Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry









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Project Gutenberg's Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry, by T.S. Eliot #5 in our series by T.S. Eliot
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Title: Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry
Author: T.S. Eliot
Release Date: January, 2005 [EBook #7275] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first
posted on April 6, 2003]
Edition: 10
Language: English
Produced by Andrea Ball, David Starner, Charles Franks, Juliet Sutherland, and the Online Distributed Proofreading
PROVENÇA, being poems selected from ...
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08 décembre 2010

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Author: T.S. EliotRelease Date: January, 2005 [EBook #7275] [Yes,we are more than one year ahead of schedule][This file was first posted on April 6, 2003]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERGEBOOK EZRA POUND: HIS METRIC ANDPOETRY ***Produced by Andrea Ball, David Starner, CharlesFranks, Juliet Sutherland, and the OnlineDistributed Proofreading Team
BOOKS BY EZRA POUNDPROVENÇA, being poems selected fromPersonae, Exultations, andCanzoniere. (Small, Maynard, Boston, 1910)THE SPIRIT OF ROMANCE: An attempt to definelsitoermaetuwrhea to ft hLea tcinh-aErumr oopf et.h (eD pernet-,r eLnoanidsosna,n 1ce910;and Dutton, New York)THE SONNETS AND BALLATE OF GUIDOCAVALCANTI. (Small, Maynard,Boston, 1912)RIPOSTES. (Swift, London, 1912; and Mathews,London, 1913)DES IMAGISTES: An anthology of the Imagists,Ezra Pound,Aldington, Amy Lowell, Ford Maddox Hueffer, andothersLGoAnUdoDIn EaRn-dB RNeZwE SYKoAr:k , A1 9m1e6m)oir. (John Lane,NOH: A study of the Classical Stage of Japan withErnestFenollosa. (Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1917; andMacmillan,London, 1917)
LUSTRA with Earlier Poems. (Alfred A. Knopf, NewYork, 1917)PAVANNES AHD DIVISIONS. (Prose. Inpreparation: Alfred A. Knopf,New York)EZRA POUNDHIS METRIC AND POETRYI"All talk on modern poetry, by people who know,"wrote Mr. Carl Sandburg in Poetry, "ends withdragging in Ezra Pound somewhere. He may benamed only to be cursed as wanton and mocker,poseur, trifler and vagrant. Or he may be classedas filling a niche today like that of Keats in apreceding epoch. The point is, he will bementioned."This is a simple statement of fact. But though Mr.Pound is well known, even having been the victimof interviews for Sunday papers, it does not followthat his work is thoroughly known. There aretwenty people who have their opinion of him forevery one who has read his writings with any care.Of those twenty, there will be some who are
shocked, some who are ruffled, some who areirritated, and one or two whose sense of dignity isoutraged. The twenty-first critic will probably beone who knows and admires some of the poems,but who either says: "Pound is primarily a scholar,a translator," or "Pound's early verse was beautiful;his later work shows nothing better than the itch foradvertisement, a mischievous desire to beannoying, or a childish desire to be original." Thereis a third type of reader, rare enough, who hasperceived Mr. Pound for some years, who hasfollowed his career intelligently, and whorecognizes its consistency.This essay is not written for the first twenty criticsof literature, nor for that rare twenty-second whohas just been mentioned, but for the admirer of apoem here or there, whose appreciation is capableof yielding him a larger return. If the reader isalready at the stage where he can maintain at oncethe two propositions, "Pound is merely a scholar"and "Pound is merely a yellow journalist," or theother two propositions, "Pound is merely atechnician" and "Pound is merely a prophet ofchaos," then there is very little hope. But there arereaders of poetry who have not yet reached thishypertrophy of the logical faculty; their attentionmight be arrested, not by an outburst of praise, butby a simple statement. The present essay aimsmerely at such a statement. It is not intended to beeither a biographical or a critical study. It will notdilate upon "beauties"; it is a summary account often years' work in poetry. The citations fromreviews will perhaps stimulate the reader to form
his own opinion. We do not wish to form it for him.Nor shall we enter into other phases of Mr.Pound's activity during this ten years; his writingsand views on art and music; though these wouldtake an important place in any comprehensivebiography.IIPound's first book was published in Venice. Venicewas a halting point after he had left America andbefore he had settled in England, and here, in1908, "A Lume Spento" appeared. The volume isnow a rarity of literature; it was published by theauthor and made at a Venetian press where theauthor was able personally to supervise theprinting; on paper which was a remainder of asupply which had been used for a History of theChurch. Pound left Venice in the same year, andtook "A Lume Spento" with him to London. It wasnot to be expected that a first book of verse,published by an unknown American in Venice,should attract much attention. The "EveningStandard" has the distinction of having noticed thevolume, in a review summing it up as:wild and haunting stuff, absolutely poetic,original, imaginative, passionate, and spiritual.Those who do not consider it crazy may wellconsider it inspired. Coming after the trite anddecorous verse of most of our decorous
poets, this poet seems like a minstrel ofProvençe at a suburban musical evening….The unseizable magic of poetry is in the queerpaper volume, and words are no good indescribing it.As the chief poems in "A Lume Spento" wereafterwards incorporated in "Personae," the bookdemands mention only as a date in the author'shistory. "Personae," the first book published inLondon, followed early in 1909. Few poets haveundertaken the siege of London with so littlebacking; few books of verse have ever owed theirsuccess so purely to their own merits. Pound cameto London a complete stranger, without eitherliterary patronage or financial means. He took"Personae" to Mr. Elkin Mathews, who has theglory of having published Yeats' "Wind Among theReeds," and the "Books of the Rhymers' Club," inwhich many of the poets of the '90s, now famous,found a place. Mr. Mathews first suggested, aswas natural to an unknown author, that the authorshould bear part of the cost of printing. "I have ashilling in my pocket, if that is any use to you," saidthe latter. "Well," said Mr. Mathews, "I want topublish it anyway." His acumen was justified. Thebook was, it is true, received with opposition, but itwas received. There were a few appreciativecritics, notably Mr. Edward Thomas, the poet(known also as "Edward Eastaway"; he has sincebeen killed in France). Thomas, writing in the"English Review" (then in its brightest days underthe editorship of Ford Madox Hueffer), recognizedthe first-hand intensity of feeling in "Personae":
He has … hardly any of the superficial goodqualities of modern versifiers…. He has notthe current melancholy or resignation orunwillingness to live; nor the kind of feeling fornature which runs to minute description anddecorative metaphor. He cannot be usefullycompared with any living writers;… full ofpersonality and with such power to express it,that from the first to the last lines of most ofhis poems he holds us steadily in his own puregrave, passionate world…. The beauty of it (InPraise of Ysolt) is the beauty of passion,sincerity and intensity, not of beautiful wordsand images and suggestions … the thoughtdominates the words and is greater than theyare. Here (Idyll for Glaucus) the effect is full ofhuman passion and natural magic, withoutany of the phrases which a reader of modernverse would expect in the treatment of such asubject.Mr. Scott James, in the "Daily News," speaks inpraise of his metres:At first the whole thing may seem to be meremadness and rhetoric, a vain exhibition offorce and passion without beauty. But, as weread on, these curious metres of his seem tohave a law and order of their own; the bruteforce of Mr. Pound's imagination seems toimpart some quality of infectious beauty to hiswords. Sometimes there is a strange beatingof anapaests when he quickens to his subject;again and again he unexpectedly ends a line
with the second half of a reverberanthexameter:"Flesh shrouded, bearing the secret."… And a few lines later comes an example ofhis favourite use of spondee, followed bydactyl and spondee, which comes in strangelyand, as we first read it, with the appearanceof discord, but afterwards seems to gain acurious and distinctive vigour:"Eyes, dreams, lips, and the night goes."Another line like the end of a hexameter is"But if e'er I come to my love's land."But even so favourable a critic pauses to remarktahtHe baffles us by archaic words and unfamiliarmetres; he often seems to be scorning thelimitations of form and metre, breaking outinto any sort of expression which suits itself tohis mood.and counsels the poet to "have a little morerespect for his art."It is, in fact, just this adaptability of metre to mood,an adaptability due to an intensive study of metre,that constitutes an important element in Pound'stechnique. Few readers were prepared to accept orfollow the amount of erudition which entered into
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