Number 1 This story I am about to tell is likely, in our time, seem banal and without much interest. But I did not, so far, been able to tell anyone, lest important consequences fall on my family and loved ones. Now unfortunately there are only I can afford to get out of the shadow period of my life was, although extremely brief, probably one of the happiest of my life. Of course, afterwards, I had, like any woman, periods of calm and serene life that could be equated with happiness, but it has always been in me a void that nothing could ever fill and date of this dark time when the enemy garrisons had invaded our cities and countryside and where one of them had taken up residence in our area. I was 17 when one morning a long line of more or less armored cars had crossed the gate of the farm area where both my parents and I were working. No more politeness than proportional to their domination, but with a little gene still from some soldiers were scattered all buildings, investing the best places and forcing us to fold our business in barns . Me and my parents and shared with another family a stable long abandoned, while our conquerors slept warm and dry in our homes. One day during lunch, while everyone was in the field, I began to go to the farm. I do not know exactly why I did this. I had vaguely in mind to slip into our old home and lie down for a moment on what was my bed. I was a little tired of sleeping on straw bales more or less well preserved.