History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce, 1605-07









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The Project Gutenberg EBook History of The United Netherlands, 1605-07 #78 in our series by John Lothrop MotleyCopyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country beforedownloading or redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen when viewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do not remove it. Do notchange or edit the header without written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and other information about the eBook and Project Gutenberg at the bottom ofthis file. Included is important information about your specific rights and restrictions in how the file may be used. Youcan also find out about how to make a donation to Project Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts****EBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971*******These EBooks Were Prepared By Thousands of Volunteers*****Title: History of the United Netherlands, 1605-07Author: John Lothrop MotleyRelease Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4878] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was firstposted on April 15, 2002]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HISTORY UNITED NETHERLANDS, 1605-07 ***This eBook was produced by David Widger [NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample ...
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The Project Gutenberg EBook History of TheUnited Netherlands, 1605-07 #78 in our series byJohn Lothrop MotleyCopyright laws are changing all over the world. Besure to check the copyright laws for your countrybefore downloading or redistributing this or anyother Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen whenviewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do notremove it. Do not change or edit the headerwithout written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and otherinformation about the eBook and ProjectGutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included isimportant information about your specific rights andrestrictions in how the file may be used. You canalso find out about how to make a donation toProject Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain VanillaElectronic Texts****EBooks Readable By Both Humans and ByComputers, Since 1971*******These EBooks Were Prepared By Thousandsof Volunteers*****Title: History of the United Netherlands, 1605-07
Author: John Lothrop MotleyRelease Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4878] [Yes,we are more than one year ahead of schedule][This file was first posted on April 15, 2002]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERGEBOOK HISTORY UNITED NETHERLANDS,1605-07 ***This eBook was produced by David Widger<widger@cecomet.net>[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, orpointers, at the end of the file for those who maywish to sample the author's ideas before makingan entire meal of them. D.W.]HISTORY OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDSFrom the Death of William the Silent to the TwelveYear's Truce—1609By John Lothrop Motley
MOTLEY'S HISTORY OF THE NETHERLANDS,Project Gutenberg Edition, Vol. 78History of the United Netherlands, 1605-1607CHAPTER XLV.Preparations for the campaign of 1606—Diminution of Maurice's popularity—Quarrelbetween the pope and the Venetian republic— Surprise of Sluys by Du Terrail—Dilatoriness of the republic's operations—Movements of Spinola—Influence of theweather on the military transactions of theyear—Endeavours of Spinola to obtainpossession of the Waal and Yssel—Surrender of Lochem to Spinola— Siege ofGroll—Siege and loss of Rheinberg—Mutinyin the Catholic army—Recovery of Lochemby Maurice—Attempted recovery of Groll—Sudden appearance of the enemy—
Withdrawal of the besieging army Close ofthe campaign—End of the war ofindependence—Motives of the Prince in hisactions before Groll—Cruise of AdmiralHaultain to the coast of Spain and Portugal—His encounter with the war— ships ofFazardo—Courageous conduct of the vice-admiral—Deaths of Justus Lipsius, Hohenlo,and Count John of Nassau.After the close of the campaign of 1605 Spinolahad gone once more to Spain. On his passagethrough Paris he had again been received withdistinguished favour by that warm ally of the Dutchrepublic, Henry IV., and on being questioned bythat monarch as to his plans for the next campaignhad replied that he intended once more to crossthe Rhine, and invade Friesland. Henry, convincedthat the Genoese would of course not tell him thetruth on such an occasion, wrote accordingly to theStates- General that they might feel safe as totheir eastern frontier. Whatever else might happen,Friesland and the regions adjacent would be safenext year from attack. The immediate future was toshow whether the subtle Italian had not compassedas neat a deception by telling the truth as coarserpoliticians could do by falsehood.Spinola found the royal finances in most dismalcondition. Three hundred thousand dollars a monthwere the least estimate of the necessary expensesfor carrying on the Netherland war, a sum whichcould not possibly be spared by Lerma, Uceda, theMarquis of the Seven Churches, and other
financiers then industriously occupied in drainingdry the exchequer for their own uses. Once morethe general aided his sovereign with purse andcredit, as well as with his sword. Once more theexchange at Genoa was glutted with theacceptances of Marquis Spinola. Here at least wasa man of a nature not quite so depraved as that ofthe parasites bred out of the corruption of a noblebut dying commonwealth, and doubtless it was withgentle contempt that the great favourite and hisfriends looked at the military and financialenthusiasm of the volunteer. It was so much moresagacious to make a princely fortune than tosacrifice one already inherited, in the service ofone's country.Spinola being thus ready not only to fight but tohelp to pay for the fighting, found his plans ofcampaigns received with great benignity by theking and his ministers. Meantime there was muchdelay. The enormous labours thus devolved uponone pair of shoulders by the do-nothing king and amayor of the palace whose soul was absorbed byhis own private robberies, were almost too muchfor human strength. On his return to theNetherlands Spinola fell dangerously ill in Genoa.Meantime, during his absence and the enforcedidleness of the Catholic armies, there was anopportunity for the republicans to act withpromptness and vigour. They displayed neitherquality. Never had there been so muchsluggishness as in the preparations for thecampaign of 1606. The States' exchequer was
lower than it had been for years. The republic waswithout friends. Left to fight their battle for nationalexistence alone, the Hollanders found themselvesperpetually subjected to hostile censure from theirlate allies, and to friendly advice still moreintolerable. There were many brave Englishmenand Frenchmen sharing in the fatigues of theDutch war of independence, but the governmentsof Henry and of James were as protective, asseverely virtuous, as offensive, and, in their secretintrigues with the other belligerent, as mischievousas it was possible for the best-intentioned neutralsto be.The fame and the popularity of the stadholder hadbeen diminished by the results of the pastcampaign. The States-General were disappointed,dissatisfied, and inclined to censure veryunreasonably the public servant who had alwaysobeyed their decrees with docility. While Henry IV.was rapidly transferring his admiration fromMaurice to Spinola, the disagreements at homebetween the Advocate and the Stadholder werebecoming portentous.There was a want of means and of soldiers for thenew campaign. Certain causes were operating inEurope to the disadvantage of both belligerents. Inthe south, Venice had almost drawn her swordagainst the pope in her settled resolution to putdown the Jesuits and to clip the wings of thechurch party, before, with bequests and donations,votive churches and magnificent monasteries, four-fifths of the domains of the republic should fall into
mortmain, as was already the case in Brabant.Naturally there was a contest between the ex-Huguenot, now eldest son of the Church, and themost Catholic king, as to who should soonestdefend the pope. Henry offered thoroughprotection to his Holiness, but only under conditionthat he should have a monopoly of that protection.He lifted his sword, but meantime it was doubtfulwhether the blow was to descend upon Venice orupon Spain. The Spanish levies, on their way to theNetherlands, were detained in Italy by this newexigency. The States-General offered the sisterrepublic their maritime assistance, andnotwithstanding their own immense difficulties,stood ready to send a fleet to the Mediterranean.The offer was gratefully declined, and the quarrelwith the pope arranged, but the incident laid thefoundation of a lasting friendship between the onlytwo important republics then existing. The issue ofthe Gunpowder Plot, at the close of the precedingyear, had confirmed James in his distaste forJesuits, and had effected that which all theeloquence of the States-General and theirambassador had failed to accomplish, theprohibition of Spanish enlistments in his kingdom.Guido Fawkes had served under the archduke inFlanders.Here then were delays additional to that caused bySpinola's illness. On the other hand, the levies ofthe republic were for a season paralysed by thealtercation, soon afterwards adjusted, betweenHenry IV. and the Duke of Bouillon, brother-in-law
of the stadholder and of the Palatine, and by thepetty war between the Duke and Hanseatic city ofBrunswick, in which Ernest of Nassau was for atime employed.During this period of almost suspended animationthe war gave no signs of life, except in a fewspasmodic efforts on the part of the irrepressibleDu Terrail. Early in the spring, not satisfied with hisdouble and disastrous repulse before Bergen-op-Zoom, that partisan now determined to surpriseSluy's. That an attack was impending becameknown to the governor of that city, the experiencedColonel Van der Noot. Not dreaming, however, thatany mortal—even the most audacious ofFrenchmen and adventurers—would ever think ofcarrying a city like Sluy's by surprise, defended asit was by a splendid citadel and by a whole chain offorts and water-batteries, and capable ofwithstanding three months long, as it had sorecently done, a siege in form by theacknowledged master of the beleaguering science,the methodical governor event calmly to bed onefine night in June. His slumbers were disturbedbefore morning by the sound of trumpets soundingSpanish melodies in the streets, and by a, greatuproar and shouting. Springing out of bed, herushed half-dressed to the rescue. Less vigilantthan Paul Bax had been the year before in Bergen,he found that Du Terrail had really effected asurprise. At the head of twelve hundred Walloonsand Irishmen, that enterprising officer had wadedthrough the drowned land of Cadzand, with thepromised support of a body of infantry under
Frederic Van den Berg, from Damm, had stolennoiselessly by the forts of that island unchallengedand unseen, had effected with petards a smallbreach through the western gate of the city, andwith a large number of his followers, creeping twoand two through the gap, had found himself for atime master of Sluys.The profound silence of the place had howeversomewhat discouraged the intruders. The wholepopulation were as sound asleep as was theexcellent commandant, but the stillness in thedeserted streets suggested an ambush, and theymoved stealthily forward, feeling their way withcaution towards the centre of the town.It so happened, moreover, that the sacristan hadforgotten to wind up the great town clock. Theagreement with the party first entering and makingtheir way to the opposite end of the city, had beenthat at the striking of a certain hour after midnightthey should attack simultaneously and with a greatoutcry all the guardhouses, so that the garrisonmight be simultaneously butchered. The clocknever struck, the signal was never given, and DuTerrail and his immediate comrades remained nearthe western gate, suspicious and much perplexed.The delay was fatal. The guard, the whole garrison,and the townspeople flew to arms, and half- naked,but equipped with pike and musket, and led on byVan der Noot in person, fell upon the intruders. Apanic took the place of previous audacity in thebreasts of Du Terrail's followers. Thinking only ofescape, they found the gap by which they had
crept into the town much less convenient as ameans of egress in the face of an infuriatedmultitude. Five hundred of them were put to deathin a very few minutes. Almost as many weredrowned or suffocated in the marshes, as theyattempted to return by the road over which theyhad come. A few stragglers June, of the fifteenhundred were all that were left to tell the tale.It would seem scarcely worth while to chroniclesuch trivial incidents in this great war—the all-absorbing drama of Christendom—were it not thatthey were for the moment the whole war. It mightbe thought that hostilities were approaching theirnatural termination, and that the war was dying ofextreme old age, when the Quixotic pranks of a DuTerrail occupied so large a part of Europeanattention.The winter had passed, another spring had comeand gone, and Maurice had in vain attempted toobtain sufficient means from the States to take thefield in force. Henry, looking on from the outside,was becoming more and more exasperated withthe dilatoriness which prevented the republic fromprofiting by the golden moments of Spinola'senforced absence. Yet the best that could be doneseemed to be to take measures for defensiveoperations.Spinola never reached Brussels until the beginningof June, yet, during all the good campaigningweather which had been fleeting away, not a blowhad been struck, nor a wholesome counsel taken
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