Light On the Child's Path









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Project Gutenberg's Light On the Child's Path, by William Allen BixlerThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: Light On the Child's PathAuthor: William Allen BixlerRelease Date: April 27, 2008 [EBook #25205]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK LIGHT ON THE CHILD'S PATH ***Produced by Joseph R. Hauser, Sam W. and the OnlineDistributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.netLightOn the Child’s PathBy Wm. A. BixlerJesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbidthem not to come unto me; for of such is thekingdom of heaven.”—Matt. 19:14.THE WARNER PRESSAnderson, IndianaA man ties together a bundle of plants; a horse and adog stand nearby.ON GRANDPA’S FARMCopyright, 1918byGospel Trumpet Co.Printed In U.S.A.CONTENTSOur Best Friend 11The Good Book 16What God Made 18In the Garden of Eden 20Our Heavenly Home 22The Day and Night 23The Rain and the Snow 25Winter’s Blessings (poem) 29Planting Seeds 34Flowers of Springtime 36A Walk in the Woods 38Our Feathered Friends 41A Bird of the Night 44Our Tame Birds 47Wee Pretty Kitty (poem) 50Creatures of the Water 51Our Tame Animals 52Little Foxes 56The Squirrels 58The Shepherds 60Jesus as a Child 62The Good Shepherd 64Parable of the Sower 70Parable of the ...
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08 décembre 2010

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Project Gutenberg's Light On the Child's Path, byWilliam Allen BixlerThis eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at nocost and withalmost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it,give it away orre-use it under the terms of the Project GutenbergLicense includedwith this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.netTitle: Light On the Child's PathAuthor: William Allen BixlerRelease Date: April 27, 2008 [EBook #25205]Language: English*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOKLIGHT ON THE CHILD'S PATH ***Produced by Joseph R. Hauser, Sam W. and theOnlineDistributed Proofreading Team at
LightOn the Child’s PathBy Wm. A. BixlerJesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them notto come unto me; for of such is the kingdom ofheaven.”—Matt. 19:14.THE WARNER PRESSAnderson, IndianaA man ties together a bundle of plants; a horse and adog stand nearby.ON GRANDPA’S FARMCopyright, 1918byGospel Trumpet Co.Printed In U.S.A.CONTENTS
Our Best FriendThe Good BookWhat God MadeIn the Garden of EdenOur Heavenly HomeThe Day and NightThe Rain and the SnowWinter’s Blessings (poem)Planting SeedsFlowers of SpringtimeA Walk in the WoodsOur Feathered FriendsA Bird of the NightOur Tame BirdsWee Pretty Kitty (poem)Creatures of the WaterOur Tame AnimalsLittle FoxesThe SquirrelsThe ShepherdsJesus as a ChildThe Good ShepherdParable of the SowerParable of the LeavenLaborers in the VineyardThe Wicked HusbandmenThe Wheat and TaresThe King’s Marriage-Feast11161820222325293436384144475051525658606264707172747678
A Lesson on ForgivenessJesus Loves the ChildrenJesus Heals the SickJesus Nearing JerusalemJesus ChangedFeeding the MultitudeThe Death of JesusJesus Our SaviorMoments of PrayerMorning Praise (poem)Evening Prayer (poem)Asking Blessing (poem)Visit the SickDo a Kindness (poem)The Blind GirlThe Little Cripple (poem)Country ChildrenThe Country Boy (poem)God Sees All ThingsBe Kind to the AgedGod’s Garden (poem)A Baby for a NickelWe All Must DieThe Path of God (poem)8082848688909394969899101102104106108110113114117120121122125A boy lies in bed, looking out of an open window at themoon and stars.COUNTING THE STARS
A child sits up in bed. A bird is singing in the treeoutside the window.MORNING CHEEROur Best FriendIN A log cabin in the mountains lived a little boy. Heoften played near the house, but did not go far away.Near the house were many trees and rocks andamong these wild animals stayed.A boy stands beside a spring.DOWN BY THE SPRINGOne day the boy missed his mama and thought hewould try to find her. He went down the path towardthe spring, where he had often gone after water. Hewent on and on. Finally he wished to return, but didnot know the way. Poor boy, he was lost.A boy sits in a window seat, his mother standingbehind him.THE BEST FRIEND WE HAVE IS MOTHERHe started toward what he thought was home, andwalked and walked. Becoming very tired, he sat downto rest and soon fell asleep.His mama missed her boy and hunted everywhere for
him. Night came on, but she did not give up hersearch. She hunted and called, but no answer came.She feared the wild beasts would get him, but prayedto God to protect her child. She hunted all night and inthe morning found him safe and still asleep.The best friend we have on earth is a good mother.She thinks of her children at all times. She loves themand lives for them. She seems to know all about ourlittle cares and trials. When we are willing to help her,it shows that we think of her and love her, too.Have you ever thought how she toils and cares foryou? She works for you every day—gets your meals,breakfast, dinner, and supper; washes and mendsyour clothes and stockings; and at night makes yourpillow nice and soft for you so you can sleep well.She seems to know just what to do if we happen toget hurt.A mother and boy sit on a swing seat; another boystands in front of them.A MOTHER LIVES FOR HER CHILDRENMother is watching after her little ones all the day long,and when she puts her hand upon our heads at nightas we bow at her knee in prayer, she seems to say,“God bless and keep my darling child.” When shetucks the covers tight about us and sits by ourbedside, we think that Mama is the best friend wehave. Don’t we?Now I will tell you of another friend. This friend lives in
heaven. His name is God. We can not see God, buthe looks down from heaven and sees us. He seeseverything we do, and hears everything we say. Heknows all things.It was God who made this earth where we live, andeverything that has life. We pray to God, and he hearsus and answers our prayers.A prayer; a link to the text transcription is below theimage.[Transcription of text]The Good BookTHE Bible is a good book. In it we read about God,and about his making the earth, sun, moon, stars,trees, flowers, rocks, water, birds, fishes, animals, andman.We read of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman;of their beautiful home, the Garden of Eden; and alsoof their children and their children’s children.In it there are many, many stories about how Godhelped people in times of trial.We also read about Jesus, the Son of God, who camedown from heaven and died for us, that we might haveeternal life.Good men wrote the Bible long, long ago, and the
contents have been kept, until now we all have Bibles.The Bible is called Holy Bible because it is God’sWord, and is a record of God’s work and God’s words.If we live now as the Bible teaches, after we die weshall receive a crown of life in heaven.Hands holding an open book; an index finger markinga point on a page.What God MadeOUR God is a very great God. He made all things. Hemade this earth where we now live.It seems strange that there was a time, many, manyyears ago, when this earth was nowhere to be found;but that is so.When men make things, they must have tools to workwith. They have to make things little by little, workingat them a long time before they are done.It was not so with God when he made this earth. “Hespake, and it was done.” At first all was dark. He thensaid, “Let there be light,” and it was light. He called thelight day, and the darkness he called night. This, theGood Book says, took place on the first day.On the second day God made the air we breathe, andin which the birds fly.On the third day he made the land, sea, and rivers,and the grass, flowers, and trees.
On the fourth day he made the sun, moon, and stars,to give light to the earth by day and night.A bird perches on a branch.On the fifth day he made the fish that swim in thewater and the birds that fly in the air.On the sixth day he made all the animals, and at lasthe made man. He gave them for food the grain of thefields, the fruits of the trees, and the vegetables of thegarden.On the seventh day God rested “from all the workwhich he had made.” “And God saw everything that hehad made, and, behold, it was very good.”In the Garden of EdenWHEN the Garden of Eden was planted with all thebeautiful flowers and trees, God gave it to Adam for ahome. He told him to take good care of it. Adam wasglad to work in the garden and use it as he chose; buthe had no one to enjoy the things that he enjoyed, noone to help him to be just what God wished him to be,no one to love.A field containing some sheep, with trees here andthere.God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone:I will make him an help meet for him.” So he made a
woman and Adam called her Eve.Eve was very much like Adam in some ways, yetunlike him in other ways. Man has some gifts thatwoman does not have; one is helpful to the other.Adam’s heart must have been glad to see the womanwhom God had made for him. He now had some oneto enjoy the home with him. Adam and Eve werehappy in Eden as long as they loved God more thanthey loved to have their own way. He knew better thanthey did what was good for them and what wouldmake them happy, and they were glad to obey him.But by and by their own way seemed better thanGod’s way, and they did things that God had said theyshould not do. When we do things that God says weshould not do, we sin. So Adam and Eve sinned, andwere ashamed to see God, and when he came intothe garden, they hid among the trees.A farmhouse and fields, with the quotation, 'The Lordhath done great things for use whereof we are glad.'Our Heavenly HomeGOD loves men too well to leave them in sin andsorrow. And though we have sinned, he will forgive usif we are sorry for our sins and ask his pardon. He willgive us good thoughts, and help us to love him and tolove one another.We shall all die, but we shall live again; and if we serve
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