgrimes," 245. Brackley's (Friar) allusion in his sermon, 28. Bradshaw family, 356. Branbridges on incumbents of church livings in Kent, 278. Brandeson (Max) on Scandinavian priesthood, 311. Brandon the juggler, 424. Brasichellen and Serpitius "Expurgatory Index," 37. 111. Brass statues of Hubert Le Soeur, 54. Braybrooke (Lord) on authors of the Rolliad, 114. —— on Earl of Oxford's patent, 235. —— on pension, 268. —— on Queen Elizabeth and Sir Henry Nevill, 307. —— on title of Albermarle, 466. On the Three Dukes, 171. —— on the Earl of Norwich and his son George, Lord Goring, 86. —— on wormwood wine, 286. Breaking Judas' bones, 512. Breton's (Nich.) Fantastiques, 375. 411. 476. Brigham's (Nicholas) works, 136. Britton (J.) on Carter's drawings of York Cathedral—medal of Stukeley, 40. B.(R.) on One Bell, 205. Broom, hanging out the, 22. —— on Sir William Skipwyth, 26. Brozier, 44. Bruce (W. Downing) on the Walrond Family, 134, 284. Brummel's (Beau) ancestry, 264. Brulifer (Stephanus), 41. B.(R.W.) on clerical costume, 22. Bt. (J.) on imprest and debenture, 106. B.(T.M.) on the plant Haemony, 173. —— Was Quaries pensioned? 171. Bt. (J.) on Somagla, 187. Buc (Sir George), 38. 73. Buchanan, epigrams from, 152, 372. Buckden, 494. Bull, a blunder, its origin, 248. ——, epigram on the late, 461. Bunyan, Did he know Hobbes? 518. , portrait of, 476. —— Burial service, 22. Burial towards the west, 452. Buriensis, on collar of SS., 475. —— on meaning of sauenap, 479. —— on Mock Beggar's Hall, 478. —— on Roman roads, 21. Burke, passage from, 359, 379. Burning dead bodies, 78. Burning, death by, 441. Burning to death, or burning of the hill, 441, 498. Burning, punishment of death by, 50. 498. Burnet as a historian, 372. Burion's Parliamentary Diary, 393. Butcher's blue dress, 266, 485. Butler (Bishop), passage in, 464. B.(W.H.) on Richard Baxter's descendants 89. —— on Gloucestershire Gospel Tree. 55.
B.(U.J.) on confession, 297 B.(W.W.) on Harvey's claim to the discovery of the circulation of the blood, 568. Byron's birthplace, 410. By the bye, 424.
C. on alarum, 229. —— on "A Frong he would a wooing go," 110. —— on borrowed thought, 30 —— on Cacouac, Cacoucquirie, 345. —— on collar of SS. 330. —— on Countess of Desmond, 219. —— on Dies Irae, 142. —— on Dr. Johnson and Dr. Warton, 26. —— on Earl of Oxford's patent, 255. —— on "Hill paved with good Intentions," 140. —— on Holland land, 345. —— on "incidis in Seyllam," &c., 141. —— on Lady Slingsby, 93.  —— on Lord John Townshend's poetical works, 43. —— on Martinet, 220. —— on members for Durham, 45. on Mrs. Tempest, 407 —— —— on notaries public, 414. —— on curfew on Oxfordshire, 312 —— on Parson's Imposition, 106 —— on Quarles pension, 219. —— on Shakspeare's will, 27. —— on Sheridans's last residence, 31. —— on Sir Gammer Vans, 89. 895. —— on Sir Thomas Moore, 297. —— on Sir William Grant, 413. —— on swords worn in public, 318. —— on the derivation of Trianon, 47. —— on the meaning of Steyne, 138. —— on the origan of Adur, 108.  —— on Three Dukes, 46  —— on tobacconists, 414. —— on water-markings in writing paper, 311. —— when does Easter end? 43. C.(A.) on Cold Harbour. 341. —— on derivation of Boozy Gras, 135.  —— on Eikon Basilike, 154. —— on hats won by females, 133. —— on Mayor of Misrule and Masters of the Pastimes, 132. —— on wood carving on Snow Hill, 134. Cabalistic author, 242. 463. Cacouac, Cacouacquerie, 207. 345. Cadency, marks of, 248. 306. Cailly (Chevalier de), 140. Calais on members for, 9. 102. Calendar of Sundays in Greek and Romish churches, 442. 484. California, 132. 254. Calvin and Servetus, 152. Camb. (Aug.) on Cold Harbour, 341. Camden's poem on marriage of the Thames and Isis, 392. Camels in Gaul, 421. Campkin (Henry) on Mercenary Preacher, 495. —— on sympathetic cures, 150. "Can du plera Meleor cera," 475. Cannibals, 12. Canons of 1604, their translation, 424. Canterbury, Church of St. Saviour, 478. —— pilgrims' road to 237. 269. 316. "Captious," Shakspeare's use of, 351. Caputure of Henry VI., 228. Captives, Christian, 12. 30. 92. Cardinal's hat, 56. Cardinal.—Never did cardinal bring good to England, 424. 450. 467. 522. Cards, a deck of, 405.
Carkasse's (James) Lucida Intervalla, 87. Carpatio, or Carpaccio (Vittore), 247. 284. Capenter (William) on Dr. Maginn's Miscellanies, 13. Carpenter's Maggot, 104. 173. Carpets, when introduced? 124. Carter's drawings of York Cathedral, 40. Carucate of land. 9. 75. Castlecomer (Viscount), 376. 429. Cat and Bagpipes, 254. 397. Cats of Kilkenny, 71. Catacombs and bonehouses, 45. Catalogue of books, ancient, 199. Cato on pretended reprint of ancient poetry, 500. Catti (Twai Sion), his pardon, 12. Cauking, meaning of, 519 Cave's Historia Literaria, 230. 255. 279. Cavell, meaning of, 43. 817. Caxton's printing office, 99. 122. 142.273. 340. Cayley (G.J.) on "Gradeley." 361. C.(B.H.), charade, 158. C.(B.N.) on Noh me tangere, 379. C.(D.) on Calendar of Sundays in Greek and Romish Churches, 411. —— on Eustache Deschamps, 463 C.(E.), divination by Bible and key, 19. —— on unicorn in the roayl arms, 166. Cephas on burning dead bodies, 78. —— on Pope Ganginell, 464. C.(G.F.) on curfew at Bromyard, Herefordshire, 312. CH., Blue Boar Inn, Holborn, 30. —— on Book of Homilies, 346. —— on church rates, 182 —— on college salting, 150. —— on derivation of alarm, 181.  on derivation of news, noise, and parliament, 158 —— —— on Dr. Dee, 151. —— on "Epistoleie Obscurorum Virorum," 122. —— on "Feast" and "fast," 14. —— on George Gooring, Earl of Norwich, and his son George Lord Goring, 65.  —— an infant prodigy in 1639, 101. —— on Jews under the Commonwealth, 924. —— on Lilburn or Prynne, 118. —— on Lord Richard Christophilus, 120. —— on presence of strangers in the House of Commons, 17. 124. —— on spelling of "sanatory" and "connection," 131. on The Three Dukes, 106. —— —— Turkish Spy, 151. —— on unpublished epigrams in the British Museum, 6. —— on Vincent Gookin, 127. C.(H.) on Leicester and the reputed poisoners of his time. 9 —— on ransom of an English nobleman, 9. —— on sirloin, 268 Chalices, stone 120. Chalmers (Cardinal), 493 Chaberlaine (Sir Oliver), 326. Chancellor's Oath, 182 Chantrey's Sleeping Children, In Lichfield Cathedral, 70. 94. Chaplains, Goal, 22. Capman (George), the poet, mistakes about 372. Chappell, on dancing the bride to bed, 412. Character &, its names. 250. "Characteristics," on the Authorship, 97. Charade, 10. 77. 120. 158. Charles I., execution of, 72. 110. 143. 153. 258. ——, execution of and Earl of Stair, 347. , portraits of, in churches, 271. —— Carles XII., medal struck by, 408 Charlton (E.) on Codex Flateyensis, 348. —— on Kongs-skugg-sio, 335. ——, M.D., on devotional tracts belonging to Queen Katherine Parr, 212. Charming, 35. Chaucer's Damascene, 322
—— monument, 420. —— portrait by Occleve, 442, 483. C.(H.B.) on Dutch language, 77. —— Tace Latin for a candle, 45. C.(H.B.) on Rowley Towley, 251. —— on Ulrich von Hutten, 55. —— on umbrellas, 126. Cheshire Cat, 377. 412. Chethamensis on "Heigh ho! says Rowley," 27. —— on Sir R. Haigh's Letter-book, 28. C.(H.H.) on Long Loukin, 251. Chimeny money, 120. 174. 269. 344. 379. C.H.K.S. on Leicester and reputed poisoners of his time, 308. —— on capture of Henry VI., 316. "Choise of Change," Samuel Rowland's claim to the authorship of, 419. Christabel, 47. Christian captives, 102. Christianity, early influence of, 267. Christie (W.D.) on the author of the "Characteristics," 97. Christmas carol, 513 Christophilus (Lord Richard), 120. 204. Chrysostom (A.), to moothe the band in, 138. Church History Society, plan suggested by Dr. Maitland, 371. 464. 430. Church-rates, 182. Church-scot, or Curie-secat, 136. Churchyards—Epitaphs, 26. 93. Churchyards, north sides of, 55. 92. 123. 189. 253. 346. C.(J.B.) on assassination of Mountfort, in Norfolk Stree, Strand, 516. —— on Land Holland, 267. on Joachim, the French ambassador, 271. —— Cinderalla, or the glass slipper, 214. 297. Cinis on the Burial Service, 22. Circulation of the blood, 287. 475. Ciric-sceat, or Church-scot, 133. City offices, 216. 287. Citizen (A.), on city offices, 246. C.(J.Y.) on legend of a saint, 267. Cy.(J.) on Bolton's acc, 418. C.(J.H.) on egg-cups used by the Romans, 328. —— on Lachryniatorics, 326. C.(J.R.) on arms of Godin, 13. C.(J.S.) on "london Bridge is broken down." 338. Clarendon, Oxford edition of, 337. Clarke (J.) on Hopkins, the witch-finder, 413. "Clarum et venerabile nomen," its authorship, 462 Claude, engravings after, 72. Cleaver (Dr.). Bishop of Cork, 297. 450. Clergy sold for slaves, 41. 253. Clerical costume, 22. 189. Clericus on Carpatin, 284. —— on Martin, Cockerell, and Hopkins families, 392. —— Rusticus on meaning of Harissers, 376. Codex Flateyensis, 278, 348. Coffee, black broth, 69. Coffins, the use of, 234. Cohn (Albert) on parallel passages, 491. —— on Shakspeare and the old English actors in Germany, 459 Coins of Constantius II., 42. ——, weight for weighing, 411, 522. Cokam, 26. Cold harbour, 159. 340. Cole (Hobert) on London parish registers, 18. —— on Mrs. Partington, 411.  Coleride extract from, 195. Coleridge's Aids to Reflection, notes on, 228. —— Job's Luck, 156. Collier (J. Payne) on a passage in the Tempest, 500. Collar of SS, 89. 110. 140. 171. 194. 248. 249. 280. 399. 330. 362. 393. 475. College salting, notes on, 150. Colman (J.B.) on the wise men of Gotham, 520. Colvil's Whigg's Supplication, 53.
Combs buried with the dead, 230. 269. 365. Comedians, English, in Germany, 184. 459. Comma on the disputed passage in "The Tempest", 429. Commons, house of, on the presence of strangers in, 18. 83. 124. Compass, mariner's, 56. Comptou (Lady), letter to her husband, 424. 499. Computing interest, mode of, 436. Concolinel, 217. 327. 378. Conde's "Arabs in Spain," 279. Convocation, prolocutor of, 21. Cook on Aboriginal Chambers near Tilbury, 62. Cooper (C.H.) on the Arminian Nunnery in Huntingdonshire, 445. —— Boethius' Consolations of Philosophy, 169. —— on Lady Compton's letter to her husband, 425. —— on licensing of books, 427. —— on Mrs. Partington, 450. —— on Pukeney's ballad of the Honest Jury, 147. —— on Scotch prisoners at Worcester, 350. —— on Sir George Downling, 498. —— on "Sir Hilary charged at Agincourt , 190. " —— on Sir John Perrot, 254. —— on the Sicilian Vespers, 166. —— on Three Dukes, 91. —— on the story of Three Men and their Bag of Money, 171. Cooper (Wm. Durvant) on Martello towers, 110. —— on similarity of traditions, 514. Cope (W.H.) on Hatfield, 35. Coptic language, 376. Corney, on Eustache Deichamps, 163. —— on Gray's Elegy, 506. —— on Gray and Dodsley, 485. on Lady Norton, 301. —— — on tobacco in the East, 60. —— on Trianon, 60. —— on umbrellas, 523. —— on wood-paper, 88. Cornish language, MSS. of, 571. Coronet, 297. Corser (Rev. Thomas) on Sir George Buc, 38. Cosin's (Bishop) MSS., 40. ——, conference, 295. Cosmopolite on Tristan d'Acunba, 338. Cotton (H.) on Dr. E. Cleaver, bishop of Cork, 297. —— of Finchloy, 134. ——, portrait of, 476. Countermarks on Haman coin, 327. Couplet in De Foe, 310. Courtenay (Sir Philip), his genealogy, 135. 206. Cox (Thos.), on gaol chaplains, 22. 62. —— on M. and N., 61. Cradocks (the), 463. —— (Judge), 376. 427. Cramp, 37. Cravensis (Clericus) on capture of Henry VI., 181. —— on St. Thomas of Lancaster's accomplices, 182. "Crede quod habes," &c., 263. Crocodile, 491. Cromwell poisoned, 393. 467. Cromwell's estates—Magor, 127. 141. Cropp (John) on Caxton's printing office, 340. Crosby (Jas.), on custom of presenting gloves, 4. Crossley (Jas.), on Guadentio Di Lucca, 327. Crows, 164. Crow and the Frog of Ennow, 126. Crozier and pastoral staff, 248. 313. 412. 523. Cuckoos, 164. Culprit, origin of the word, 475. Cunliffe (Henry) on Stukeley's Stonehenge, 119. Cunningham (Peter) on Chantrey's sleeping children, 94. Cupid and Psyche crying, 347. Curfew, 103. 175. 189. 311. 312.
Curiae (Amicus), on Dodsley's poems, 380. Curiosity Hunter, on early sale of coins, drawings, and curiosities, 390. Custom of presenting gloves, 4. —— of wearing the breast uncovered in Elizabeth's reign, 246. Cuthbert (St.), his remains, 325. C.(W.H.) on William of Wykeham, 89. C.(W.M.) on passage from Tennyson, 479. C.(W.R.) on dominicals, 154. —— on fossil elk of Ireland, 495. Cypher, inventor of a secret, 494.
D. on Ale Draper, 310. —— on cure for fits, 5. on portrait of Sir John Poley, 76. —— —— on production of fire by friction, 538. —— on Suffolk Folk Lore, 5. Damascene, Chaucer's, 322. Damasked linen, 199. Dancing the bride to bed, 442. Dandridge the painter, 442. Daniel's Irish New Testament, 310. Darcy Lever Church, 494. Darby Hare, 265. "Dat veniam corris", 405. D.(B.) on origin of Fig Sundat, 68. D.D., the title of, 13. D.(E.) on "Shunamitis Poems", 326. Dead, combs buried with the, 269. , on the change of the, 436. —— Death-bed mystery, 51. 356. Death-bed superstitions, 356. Debenture and imprest, 40. 76. 106. Dee, Dr., 151. Defender of the Faith, its ancient use, 442. 481. De Foe, couplet in, 310. 395. "Delighted," meaning of, as used by Shakspeare, 113. 139. 183. 200. 234. 250. 329. Deloraine (Lady), the Delia of Pope's line, 479. "De male quaestis," &c., 167. De Morgan (A.) on Engelmann's Bibliotheca Classicorum, 328. Derby, municipal collar of the corporation, 394. Deschamps, Eustache, 376. 403. Devonshire, local rhymes and proverbs of, 511. Dewerstone, 512. De Wilde (G.J.) on "Her brow was fair", 450. —— on wife of poet Bilderdijk, 378. D.(H.W.) on R. Ferrer, 494. D.(J.A.) on Martin family, 500. —- on vineyards, 522. "Dialogus super Libertate Ecclesiastics," its authorship, 440. Dies Irae, Dies Illa, &c., author of, 72. 104. 142. Dillon (Garrett), M.D., on the Roscommon Peerage, 498. Dion X., on value of money in reign of Charles II., 247. Division of intellectual labour, 489. D.(J.B.) on Charles Martel, 11. —— on Marescautia, 28. D.(J.L.) on criziers and pastoral staves, 523. —— Did Elizabeth visit Bacon at Twickersham? 468. —— on Chaucer's portrait, by Occlere, 486.  D.(M.) on tobacco, its Arabic name, 231. D.(O.), on Select Essays of Montaigne, 246. Doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, 407. 449. Dodd's Church History, 451. Dousa (Janus) on Bilderdijk the poet, 311. —— on paying through the nose, 509. on Scott's Waverley, 308. —— —— on speech given to man to conceal his thoughts, 318. —— on straw necklaces, 512. —— on "under the rose", 523. Dragons, their origin, 517.
Dredge (John J.) on the authorship of "Deus Justificatus", 441. —— on the authorship of "Whetstone of reproof," 231. —— on Cardinal Beafon, 497. —— on Cave's Historia Literaria, 279. —— on the family of Ferrar, 445. —— on "Quercla Cantabrigiensis," 238. —— on sirloin, 352. Drinking to excess, 376. "Drink up eisell," in Hamlet, meaning of, 241. Droving, 343. Dryden, 462. Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel, 405. 468. "Essay on Satire", 498.  —— D.(S.) on Old St. Pancras Church, 496. D.(T.) on Cheshire Cat, 412. Dukes, three, killed by a beadle, 9. 46. 91. 106. 171. Didcarium, 78. 108. Dun cow, 475. Dundee (Bonny), Graham of Chaverhouse, 134. Dun him, its origin, 243. Durdent (Bp.) and Staffordshire, 309.
E. on Artephius, the criminal philosopher, 247. —— on bishops and their precedence, 10. Earwig, 29. Edward the Confessor's crucifix and gold chain, 406. —— IV., descent of, 375. —— II., Adamson's Reign of, 297. —— the Outlaw, wife of, 279. 318. Edwards (O.), inscription on a portrait, 593. —— (H.) on when does Easter end? 9.  E.(F.) on marks of cadency, 303. —— on north side of churchyards, 346. —— on Osnaburg bishopric, 447. —— on swords worn in public, 318. Egg-cups used by the Romans, 526. Egyptian MSS., 311. E.(H.) on weights for weighing coins, 326. —— on Adamson's Reign of Edward II., 297. E.(H.A.) on Thomas Volusenos, 311. E.(H.T.) on Judge Cradoak, 429. —— on One Bell, 186. Elliott (R.W.) on crozier and pastoral staff, 314. Emancipation of the Jews, 13. Ermine, the Bess of Hardwick, 283. Erskine (the Hon. A.), 165. . Cardinal, 406. —— Etymological notes, 276. —— queries, 156. 203. queries answered, 189. —— Expurgatory index, 37.
F. on the meaning of Steyne, 71. Fabulous account of the lion, 205. Fairfax's Tasso, 323. 359. 360. 377. Falkner (G.) on vineyards, 414. Family of Love, 17. 49. 89. 201. F.(B.) on fabulous account of the lion, 205. Felix (Pope), 42. Feltham's works, queries respecting, 135. 315. Fenzie street, 29. Filthy Gingram, 467. Fire by friction, production of, 358. Fils, cure for, 5. F.(J.) on the use of the French word "Sarez", 516. —— on umbrellas, 25. Florentine Pandects, 421. 450.
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