Dr. Bullivant - (From: "The Doliver Romance and Other Pieces: Tales and Sketches")









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Project Gutenberg EBook, Dr. Bullivant, by Nathaniel Hawthorne From "The Doliver Romance and Other Pieces: Talesand Sketches" #76 in our series by Nathaniel HawthorneCopyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloadingor redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook.This header should be the first thing seen when viewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do not remove it. Do notchange or edit the header without written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and other information about the eBook and Project Gutenberg at the bottom of thisfile. Included is important information about your specific rights and restrictions in how the file may be used. You can alsofind out about how to make a donation to Project Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts****EBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971*******These EBooks Were Prepared By Thousands of Volunteers*****Title: Dr. Bullivant (From: "The Doliver Romance and Other Pieces: Tales and Sketches")Author: Nathaniel HawthorneRelease Date: Nov, 2005 [EBook #9249] [This file was first posted on September 25, 2003] [Last updated on February6, 2007]Edition: 10Language: English*** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK, DR. BULLIVANT ***This eBook was produced by David WidgerTHE DOLIVER ROMANCE AND OTHER PIECESTALES AND SKETCHESBy Nathaniel HawthorneDR. ...
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08 décembre 2010

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Project Gutenberg EBook, Dr. Bullivant, byaNnadt hOatnhieelr  HPaiewctehso:r nTea lFerso amn "d TShke etDcohlievse"r  #R7o6 mina nocuerseries by Nathaniel HawthornesCuorpey triog hcth leacwk st haer ec cohpayrniggihnt gl aawll so fvoerr  ytohuer  wcooruldn.t rByebefore downloading or redistributing this or anyother Project Gutenberg eBook.vTiheisw ihneg atdhiesr  Psrhoojuelcdt  bGeu ttheen bfierrsgt  tfihlien. gP lseeaesne  wdho ennotremove it. Do not change or edit the headerwithout written permission.Please read the "legal small print," and otherinformation about the eBook and ProjectGutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included isimportant information about your specific rights andrestrictions in how the file may be used. You canalso find out about how to make a donation toProject Gutenberg, and how to get involved.**Welcome To The World of Free Plain VanillaElectronic Texts***C*oEmBpouotkesr sR, eSaidncabel e1 9B7y1 *B*oth Humans and By*****These EBooks Were Prepared By Thousandsof Volunteers*****
aTintlde : ODthr.e rB uPlilievcaenst:  (TFarloems : a"nTdh eS kDeotlcivheers "R)omanceAuthor: Nathaniel HawthorneRelease Date: Nov, 2005 [EBook #9249] [This filewas first posted on September 25, 2003] [Lastupdated on February 6, 2007]Edition: 10Language: English*E*B* OSTOAK,R TD RO. FB TUHLELI VPARNOTJ E**C*T GUTENBERGThis eBook was produced by David WidgerTRHOEM DAONLCIEV EARND OTHER
PIECESTALES AND SKETCHESBy Nathaniel HawthorneDR. BULLIVANTHis person was not eminent enough, either bynature or circumstance, to deserve a publicmemorial simply for his own sake, after the lapseof a century and a half from the era in which heflourished. His character, in the view which wepropose to take of it, may give a species ofdistinctness and point to some remarks on the toneand composition of New England society, modifiedas it became by new ingredients from the easternworld, and by the attrition of sixty or seventy yearsover the rugged peculiarities of the original settlers.We are perhaps accustomed to employ toosombre a pencil in picturing the earlier timesamong the Puritans, because at our cold distance,we form our ideas almost wholly from theirseverest features. It is like gazing on some scenesin the land which we inherit from them; we see themountains, rising sternly and with frozen summitstip to heaven, and the forests, waving in massydepths where sunshine seems a profanation, andwe see the gray mist, like the duskiness of years,shedding a chill obscurity over the whole; but the
green and pleasant spots in the hollow of the hills,the warm places in the heart of what looksdesolate, are hidden from our eyes. Still, however,a prevailing characteristic of the age was gloom, orsomething which cannot be more accuratelyexpressed than by that term, and its long shadow,falling over all the intervening years, is visible,though not too distinctly, upon ourselves. Withoutmaterial detriment to a deep and solid happiness,the frolic of the mind was so habitually chastened,that persons have gained a nook in history by themere possession of animal spirits, too exuberant tobe confined within the established bounds. Everyvain jest and unprofitable word was deemed anitem in the account of criminality, and whatever wit,or semblance thereof, came into existence, itsbirthplace was generally the pulpit, and its parentsome sour old Genevan divine. The specimens ofhumor and satire, preserved in the sermons andcontroversial tracts of those days, are occasionallythe apt expressions of pungent thoughts; butoftener they are cruel torturings and twistings oftrite ideas, disgusting by the wearisome ingenuitywhich constitutes their only merit. Among a peoplewhere so few possessed, or were allowed toexercise, the art of extracting the mirth which lieshidden like latent caloric in almost everything, agay apothecary, such as Dr. Bullivant, must havebeen a phenomenon.We will suppose ourselves standing in Cornhill, ona pleasant morning of the year 1670, about thehour when the shutters are unclosed, and the dustswept from the doorsteps, and when Business rubs
its eyes, and begins to plod sleepily through thetown. The street, instead of running between loftyand continuous piles of brick, is but partially linedwith wooden buildings of various heights andarchitecture, in each of which the mercantiledepartment is connected with the domicile, like thegingerbread and candy shops of an after-date. Thesigns have a singular appearance to a stranger'seye. These are not a barren record of names andoccupations yellow letters on black boards, butimages and hieroglyphics, sometimes typifying theprincipal commodity offered for sale, thoughgenerally intended to give an arbitrary designationto the establishment. Overlooking the beardedSaracens, the Indian Queens, and the woodenBibles, let its direct our attention to the white postnewly erected at the corner of the street, andsurmounted by a gilded countenance which flashesin the early sunbeams like veritable gold. It is abust of AEsculapius, evidently of the latest Londonmanufacture; and from the door behind it steamsforth a mingled smell of musk and assafaetida andother drugs of potent perfume, as if an appropriatesacrifice were just laid upon the altar of the medicaldeity. Five or six idle people are already collected,peeping curiously in at the glittering array ofgallipots and phials, and deciphering the labelswhich tell their contents in the mysterious andimposing nomenclature of ancient physic. They arenext attracted by the printed advertisement of aPanacea, promising life but one day short ofeternity, and youth and health commensurate. Anold man, his head as white as snow, totters in witha hasty clattering of his staff, and becomes the
earliest purchaser, hoping that his wrinkles willdisappear more swiftly than they gathered. TheDoctor (so styled by courtesy) shows the upperhalf of his person behind the counter, and appearsto be a slender and rather tall man; his featuresare difficult to describe, possessing nothingpeculiar, except a flexibility to assume allcharacters it, turn, while his eye, shrewd, quick,and saucy, remains the same throughout.Whenever a customer enters the shop, if he desirea box of pills, he receives with them an equalnumber of hard, round, dry jokes,—or if a dose ofsalts, it is mingled with a portion of the salt ofAttica,—or if some hot, Oriental drug, it isaccompanied by a racy word or two that tingle onthe mental palate,—all without the least additionalcost. Then there are twistings of mouths whichnever lost their gravity before. As each purchaserretires, the spectators see a resemblance of hisvisage pass over that of the apothecary, in whichall the ludicrous points are made most prominent,as if a magic looking-glass had caught thereflection, and were making sport with it. Unwontedtitterings arise and strengthen into bashfullaughter, but are suddenly hushed as someminister, heavy-eyed from his last night's vigil, ormagistrate, armed with the terror of the whipping-post and pillory, or perhaps the governor himself,goes by like a dark cloud intercepting the sunshine.aAnb oimutp tohritsa npte rcihoad,n gmea onny  acanud sbees nbeeatgha nt hteo  spurrofdaucceeokfe ecpol ownitihail ns tohceie tnya.r rTohwe eesta rlilym istes ttolfe rtsh ewire rrieg idable to
principles, because they had adopted them inmature life, and from their own deep conviction,and were strengthened in them by that species ofenthusiasm, which is as sober and as enduring asreason itself. But if their immediate successorsfollowed the same line of conduct, they wereconfined to it, in a great degree, by habits forcedupon them, and by the severe rule under whichthey were educated, and in short more by restraintthan by the free exercise of the imagination andunderstanding. When therefore the old originalstock, the men who looked heavenward without awandering glance to earth, had lost a part of theirdomestic and public influence, yielding to infirmityor death, a relaxation naturally ensued in theirtheory and practice of morals and religion, andbecame more evident with the daily decay of itsmost strenuous opponents. This gradual but sureoperation was assisted by the increasingcommercial importance of the colonies, whither anew set of emigrants followed unworthily in thetrack of the pure-hearted Pilgrims. Gain being nowthe allurement, and almost the only one, sincedissenters no longer dreaded persecution at home,the people of New England could not remainentirely uncontaminated by an extensiveintermixture with worldly men. The trade carried onby the colonists (in the face of several inefficientacts of Parliament) with the whole maritime world,must have had a similar tendency; nor are thedesperate and dissolute visitants of the country tobe forgotten among the agents of a moralrevolution. Freebooters from the West Indies andthe Spanish Main,—state criminals, implicated in
the numerous plots and conspiracies of the period,—felons, loaded with private guilt,—numbers ofthese took refuge in the provinces, where theauthority of the English king was obstructed by azealous spirit of independence, and where aboundless wilderness enabled them to defy pursuit.Thus the new population, temporary andpermanent, was exceedingly unlike the old, and farmore apt to disseminate their own principles thanto imbibe those of the Puritans. All circumstancesunfavorable to virtue acquired double strength bythe licentious reign of Charles II.; though perhapsthe example of the monarch and nobility was lesslikely to recommend vice to the people of NewEngland than to those of any other part of theBritish Empire.The clergy and the elder magistrates manifested aquick sensibility to the decline of godliness, theirapprehensions being sharpened in this particularno less by a holy zeal than because their credit andinfluence were intimately connected with theprimitive character of the country. A Synod,convened in the year 1679, gave its opinion thatthe iniquity of the times had drawn down judgmentsfrom Heaven, and proposed methods to assuagethe Divine wrath by a renewal of former sanctity.But neither the increased numbers nor the alteredspirit of the people, nor the just sense of a freedomto do wrong, within certain limits, would now havepermitted the exercise of that inquisitorialstrictness, which had been wont to penetrate tomen's firesides and watch their domestic life,recognizing no distinction between private ill
conduct and crimes that endanger the community.Accordingly, the tide of worldly principlesencroached more and more upon the ancientlandmarks, hitherto esteemed the enter boundariesof virtue. Society arranged itself into two classes,marked by strong shades of difference, thoughseparated by an uncertain line: in one wereincluded the small and feeble remnant of the firstsettlers, many of their immediate descendants, thewhole body of the clergy, and all whom a gloomytemperament, or tenderness of conscience, ortimidity of thought, kept up to the strictness of theirfathers; the other comprehended the newemigrants, the gay and thoughtless natives, thefavorers of Episcopacy, and a various mixture ofliberal and enlightened men with most of the evil-doers and unprincipled adventurers in the country.A vivid and rather a pleasant idea of New Englandmanners, when this change had become decided,is given in the journal of John Dunton, a cockneybookseller, who visited Boston and other towns ofMassachusetts with a cargo of pious publications,suited to the Puritan market. Making due allowancefor the flippancy of the writer, which may havegiven a livelier tone to his descriptions than truthprecisely warrants, and also for his character,which led him chiefly among the gayer inhabitants,there still seems to have been many who loved thewinecup and the song, and all sorts of delightfulnaughtiness. But the degeneracy of the times hadmade far less progress in the interior of the countrythan in the seaports, and until the people lost theelective privilege, they continued the government inthe hands of those upright old men who had so
long possessed their confidence. Uncontrollableevents, alone, gave a temporary ascendency topersons of another stamp. James II., during thefour years of his despotic reign, revoked thecharters of the American colonies, arrogated theappointment of their magistrates, and annulled allthose legal and proscriptive rights which hadhitherto constituted them nearly independentstates.Among the foremost advocates of the royalusurpations was Dr. Bullivant. Gifted with a smartand ready intellect, busy and bold, he acquiredgreat influence in the new government, andassisted Sir Edmund Andros, Edward Randolph,and five or six others, to browbeat the council, andmisrule the Northern provinces according to theirpleasure. The strength of the popular hatredagainst this administration, the actual tyranny thatwas exercised, and the innumerable fears andjealousies, well grounded and fantastic, whichharassed the country, may be best learned from awork of Increase Mather, the "RemarkableProvidences of the Earlier Days of AmericanColonization." The good divine (though writingwhen a lapse of nearly forty years should havetamed the fierceness of party animosity) speakswith the most bitter and angry scorn of "'PothecaryBullivant," who probably indulged his satiricalpropensities, from the seat of power, in a mannerwhich rendered him an especial object of publicdislike. But the people were about to play off apiece of practical full on the Doctor and the wholeof his coadjutors, and have the laugh all to
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