Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois — Volume 1 [Court memoir series]









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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, Volume I., by Marguerite de Valois, Queen ofNavarreThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atwww.gutenberg.netTitle: The Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, Volume I.Author: Marguerite de Valois, Queen of NavarreRelease Date: September 27, 2006 [EBook #3838]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MARGUERITE DE VALOIS ***Produced by David WidgerMARGUERITE DE NAVARREMEMOIRS OF MARGUERITE DE VALOISMEMOIRS OF MARGUERITE DE VALOIS QUEEN OF NAVARREWritten by HerselfBeing Historic Memoirs of the Courts of France and NavarreLIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSMarguerite de Valois—Etching by MercierBussi d' Amboise—Painting in the Versailles GalleryDuc de Guise—Painting in the Versailles GalleryCatherine de' Medici—Original Etching by MercierHenri VI. and La Fosseuse—Painting by A. P. E. MortonA Scene at Henri's Court—Original PhotogravurePUBLISHER'S NOTE.The first volume of the Court Memoir Series will, it is confidently anticipated, prove to be of great interest. These Lettersfirst appeared in French, in 1628, just thirteen years after the death of their witty and beautiful authoress, who, whether asthe wife for many years of the great Henri of France, or on account of her own charms and ...
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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Memoirs ofMarguerite de Valois, Volume I., by Marguerite deValois, Queen of NavarreThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere atno cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under theterms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: The Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois,Volume I.Author: Marguerite de Valois, Queen of NavarreRelease Date: September 27, 2006 [EBook #3838]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERGEBOOK MARGUERITE DE VALOIS ***Produced by David Widger
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONSMarguerite de Valois—Etching by MercierBussi d' Amboise—Painting in the VersaillesGalleryDuc de Guise—Painting in the Versailles GalleryCatherine de' Medici—Original Etching by MercierHenri VI. and La Fosseuse—Painting by A. P. E.MortonA Scene at Henri's Court—Original PhotogravurePUBLISHER'S NOTE.The first volume of the Court Memoir Series will, itis confidently anticipated, prove to be of greatinterest. These Letters first appeared in French, in1628, just thirteen years after the death of theirwitty and beautiful authoress, who, whether as the
witty and beautiful authoress, who, whether as thewife for many years of the great Henri of France,or on account of her own charms andaccomplishments, has always been the subject ofromantic interest.The letters contain many particulars of her life,together with many anecdotes hitherto unknown orforgotten, told with a saucy vivacity which ischarming, and an air vividly recalling the sprightly,arch demeanour, and black, sparkling eyes of thefair Queen of Navarre. She died in 1615, agedsixty-three.These letters contain the secret history of theCourt of France during the seventeen eventfulyears 1565-82.The events of the seventeen years referred to areof surpassing interest, including, as they do, theMassacre of St. Bartholomew, the formation of theLeague, the Peace of Sens, and an account of thereligious struggles which agitated that period. They,besides, afford an instructive insight into royal lifeat the close of the sixteenth century, the modes oftravelling then in vogue, the manners and customsof the time, and a picturesque account of the cityof Liege and its sovereign bishop.As has been already stated, these Memoirs firstappeared in French in 1628. They were, thirtyyears later, printed in London in English, and wereagain there translated and published in 1813.
TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE.The Memoirs, of which a new translation is nowpresented to the public, are the undoubtedcomposition of the celebrated princess whosename they bear, the contemporary of our QueenElizabeth; of equal abilities with her, but of farunequal fortunes. Both Elizabeth and Margueritehad been bred in the school of adversity; bothprofited by it, but Elizabeth had the fullestopportunity of displaying her acquirements in it.Queen Elizabeth met with trials and difficulties inthe early part of her life, and closed a long andsuccessful reign in the happy possession of thegood-will and love of her subjects. QueenMarguerite, during her whole life, experienced littleelse besides mortification and disappointment; shewas suspected and hated by both Protestants andCatholics, with the latter of whom, though, sheinvariably joined in communion, yet was she not inthe least inclined to persecute or injure the former.Elizabeth amused herself with a number of suitors,but never submitted to the yoke of matrimony.Marguerite, in compliance with the injunctions ofthe Queen her mother, and King Charles herbrother, married Henri, King of Navarre, afterwardsHenri IV. of France, for whom she had noinclination; and this union being followed by amutual indifference and dislike, she readilyconsented to dissolve it; soon after which eventshe saw a princess, more fruitful but less prudent,
share the throne of her ancestors, of whom shewas the only representative. Elizabeth was pollutedwith the blood of her cousin, the Queen of Scots,widow of Marguerite's eldest brother. Margueritesaved many Huguenots from the massacre of St.Bartholomew's Day, and, according to Brantome,the life of the King, her husband, whose name wason the list of the proscribed. To close this parallel,Elizabeth began early to govern a kingdom, whichshe ruled through the course of her long life withseverity, yet gloriously, and with success.Marguerite, after the death of the Queen hermother and her brothers, though sole heiress ofthe House of Valois, was, by the Salic law,excluded from all pretensions to the Crown ofFrance; and though for the greater part of her lifeshut up in a castle, surrounded by rocks andmountains, she has not escaped the shafts ofobloquy.The Translator has added some notes, which givean account of such places as are mentioned in theMemoirs, taken from the itineraries of the time, butprincipally from the "Geographie Universelle" ofVosgien; in which regard is had to the new divisionof France into departments, as well as to theancient one of principalities, archbishoprics,bishoprics, generalities, chatellenies, balliages,duchies, seigniories, etc.In the composition of her Memoirs, Marguerite hasevidently adopted the epistolary form, though thework came out of the French editor's hand dividedinto three (as they are styled) books; these three
books, or letters, the Translator has taken theliberty of subdividing into twenty-one, and, at thehead of each of them, he has placed a short tableof the contents. This is the only liberty he hastaken with the original Memoirs, the translationitself being as near as the present improved stateof our language could be brought to approach theunpolished strength and masculine vigour of theFrench of the age of Henri IV.This translation is styled a new one, because, afterthe Translator had made some progress in it, hefound these Memoirs had already been madeEnglish, and printed, in London, in the year 1656,thirty years after the first edition of the Frenchoriginal. This translation has the following title: "Thegrand Cabinet Counsels unlocked; or, the mostfaithful Transaction of Court Affairs, and Growthand Continuance of the Civil Wars in France,during the Reigns of Charles the last, Henry III.,and Henry IV., commonly called the Great. Mostexcellently written, in the French Tongue, byMargaret de Valois, Sister to the two first Kings,and Wife of the last. Faithfully translated by RobertCodrington, Master of Arts;" and again as"Memorials of Court Affairs," etc., London, 1658.The Memoirs of Queen Marguerite contained thesecret history of the Court of France during thespace of seventeen years, from 1565 to 1582, andthey end seven years before Henri III., her brother,fell by the hands of Clement, the monk;consequently, they take in no part of the reign ofHenri IV. (as Mr. Codrington has asserted in his
title-page), though they relate many particulars ofthe early part of his life.Marguerite's Memoirs include likewise the historynearly of the first half of her own life, or until shehad reached the twenty-ninth year of her age; andas she died in 1616, at the age of sixty-threeyears, there remain thirty-four years of her life, ofwhich little is known. In 1598, when she was forty-five years old, her marriage with Henri wasdissolved by mutual consent,—she declaring thatshe had no other wish than to give him content,and preserve the peace of the kingdom; making ither request, according to Brantome, that the Kingwould favour her with his protection, which, as herletter expresses, she hoped to enjoy during therest of her life. Sully says she stipulated only for anestablishment and the payment of her debts, whichwere granted. After Henri, in 1610, had fallen avictim to the furious fanaticism of the monkRavaillac, she lived to see the kingdom broughtinto the greatest confusion by the bad governmentof the Queen Regent, Marie de Medici, whosuffered herself to be directed by an Italian womanshe had brought over with her, named LeonoraGalligai. This woman marrying a Florentine, calledConcini, afterwards made a marshal of France,they jointly ruled the kingdom, and became sounpopular that the marshal was assassinated, andthe wife, who had been qualified with the title ofMarquise d'Ancre, burnt for a witch. This happenedabout the time of Marguerite's decease.It has just before been mentioned how little has
been handed down to these times respectingQueen Marguerite's history. The latter part of herlife, there is reason to believe, was wholly passedat a considerable distance from Court, in herretirement (so it is called, though it appears tohave been rather her prison) at the castle ofUsson. This castle, rendered famous by her longresidence in it, has been demolished since the year1634. It was built on a mountain, near a little townof the same name, in that part of France calledAuvergne, which now constitutes part of thepresent Departments of the Upper Loire and Puy-de-Dome, from a river and mountain so named.These Memoirs appear to have been composed inthis retreat. Marguerite amused herself likewise, inthis solitude, in composing verses, and there arespecimens still remaining of her poetry. Thesecompositions she often set to music, and sangthem herself, accompanying her voice with thelute, on which she played to perfection. Great partof her time was spent in the perusal of the Bibleand books of piety, together with the works of thebest authors she could procure. Brantome assuresus that Marguerite spoke the Latin tongue withpurity and elegance; and it appears, from herMemoirs, that she had read Plutarch with attention.Marguerite has been said to have given in to thegallantries to which the Court of France was,during her time, but too much addicted; but,though the Translator is obliged to notice it, he isfar from being inclined to give any credit to aromance entitled, "Le Divorce Satyrique; ou, lesAmours de la Reyne Marguerite de Valois," which
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